After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 85:

Lin Ruoyun won\'t be so drunk that she lost her memory, the images from last night\'s dream gradually emerged, she quickly sat up to check, the brat was quite obedient, knowing that she had a scene to shoot, and didn\'t plant strawberries on her neck.

However, when he looked down, he saw the red mark on his chest. Feeling ashamed and angry, he rushed over and bit Guan Yinghan\'s collarbone.

Guan Yinghan snorted first, then wrapped her arms around her slender waist, closed her eyes and enjoyed the tingling sensation brought by the little fairy.

Lin Ruoyun seriously suspected that the little brat was an M, not only did she not cry out for pain, but contentedly rubbed her cheeks and ears.

She pushed it away mercilessly, and stared at her angrily: "You...don\'t provoke me again."

Guan Yinghan lowered her eyelids in aggrieved way: "Obviously you are the one who provoked me."

Lin Ruoyun was powerless to refute, and bit her again, until she had many red marks on her neck.

After biting it, he regretted it, lying on Guan Yinghan\'s body and exhaling on her tooth marks: "Why didn\'t you tell me in advance if you were coming?"

Guan Yinghan suddenly turned over and restrained her, her peach blossom eyes narrowed dangerously: "If I had told you in advance, would I still be able to see someone\'s other side?"

The only time she was caught drinking with a brat behind her back, Lin Ruoyun shivered, and changed the subject abruptly: "You... all the company\'s affairs have been arranged?"

"Otherwise, is raising so many people just for idle food?"

The little goblin made a face that I was wrong, but it was your wrong expression, Guan Yinghan pinched the tip of her nose helplessly and dotingly: "I didn\'t come alone this time."

"Who else?"

"Ji Wan, Sister Min is here, and..." Guan Yinghan\'s eyes were full of complex emotions, hope was mingled with worry, she pressed her lips against Lin Ruoyun\'s ear, trembling slightly: "I take Academician He as well." Brought it."

Lin Ruoyun\'s eyes were sour.

Guan Yinghan left behind the mountain of work at hand and stayed by her side all the time, just because she was afraid that something unexpected would happen to her when she returned to Dawan Village in the process of searching for memories.

She really cares about herself.

Lin Ruoyun didn\'t speak anymore, she just put her arms around her neck, raised her head and kissed her soft lips.

"Guan Yinghan...don\'t be afraid, I will definitely not let anything happen to me."

The shallow touch quickly turned moist and hot, and the breath between the lips and teeth was intertwined.

Lin Ruoyun\'s chest was heaving up and down, panting lightly, she pushed Guan Yinghan: "Second Miss Guan, my boss, let me remind you, we will be assembled in half an hour."

Lin Ruoyun got up, washed her face and changed her clothes, Guan Yinghan followed her step by step, her eyes were tightly wrapped around her, unaware that she was being coquettish: "I\'m the boss, I decide when to gather."

Lin Ruoyun poured water to squeeze the toothpaste, and squinted at her: "Don\'t do anything annoying."

Lin Ruoyun felt her scalp tense when she thought of Guan Yinghan\'s expression when the bus gathered later and the whole crew saw Guan Yinghan.

But Guan Yinghan didn\'t take it seriously. She hugged Ruoyun from the back, her lips touched her tender neck, and the corners of her lips curled slightly: "How could they hate me? It\'s too late to welcome me. Don\'t believe me...Look at your phone."

Lin Ruoyun glanced at her suspiciously, turned around and picked up the phone on the table, and turned off the sleep mode.

The moment it was closed, WeChat issued a series of ding ding ding sounds.

Lin Ruoyun clicked on the crew group, and she was in a daze.

[When Second Miss Guan came, we even improved our food. 】

[This is the most luxurious crew I\'ve ever been in, and it feels so blissful to have a backer. 】

[It feels great to collect money early in the morning, Second Miss Guan yyds. 】

Some people just send an emoji.

【The most handsome one who gives out red envelopes】

Lin Ruoyun flipped through the chat records, only to realize that the little brat rained red envelopes in the group.

Guan Yinghan kissed her on the side of the cheek, and said with a smile: "Quickly get it, I\'ll send out a hundred, why don\'t I take it away?"

Lin Ruoyun looked at the red envelopes all over the screen, her forehead twitched uncontrollably.

If it weren\'t for the upper limit on the amount and number of WeChat red envelopes, I\'m afraid the brat would lose all the money.

