Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 646

"Hahaha, old man, why are you so angry? Isn't it just a corpse? Why are you so nervous? It's a big deal. In case I have a chance to get it, I'll give it to my uncle when I have a thorough study... "

After being stunned, the mountain dweller pondered and laughed. When it comes to the words "research" and "thorough", he deliberately lengthened his tone.

The words fell, and the few mountain people who followed him also laughed unkindly.

"These guys are really looking for death..."

Ye Tian listens to the dissolute laughter of these guys and shakes his head in silence.

Lingming stone monkey and Xiyao obviously have a lot to do with each other. Now, these guys speak insults in front of Lingming stone monkey. How can Lingming stone monkey bear it.

Although these guys don't know the depth of Lingming stone monkey, they are not blind. When they see Lingming stone monkey walking with them, and their attitude towards him is quite respectful, they should understand that this is a great man.

Under such circumstances, he even dared to make fun of Lingming stone monkey's humor after he opened his mouth. He was really tired of life, and was on the verge of death.

"It seems that you are really looking for death!"

Sure enough, when Lingming stone monkey heard the man's words, his face was immediately covered with a layer of thick frost color, and his hand was suddenly raised. In an instant, if there was a whirlwind in the field, it would roar up to the man's neck.


This whirlwind is so powerful and fast that it doesn't give the mountain people any time to react at all. A crisp sound immediately resounds through the field, and then his smile suddenly solidifies, his head turns 90 degrees, and people roll down the mountain like a hard rock, splashing thousands of piles of ice and snow, and then a prismatic icicle penetrates his chest, overflowing with blood.

In that way, I can't die any more.


This horrible scene made all the people in the mountain gasp for air. Looking at Lingming stone monkey, they suddenly felt more awed.

Just now, they all focused on Ye Tian. They just felt that ye Tian was too powerful. Therefore, they didn't pay too much attention to Lingming stone monkey. They thought that even if he was strong, he should not be as terrible as ye Tian.

But now, they realize that their idea is totally wrong.

The power of Lingming stone monkey is unfathomable even if it is not as amazing as ye Tian.

At least, if he had just been so far away, he would have been able to beat the means of the famous mountain man and beat the whole mountain sect for several times. I'm afraid that what he could do would have been counted by one slap. And for most mountain people, such a top strong man is absolutely not dare to provoke!

"Forgive me, master! We know that we are wrong, and we dare not talk nonsense any more... "

Without any hesitation, a group of mountain people who cooperated with the famous mountain people to make fun of Xiyao fell to their knees and kowtowed in awe.

"Click Click Click... "

But unfortunately, Lingming stone monkey is not the kind of person who will open up his face because you beg for an apology. After hearing the words, he didn't change his face at all. He just raised his hand at will. In a moment, whirlwinds flew out and landed on the necks of those mountain people. For a moment, the sound of bone fracture was heard all over the place. Immediately, several necks were broken Son's body, along the glacier, all the way rolling down, into the ice and snow in the soul.

"This guy is so cruel More ruthless than ye Tian, and even more unreasonable.... "

When people looked at this scene, they gasped for air one by one. Looking at Lingming stone monkey's eyes, they were more afraid and alert.

None of them thought that Lingming stone monkey would be so violent that he killed one of them. After Liwei, he didn't think it was enough. He killed all the people in the mountain, regardless of their family background.

The strength and the insolence of his character can't help shaking people's mind.

However, it also makes them feel confused.

Although the words of these mountain people insulting the immortal's body are really shameless, they are not guilty to death. But when they come to Lingming stone monkey, they are mercilessly killing as if they had made a terrible mistake.

"If someone can't control his mouth and likes to talk nonsense, come to me and I'll help you manage it!"

At this time, Lingming stone monkey shot a few people and then scanned all the people in the room.

Everyone was silent, but no one dared to speak more than half a word. Liu Bufan, in particular, frowned and his pupils narrowed.

A leaf day, for them, already enough thorny, now, leaf day's side, unexpectedly still have such a master, this does not mean, want to overthrow him, the difficulty wants to become higher!

"Keep going."

The Lingming stone monkey scanned the field and saw that no one dared to talk nonsense again. Then he turned his head and looked at Ye Tian, nodded slightly, and strode forward."Master, do you know her? Is she the one you're looking for in Kunlun? " While walking forward, ye Tian sends a message to Lingming stone monkey and inquires.

"I've met her several times. When she was alive, she was a servant girl in Kunlun, a very simple girl..." Lingming stone monkey is silent a little, slowly to Ye Tian sound, say the reason, then, and then: "but she, is not the person I want to find."

Between Xiyao and Lingming stone monkey, there was an intersection in the past!

Hearing the sound, ye Tian's eyes moved, which completely confirmed his conjecture. Not only that, but also from the sentence of Lingming stone monkey, he judged that the purpose of Lingming stone monkey's going to Kunlun was to find someone.

However, who is the person who can make this guy with a long history of Shouyuan never forget after two thousand years of repression?

Not only that, but what makes Ye Tian even more creepy is that Xiyao's body can give off such terrible pressure, which means that she must be at least a monk in yuanyingjing.

But the great friars who can afford to be called "old monster" can only be maids in Kunlun. How powerful are those who once dominated the world?!

In the same way, even the nuns of yuanyingjing could only be maidservants. How could they be destroyed between heaven and earth? How powerful is the force that destroyed Kunlun?!


All the way forward, when they arrived at the position of about 100 meters where Xiyao's body was, that is, the heaven level monk of qingmingzong had been flying up and down the mountains before, the existence and invisible terror pressure suddenly increased by thousands of times, as if, invisibly, a winding mountain suddenly pressed on their shoulders and minds.

"Putong Putong... "

As soon as the powerful and unparalleled pressure came, many mountain people in the field, whose cultivation was under the later stage of the heaven level, immediately stopped walking, followed closely, and their bodies trembled. Even though they tried their best to endure, they still could not resist. They could only kneel down on their knees, stick to the ice and snow, and slide backward.

In a flash, there were only seven people left on the mountain.

Moreover, with Ye Tian's glance, among the seven mountain people, qingmingzong possessed four.

This sharp contrast, people can imagine, Qingming sect in the mountain sect in the status of the door can be so detached, absolutely for a reason!


Almost at the same time, ye Tian suddenly felt that the Kunlun edict he got from Qiu Changchun, just like what he felt, was a slight shudder in Xumi commandment.

Without any hesitation, ye Tian took the Kunlun order out of Xumi commandment and held it in his palm.

Almost as soon as the token appeared in the palm of his hand, ye Tian immediately felt that the terrible pressure that originally shrouded the field suddenly dissipated from his body. Not only that, he also felt that another mysterious Qi suddenly swept into his mind from Xiyao's corpse , the fastest update of the webnovel!