Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 652

Can we say that Xiyao chose to seal herself not only to resist the power of the red black flying needle, but also to wait for the coming of her fellow disciples who have the same idea of cultivating Suihuang temple and give the black original spirit fire as an opportunity?!

This strange idea makes Ye Tian's heart suddenly come up with a bold idea.

Moreover, what made him confirm his conjecture was that the black original spirit fire sent out the kind of breath that he wanted to get close to. It didn't mean any harm, but gave him a kind heart.

"Since this is your last wish, I will do as you wish!"

Ye Tian whispered in his heart without any hesitation. The original spirit fire vibrated, and all the mana poured out into Xiyao's body and rolled to the two red black flying needles.

"Hum Hiss

A little later, accompanied by two buzzing and trembling sounds, immediately, along the body of Xiyao, two red and black awns flew out and landed on the ground.

The two red and black flying needles, like coals of fire, immediately melted the ice and chased down when they fell into the snow.


Ye Tian saw this and without thinking, the cloud photographer put out the two red and black flying needles in his hand.

He wanted to see what kind of material it was made of, and how it could destroy the Yuanying realm of the idea of cultivating Suihuang temple. He also wanted to see if he could find some truth about the collapse of Kunlun from its strangeness.

"Rob the embers?"

When he glanced at the two red and black flying needles in his hand, he saw that they were like a piece of charcoal which was not fully burned. After the appearance of black and red, ye Tian's look suddenly changed and his fingertips trembled. He almost didn't drop the two red and black flying needles to the ground.

"Rob the embers?! Is it really a robbery? ! "

it was not only Ye Tian, but also Lingming stone monkey. Hearing Ye Tian's shock, he immediately bowed his head and looked at the two red and black flying needles, and his face suddenly trembled.

Rob ember, is a very strange thing, belongs to the god gold, but different from all the god gold in the world, it contains the breath of rob and destroy that all the god gold never had.

According to legend, the looting ember is actually the material left after the end of an era. It can be said that it is the toughest object in the vanishing era.

There are several Jedi in Fangcun spirit realm, all of which are burning. Some people say that they were there after the end of the last century. Others say that there is a sign that the era of Fangcun spirit realm is coming to an end. When the ashes spread all over the world, it is the end of the era.

However, although the ruins are mysterious, even the great friars in Yupu are not willing to go to such a place, and do not want to be infected with the smell of destruction.

What's more, looting ashes is the most tough thing in the last era, which contains the breath of looting. Even the strongest divine gold in the world can't be forged. Even the divine gold will be infected by the breath of looting ashes, which will lead to the disappearance of the inherent divinity and turn into worldliness.

So, even if it's a few times in the square inch spiritual realm, except for a few brave people who are not afraid of death, few people will take the Jiejin to defend themselves and kill the enemy, and even if they take it, most of them will take the original posture of the Jiejin to fight the enemy. In this way, there must be no only cases where the Jiejin is melted into a flying needle!

Moreover, according to the fine state of the flying needle, it can be judged that the opponent can not only make the robbed embers into weapons, but also have extremely skillful techniques.

In this way, the situation is very terrible. Even the great friars in Yupu realm have to be afraid to fight with each other. If someone comes up with such a treasure, the final result will be announced, even when the other side shows it.

"Incredible No wonder Kunlun was destroyed. It turns out that the other side controlled such a terrible power! "

Ye Tian was shocked and felt that he had solved the mystery of the collapse of Kunlun.

You know, the cultivation of monks is against heaven. They not only rely on the nature of heaven and earth, but also seek detachment from the nature of heaven and earth. Therefore, every monk has the power of robbery. The higher the realm, the stronger the strength, the more the inherent power of robbery.

Once the power of robbery is aroused, the earth will be tired of it and the heaven will be abandoned. There will be a terrible robbery. The higher the level of cultivation, the more terrible the robbery will be. When he was in Fangcun spiritual realm, ye Tian had suffered several robberies. The process was breathtaking, which can be called a near death. Even once, he was ready to say goodbye to Ning Yao.

A great friar in Yupu is ready to say goodbye to daolv when he is faced with robbery. You can imagine how terrible and difficult this robbery is!

In Kunlun in the past, the monks in the mountains were more powerful and their aptitude was even more terrible. Even when they were nuns in yuanyingjing, they could only serve as maids. We can imagine how terrible the real disciples' descendants were, and how amazing the robbery they caused!

Can we say that the decline of the earth's aura and the destruction of the weather are caused by the Kunlun disaster?!

Suddenly, ye Tian felt that he had captured the secret truth of history."Hum!"

Almost at this moment, at the same time when the needle flies out of her body, the black original fire in Xiyao's body suddenly flies out of her elixir field. The continuous fire comes to Ye Tian and rushes into his elixir field.

In the blink of an eye, the two kinds of different colors, breath similar but not quite similar to the original spirit fire, actually slowly into one.

The contrast between red gold and black is incomparable. However, there is a wonderful harmony, which flows and evolves slowly, like life and death, destruction and rebirth. At this moment, a kind of reconciliation is reached, which evolves in Ye Tian's elixir field.

"My original spirit fire is no longer only fiery and powerful, but more of a sense of destruction..."

Ye Tian felt it carefully, and soon found other feelings in the original fire. This strange transformation shocked him.

But what he can be sure is that this strange transformation will surely make his strength stronger than before!

However, this situation was obviously not recorded in suihuangguan's idea, but another cultivation method.

Is this the new method promoted by Kunlun friars in order to eliminate the power of robbery?

Ye Tian's thoughts are changing, and his thoughts are more and more clear, as well as some bold speculation.

"My fellow, my people, I have been waiting for you for a long time..."

At this time, ye Tian suddenly felt that the idea he had left in Xiyao's body suddenly moved, and a strange feeling came from him. Immediately after that, a beautiful voice appeared and reverberated in his heart without any sign.

She still has a trace of divine thoughts, which are sheltered in the deepest part of her body by the black original spirit fire. Now, the original spirit fire is absorbed by herself. After endless years, this thread of divine thoughts finally reappears in the world and sends a message to herself.

Ye Tian is shocked in his heart and stares at Xiyao's corpse. His eyes are full of shock. In a sense, at this moment, Xiyao is really alive.

"You are so weak. At such a big age, you have only such a state of cultivation..."

But the next breath, that clear and beautiful voice sounded again, there are gratified, more lost.

Ye Tian has a bitter smile and no words. His realm of cultivation and his age are peerless talents on earth, but in the square inch spiritual realm, they are very leisurely and even weak.

However, he didn't understand why Xiyao called herself a member of the same clan.

"I've been on the road of cultivation for less than a year. My heart is flat and I can't turn back."

Next, ye Tian chuckles and gives his own answer.

"Good, ambitious, worthy of being a member of the Kunlun people. I hope you can always remember your words Kunlun Road, it's up to you. You can get a new life from the destruction. Maybe you can... "

Xiyao whispered, and her voice became weaker and weaker. It was obvious that the remaining wisp of God was on the verge of collapse.

"Master, where is Zixi now?"

Ye Tian is silent. He only feels that Xiyao's words make him shoulder a huge mountain, but he still takes this opportunity to ask questions. , the fastest update of the webnovel!