After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 87:

Lin Ruoyun hunched like a shrimp, the past flashed before her eyes, and all the sealed memories poured out like a mountain torrent.

She remembered, she remembered!

Her name is Lin Ruoyun, her father\'s name is Lin Shirui, and her mother\'s name is Liang Qiu. Her home is in Dawan Village, not Tianhai City. Her primary school is Dawan Village Primary School, not Yuanziqiao Primary School as Liang Qiu said.

She also has a grandma.

Her grandma, the most loving person in her life, was burned alive six years ago.

And the person who set the fire was her own mother—Liang Qiu.

it hurts!


Lin Ruoyun began to feel that it was painful to breathe. She didn\'t understand why it was so painful to restore her memory?

It hurts so much!

She doesn\'t want to recover her memory, she would rather never remember it for the rest of her life.

Lin Ruoyun shrunk into a small ball, and buried herself in the charred black corner of the wall.

At this time, Guan Yinghan returned to the playground after reviewing the script with the director, and found that Lin Ruoyun was missing. She took out her mobile phone and dialed Ruoyun\'s number, but the phone said that she couldn\'t connect. Guan Yinghan searched around the playground again, but still couldn\'t find Ruoyun.

Ruoyun\'s dilapidated home suddenly flashed through Guan Yinghan\'s mind, and he broke out in a thin cold sweat.

She immediately ordered the crew: "You continue to search in the school, Ji Wan, you take a few people to look outside the school, remember to bring more people, and search separately."

Standing in the middle of the playground, Guan Yinghan suddenly felt a strange sense of fear welling up from the soles of her feet.

Without thinking about it, she turned around and ran towards the parking lot, started the car and drove to Ruoyun\'s house. The closer she got to the pile of ruins, the more obvious the strange feeling mixed with fear in her heart.

She always had a premonition in her heart that Ruoyun must have gone home.

Sure enough, in the corner of the scorched wall, Guan Yinghan saw Ruoyun curled up into a ball.

Her whole body was trembling, her lips were frighteningly white, her eyes lacked focus and vitality, and were full of grief.


Guan Yinghan rushed over, flustered and even a little flustered. She took off her long trench coat and wrapped it around Lin Ruoyun\'s shoulders, wrapping her tightly.

Lin Ruoyun\'s face was raised following Guan Yinghan\'s movements, and her erratic gaze slowly narrowed.

She stared at Guan Yinghan intently, frame after frame of memories accompanied by suffocating heartache.

"Ruoyun, if you memorize "Teacher List", I\'ll make egg noodles for you."

"Ruoyun, don\'t accept that Alpha\'s love letter, you want a love letter...I\'ll write it to you."

"Ruoyun, I will make a lot of money in the future, and I will make you and grandma live better than others."

The back mountain of Dawan Village appeared in front of Lin Ruoyun\'s eyes. She put her hands around her lips, holding it in the shape of a trumpet, and shouted at the mountain: "Ah... I want to grow up quickly, so that grandma can live a good life..."

After she finished yelling, she winked at Guan Yinghan, her almond eyes gleaming brightly: "Guan Guan, you come and yell too, and yell out all the unhappy things."

Guan Yinghan imitated her appearance, put his hands to his lips, and shouted loudly: "I will protect Ruoyun, and protect her for the rest of my life."

off off...

Lin Ruoyun\'s pupils were big and black, and Guan Yinghan\'s shadow was reflected in the dark pupils.

The Alpha in front of her, who will protect her for the rest of her life, is her favorite person—

Her off.

Shut up, I slept for a long time.

Now finally woke up.

But it hurts to wake up.

I\'m sorry, Guan Guan, I don\'t want to wake up, I want to continue to sleep.

The increasingly severe headache crushed Lin Ruoyun\'s will, her ears were beeping like beeps, her eyes gradually darkened, she wanted to reach out to touch Guan Yinghan\'s face, but she fell powerlessly, and finally collapsed into her arms, gradually closing her eyes. Eyelids.

