Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 653

"Tell Lingming that it doesn't matter whether you live or die, whether it's short or eternal. What's important is what happened. In the vast space and time, it's God's blessing to meet you once among all living beings..."

Xiyao whispers and says something to Ye Tian. There is no doubt that this is not what Xiyao wants to tell Lingming, but what Zixi wants to ask her to convey.

And the meaning of this paragraph, although not directly stated Zixi's current situation, but also euphemistically said, Zixi's current situation, is dead.

"Hum Humming... "

At this time, along the sky, suddenly came a low roar, ye Tian looked around, immediately saw, along the sky, at this moment, there is a huge helicopter, and was painted as white as a mountain, if not close, very difficult to find.

The terrible roar made Ye Tian feel that the snow under his feet was shaking wildly at this moment, and in his ears, he heard bursts of cracking sound of snow.

In the snow mountain, the structure of the snow layer is very fragile. A little louder sound may cause a terrible avalanche.

If we wait for the helicopter to arrive at this area, it will be a terrible avalanche waiting for them.

Not only that, as the helicopter approached, the engine room door opened abruptly. Several foreigners with oxygen masks on their faces but golden hair immediately threw the rope ladder down the engine room door. Several foreigners, holding huge rope hooks with barbs in their hands, climbed down the rope ladder.

There is no doubt that these foreigners must be the backers of Tiangu's arrangement, and their intention is to use the helicopter's powerful ability to rush into the high altitude, and use the rope hook to penetrate Xiyao's body and drag him away from here.

"Little iron bird, come to me! court death! However, it's also very good. Kunlun Xiu of our generation would rather die in the war than live on his knees! "

As the helicopter approaches, without waiting for ye Tian to start, Xiyao's voice comes into Ye Tian's mind. Immediately after that, Xiyao's eyes, which were closed, suddenly open and stare at the helicopter in the sky. With a cold and resolute smile, he turns his head and says to Ye Tian: "my fellow, my people, go on, I'm in the dark, waiting I can see that you take Kunlun with you, come out of the new life from the destruction, and come out of the flourishing day from the apoptosis! "


Almost at the same time, Xiyao's body suddenly has a bright light splash, along the body around, there is a huge baby's light and shadow, wrapped her in, such as turning her into the spirit in the womb, that kind of terrible pressure, like a storm, sweeping in all directions, and even, people feel that the roar of the plane above the head, in this moment The moment has also been completely isolated, unable to enter the ear.

"This What's the smell... " Liu Bufan's face is pale, and he looks at this scene in horror. He can't understand how people can burst out such a strong breath.

"At the beginning, what terrible and tragic battle did Xiyao go through?"

Ye Tian looks at this scene, but he is still breathing cold air, and his eyes are full of tremors.

He had practiced yuanyingjing at the beginning. Naturally, he knew that the situation presented by Xiyao at this moment was the unique symptom of yuanyingjing when the friars of yuanyingjing fought to the extreme and broke Yuanying. They scattered Yuanying, who was originally in the Dantian, like a baby, into innumerable breath, which was hidden in all parts of the body, and then exploded at the extreme.

The breath of Xiyao's body at the moment is probably the strength of Yuanying that she didn't consume before her death.

"Shua!" At this moment, Xiyao is jumping up, like a white lightning, shuttling through the sky and the earth. Next breath, she appears in front of the roaring helicopter, cold eyes, looking directly into the helicopter, before the group of prisoners who have completely lost their voice and whose blood is so excited that their scalp will be broken.

"Send you to the nether world!"

The next breath, Xiyao a palm forward push, in an instant, terror fire suddenly swept the sky, along the helicopter around, suddenly there are a terrible flame rising, just in the blink of an eye, the flames will cover the whole helicopter.

The helicopter fuselage, which was originally made of alloy, melted rapidly at the speed visible to the naked eye in the blink of an eye. It turned into red hot metal, dripping towards the ground. Before touching the ground, it was directly burned into fog and disappeared.

As for the killers on the plane, although they tried their best to parachute for survival, the terrible fire that Xi yaosan sent out could be melted into air, not to mention those people who jumped out of the cabin, even without a howl, they turned into air directly.

For a moment, the light of fire, like a meteor, flew away in all directions. It was creepy but magnificent.

"Immortal, this is the real immortal, this is the power that immortal can have..." Liu Bufan shivered, looked at the amazing scene in the air and murmured. Xiyao showed this kind of powerful, has gone beyond his cognitive category, in front of such a force, he is the so-called first person on the mountain, simply weak ridiculous.At the same time, on the sky, Xiyao's body and bones began to collapse after she hit the peak. The huge light and shadow of the baby on the surface of her body were becoming more and more intense. However, in her flesh and blood, there was a dazzling light, like the sun in the sky, falling in all directions. It was as if Xiyao had turned the body and bones into a human shape at this moment The huge pillar of fire, to burn, emit all the light energy.

Finally, in the sky, she slowly lowers her head and looks around at the snow peak. Her eyes are full of nostalgia and nostalgia. Then, her eyes fall on Ye Tian, showing the color of hope. In a moment, her body turns into light and rain, and falls on all sides. She is integrated with this land of nostalgia

"My people My Kunlun... "

At the moment when the light dissipated, on the vast South China Sea, a group of wishes went away. It was a piece of sea water, but in the hidden and small world, in the mirage wrapped by the rich fog, Huaxu suddenly sighed gently. In his eyes, there was a kind of sadness and melancholy, and the light of his eyes was complex.

"Xiyao..." Ye Tian pinches his fingers tightly and stares at the bright light and rain that dissipates heaven and earth. At this moment, he can't help feeling a little astringent.

On the corpse of Xiyao, he felt a kind of concern of predecessors for future generations. She gave everything, and a wisp of God remained forever. What she did was to leave the inheritance to future generations, so that they could go further. Similarly, from Xiyao, he also felt a kind of vigorous fighting spirit. As she said at the end, Kunlun Xiu of our generation would rather die standing than live kneeling!


Immediately after that, ye Tian suddenly found that while Xiyao's body turned into light and rain, and dissipated in the field, the two flying needles that he had originally held in the story, at this moment, after a slight tremor, they split the void and suddenly disappeared, like going to an unknown place.

"The man who manipulated the needle is still alive!"

This scene, let Ye Tian creepy, aware of a possibility.

If not for the survival of the friars, these flying needles could not have left voluntarily and returned to the master.

In the same way, he could not foresee what kind of change this contingency would bring to the world.

But at this moment, with the light and rain that Xiyao had changed, suddenly dissipated. Above the sky and the towering snow mountain, everything was restored to peace and became calm as usual. If not for the prestige, it would make people feel that what just happened was a dream.

No one thought that it would be a grand event of opportunity, but eventually it developed to such a situation that although it paid the price, it got nothing.

What immortal corpse, what chance, all dust to dust, soil to soil, even if they had broken their brains out before, also nothing.

The only one who has got anything is Ye Tian.

"Did Xiyao tell you where Zixi is?" At this time, Lingming stone monkey obstinately looked at Ye Tian and said in a deep voice. , the fastest update of the webnovel!