After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 88:

Thick smoke kept coming out of the small courtyard, and Lin Ruoyun was choked with a low cough. She broke away from Guan Yinghan\'s arms, and wanted to run to the well: "Close the gate, put out the fire."

Guan Yinghan reached out and grabbed her, wrapping her in his arms: "Baby, don\'t worry, there are crew members inside, they have experience in filming fire scenes, and nothing will happen."


Lin Ruoyun was stunned for a second, then came to her senses, raised her head and bit her lip, biting her lips urgently and fiercely, like a little wild cat with fried fur: "You lied to me! How could you use this to lie to me? I was so scared just now, I thought you were inside..."

"You lied to me so many times, why don\'t I lie to you once?"

Guan Yinghan let her bite, moved his right hand to the back of her head and fastened it tightly so that she could gnaw deeper.

Gradually, the biting turned into a disorderly wet kiss, and the goblin\'s kisses fell on her lips, cheeks, and chin densely like raindrops... making Guan Yinghan\'s cheeks wet.

Soon, she lost the initiative. Guan Yinghan grabbed the back of her head, grabbed her cherry lips, and desperately pried open Ruoyun\'s teeth, frantically plundering...

Crispy, numb, sweet, salty...


Guan Yinghan parted the tight lips of the two, saw a pair of watery eyes, and hugged her into his arms with distress: "Baby, don\'t cry, it\'s my fault, I shouldn\'t lie to you, I promise this is the last For once, don\'t be angry, okay?"

"I will punish you." Lin Ruoyun kept crying, her voice became hoarse, and she buried herself in her warm and fragrant long windbreaker without thinking, and refused to come out again.

Guan Yinghan\'s red lips curled up in a joyful arc, and she carefully and slowly tightened her arms, wrapping her arms around the lost little fairy.

"Okay, I accept the punishment." Guan Yinghan\'s voice was extremely low, but there was unconscious pampering and indulgence.

Lin Ruoyun waited for a long time and finally stopped crying. She raised her eyes to look at Guan Yinghan, with tears hanging on her long eyelashes, and her nostrils were still twitching.

"Guan Guan, I\'m so hungry, I want to eat egg noodles, and the eggs need to be half-sugar."

Guan Yinghan was caught off guard by her cuteness, couldn\'t help laughing, and pinched the tip of her nose: "Don\'t you want to go back to Tianhai City? You don\'t want to go back. The filming hasn\'t finished yet. Everyone has worked hard for so long, so we can\'t give up halfway."

Lin Ruoyun let her make fun of her so hard that she didn\'t hold her tongue, wrapped her around her neck, and hung her whole body on Guan Yinghan: "Besides, I just came back, and I want to go to that rice noodle shop in town to eat rice noodles."

Guan Yinghan branded a kiss on her hair: "Okay!"

Lin Ruoyun rubbed her chest, her voice lowered inexplicably: "I don\'t know if that store is still there, I remember that my grandfather who knew how to cook rice noodles in school was quite old, and the store has probably closed now."

"No, the rice noodle shop is still there."

Of course, Guan Yinghan would not tell Ruoyun that during the period of her disappearance, she went back to Dawan Village to look for her, and sat in that rice noodle shop all afternoon until it closed.

The owner of the rice noodle shop is an old couple. They told Guan Yinghan that they were getting old and they planned to sell the shop.

Guan Yinghan bought the store and begged the old couple to stay in the store and not receive any customers, just waiting for Lin Ruoyun.

Lin Ruoyun raised her head excitedly: "Really? That store is still there?"

"Yes, still!"

"Then let\'s order two bowls of rice noodles and add all the side dishes that can be added. This are not allowed to give me all the meat in the bowl."

In the past, Guan Yinghan had no money or power, so she saved the money she earned from doing odd jobs to buy gifts for Lin Ruoyun. When ordering rice noodles, she would pick out all the meat in the bowl for Ruoyun to eat, and lied to her that she likes to be vegetarian.

But Lin Ruoyun loves her dearly, sometimes the two of them would push and pull for a long time for a piece of fish ball, neither of them would eat it and wanted to give it to the other.

Guan Yinghan\'s eyes were hot: "Okay, order all of them."

Lin Ruoyun curled her eyelashes: "I still want to go to the handmade pottery shop to make a ceramic cup. Chen Aijia made one and brought it to you at school, but you were very good and didn\'t accept her cup...Actually, at that time I... also wanted to Make one for you."

"Okay! Let\'s do one each."

Lin Ruoyun\'s heart was sweet, but somehow she wanted to cry.

She cried a lot in the past two days, and her eyes hurt faintly.

A pair of soft and slender hands caressed her cheeks, gently wiping away the water marks on the corners of her cheeks and eyes.

Lin Ruoyun\'s vision was blurred and she couldn\'t see Alpha\'s face clearly, but she could still feel her softest distress.