In fact, Lin Ruoyun didn\'t completely lose consciousness, she just closed herself off and didn\'t want to wake up. She could hear Guan Yinghan\'s screams of panic that almost collapsed, and could feel her holding her and running wildly all the way, frantically looking for He Yuan In the end, she was lying on a bed, and Dean He was almost dragged to her by Guan Yinghan, who examined her carefully.

In the blinding white light, she heard Dean He\'s words intermittently.

"Second Miss, don\'t worry, Miss Lin is fine now, and according to my experience, she has recovered her memory."

Restore memory?

Guan Yinghan\'s face was pale, and the sweat on his forehead was still oozing out: "Dean, do you mean that Ruoyun has already remembered everything? But could she..."

"Miss Lin was once severely stimulated and caused nerve damage, and she suffered from mental abnormalities for a period of time. Now that she has regained her memory, she was too emotional and fell into a coma, which is an acute stress disorder in her body."

Guan Yinghan never felt that she was a timid person, but at this moment, her voice was trembling even when she asked: "Dean, then...Ruoyun...she the same as before..."

Dean He seemed to notice that Lin Ruoyun was awake, and said softly, "Second Miss, let\'s go out and talk about it."

Guan Yinghan followed Dean He to the door. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Lin Ruoyun sitting up, and ran over nervously: "Why are you sitting up, don\'t move, tell me what you want."

Lin Ruoyun didn\'t speak, and there was no expression on her face, her almond eyes were calm, and Guan Yinghan couldn\'t see her emotions at all.

After helping Lin Ruoyun put on her coat, Guan Yinghan spoke tentatively, her voice was soft and slow, nervous and at a loss, like a prisoner waiting to be sentenced.

She asked softly, "Ruoyun, do you still know me?"

Lin Ruoyun still didn\'t speak, but looked at Guan Yinghan with helpless and moist eyes. Her expression was very sad, so sad that Guan Yinghan couldn\'t bear to watch.

Guan Yinghan\'s eye circles turned red in an instant. She put her arms around Lin Ruoyun, stroked her back and forth, and lowered her voice: "Ruoyun... What\'s the matter with you? Say something, don\'t scare me."

Lin Ruoyun trembled in her arms. Guan Yinghan could feel her body tense, which was a sign of extreme fear. She hugged Ruoyun even tighter, but Lin Ruoyun suddenly broke away from her, and stared blankly at Guan Ruoyun. Ying Han then said suddenly: "I want to go...I don\'t want to stay here anymore."

"Okay, let\'s go back." Guan Yinghan kept pecking and kissing the top of her hair: "Baby, let\'s go back to Jingyuan, tomorrow."

At night, after Guan Yinghan coaxed Ruoyun to sleep, she ordered Ji Wan to suspend the filming.

Academician He came to persuade her several times on the way, telling her that Lin Ruoyun was in a self-enclosed state, and she must face up to the fact that her grandma had died, so that she could come out of the trauma.

But Guan Yinghan couldn\'t listen, she didn\'t dare to provoke Lin Ruoyun at all now, knowing that she had recovered her memory, she pretended not to know, let alone mention anything about Dawan Village.

— the next day —

The crew still has some sets to be dismantled, and the bus is scheduled to leave at nine o\'clock in the evening. Guan Yinghan packed her luggage, there were still more than three hours before departure, she still had plenty of time, she wanted to cook a bowl of egg noodles for Ruoyun.

Lin Ruoyun hadn\'t eaten for a day and a night, she just sat on the chair blankly like this, her complexion was pale, her eyes were dull, and she sat motionless for a whole day.

Guan Yinghan pushed the door in with egg noodles, sat down beside her, held a handful of noodles to Ruoyun\'s lips, "Ruoyun, eat something, or you\'ll get dizzy in the car later."

Lin Ruoyun slowly raised her eyes, and the moment she raised her eyes was so sad that she was about to drown. Her slightly slack eyeballs only moved slightly, and then drooped silently.

Guan Yinghan\'s heart suddenly tightened and hurt, she reached out and hugged Lin Ruoyun into her arms: "Ruoyun, don\'t be like this, just cry, it will be fine if you cry!"

