After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 89:

After kneading the clay embryo, Guan Yinghan engraved the initials of the two of them on the body of the cup, and handed it to the clerk: "How long can I wait for this?"

The clerk had a decent smile on his face: "It will take about three days to dry before it can be painted, so please come back when the time comes."

Lin Ruoyun thought she could take it away on the spot, but it\'s a pity that she has to wait for three days. Her new play has already finished, and Guan Yinghan is busy with many things, and she doesn\'t know when she will be able to return to Dawan Village.

Feeling her little loss, Guan Yinghan reached out to wrap her arms around her waist, and smiled faintly at the clerk: "Thank you then, we will come back in three days."

Lin Ruoyun raised her head in her arms: "Come back in three days? Are we not going back?"

Guan Yinghan scratched her chin amusedly: "Yes, we have an early honeymoon."

Lin Ruoyun twitched a few times, and broke away from her arms: "Whoever wants to marry you, you have never proposed to me!"

Guan Yinghan lowered her eyelashes halfway, looking at her duplicity with interest, the love in her eyes turned into little stars.

Marriage ceremony...

How could I forget? Remember it all!

Guan Yinghan tentatively stretched out her little finger to tease her thumb, and seeing that she didn\'t hide, she hooked it happily, pinching her **** and grinding slowly.

This action was too lustful, like the action of a brat bullying her little wife, Lin Ruoyun\'s cheeks started to blush uncontrollably.

Ever since she came to Dawan Village, she had never touched Guan Yinghan, nor would she let her touch him. There is a custom in Dawan Village, which says that when staying overnight at someone else\'s house, you can\'t do intimate things, otherwise it will ruin the blessing of the owner.

Although this custom is a little superstitious, Lin Ruoyun would rather believe it. She and Guan Yihan both live in Ruan\'s house. She was afraid of ruining Ruan\'s mother\'s fortune, so she didn\'t let the cub touch it. After she recovered her memory, she was always being saddened. Emotionally entangled. Counting the days, they have not applauded for love for almost a month.

Guan Yinghan couldn\'t hold it back long ago, not to mention her fever period was coming soon. She no longer concealed the longing in her eyes, her red lips slowly approached her earlobe, and whispered softly: "Ruoyun, are you tired, should we..."

She originally wanted to ask if she should find a hotel to rest, but the words turned into: "Do you want to go shopping elsewhere?"

How could Lin Ruoyun not know her intentions, but every time the little cub wanted to mark her, he would always cling to her and whine, like a pup wagging its tail and begging for mercy, drooping its ears, looking at her eagerly, but refusing to Tell her directly that you want two words.

Lin Ruoyun deliberately tortured her, and looked into her eyes with a smile: "Okay, let\'s go catch the big fair."

When you walk out of the handmade shop, you can hear the endless shouting at the door, and the crowd is even more crowded than when you came.

Guan Yinghan frowned, protecting Lin Ruoyun with both hands weakly, using her body to occupy a space for her, and took her forward step by step.

On the long asphalt road, vendors sit on the ground on both sides, with various goods in front of them, shouting loudly.

Lin Ruoyun has been away from home for so long, and the goods are more fashionable now, she finds everything strange, squatting on the side of the road to pick out handmade silver jewelry, and gesticulating in her ear to ask Guan Yinghan to make up her mind for her.

"Does it look good?" Omega\'s eyes shone with tiny gleams.

"It\'s pretty!" Alpha had a faint smile on his lips.

Lin Ruoyun turned her head and bargained with the boss with a strong local accent. Guan Yinghan stood aside and watched, the joy in his eyes was about to turn into hearts and fall into clusters.

Ruoyun not only recovered her memory, but she even became able to speak her hometown dialect inexplicably. She really has fully recovered.

At this time, a long procession came on the road, looking closer, it seemed to be welcoming the bride. The bride was wearing a traditional local wedding gown, a red embroidered gown, a heavenly official lock around her neck, and a long mopping floor underneath. Ru skirt, red forged embroidered shoes, charming and beaming.

