Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 648

"Click Click... "

Just a few breath later, all the ice fell off, and the description of Xiyao's corpse became more and more clear.

Although she has been frozen here for a long time since her death, her body is still vivid, and even a touch of young girl's Pink remains on her cheek. If her eyes are not closed and she can't feel the vitality, it will make people feel that she is a living person in ancient costume.

Although there was no vision after the appearance of the corpse, in the eyes of Liu Bufan and others, it was more precious than any other treasure.

Because no matter what the secret treasure is, it needs people to use it in order to give full play to its most powerful efficiency. Human strength is the decisive factor.

It's a pity that all the dharmas practiced by the sect on the mountain are incomplete. If you can carefully study this corpse, you may be able to explore one or two complete methods from her body. This kind of promotion is not to promote one or two people, but the whole clan, and can help countless generations, so that Qingming clan can steadily occupy the position of the first clan on the mountain and live with heaven!

"This corpse, I qingmingzong, want to get it!"

After swallowing his saliva, Liu Bufan encouraged the people of qingmingzong around him and encouraged himself. With a deep voice, he immediately held up the bamboo umbrella and tried to approach Xiyao's corpse under the more and more powerful pressure.

Seeing Liu Bufan's action, the other people of the sect on the mountain followed closely, took out their prepared details, and tried their best to move forward.


But just not far ahead, along the bamboo umbrella held up by Liu Bufan, suddenly came a crisp sound. When they followed the reputation, they immediately saw a crack on the surface of the bamboo umbrella. Obviously, even though the bamboo umbrella was very good, it could not resist the powerful pressure brought by the corpse.


Almost at the moment when the surface of the umbrella split, a late day monk of Qingming sect leaned forward and dyed the snow red with a mouthful of blood.

And the other two days later, the same face showed pain, forehead covered with cold sweat the size of soybeans, rolling down, pale as paper.

"Poof..." At the same time, cracks appeared on the tools taken out by the remaining mountain people of other sects. Blood gushed from their mouths, spilled on the snow, and dyed a large amount of bright red.

The closer they get to the corpse, the deeper the pressure is. Even though they have magic weapons to defend themselves, they still can't resist the pressure.

In desperation, the people of the sect on the mountain could only turn around and retreat to the foot of the mountain before the power of the magic weapon dissipated.

Although the temptation of immortal corpse is great, there is still a gap compared with small life.

It's true that they want to get the chance in the immortal corpse, but they don't want to lose their lives.

"Lord, we can't go any further. Go down the mountain first and wait for your good news. In this way, the power of the magic weapon is only applied to you, which can make you go further and have greater hope to collect the immortal corpse. "

Not only the people of the sect on the mountain, but also the heavenly friars of Qingming sect looked at Liu Bufan and said in a deep voice.

"Well, you go down first! Don't worry, this corpse must belong to Qingming sect! "

Liu Bufan pondered a little. Even if he made a decision, he nodded and said in a deep voice.

"Then all this, please Lord you!"

Several Tianji mountain people of qingmingzong, after bowing their hands to Liu Bufan, clenched their teeth, followed closely, and made great efforts with both legs. They tried their best to jump to the distance. They wanted to avoid this place of great pressure as far as possible and turn back to the foot of the mountain smoothly.

"A few Taoist friends, since they have come to search for opportunities and immortal corpses, why should they go in such a hurry?"

But almost at the moment when their bodies appeared in the air, ye Tian suddenly showed a smile at the corner of his mouth. He used his hand to take pictures of the clouds and gently moved towards the air. Then he pulled these people from the sky of qingmingzong to the ground.

"Poof Poof Poof... "

At this moment, they were suddenly pulled down from the air by Ye Tian. The terrible pressure from Xiyao's corpse immediately fell down on them like a towering mountain. In an instant, a terrible pain swept all over them, It's like all the bones of the whole body split at this moment

What's more terrifying is that even after the whole body's skeleton has been cracked, the pressure still does not dissipate and continues to increase. That kind of terror makes them feel that in their ears, they can almost hear the sound of terror after the ribs pierce into the viscera.

They opened their mouths and wanted to howl, but when they opened their mouths, they couldn't make any sound. Blood mixed with visceral debris, like a fountain, gushed out of their mouths.

At this moment, the vitality, like the flood of breaking the dyke, dissipates and leaves.There is no doubt that at this moment in their situation, I am afraid that even if the gods of Da Luo came down to earth, they could not be saved.

"Ye Tian..."

Liu Bufan saw this, his eyes immediately turned into blood red, looking at Ye Tian, gnashing his teeth, roaring!

He really didn't expect that ye Tian would stop these people.

However, the three Tianji died in the later period, which was unbearable even if Qingming sect had a profound foundation. Of course, if it's another clan on the mountain, such a loss would be a disaster

Not only that, but what's more amazing is that ye Tian actually used the proud means of Qingming sect to "capture the clouds" and pulled these people down from the air.

Although he has long heard that ye Tian, who doesn't know what method to use, has learned the cloud photographer, he didn't expect that ye Tian's cloud photographer's attainments are so amazing that he can tear down three of the sky level masters with one blow.

He asked himself, even if he used his cloud camera hand, he couldn't be as amazing as ye Tian!

"Well, your cultivation is so weak. I just tugged at it. You can't stand burping farts This kind of cultivation dares to come out to learn from others and seize opportunities. I really don't know how to live or die... "

At this time, ye Tian shook his head and sighed, and his face was full of sympathy for the three qingmingzong people.

"Ye Tian, if I don't kill you, I swear not to be a man!"

Liu Bufan listened to the voice sentence by sentence, only felt that if there was a fire in his heart, his eyes almost spewed out flames, every word, roared.

"Then I advise you to make a plan that you can't be a man right now..."

Ye Tian raises eyebrow a smile, light way, words sound, is full of a kind of fierce provocation.


Liu Bufan suddenly clenched his fist.

Since its establishment, Qingming sect has never suffered such a huge loss, let alone been so provoked.

And what makes him even more angry is that at this moment, before getting the immortal corpse, he can't tear his face completely with Ye Tian and make a bold move to each other. Because in that case, it will bring unknowable variables to this line, and it is impossible to predict the final result.

"This is your time to die."

After taking a few deep breaths, Liu Bufan tried his best to suppress the strong killing in his heart. Then he held up the bamboo umbrella and went on.

However, the nearer he gets, the more powerful he will be. It's just a few steps to move forward. He is like carrying mountains on his shoulders and gasping for breath, but it's hard to move forward. He has a feeling of exhaustion. Finally, he can only choose to sit down with his knees crossed and breathe until he recovers.

Stop halfway, although he is not willing, but let his heart is a little calm, with Ye Tian's previous performance, I'm afraid that here, I can't move forward, to stop.

"Lord Liu, you Qingming people are as weak as a chicken. After a few steps, you can't walk any more..."

But at this time, ye Tian's pace suddenly accelerated and came to Liu Bufan's body. His body was as straight as a pine. He looked at him with a sneer, and then jumped twice in place to play with the taste: "such an easy thing, but you make it so simple. Are you weak or are you deliberately acting for me?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!