She couldn\'t help but hug Guan Yinghan tightly, as if embracing the whole world: "Guan Guan, I\'m so lucky, you never gave up looking for me."

Guan Yinghan also burst into tears, but there was a smile at the end of his eyes: "I am also very lucky. You liked me before you lost your memory, and you still like me after you lose your memory."

Lin Ruoyun regained her memory, and she became more comfortable when filming "Wake Up". The things she experienced personally acted with a sense of substitution, almost revealing her sincerity, and she felt that her acting skills had been improved.

On the day of finishing, it was raining lightly outside, assistant Xiao Tang saw Lin Ruoyun walking towards the dressing room, waved her hands and shouted, "Sister, here we come!"

"Xiao Tang, please ask her to wait, I will change clothes and go there."

Seeing her serious expression, Guan Yinghan held her hand subconsciously: "Ruoyun, who... is here?"

"It\'s Mu Wei, I asked her to investigate and collect evidence about the fire six years ago." Lin Ruoyun lowered her eyelashes and said in a low voice, "I can\'t let grandma die in an unexplained way, I want to seek justice for her."

Lin Ruoyun changed her costume and put on a black trench coat that mopped the floor, as if arming herself with a layer of armor, stepping on small high heels and clangingly walked towards the small room.

When she was about to reach the door, she hesitated for a while, and stopped holding the doorknob, her head was lowered, unable to see the emotion in her eyes clearly.

But Guan Yinghan could feel the stream of grief overflowing from inside.

Both are her relatives, Ruoyun must be very sad.

Qin Min\'s voice came from the room: "Mu Wei, can you really not find any physical evidence?"

Guan Muwei\'s smoky voice sounded: "The time interval is too long, and no protective measures have been taken at the scene. Fingerprints, footprints...all traces have been destroyed."

"We also visited and questioned the villagers in Dawan Village, but no witnesses were found. My cousin sent Assistant Fei to investigate before, and found the villager based on the clues provided by Assistant Fei. He said...he was drunk that day and saw Liang Qiufang. fire, but a drunken witness cannot be used as a basis for concluding a case."

"Then... isn\'t there no physical evidence?"

"There is a witness!" Lin Ruoyun opened the door and entered, and stood in front of Guan Muwei, with a dark yellow light in her almond eyes, her expression was extremely calm: "Mu Wei, I am the witness."

Several people in the room were stunned: "Huh?"

Lin Ruoyun ignored everyone\'s surprised eyes, and turned to look at Dean He: "Dean, is there any problem with my current mental state?"

Dean He probably guessed what she wanted to ask, and said directly: "No problem at all, I will issue you a psychiatric appraisal report, which can prove that your cognition, memory, and expressive ability are all fine, and you have full civil capacity , can testify in court."


When Lin Ruoyun turned back, her face was very pale, Guan Yinghan hurriedly stepped forward to hug her, and patted her on the shoulder lightly.

Lin Ruoyun forced a soothing smile at her, and then slowly described to Guan Muwei what happened on the day of the fire.

"That night, grandma said that she wanted to eat sweet potato cakes, so I went to dig sweet potatoes in the field. I left in a hurry and forgot to bring a basket, so I turned back to get it. I saw my mother Liang Qiu lit the quilt in the room with a candle..."

Those painful, heart-wrenching, and cruel memories poured out of her heart continuously. Lin Ruoyun\'s whole body trembled slightly. If it wasn\'t for Guan Yinghan\'s support, she might not even be able to stand firmly.

After finishing speaking, she had already burst into tears, and she leaned against Guan Yinghan\'s arms like she was exhausted, and looked up at Guan Muwei: "Muwei, my grandma died so badly, you must help me... get her back justice."

Guan Muwei turned his head slightly, and said to the short policeman beside him, "Xiao Yuan, have you written down what Miss Lin said just now?"

The short policeman nodded: "It\'s all recorded."

"Okay!" Guan Muwei took a step forward and comforted Lin Ruoyun: "Don\'t worry, sister-in-law. The Skynet is fully restored, and those who commit crimes will be severely punished by the law."

Although she was able to avenge her grandma, Lin Ruoyun didn\'t feel ecstatic, nor did she feel relieved, but felt an indescribable feeling.

Guan Yinghan could feel her depression, sending her mother to prison with her own hands would make anyone feel bad.

She couldn\'t see that Lin Ruoyun was unhappy, so she always tried to tease her in different ways. In the early morning, when the sun climbed onto the window sill, she couldn\'t wait to wake Ruoyun up.

"Baby, let\'s go to the town to eat rice noodles."

The brat has spared no effort to coax her these few days, Lin Ruoyun of course accepted his affection, she smiled cooperatively: "Is it too early to go now?"

"No, I\'ve already called..." Guan Yinghan consciously slipped her tongue, lowered her head and bit her earlobe to change the subject: "I\'ve already asked, the rice noodle shop opens at ten o\'clock, so it\'s just right now."