Lin Ruoyun put down the silver jewelry in her hand, leaned over curiously, stepped over the crowd and looked in, but she was not tall enough, and couldn\'t squeeze the tall male Alpha in front, so she could only hop around like a rabbit and worry about it.

Suddenly, a pair of hands crossed her waist, holding her up firmly, Lin Ruoyun lowered her head in surprise, and met Guan Yinghan\'s smiling eyes.

"see it?"

Lin Ruoyun raised her head: "Guan Guan, go a little higher, yes, go to the left... Ah, I saw it! The bride\'s wedding dress is so beautiful..."

The welcoming team gradually walked away, Guan Yinghan carefully put her down, Lin Ruoyun\'s eyes were still fixed on the team, her eyes were full of undisguised envy.

Guan Yinghan smiled and pinched her chin, shaking her slightly: " you want to wear a wedding dress too?"


Lin Ruoyun turned her face away arrogantly, and walked forward on her own, Guan Yinghan grabbed her hand within two steps: "Ruoyun, let\'s sit on the slope, there are few people and quiet over there."

Oh ho!

The little brat turned her into a secluded corner anxiously and kindly, which was very touching!

Lin Ruoyun also became interested, and wanted to tease her even more, so she leaned over to catch Guan Yinghan\'s guiltily dodging gaze, and suddenly curled up her lips: "Okay."

The green grass on the small soil **** is lush and lush, and a few small purple flowers occasionally appear in the grass. The warm wind blows head-on, and the clouds float in the blue sky like cotton.

Guan Yinghan pulled her under a big tree, put her slender fingertips on the front of the windbreaker, and silently unbuttoned it.

what\'s the situation?

Even though it is known that it is unlikely to be seen by others, it is an open-air environment, and the opposite is a pristine natural lake.

Lin Ruoyun\'s mind popped up the word wild/he.

She subconsciously pressed Guan Yinghan\'s hand: "Hey... here, although there is no one here, but... it is also outside, I don\'t want to do it here..."

"Baby, where are you thinking?" Guan Yinghan chuckled, knelt down and shook his clothes, and then spread the windbreaker on the lawn.

She raised her head and gently brought her to her side: "Baby, you can sit now."

Realizing that she wanted to be crooked, Lin Ruoyun rarely showed a shy expression, but her heart was as sweet as drinking honey water.

Her Alpha is always more careful and considerate than others.

Lin Ruoyun was wearing a more literary linen dress today. The moment she sat down, her thighs rubbed against the material, which blocked the tingling pain caused by the sharp grass, and she was very comfortable to sit on.

The two of them sat quietly like this, neither of them spoke, but Lin Ruoyun could feel a burning gaze from the corner of her eyes, which was tightly glued to her body.

Lin Ruoyun tilted her head, and gave her a coquettish look: "Guan Guan, your expression is wrong, what are you thinking?"

"What about you?" Guan Yinghan\'s face turned red suspiciously, and he stumbled and said, "You don\'t have the right expression either, what are you thinking?"

Lin Ruoyun fell into her arms, resting her head on her lap, and chuckled: "I was thinking that you used to help me with my homework, and it was also on the hillside..."

She winked at Guan Yinghan: "Guan Guan, did you make a fuss when you were tutoring Chen Aijia? Why did her grade improve from 69 to 96, while mine became 59 instead?"

Guan Yinghan\'s ears turned red: "You still have the nerve to say, when someone is taking tutoring... like that..."

"What about me?" Lin Ruoyun hooked her neck and pressed down, stopped at a very close distance, and then gently pecked along the corners of her mouth, lip peaks, and lip beads: "Is that so?"

Guan Yinghan closed her eyes, leaned over slightly before her lips parted, and slowly deepened the kiss.

She stuck out her tongue, and the warm and soft tip of her tongue swept across her mouth, hooked her soft tongue, and sucked sweetly.

Lin Ruoyun half-lyed in her arms, wrapping her arms around her neck, the two of them were intoxicated by her charming kiss, completely oblivious to the gossip eyes and continuous screams around them.

"C\'mon, c\'mon, what do I see!"

"Cousin, continue..."

"Damn it, Guan Er is really you! I said that person has a back view of you, it really two unscrupulous guys, you threw us into Dawan Village, so you came outside...Guan Er, you can do it, don\'t stop ah ah..."

