Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 647

The Qi of suihuangguan's idea!

When the Qi entered the body, ye Tian immediately found that the Qi that was introduced into his body along the body of Xiyao was just the original spirit fire of cultivating Suihuang temple.

Can we say that the idea of suihuangguan is the method that Kunlun practiced in the past?

And although Xiyao's life has dissipated and turned into a corpse, the original spirit fire in her body has not dissipated, and still remains?

Ye Tian's heart was shocked. This discovery was beyond his expectation.

He knew that the idea of suihuangguan was very powerful, and the origin must be very mysterious, but he did not expect that this secret method was suspected to come from Kunlun!

But then he felt that all this was not strange. Apart from suihuangguan's idea, which was so powerful that it was almost against the heaven, there was really no other secret method that could make Kunlun become a towering power, or even let the rest of the practitioners in the vast starry sky call them the group closest to the immortal.

Xiyao's corpse, I must get, even if it's not me, it can only be got by Lingming time!

A little later, ye Tian gets rid of the astonishment of the original spirit fire, but his eyes show the color of perseverance.

He wants to get Xiyao's corpse, not because he wants to use it to understand the Dharma or get something from it, but because, since he has practiced suihuangguan thought, in a sense, even Xiyao's fellow disciples and Kunlun's disciples, he doesn't want their corpses to fall into other people's hands and be ignored by them Defile, or use for what purpose!

"What's the matter with you?"

At this time, the Lingming stone monkey turned to see ye Tian, confused.

His ability of spiritual perception is very keen. He is curious when he detects the abnormal operation of the mana in the celestial body.


Ye Tian shakes his head and doesn't explain anything. He sees that Liu Bufan, taking advantage of his absence, is already taking a few Qingming sect disciples with him. After trying to move forward, he immediately moves forward and chases them.

However, ye Tian did not show that he was no longer under the pressure at the moment, but kept a steady speed forward.

He wanted to see to what extent the people of qingmingzong could persist in this state, and how many things they still had left at the bottom of the box, and how many heritages they inherited from that magnificent cultivation era.

As time goes on, as the distance from Xiyao's corpse gets closer and closer, the pressure becomes stronger and stronger. Liu Bufan and others' steps are slowing down, and their legs and stomachs begin to tremble, and their backs are a little more bent

Under the severe pressure, they can't help but turn their heads and look at the position of Ye Tian.

But their heads were buzzing as far as they could see. Under such a powerful pressure, ye Tian was still upright. Although his pace was not too fast, he followed them, but his pace was still steady, and he was as limp as they were.

"Master Liu, what do you want me to do? In your eyes, am I your source of power? However, if you can't hold on any longer, I'll have this immortal corpse... "

Ye Tian sees the sight of Liu Bufan and others, raises eyebrows and smiles, playing with the taste.

"Ha ha, don't dream! I am determined to get this immortal corpse! "

When Liu Bufan heard this, he looked sharp and gave a cold drink to Ye Tian. Then he raised his hand gently, and suddenly there was an antique handle in his palm. It seemed that it was made of green bamboo, and all around was a bamboo umbrella with brilliant gems and a mysterious smell.

Su Mi Jie!

Seeing this, ye Tian sweeps Liu Bufan's hands and immediately sees that on the ring finger of his left hand, he is wearing a black ring. There is no doubt that this ring, like what he is wearing, is Xumi.


At this time, Liu Bufan's hand trembled, and he opened the bamboo umbrella. In an instant, a wave of precious light spread out. The mysterious and incomparable charm suddenly spread out from the bamboo umbrella, which covered Liu Bufan and the people of qingmingzong around him.

Almost at the same time when the umbrella was opened, the back of these qingmingzong disciples, which had been arched, immediately became straight. While they gasped for breath, they turned their heads and threw a proud expression at Ye Tian.

Defense weapon! And it's the top level Lingbao without damage!

Ye Tian looked at the bamboo umbrella, the corner of his eyes immediately slightly Lin, his eyes showing strange awn.

You know, the defense weapon is very rare, and the breath of this bamboo umbrella, even if it is placed in the square inch spiritual realm, is a rare treasure for ordinary monks.

In the past, Qingming sect was superior to many sects, with various means and profound details. It seems that it is really unimaginable, far beyond the reach of other sects.

"No matter how strong you are, you may be better than the hundreds of years of Qingming sect? This immortal corpse must belong to my Qingming sect, and your head, too, will belong to my Qingming sect! "Closely followed, Liu Bufan looked at Ye Tian, word by word, cold mouth, tone, killing.

In fact, even if there is no immortal corpse, after witnessing Ye Tian's means today, Liu Bufan has made up his mind that after the immortal corpse affair, the main energy of Qingming sect will be to deal with Ye Tian.

Because, ye Tian's performance, let him, or say, let qingmingzong really feel a threat.

In the past, he and qingmingzong had never met such a situation.

Although in the past, there were some geniuses among the people in the mountains, such as the elixir like Chen Qingfeng, who could refine the elixir, those geniuses and geniuses, though powerful, were very limited. There was no way to shake the foundation of Qingming sect, and they could easily eliminate the hidden danger.

But ye Tian is different. His strength and growth speed have reached a surprising level that can shake the foundation of Qingming sect.

Even, it makes Liu Bufan feel that if ye Tian can't be cleaned up, in time, qingmingzong may be destroyed by Ye Tian.

For hundreds of years, he would never allow the first clan on the mountain. He would not allow this foundation to be destroyed in his own hands, let alone overturned by one person.

Therefore, the immortal corpse matter, he will do his best, even if it is to take out more information, but also to solve the variable Ye Tian, let everything back on track.

"Yes? I'll wait and see if you qingmingzong have this ability! "

When ye Tian heard the words, he raised his eyebrows and gave a faint smile. The corners of his eyes, eyebrows and mouth were all covered with disdain.

Although we don't know who left the Qingming sect, there is no doubt that it was born in the blessed land of Qingming, and he was one of the ancestors of Qingming sect. Grandmaster, if he was killed by these disciples and grandchildren, then his cultivation in Fangcun spiritual realm was in vain.


Liu Bufan snorted coldly, and his eyes were like knives. After glancing at Ye Tian, he held a bamboo umbrella and led a group of Qingming sect disciples to approach Xiyao's corpse.

"Click Click... "

But just at this time, along the position of Xiyao's body in front of him, suddenly there were bursts of ice cracking sounds. People followed the reputation and immediately saw that Xiyao's body, which was originally sealed in the ice wall, had numerous cobweb like cracks on the ice around the body, and was spreading.

As the ice continues to thaw, Xiyao's remains become clearer and clearer.

Although the figure standing quietly and looking ahead is very beautiful, it makes people tremble in the heart. It seems that the next breath will bring the corpse back to life and stand up from the ice!

"Blessed by God, this immortal corpse seems destined to be predestined with my Qingming sect!"

Seeing this scene, Liu Bufan's heart trembled, but his eyes were full of joy and excitement.

The sudden cracking of the ice layer was very abrupt, which made him feel that it might be related to the umbrella he was holding, but no matter what the reason was, the difficulty of obtaining the immortal's body would be reduced after the ice layer was broken.

Is it predestined relationship with Qingming sect?

Could it be that the original spirit fire in her body has not been extinguished, and after my perception, the fire will leak out and melt the glacier?

At the same time, looking at this scene, ye Tian's heart is also a sudden move, came up with an idea! , the fastest update of the webnovel!