"Okay!" Lin Ruoyun kissed her neck, "Wait for me to get up and wash up."

Guan Yinghan didn\'t let anyone follow her, and drove by herself. Lin Ruoyun was sitting in the co-pilot, her hand was tightly held by her, and she squeezed it lightly from time to time.

The roads in the town are wider than the small roads in the village, and it coincides with the market, making it lively and crowded.

The car drove too far to the meeting point and couldn\'t get in. The two got out of the car and walked gradually with the crowd.

Pedestrians carrying baskets for shopping are everywhere, and there are also couples traveling hand in hand, holding snacks bought on the roadside, feeding each other sweetly, and laughing endlessly.

Guan Yinghan took Ruoyun\'s hand and walked to the rice noodle shop without knowing it.

It was still in the original position, with a narrow door, and the square plaque was slightly faded by the wind and rain.

Lin Ruoyun stood in front of the door, a little dazed, dazed for a few seconds, an old couple came out from the inside, seeing Guan Yinghan rushing up, her face could not restrain the joy: "Son, you really found your Omega?" gone?"

The old couple received a call from Guan Yinghan last night and learned that she had found the long-lost Omega and wanted to bring her to eat rice noodles, so they tidied up the shop and prepared ingredients for them to come over.

Guan Yinghan smiled and strode over: "Grandpa, please make us two bowls of rice noodles."

"Okay." It could be seen that the old couple was really happy for Guan Yinghan, and their eyes were red when they turned around.

Guan Yinghan took Lin Ruoyun\'s hand: "Let\'s sit over there."

Sitting here after so many years, Lin Ruoyun had the illusion of traveling back in time, as if she and Guan Yinghan were back in their youth, and she was still the Alpha girl who would blush when teased.

Lin Ruoyun leaned slightly and leaned closer to Guan Yinghan\'s ear: "Guan Guan, is the business in the grandparents\' shop very bad? We have been here for a long time and haven\'t seen any other customers. I remember we had to queue up when we went to school. Why are you here today?" The two of us?"

Guan Yinghan had a smile on his lips: "Maybe it\'s not time for dinner."

Just as he was talking, the curtain of the inner kitchen was lifted, and the grandfather came over with steaming rice noodles: "Come on..."

Lin Ruoyun raised her eyes and smiled sweetly at her grandfather: "Thank you!"

The old man rubbed his hands and laughed: "Eat more, eat more!"

The handmade rice noodles are very strong, the soup is fragrant, and more than 20 kinds of side dishes are spread in the bowl, which is very appetizing.

Guan Yinghan gave Lin Ruoyun the fish **** in the bowl. This seemed to be her subconscious action, and she would think of her Omega first when eating or drinking.

Lin Ruoyun moved her bowl away before she handed over the spoon, raised her eyebrows arrogantly: "Eat boldly, we are not short of money!"

Lin Ruoyun drank the hot soup, two blushes floated on her cheeks, which made her beautiful like a flower, and her mood seemed to become more cheerful, the end of her eyes slightly turned up, evoking a coquettish smile like this Seeing that, Guan Yinghan\'s heart fluttered.

It turned out that there was really a feeling, like a slow motion in an old movie, faintly pulling back and forth in my heart, and then faded away like ink, seemingly not there.

The haze in Guan Yinghan\'s heart dissipated because of Ruoyun\'s sweet smile, and fireworks bloomed: "Okay, then add more after eating."

After eating rice noodles, they went to the handmade shop to make ceramic cups.

The two each took a piece of adobe and placed it on the turntable. With the rapid rotation of the turntable, in less than five minutes, under Guan Yinghan\'s dexterous hands, a slender cup shape appeared.

The noon sun shone through the glass, and golden particles formed a halo around Guan Yinghan\'s body, making her look so artistic, so dazzling that she couldn\'t take her eyes off.

She seems to be able to achieve the ultimate perfection in everything. She always takes the first place in the exam, and she is still the top three in business. She even succeeds in handwork once.

Lin Ruoyun looked down at the finished product in her hand, the more she looked at it, the more she looked like a sauerkraut jar, she leaned back on the chair as if discouraged.

"Take your time!" Guan Yinghan embraced her from behind, Lin Ruoyun\'s hand was stroking the mud embryo, while Guan Yinghan\'s was stroking her hand: "You need two hands to slowly move the embryo body closer and then push it up. , Yes, that’s it, let’s see, is it successful?”

"It\'s really done!" Lin Ruoyun raised her head and smiled at her, her eyes sparkling with broken light.

Lin Ruoyun hadn\'t smiled so happily for several days, and now she smiled like a rainbow after a rainy day, her whole body was covered with colorful watercolors, Guan Yinghan\'s heart beat faster when she saw it, and she almost couldn\'t help kissing her.