Lin Ruoyun was so startled that she almost bit her tongue, her first reaction was to bury herself in Guan Yinghan\'s arms.

Guan Yinghan paused for a moment, seeing someone out of the corner of her eyes, and felt a feeling in her heart that was one step ahead of embarrassment, that is, the anger that the good atmosphere was ruined.

She embraced Lin Ruoyun\'s waist, held her in her arms, then raised her eyes, and glanced coldly at Jiang Hui: "Why did you come here?"

Jiang Hui scolded her fearlessly: "Why, you are allowed to come, but we can\'t?"

Ji Wan was so frightened that she quickly pulled her Omega back knowingly and wittily, and smiled coyly: "Second Miss, Sister Min likes the traditional wedding dresses here, and wants to order a few for her wedding."

As soon as the words fell, Lin Ruoyun poked her head out of Guan Yinghan\'s arms: "What? Sister Min is getting married?"

"Yes, we are getting married." Guan Muwei took Qin Min\'s hand and took a step forward. The two looked at each other with the same joy in their eyes: "Sister-in-law, thank you for your bouquet."

Lin Ruoyun smiled and raised her small chin: "I... I didn\'t do anything at all. It\'s because you still like each other in your heart that you can get together. Mu Wei, Miss Min, congratulations!"


"Have you figured out where to go for your honeymoon?"

"Not yet." Qin Min tilted his head and bumped Jiang Hui with his elbow: "How about the four of us together?"

Lin Ruoyun sat up in Guan Yinghan\'s arms anxiously when she heard that she would not take her to play, "Hey, you don\'t want to take me with you?"

Jiang Hui raised her eyebrows: "It\'s okay to take you, but your family just..."

Lin Ruoyun turned her back to Guan Yinghan, so she couldn\'t see her warning glance at Jiang Hui.

"What\'s wrong with my house? Look at her these days, when I was filming, she hid in the corner, and she was kind to everyone in the crew. She was like a little angel in the world."

Jiang Hui took a deep breath: "Fuck, return to the world as a little angel, she is right in front of you, if you\'re not here, try it out, I\'m afraid that Alpha, who is playing against you, is not strong enough, can\'t bear the pressure, just pack up and run away overnight .”

"Master, is what you said too exaggerated? Guan Guan is not as scary as you said..."

Lin Ruoyun leaned her head close to Guan Yinghan\'s neck, softening her carefully: "Guan Guan, let\'s go on honeymoon with Sister Min and the others, what do you think?"

Guan Yinghan lowered her eyes, met her rippling eyes, and obediently raised the white flag: "Ah Hui, if you let us join, then all the expenses will be paid to me."


Jiang Hui shamelessly bowed down to Wudoumi, and then teased Lin Ruoyun: "Sister Min and Mu Wei are getting married next month, you guys... have to hurry up."

Lin Ruoyun tightly circled Guan Yinghan\'s waist, her eyes were watery: "Guan Guan, marry me!"

Guan Yinghan leaned against her hair and smiled softly: "Okay!"

"Wake Up" has already finished filming and was originally scheduled to return on Tuesday, but Guan Yinghan wanted to wait until she got the handmade ceramic cup before leaving. In order to make up for everyone, she invited all the crew to go to the health resort for vacation.

There are no tourist attractions around Dawan Village, but there is a hot spring resort in the neighboring city, but they are all artificially developed hot springs.

The health resort that Guan Ying\'s cold zone crew went to was the land snatched from Qin Yeli many years ago, and there was a natural hot spring pool inside.

However, she is usually too busy. After the completion of the villa, she came here once when it was listed, and she has never experienced the natural hot spring in the mountain.

Most of the crew are young people. Speaking of the excitement of playing one-on-one, the bus leaves at five o\'clock and arrives at the Yangsheng Villa in the afternoon.

Everyone got out of the car one after another, and they were all amazed by the smoky beauty in front of them. Lawns are paved on both sides of the gate, encircling an astonishingly large parking lot.