Lin Ruoyun let her hold her, and her body froze like a puppet. She closed herself in her own world and didn\'t give Guan Yihan any response.

Guan Yinghan\'s heart ached beyond measure, and she also knew that Ruoyun couldn\'t stay in this self-paralyzed, self-hypnotic mood for a long time. She bit her lower lip and forced herself to say: "Ruoyun...wake up, Grandma is dead, if she has a spirit in the sky, knowing that you have ruined her body like this, then her soul will not be at peace..."

These few words exploded in Lin Ruoyun\'s mind like thunder, she pushed Guan Yinghan violently, covered her ears tightly, her eyes were scarlet, and shouted in a broken voice: "Don\'t say any more, I don\'t want to listen! Go away, go away !"

Guan Yinghan was frightened by her hysterical mood, and retreated instinctively: "Okay, okay! I won\'t say anything, Ruoyun, don\'t get excited, calm down...I\'m calm down..."

Guan Yinghan has experienced the ups and downs of the shopping malls, and he has been on the verge of life and death, but he has never been so helpless as he is now.

Academician He told her more than once that Ruoyun was an obstacle in her heart, and if she wanted to clear up the trauma in her heart, she had to tear open the wound, goug out the carrion and cut it off.

But when she thought of opening Ruoyun\'s wound, her heart felt like being bitten by sharp teeth, and the pain was unbearable.

She would rather hurt herself than Ruoyun get hurt again.

Guan Yinghan walked out as if she was exhausted, and when she passed the guest room of Ruan\'s mother\'s house, she heard Jiang Hui and Qin Min mention Ruoyun\'s name, and she stopped in place.

"Sister Min, don\'t waste your efforts, Guan Er loves Ruoyun far more than her own life, she doesn\'t even allow people to mention the word \'fire\' in front of Ruoyun, how can she agree with you? "

Qin Min was also worried about Lin Ruoyun, and his voice was a little anxious: "But if this continues, the consequences will become more and more serious. Dean He, you said before that there are similar cases, what exactly are they like?"

At this time, Dean He\'s voice intervened: "I have come into contact with several patients like this before, and they all have mental problems. In mild cases, they will be crazy, stupid, and some will be in a coma for a long time. The most serious one... eventually Suicide because of depression."


Guan Yinghan\'s arm trembled so much that she couldn\'t even hold the bowl steadily. She rushed to Dean He, stared into his eyes, and asked tremblingly, "You said Ruoyun would..."

Dean He shuddered, took a breath and continued: "Second Miss, you are the only one who can help Miss Lin now. Although Miss Qin\'s method is a bit cruel, it is the most effective and safest method so far. You must let Lin Miss accept the fact, otherwise the situation will get worse."

Guan Yinghan stepped back a little bit, fell down on the bamboo chair beside her, put her hands on her knees, and finally raised her head after a long while: "Okay, let\'s do it according to Sister Min\'s method, if it fails, she will be crazy, she will be stupid, I will Take care of her for the rest of her life, she is in a coma, I will wait for her for the rest of her life, if... if she dares to commit suicide, I will accompany her!"

The bus stopped under the locust tree at the entrance of the village, and the crew members boarded the bus one after another. Jiang Hui took the roll and began to roll their names.

Lin Ruoyun was sitting in the first row by the window. She was silent all the time, but her gaze unconsciously circled around the inside of the carriage.

Qin Min caught her slight movement, she closed Ruoyun\'s coat, and curled her lips: "Are you looking for Aying? She said something was left at Ruan\'s mother\'s house, so she went back to get it."

Just as he was talking, someone stuck his head out of the window and yelled in horror: "Look, it\'s on fire over there."

People in the car opened the windows one after another and looked out: "Dug, it seems to be Mama Ruan\'s house."

The carriage suddenly fell into chaos, and a voice rang out from the noise: "Second Miss Guan has just returned, and it seems that she is going to Ruan\'s mother\'s house..."

Lin Ruoyun\'s eyes went dark, and after a short period of dizziness, she ran desperately to get out of the car.

