Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 644

Where did he go?!

Let's not say that these people in the mountain, even Liu Bufan, are shocked by Ye Tian's hand. They look around in a daze and don't know where ye Tian has gone.

"No Silence, be careful

But the next moment, Liu Bufan's look suddenly became nervous, turned his head and yelled to Li Muran behind him.


But before his words came out, ye Tian's figure appeared behind Li Muran like a ghost, and his hand suddenly came out, pinched Li Muran's neck and lifted him up from the ground.

"Escape! Wind escape

Liu Bufan's eyes twitch and tremble, looking at Ye Tian, shaking incomparably.

He once saw some contents in the classics of qingmingzong, saying that cultivation is a powerful cultivator, who can travel through the world with the help of earth fire, water, wind and other things.

Just now, when the wind blows by, ye Tian's figure suddenly disappears. Obviously, it belongs to the wind escape in the strange escape method.

But, he really can't understand, even from qingmingzong himself, can't show this hand, how did ye Tian learn?!

"Good eyesight." Ye Tian looked at Liu Bufan playfully, followed closely, holding Li Muran's neck and shaking his hand. He turned him around in the air, let his face face face him, and said faintly: "Li Muran, have you ever thought of today?"

"Master, help me!"

Li Muran trembles and looks at Ye Tian in horror. He doesn't dare to open his mouth to respond. He only dares to shout for help to Liu Bufan.

"Ye Tian, let go of silence! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you now! "

Liu Bufan hears the sound and looks at Ye Tian coldly, threatening coldly every word.

"It seems that your ears are not very good. You didn't hear what I just said. In that case, I'll say it again. Today, even if it's the king of heaven, I can't save you. " Ye Tian disdains sneer, five fingers suddenly force, to break Li Muran's neck.

This guy stepped on his bottom line and touched his scales. If he even let go of this kind of rubbish, there would be no one worthy of killing in the world.


As soon as the strength of Ye Tian's hand is dispersed, it immediately triggers Li Muran's Amulet again. With his chest as the center, there is milky light flying out again to block.

"A small skill in carving insects." With a smile of disdain, ye Tian suddenly increased his strength again. In a flash, "click "Click" swept through the field, and the originally complete and incomparable light curtain suddenly appeared numerous cracks as fine as cobweb.

Looking at the cracks and listening to the terrible cracking sound, Li Muran's whole face turned pale as paper at this moment.

He knew that when these cracks were completely dispersed and the power of the amulet disappeared, it was the moment when his life came to the end and he died.

At this moment, he was very upset and regretful. He only hated why he had to stand on the opposite side of Ye Tian and help Li Fangyuan commit the crime. Otherwise, how could he end up like this.

In addition to regret, his heart is full of horror. You know, the amulet he wears is the best one in Qingming sect. Liu Bufan once tried to cut it down with a flying sword, but now he is pinched by Ye Tian with one hand.

How amazing is this kind of strength, and how powerful is this cultivation!

"Damn it

Liu Bufan looked at this scene, in the heart of the secret way is not good at the same time, eyes a Lin, the flying sword in the air, quickly fly out, to the Ye Tian cut.

"Do you think you're the only one in the world with this?"

Ye Tian disdains to smile, and his mind moves. Suddenly, the fierce sword flies out of the Dantian. The sword is like pitching, and it cuts down to Liu Bufan's flying sword.

"My God! Ye Tian, as it is said, already has the flying sword! "

"The sword fight is incredible! The scene in the myth reappears the world. Are we going to witness a flourishing age of reappearing the age of myth? "

"These two are so strong! But I think it seems that ye Tian's flying sword is better than Liu Bufan's. is that my illusion? "

A sword flew out, and there was a lot of noise in the field. Many people on the mountain were stunned and exclaimed, and their eyes were full of fear and envy.

"Keng!" As he spoke, the two flying swords had been cut down together. The clear and incomparable sound of the sword flew away. For a moment, everyone in the room felt that the eardrum was going to be torn to pieces.

Immediately after that, a sword shadow suddenly flew backward from the impact position.

"Heaven, it's Liu Bufan's flying sword! Liu Bufan's flying sword is repulsed! Ye Tian wants to be better

"Look, there is a gap in the edge of Liu Bufan's flying sword!"

The next breath, all the people in the field saw that it was Liu Bufan's flying sword. What was more incredible was that Liu Bufan's flying sword was not only repulsed, but also along the edge of the sword, there was a gap about the size of a grain of rice.There is no doubt that this was caused by Ye Tian's flying sword and Liu Bufan's flying sword.

"My sword..."

Let alone these people, even Liu Bufan's eyes are dull, staring at the missing mark on the flying sword.

Although the gap is only the size of a grain of rice, if you don't pay attention to it, you can hardly see it, but it is very striking in Liu Bufan's eyes.

Because, although the gap is small, it shows one thing, that is, the flying sword in his hand is not as good as ye Tian!

In other words, his strength is worse than that of Ye Tian!

This kind of frustration is totally unacceptable to him, who has long been used to being the first person on the mountain.


At this moment, the sound of crystal shattering suddenly sounded not far away. People followed the fame and immediately saw that the Milky light curtain that originally shrouded around Li Muran's body was completely broken at this moment. Like raindrops, it flew around and immediately returned to nothingness.

"Please, let me go. I know I'm wrong. I'll never dare to..."

Hearing this, Li Muran trembles all over, and his eyes are full of the color of prayer. He cries to Ye Tian and wants him to spare his life.


But without waiting for his words to fall, ye Tian's hand was suddenly powerful, his wrist was gently around, and Li Muran's head immediately fell on his neck with a strange sole. His words suddenly stopped, and his life was like flowing water, and he was gone in an instant.


Immediately after that, ye Tian's hand shakes, and Li Muran's body falls to the ground like a rag doll. His eyes are dull and he looks at the sky, and he dies with his eyes closed.

"Li Muran, he killed him..."

"God, he actually killed Li Muran! The young master of Qingming sect died in front of all his classmates today. "

"This This... "

A crowd of people on the mountain in the field, staring at the scene in front of them, could hardly say a word.

No matter which one of them, at the beginning, he did not expect that ye Tian could kill Li Muran, and he dared to kill Li Muran.

You know, Li Muran is not only a mountaineer at the top of the prefecture level, but also the head of the seven sons of Qingming sect. He is the young master of Qingming sect. In a sense, he is one of the symbols of Qingming sect.

If on weekdays, even the heads of the five sects of the two sects, when they meet Li Muran, they should be polite and dare not offend him. They are afraid that they will offend him and lead to the evil feeling of Qingming sect. It can be said that no matter where they go, Li Muran should be held up like the stars.

But today, it is such a supreme existence for many mountain people. It was crushed to death by Ye Tian's hands. Moreover, it is still in front of so many Qingming sect disciples, even in front of Liu Bufan, the leader of Qingming sect!

There is no doubt that such behavior can be regarded as beating the face of qingmingzong, or even, to put it bluntly, trampling the face of qingmingzong on the ground.

"You You... "

Liu Bufan looked at Li Muran, who was paralyzed and breathless. He only felt that his heart was dripping blood. Finally, he slowly raised his head and looked at Ye Tian, gnashing his teeth. The anger in his eyes almost turned into substance! , the fastest update of the webnovel!