After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 86:

When Lin Ruoyun was put down again, she had already arrived at the school infirmary. Guan Yinghan carefully placed her on the treatment bed, and retreated to the corner in a little embarrassment.

Thin and dense sweat oozes from her forehead, which looks shiny under the light, and even her nose is a little sweaty, and the washed white T-shirt and school uniform on her body is also wet, sticking slightly to her body, half revealing Alpha has a good figure.

Guan Yinghan stood at the side gasping for breath, but refused to leave, and described Ruoyun\'s condition to the doctor in a thin, mosquito-like voice, which was not loud but coherent.

The school doctor looked a little funny. He saw a lot of sick or injured students, some came by themselves, and some were accompanied by classmates, but he had never seen such a combination before him.

The one who didn’t need treatment was sweating from anxiety, and described the details to the school doctor tirelessly, while the one lying on the hospital bed blinked his eyes, as if nothing to do with his business, and only occasionally echoed yes, the doctor “No Wrong, that\'s it."

The school doctor went over to check Lin Ruoyun, but found nothing unusual. Seeing her blushing, he immediately said, "Maybe she has some heatstroke."

Guan Yinghan let out a sigh of relief. When she hugged Lin Ruoyun just now, she felt a little hot on her body. It seemed that she was right to bring her to the infirmary.

Lin Ruoyun rolled her eyes secretly.

What quack doctor, can\'t you see that she is hot and blushing because of shyness? Where are the symptoms of heat stroke?

After receiving two bottles of Huoxiang Zhengqi Water from the school doctor, Guan Yinghan slowly walked out of the infirmary with Lin Ruoyun on his back.

The physical education class was not over yet, Lin Ruoyun didn\'t want to go back to class, and she didn\'t want to go back to the classroom, so she pressed Guan Yinghan\'s ear to bewitch her: "Guan Yinghan, let\'s go to the sports equipment room."

Guan Yinghan froze for a moment, her face was flushed red, she stumbled and asked, "Why...why?"

The Omega on her back didn\'t stop at all, her legs swayed slightly, and her greasy calves lightly brushed against her school pants.

"I\'m sleepy. There are cushions in the sports equipment room, so I can lie down and take a nap."


Guan Yinghan is recognized as a good student in the eyes of the teacher, she never did such a deviant thing, she immediately refused: "No, no, it\'s class time, how can I go to sleep?"

"But I\'m sleepy, and I can\'t concentrate in class."

Lin Ruoyun lowered her eyes all of a sudden, and leaned softly on her shoulder, with the tip of her nose against her shoulder, her hot breath puffed on the top of Guan Yinghan\'s collarbone, throwing her mind into chaos.

"Guan Yinghan, I\'m really sleepy..." Lin Ruoyun grabbed the hem of Guan Yinghan\'s school uniform, shook the corner of her clothes, and coquettishly recklessly.

Guan Yinghan didn\'t know what was wrong with her, she was confused by the Omega in front of her, and when she became conscious, she was already in the sports equipment room on the third floor.

Lin Ruoyun sat on the cushion and looked at her with a smile on her face. Guan Yinghan was so distracted, she subconsciously wanted to turn around and escape from this dangerous fairy cave.

But as soon as she turned around, the hem of her clothes was gently grabbed, with a very light force, but it made her unable to move.

Lin Ruoyun lowered her eyes and asked weakly, "Are you leaving?"

"I...I\'ll go back and continue my physical education class." Guan Yinghan lowered her long eyelashes, forcing herself not to look at Lin Ruoyun, not to be seduced by her.

However, she hadn\'t eaten all day, and her stomach protested uncontrollably.


Lin Ruoyun could hear it clearly, and felt a twinge of pain in her heart.

Guan Yinghan heard it herself, and was so embarrassed that she didn\'t know how to put her hands and feet.

She was hungry, but she was used to being hungry.

The longest time was that she didn\'t eat for three days in a row. In fact, hunger was normal for her. She never complained. Instead, she used this kind of suffering to hone her will.