Someone rushed to stop her, Lin Ruoyun gave her a hard look, and said the first words in two days, her voice was dry and hoarse: "Go away, don\'t stop me."

Lin Ruoyun kept running towards the fire, she stared at the front, the thicker and thicker black smoke floated into the air, a certain sense of extreme fear pierced her heart sharply.

In an instant, she seemed to have returned to that horrible night that was engulfed by the fire six years ago.

She stood at the door of Ruan\'s mother\'s house, with two groups of flames clearly reflected in her eyes.


Lin Ruoyun gave a short and sharp cry.

No, not grandma!

Grandma died six years ago.

Those who are trapped in the fire are closed.

Lin Ruoyun moved her lips a few times, but she couldn\'t make a sound. After a few seconds, the broken syllable was finally squeezed out.

She yelled out: "Guan Guan..."

The flames rose up suddenly, and the thick smoke became denser, accompanied by the sound of crackling firewood burning.

Lin Ruoyun was afraid of fire, so she panted violently, her face reflected by the fire was pale and weak.

She was afraid of fire, but she was even more afraid of something happening to Guan Yinghan.

Her barrier is still inside, and she can\'t wait for a second, and she will be in danger if she waits.

Lin Ruoyun closed her eyes and ran in without hesitation, shouting as she ran, "Guan Guan... where are you?"

"Ruoyun..." Guan Yinghan\'s slightly deep voice came from behind her.

Lin Ruoyun turned around abruptly, and saw Guan Yinghan standing in front of her, two or three meters away from her, wearing a black long trench coat, her face was clean, without any scars.

Lin Ruoyun held back her tears, rushed over to Guan Yinghan\'s arms, and tremblingly called her name: "Guan Guan..."

Guan Yinghan hardly dared to breathe at that moment. After reuniting with Ruoyun, she would only call her Guan Guan when she was in bed. At this moment, hearing her call her Guan Guan, Guan Yinghan\'s heart was turned upside down, as if it had been a lifetime.

"Ruoyun..." Guan Yinghan\'s throat choked up: "You remember it, don\'t you?"

Lin Ruoyun raised her eyes, her eyes were filled with overwhelming sadness, and her voice was very low, which broke Guan Yinghan\'s heart.

"Guan Guan...Grandma is dead..."

Guan Yinghan hugged her and rubbed her back with his hands: "Ruoyun, just cry out when you\'re sad, just cry out."

Lin Ruoyun\'s shoulders trembled for a while, and she finally cried out, crying heart-piercingly.

The viscera, the seven skillful souls, I can\'t wait to dig them out at this moment, so that I can survive such a huge grief.

"The fire was too big, and I was crushed by the beams that fell from the roof...I couldn\'t save grandma...Guan Guan...I crawled desperately, but I still couldn\'t get out...I couldn\'t save grandma..."

Lin Ruoyun was overwhelmed emotionally, rubbing against her body hard, arching her neck, as if she would feel safe in this way: "I begged her to save grandma, but it was useless...she refused to...shut off...why is she, grandma is also her my relatives..."

Guan Yinghan rubbed her uncontrollably, no amount of comfort was enough: "It\'s okay, everything is over, shut it down."

Lin Ruoyun hugged her waist sobbingly: "I\'m sorry Guan Guan, I actually remembered it a long time ago. But... I can only escape... I\'m cowardly and cowardly..."

Guan Yinghan\'s tears rolled down uncontrollably, but the corners of her mouth curled up uncontrollably.

Her Ruoyun finally accepted her grandma\'s death and broke free from that painful memory.

Her memory recovered, and her mind was not confused, and she recovered completely.

Guan Yinghan\'s crushed heart was assembled into a complete shape again, beating again in his chest: "No, Ruoyun is not cowardly at all, this road is so long and so difficult, you have come to me, You are the bravest."

Lin Ruoyun lowered her head, buried her chin into her neck, and sobbed softly: "Guan Guan, I\'m back, I will never get lost again this time, and I will follow you for the rest of my life."