Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 643

"What's going on?"

Ye Tian hears the sound and turns to look at the Xuanji peak monk beside Qiu Changchun. He asks in a deep voice.

"Tell the patriarch that there is some strange pressure beside the immortal body. We can't get close to it. As long as we get close to it, we will be shocked and crushed by that pressure, and fly backward." That Xuan level peak hears a sound, immediately embrace a fist with both hands, respectfully way.

After the death of the human body, there is still prestige, people can't get close to it?

Hearing this, ye Tian's eyes were stunned. He took a breath of air. As far as he knew, the one who could do it had to be a monk of yuanyingjing.

Thinking of this, he turned his head and looked at the location of Lingming stone monkey.

As far as I could see, Lingming stone monkey's face was calm without any surprise. It seemed that this was a normal situation.

From his calmness and composure, we can also imagine how amazing the cultivation level of the monks who lived here in the heyday of Kunlun in the past. I'm afraid that even in the square inch spiritual realm, they can only be regarded as the Yuanying realm of old monsters.

"Ye Daoyou, is the matter between the two of us going to end now or after the Kunlun incident?"

At the same time, not far away Liu Bufan looked at Ye Tian indifferently, word by word, light way.

"After the Kunlun incident, how about you and me fighting against the top of Kunlun? ! "

when ye Tian heard the news, he raised his eyebrows and looked at Liu Bufan. He was full of fighting spirit and gave a sonorous and powerful response.

"As you wish! But you'd better advise these people around you to be ready to accept the death of the patriarch just after you recognize him. "

Liu Bufan smiles indifferently, and then looks at Ye Tian's eyes, showing the color of playful mockery, light way.

"Instead of persuading them, I think you'd better let qingmingzong prepare for the situation that the first person on the mountain was knocked down from the altar in the past, and where to go when he died..."

Ye Tianping smiles and gives a tit for tat response.

In a word, although there are no swordsmen, there are many opportunities to kill, which makes people around feel a kind of fierce.

Everyone knows that in the near future, there will be a huge collision here, and the final result will also affect the future direction of the whole mountain world.

Is it Ye Tian's strong rise, crushing Liu Bufan, making the first man on the mountain famous, making the Miluo Temple rise with him, and qingmingzong fall to the altar; or is it Liu Bufan's continued strong occupation of the first man on the mountain, qingmingzong still stands on the altar, and makes the power heavier than in the past!

Liu Bufan hears the speech and sneers a few times, then turns around and returns to the territory of qingmingzong. When he leaves, a young man stands at the entrance of the tent and stares at Ye Tian.

Ye Tian's perception is so sharp that he immediately notices the other person's eyes. Soon, he sees the face that is very similar to Li Fangyuan.

There is no doubt that this guy should be Li Fangyuan's elder brother, who ranks first among the seven sons of Qingming. Now he is Li Muran, the young leader of Qingming sect.

"Master Lingming, wait a moment. After I finish some chores, we'll go up the mountain to explore the immortal's body."

The enemy's eyes were very red when they met. Ye Tian's eyes were cold. After a deep voice to the Lingming stone monkey around him, he made a slight effort at his feet. His body suddenly jumped up, followed closely, his fingers gently raised, and the sharp wind blades immediately shot at Li Muran with the sound of terror.

Although Ye Tian has made an agreement with Liu Bufan that their hatred should be kept until the end of exploring Kunlun, he can wait for the duel with Liu Bufan, but he doesn't want to delay for a moment.

Li Muran repeatedly attacks him, and this guy is cruel and vicious. He not only attacks him, but also extends his poisonous hand to Qin Luoshen. If Qin Luoshen had a amulet on him in the plane crash, he would have lost his life.

Before that, Li Muran shrank in qingmingzong, and ye Tian wanted revenge, but now, since Li Muran appeared in front of him, how could he not seize this opportunity? Moreover, if he wanted revenge, he could not stay overnight!

When the wind blades hit, Li Muran suddenly looked like a Lin. without thinking, he stretched out his hand and pulled out an antique sword with a sense of vicissitudes from his waist. He swept forward and wanted to kill all the wind blades.


In a flash, Mars suddenly splashed, but Li Muran obviously underestimated the power of Ye Tian's wind blade. In the fierce sound of gold and iron, the antique sword in his hand was suddenly swung open, revealing the empty door in front of his chest, and along the mouth of his right hand, a little blood suddenly fell to the ground!


The next breath, the wind blade swept across and fell on Li Muran's chest. However, this guy was also protected by a talisman, and his quality was very good. The moment the wind blade fell on his chest, a layer of milky brilliance spread out, blocked the wind blade, and then ground it into powder with terrorist defense.But even so, the fierce impact of the wind blade made Li Muran fly upside down. His body was forced to the ground, and his face was pale and he coughed up blood.

This scene, let the field instantly fell into a dead silence, no matter who, did not expect, ye Tian will boldly to Li Muran hand.

What's more, Li Muran, the young leader of Qingming sect, would have lost his life if he had been another monk.

"Ye Tian, you and I have agreed to wait for Kunlun, and then fight. What do you mean to fight in silence? Are you going to tear up the agreement? "

Liu Bufan, furious, strides forward and stands in front of Li Muran. He looks at Ye Tian and shouts angrily in a cold voice.

"Between you and me is you and me, between him and me is he and me, today, Li Muran will die!"

Ye Tian looks at Liu Bufan indifferently, word by word, calm incomparable, way.

"What if I stopped it?"

Liu Bufan was infuriated by Ye Tian's arrogant attitude. He pinched his fingers tightly, and his eyes were burning. In a moment, a long sword on his back flew out, hovered over his head and breathed. It was like a poisonous snake coming out of a hole. He was looking for prey and wanted to choose someone to eat.

"Flying sword! Oh, my God, Liu Bufan is the first person in the mountain to build a flying sword. It's an old monster. It really deserves the reputation

"It's really tough. Such strength has completely transcended the category of understanding and touched the level of myth. Is that innate?"

"It's said that ye Tian also has the skill of flying sword, but I haven't seen it with my own eyes. I don't know whether it's true or not..."

As soon as this scene appeared, there were bursts of excited voices in the surrounding mountains. Everyone looked up at the flying sword on Liu Bufan's head, and felt a kind of awe and pressure of the sword hanging over his head like walking on thin ice.

"Liu Bufan has already owned the flying sword, and the flying sword is very good and very old..."

Ye Tian also stares at Liu Bufan's flying sword. However, unlike those mountain people around him, he is not surprised that Liu Bufan has the ability to defend the sword. What makes him more concerned is the flying sword itself, which exudes the ancient flavor. It is absolutely a brilliant legacy of the earth's past cultivation.

And according to his judgment, Liu Bufan's flying sword should be a magic weapon.

However, with the help of Liu Bufan, it is impossible to guess how much ability he can exert.

"I want to kill people, not to mention you, even the king of heaven, also can't stop."

Ye Tianping looked directly into Liu Bufan's eyes, not humble but not overbearing. When the breeze suddenly rose in the field, his figure suddenly disappeared from his standing position.

"Heaven, what about ye Tianren?"

"Am I hallucinating? A living man, where are you now? "

"Even if the paper man is blown away by the wind, there should be some signs. How can he disappear without a trace?"

This strange scene made all the mountain people who were shocked by Liu Bufan's ability of flying sword almost fall to the ground.

They can't understand how a good living man can suddenly disappear in full view of the public!

But there is no doubt that ye Tian's hand is more amazing than Liu Bufan's flying sword! , the fastest update of the webnovel!