Going further in, you can see the main entrance. There is no fancy decoration, but it is supported by simple stones, but it looks majestic. On both sides are promenades supported by grape vine trellises. There is a sweet fragrance that seems to be absent.

Guan Yinghan took Lin Ruoyun by the hand and strolled up the stone steps: "Baby, how is it? Do you like it here?"

"It\'s so beautiful." Lin Ruoyun looked around curiously, her eyes shimmering: "No wonder Ye Li refused to give up this piece of land when he died, and stayed up all night to change the bid."

Ye Li?

So intimate?

Guan Yinghan narrowed her eyes in displeasure, how could she still think of Qin Yeli after so long, and even remember the details so clearly?

Lin Ruoyun was only focused on looking at the scenery, and did not pay attention to Guan Yinghan\'s increasingly gloomy expression. It was not until dinner that she vaguely noticed that something was wrong with the little boy.

There is a huge natural lake in the resort. There are several antique painted boats floating on the lake. Each boat can accommodate eight to ten people. Naturally, Lin Ruoyun sat with Jiang Hui and the others. She thought Guan Yinghan would also sit with her. Unexpectedly, she went to the director\'s ship.

Even Jiang Hui, who was very nervous, noticed the strangeness. She poked Ruoyun with her elbow: "Did you quarrel with Guan Er?"

"No." Lin Ruoyun raised her chin in distress, and replayed what happened today like a movie in her mind: "She suddenly became like this."

Jiang Hui helped her analyze it: "Did you talk to that rookie Alpha off-screen?"

Lin Ruoyun thought for a while: "I said a few words, but Guan Guan is standing by my side, besides, we are talking about plots."

Jiang Hui sighed: "Anyway, go and coax her first, otherwise we will all have a hard little disciple."

It was almost evening after returning from the lake, everyone gathered in the courtyard for dinner, Lin Ruoyun squatted in the courtyard to play with the little milk cat, and glanced at Guan Yinghan who was talking to the director in the back room from time to time.

Ten minutes later, the kitchen staff prepared the meals, Guan Yinghan came out from the back room, Lin Ruoyun chased after her with the little milk cat in her arms, and smiled sweetly at her: "Guan Guan, the orange cat here is so cute, can I take it home to raise? "

After all, Guan Yinghan couldn\'t bear to be angry with her for too long, and the corners of his eyes and brows returned to tenderness: "Okay, if you like it, take it back, and just let Ji Wan talk to Manager Chen."

Lin Ruoyun scratched the orange cat\'s ears, quietly approached Guan Yinghan, and said in a low voice, "Guan Guan, you are so kind to me, how about we tonight... your fever is only in these two days, I can ...can help you."

Guan Yinghan dotes on Ruoyun very much, the kind of doting that asks the stars not to give the moon, but she doesn\'t want Ruoyun to think that her love for her is mixed with other thoughts.

She rubbed the top of Lin Ruoyun\'s hair, and said softly, "I\'m not treating you well to mark you."

What\'s the meaning?

Lin Ruoyun bit her lips secretly, the brat said so, so you don\'t want to touch her?

Could it be that I have to beg her every time I go to bed in the future!

snort! Don\'t just don\'t!

Wait for her to ask? What a joke, in the next life, let\'s see who survives who.

Lin Ruoyun got excited, and gave her an angrily look: "Okay, Guan Yinghan, you said it yourself, you\'d better do what you say!"

After finishing speaking, she held the little orange cat in her arms, and with her head held high, she stepped on her little leather shoes and walked towards the dining room clangingly, even though Guan Yinghan begged for mercy in every possible way, she ignored her.

At the dinner table, Guan Yinghan dipped the peeled prawns into Lin Ruoyun\'s favorite sand tea sauce, and pushed them in front of her: "Ruoyun, these prawns are all caught in the back mountains, they are very fresh, you can try them."

Lin Ruoyun stuffed a mouthful of green vegetables, but said nothing.

"Ruoyun, I was wrong...don\'t be angry..."

Lin Ruoyun stuffed another mouthful of green vegetables, but she still didn\'t speak.

Jiang Hui and Qin Min looked at each other, and both saw a bewildered expression on the other\'s face.

