Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 645

"What's the matter with me? You can't stand it. Do you want to fight with me now? "

Ye Tian looks at Liu Bufan with indifference. There is no fear in his eyes. After a word of indifference, he reaches out his hand to recall the fierce soldier's flying sword and throws a bullet at the body of the sword.


In a flash, the sound of Qingyue's sword suddenly sounded, like a storm, sweeping the field. The fierce sound made people's hearts tremble. Especially those mountain people who used sword weapons felt that their swords were trembling at the moment.

Even Liu Bufan, who is known as the first person on the mountain, can't help but feel awe inspiring when he senses this Qi.

He asked himself, just in terms of the collision, coupled with Ye Tian's treacherous evasion method, if he is not fully prepared, and ye Tian against, I'm afraid that the probability of losing will be as high as 70%.

It would be unwise to fight now, and it would cause trouble to yourself.

"Kill my disciples, destroy my inheritance, today's hatred, when it comes to this matter, I'll settle it with you!"

After Liu Bufan's eyes changed, he stared at Ye Tian, hummed coldly, followed closely, then turned and walked back to the tent.


And looking at Liu Bufan's move, all the people on the mountain at the scene were boiling in an instant, and everyone's face was full of shock and agitation.

"Liu Bufan wants to bear the evil spirit. He doesn't conflict with Ye Tianqi at this moment. He Qingmingzong Are you afraid? "

"Kill the disciples face to face, kill the young master, Qingming sect can put down this tone, my God, is that true?"

"Qingmingzong swallowed his anger. Isn't this my illusion? It's really a lifetime to be able to see qingmingzong recognize the plant with your own eyes.... "

In the crowd, there was a lot of noise, and everyone took a cold breath. The surprise in his heart was beyond the limit.

No matter for any sect, if someone slaughters the disciples in front of them, especially the core disciples like the young master, they will surely be very angry and launch a counterattack, not to mention the Qingming sect, who used to be above all the sects.

If everyone thinks about it, qingmingzong will certainly disdain revenge at all costs. Liu Bufan, in particular, will fight bravely to defend the dignity of the first person on the mountain. But no one thought that qingmingzong would choose to swallow it

You know, it's something that only the weak can do. Moreover, in the past, this kind of situation would only appear in those shanshangzong and aristocratic families threatened by qingmingzong. But now, qingmingzong has to swallow his anger. Doesn't it mean that they are weak in front of Ye Tian?!

This is a unique situation, how can they not be surprised

And in the shock, they look at Ye Tian's eyes, but also showed a strong worship!

With one's own strength, to suppress qingmingzong, such a thing, before ye Tian appeared, who can do it, who can feel it?!

There is no doubt that such a scene is absolutely unique!

Especially after ye Tian abandoned Wu Tianliang's cultivation, he resented him. He even wanted to attack duanquanmen. The fire of revenge in his heart was like being swept by the wind of the plateau.

Are you kidding me? The young master of Qingming sect was killed by Ye Tian. They had to swallow their anger, not to mention they broke their fist and avenged themselves? Is that like taiyimen, juzong was annihilated by Ye Tian and became a tiny ripple in the long history?

"We go into the mountain..." At this time, ye Tian turned his head and looked at Lingming stone monkey, nodded at him and said.

Lingming stone monkey nodded at random. In a moment, the two men took the lead and drove to the snow mountain where the immortal body was located along the steep glacier.

Seeing their movements, other mountain people here looked at each other without any hesitation. They followed closely and rushed to the mountain. Even those of Liu Bufan and qingmingzong were no exception.

The source of the three rivers is extremely cold. The snow is no longer as soft and white as other snow mountains. Instead, it is frozen into a glacier clinging to the mountain, which is suspended in mid air regardless of gravity.

In particular, under the pressure of geological processes and the strong wind, glaciers have become parallel ridges and ridges. They look like ridges on a washboard. Even because the snow does not melt all the year round, some glaciers are several meters or even tens of meters high.

According to the people on the mountain who followed them, the immortal's body was discovered when a mountain man picked snow lotus from the glacier here and accidentally touched the snow, causing avalanche and glacier collapse.

Only those who have been to the plateau and have seen glaciers with their own eyes can understand how magnificent it is to walk on glaciers with glaciers overhead.

If you look around, all of them are folds formed by frozen snow. Under the sunshine, they reflect colorful colors, but more of them are still a kind of gorgeous dark blue.That kind of feeling makes people feel like walking in a fairy tale world.

But when the pace forward, along the foot came the ice slightly cracked "click Click... " Sound, people can realize, in this fairy tale like gorgeous world, what kind of danger is hidden.

I'm afraid that once the glacier cracks, except for ye Tian and Liu Bufan, who have the flying sword, other people will be buried under the snow and glacier.

Walking constantly, when he came to the middle of the mountain, ye Tian immediately felt an invisible pressure, suddenly along the front, like the tide of the sea, surging forward, which made people feel that his shoulder was like a heavy load, suddenly sank.

And this kind of heaviness is not only felt by the body, but also by the spirit, which is heavy.

"Sure enough, the cultivation of this immortal corpse is at least yuanyingjing!"

This strange feeling made Ye Tian's face change. He immediately turned his head and glanced at Lingming stone monkey. He saw that although Lingming stone monkey's expression was calm, there was a kind of tension in his eyes. Obviously, he wanted to know whether the immortal body was someone he knew.

The more we go forward, the more powerful the pressure becomes. It makes it difficult for people to breathe. But no one is willing to give up, bite his teeth, and go on along the glacier. He wants to do his best to get to the place where the immortal's body is.

"Look, fairy corpse!"

After a long time, the people finally walked to the area near the top of the mountain. A mountain man suddenly raised his hand and pointed to the front, panting, but he was excited.

Almost at the same time as he spoke, ye Tian also saw that in the glacier on the top of the mountain in the distance, at this moment, there was a human skeleton sealed in the snow and ice.

It was a girl in a white palace dress, eyes closed, standing quietly in the glacier, although I don't know how many years she died, but her face is still vivid, her skin is white and delicate, her hair is black as ink, her red lips are delicate, people feel that she is not like death, but like sleeping, next breath, she may wake up and open her eyes.


Almost at the same time, ye Tian clearly heard, along the side, came the low voice of Lingming stone monkey, and, in his eyes, showed a strong color of pain.

Obviously, Xiyao is the name of this immortal corpse, and when this person was alive, his relationship with Lingming stone monkey should be very familiar.

"Where is the corpse? It's just like a sleeping girl. If you touch it, you will wake up."

"At her age, how could she exude such amazing prestige How does she practice? "

"If I have a chance to dig open the glacier and dig out her body, I must study it carefully and find out her secret!"

"Do you want to find out her secret or her figure? In my opinion, her body should still be elastic. Maybe... "

Xiyao's beautiful appearance surprised many people on the mountain. A few more people couldn't help but start to blossom. Ye Tian's eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

"What are you talking about?"

At this time, Lingming stone monkey suddenly turned his head and looked at the mountain man. His eyes were indifferent and he scolded coldly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!