But Lin Ruoyun felt sorry for her. She thought of the bread she bought for her in the morning, and hurriedly took it out of her school uniform pocket. Unfortunately, the bread had been crushed. She handed it to Guan Yinghan with some self-blame, and softened her voice: "I bought it for you." Time is not like this, if you are crushed by me, you will eat as you please."

Omega\'s voice was extremely soft, but Guan Yinghan lowered her head and remained silent, neither spoke nor stretched out her hand.

Lin Ruoyun raised her hand stubbornly, as if she would not let go until she ate it. She passed the bread forward a little, and her voice became more gentle: "Guan Yinghan, if you hadn\'t lent me the notes yesterday, I would have If you can\'t finish your homework, you will be severely punished by my father. You helped me, and this is my thank you gift, can you accept it?"

Lin Ruoyun\'s voice was delicate and soft, not as vexatious as before, but she cared more about her feelings than ever before.

Guan Yinghan kept her head down all the time, her long and narrow peach eyes were pitch black, and she couldn\'t see the emotions clearly inside.

However, only she knew that the turmoil in her heart at this moment was like a stormy sea.

In Guan Yinghan\'s memory, except for her mother who genuinely cared and loved her, everyone else hated her extremely, as if she didn\'t deserve to live in this world.

Some people in the village would secretly give her some food, but there was always pity and sympathy in their eyes.

Only in Lin Ruoyun\'s eyes, she saw—


However, for a newly differentiated Alpha, seeing the embarrassed and embarrassing side of his favorite Omega made Guan Yinghan feel an unprecedented inferiority complex.

Seeing that she refused to take it, Lin Ruoyun was inexplicably aggrieved.

This fool, can you let go of your self-esteem and stop being so strong!

But Lin Ruoyun had no choice but to take care of her, so she had to change her way: "Guan Yinghan, we are classmates, right?"

"Hmm." Alpha\'s voice was very soft and low.

Lin Ruoyun leaned closer, tilted her head and looked at her: "Students should help each other, right? Starting tomorrow, after school, you will wait for me under the locust tree at the entrance of the village. I will bring you food, and you will bring your test paper Lend me to copy, okay?"

"Not good!" Guan Yinghan finally raised her head.

She looked up and met Lin Ruoyun\'s wet eyes, Omega\'s eye corners and eye circles were all faintly red. Guan Yinghan\'s heart seemed to be pinched by something, and it was so stuffy.

She explained clumsily: "You can\'t copy your homework, otherwise you will never learn. I... I can give you tutoring."

Lin Ruoyun\'s eyes lit up instantly: "Really? You want to help me with homework?"

Guan Yinghan looked at her seriously and nodded.

"Then we\'ve made an agreement, you give me tutoring, and I\'ll bring you food." Lin Ruoyun tore off the wrapping paper, broke a piece of bread and handed it to Guan Yinghan\'s lips.

"Take a bite, my hands are so sore." Lin Ruoyun\'s voice was soft and waxy, like the soft feeling of burying her head in a pillow.

Guan Yinghan looked into her bright eyes, finally opened her mouth slowly, and took a bite of the bread.

"Is it delicious?" Lin Ruoyun\'s eyelashes curved slightly, and a smile bloomed on her brows like a rose.

Guan Yinghan\'s brows softened, and she exchanged a glance with her, and unconsciously smiled, "It\'s delicious."

In the distance, the field manager Xiao Jiang waved wildly at Guan Yinghan, and her raised voice pulled her thoughts back from her memories.

"Second miss, second miss... can you come over here, Director Wang has something to ask for you."

Guan Yinghan stood up, raised her hand as a signal, and said to Lin Ruoyun, "Ruoyun, I\'ll go and see what\'s going on, you wait here for me."

Lin Ruoyun suddenly grabbed the hem of her clothes, and begged her to shake it twice: "Guan Yinghan, I want to go back to my home, can you take me there? Maybe I can think of something when I go back to my home."

Lin Ruoyun\'s house had been destroyed by the fire long ago, and only four walls were left blackened.

Over the years, her neighbors have also moved to other places to build houses one after another. The surrounding area is empty, and it looks like ruins from a distance.