Didn\'t Ruoyun coax Guan Er? Why has the wind changed completely?

The two of them admired Lin Ruoyun so much that they wished she could write a cheat book to teach them how to eat their Alpha to death.

Lin Ruoyun put down her chopsticks and glanced at Jiang Hui: "Master, do we want to go to the hot spring?"

The hot spring pools in the villa are divided into two types: public pools and independent pools. The public pools surround the lakeside of the villa, and there are many large and small pools. The pools are divided into Alpha pools and Omega pools, and male A and female A are also separated.

On the balcony of the senior suite, there is an independent natural hot spring pool, which can be shared by AO, and has a better private space, which is very suitable for couples in love. Of course, the price of a senior suite is not affordable by ordinary people.

Both Jiang Hui and Ruoyun\'s rooms have independent hot springs. When Jiang Hui went into the water, Lin Ruoyun had just changed into her swimsuit and came out.

Lin Ruoyun wore a red swimsuit with a fishtail, and her upper body was bikini style. It was only tied around her neck with a thin strap to bear the heavy weight on her chest, half hidden and half revealing the charming scenery that tempted people to imagine.

Lin Ruoyun stepped into the water, her snow-white and delicate long legs kicked lightly, and the red fish tail rippled in the water following her movements, like an elegant and beautiful mermaid.

Jiang Hui whistled at her: "Little apprentice, you are really a little goblin who has brought disaster to the country and the people, let alone Alpha, even I, an Omega, are so fascinated by you."

Lin Ruoyun swam to her side and leaned on her shoulder: "If you kick Ji Wan, we can live together."

Jiang Hui was so frightened that she sneezed. She rubbed her nose and wiped her sweaty forehead: "My good apprentice, you can let me live for two more years. Look how many times I have sneezed. Two is cursing me, cursing me for abducting her wife."

"She won\'t." Lin Ruoyun flattened her mouth, her voice was crying: "She\'s just a heartless stinker."

Jiang Hui blinked curiously: "What\'s wrong with her? Come and tell the master, maybe I can enlighten you..."

Jiang Hui stopped suddenly in the middle of speaking, and listened carefully: "Ruoyun, I heard the phone ring, go and answer the call."

"Well! Come back quickly and give me some advice."

"Got it!"

Lin Ruoyun heard Jiang Hui\'s footsteps walking away, and after a few seconds, she heard the sound of opening and closing the door, and then the room was quiet.

The temperature of the natural hot spring was very high, and Lin Ruoyun\'s cheeks were flushed red. She simply untied the tie around her neck, opened the cloth on her chest, and leaned against the pool to rest with her eyes closed.

Just when her head was getting dizzy from the heat, there was another sound of footsteps. Compared with the haste when she left before, this time the footsteps were very slow, but very steady, and somehow familiar.

Lin Ruoyun didn\'t delve into it carefully, and asked casually, "Is it the director\'s phone number?" The other party didn\'t answer.

Lin Ruoyun didn\'t care, and complained a little wronged: "Master, you\'re right, she\'s just a sullen and irreverent stinky bitch, she\'s clearly thinking about it, but she\'s pretending to be..."

Lin Ruoyun choked suddenly.

It took her three seconds to be dazed before she could be sure that all this was not an illusion, and that the person in front of her was really that boring and coquettish Second Miss Guan.

Lin Ruoyun stood up suddenly: "Why are you here?"

She got up, and the water-stained bikini slipped off, and the whole scenery was exposed to Guan Yinghan\'s sight. Lin Ruoyun folded her arms to cover it, but her career line was so proud, it turned into a more seductive deep groove .

Lin Ruoyun stepped out of the pool, and Guan Yinghan grabbed her from behind just as she took a step, and her red lips brushed against her ear: " estrus period is here...I feel uncomfortable..."

"Aren\'t you very capable? Didn\'t you mean you didn\'t want to mark me?"

"I take back that sentence, me..."

Guan Yinghan licked and bit the sensitive glands on the back of her neck, and sucked out one after another red plum blossoms around her. The tip of her nose was covered with Alpha pheromones that became more and more intense. Here, passively bear her sudden enthusiasm.