Guan Yinghan was faintly worried that Ruoyun would be irritated when she saw it, so she didn\'t dare take the risk of taking her home.

She could only pretend to be very busy, and cleverly changed the subject: "Ruoyun, didn\'t you just say that you were going to Ruan Xiaoqi\'s house, and I will drive you off later. Sit here and don\'t go away. When I come back, I will Go and come back."

Lin Ruoyun let out a soft oh, feeling an indescribable depression in her heart.

Every time Guan Yinghan wanted to go home and have a look, Guan Yinghan would deliberately avoid it. Lin Ruoyun sometimes wondered if her family made Guan Yinghan feel sorry for her in the past, which was why the brat rejected her so much and took her home.

Lin Ruoyun lowered her head and unconsciously walked along the playground. She was hiding something in her heart, and she walked out of the playground unknowingly. When she came back to her senses, she suddenly realized that she was already outside the school.

There was no one around the school, Lin Ruoyun wanted to go back, but all she could see were tall trees, and she couldn\'t find her way back.

She took out her mobile phone to call Guan Yinghan, but the signal in the mountains was very poor, and after making more than a dozen calls, she was prompted that the user could not be connected.

Lin Ruoyun panicked, she closed her eyes and forced herself to calm down.

She used to walk back and forth from school to home every day, so she must be able to remember it.

Lin Ruoyun held her breath and tried hard to think, sporadic and vague images flashed through her mind.

She took her legs and walked towards Dawan Village bit by bit along the fragments in her memory.

After walking for more than half an hour, Lin Ruoyun herself felt a little surprised, as if every step she took, the memory in her mind deepened, and those instinctive memories buried deep in her body seemed to be slowly awakening.

Finally, she saw not far away, there were vaguely high and low houses, and the faint sound of dogs barking.

Lin Ruoyun was very excited, did she really walk home by herself?

go home?

Yes, go home!

Lin Ruoyun walked home directly, she walked very slowly, and the pictures of her life in Dawan Village in the past kept flying before her eyes: the newly built two-story brick building, the lush grape vine frame in front of the building, and a jumping tree under the frame. The curly-haired little yellow dog was circling around an old woman\'s sewing basket. The old woman had a kind smile on her face and tapped the little curly-haired dog on the head...

It seemed that something was pulling Lin Ruoyun, and when she was about to walk home, the old lady\'s face gradually became clear.

It\'s her grandma!


Lin Ruoyun quickened her pace, gradually ran, and finally ran: "Grandma, I\'m back..."

Lin Ruoyun ran towards the two-story brick building in her memory, and suddenly froze, staring blankly ahead.

Where is there any two-story brick building, where is there any grandma? All that came into view was a piece of charred ruins.

For a moment, Lin Ruoyun seemed to be hit hard by a hammer a few times, the pain caused her to stagger and stand unsteadily, almost suffocating.

She tightly grasped the fabric on her chest, and breathed heavily, but she still felt breathless, as if someone was covering her mouth and nose, or drowning in water.

Lin Ruoyun\'s mind seemed to be split open by a knife and an axe, and even the blocked gate in her brain was also broken. She pressed her temples with her palms in pain, and her red and swollen eyes widened horribly. The flames all over the sky and the thin old man covered in fire.

Lin Ruoyun\'s eyes were red, and beside her ears were the old man\'s desperate and weak cry for help, as well as the sound of crackling and burning.


Lin Ruoyun wanted to call grandma, but she couldn\'t make a sound when she opened and closed her lips a few times, and it lingered vaguely around the tip of her tongue until it became a vague murmur.

"I will listen to you and agree to everything... I will marry Qin Yeli, I will never see her again, I will never see her again... Please... save grandma... save grandma..."

Lin Ruoyun was trembling even while breathing, the corners of her eyes were red, her face was as pale as fresh snow in deep winter, Ruoyun couldn\'t bear the severe pain, she knelt on the ground with her hands on her heart, the pain caused her to grab the messy clothes on her chest Creases, the world in front of her eyes became chaotic, and the scorched ruins shrunk violently in her sight, leaving only a faint point.