This... prodigal idiot lacks Alpha.

Facts have proved that red envelopes are the simplest and rudest way to promote relationships. When they got together and boarded the car, everyone saw that Guan Yinghan no longer had the previous fear, and they all joked: "Second Miss, do you still have red envelopes tomorrow?"

Guan Yinghan turned her eyes around the car, fixed on the last row, and then turned back with a smile: "Of course, I only post once a day when I stay on the set."

"Wow, Second Miss, please stay in the crew."

"Second Miss, we unilaterally declare that we are bound together with you."

The atmosphere in the bus exploded, Guan Yinghan walked slowly in, and when she got to Lin Ruoyun\'s side, she realized that the seat next to her had been taken by Jiang Hui first.

Guan Yinghan patted Jiang Hui\'s shoulder: "Could you please change your position, your Alpha is in front."

Jiang Hui stuck out half of her head, deliberately ignoring the survival emoji package that Ji Wan handed her, opened the WeChat payment code, and approached Guan Yinghan provocatively: "I didn\'t get the red envelope."

Guan Yinghan lowered her head, supported the seat with her hands, and raised her lips towards Jiang Hui, with an unclear expression on her face: "How about a hundred red envelopes, and you haven\'t snatched them yet? Strange, everyone should have woken up to take a shower at that time, why? Would you miss it? Would you and Ji Wan..."

Before Guan Yinghan finished speaking, a figure passed by.

Ji Wan rushed over in two steps, glanced at Guan Yinghan tremblingly, then stretched out her long arms to **** Jiang Hui away from Lin Ruoyun: "Honey, I can\'t find my charger, please help me find it."

Jiang Hui didn\'t dare to go too far, she stalemate for two seconds, and finally reluctantly followed Ji Wan to sit in the front seat.

Guan Yinghan squeezed to Ruoyun\'s side contentedly, her buttocks were pressed against hers, Lin Ruoyun pushed her to the right: "You... go over."

The goblin\'s bad temper caused Guan Yinghan a lot of headaches. She was fine when she got up in the morning, but at breakfast, when she replaced her coffee with hot milk, she became inexplicably angry, saying that she ignored people and ignored them.

Lin Ruoyun propped her elbows on the half-opened car window, supported her cheek with one hand, and looked out the window angrily, with an awkward and cute expression.

"Baby... You can\'t drink coffee after a hangover." Guan Yinghan turned her head to look at her, Lin Ruoyun gave her a fierce look, and then turned her face away and refused to talk to her.

Guan Yinghan stretched out his hand to hold her.

"Go away!" Lin Ruoyun shouted impatiently, and knocked off the hand that was hugging her. She glanced across, thinking that she was full of deterrence, but she didn\'t know that she fell into someone\'s eyes, and her heart was as soft as cotton.

The mountain breeze in May was not dry, and it gently blew the hair on the side of Omega\'s face. Guan Yinghan sat beside her, and the thin ends of her hair pierced her lips, and the tingly current went straight to the bottom of her heart.

"Baby...don\'t be angry." Guan Yinghan took advantage of the geographical advantage in the last row, brazenly pressed her into his arms, wrapped his arms tightly, and let her struggle in his arms.

Lin Ruoyun frowned and pushed her away, staring at her like a playful kitten: "I\'m used to drinking coffee, if I don\'t I\'ll get sleepy."

"What\'s the matter? If you\'re sleepy, sleep peacefully. I\'m here. I\'ll call you when it\'s time." Guan Yinghan gently rubbed her warm fingers against her cheek, stroking her cheeks: "Hey, go to sleep."

Lin Ruoyun laid down on her chest with peace of mind, holding her waist tightly with both hands: "Then remember to call me..."

Guan Yinghan bent her lips, lowered her head and gently pecked her hair: "Okay!"

The bus drove on the expressway for nearly six hours, and finally arrived at P County. Dawan Village belongs to the countryside of P County. It is now the end of spring. In the farmland on both sides of the village road, yellow rapeseed flowers are planted in layers. , was left behind section by section in the fast driving, and golden microwaves swayed.

Through the car window, Guan Yinghan stared blankly at the place where they grew up, and felt an indescribable feeling in her heart.

The geographical location of Dawan Village is very remote, there is no value for commercial investment, and the village still retains its original appearance.

However, all the young people in the village went out to study or work, leaving only the immobile old people and homeless wild cats.

Guan Yinghan was so immersed in memories that she didn\'t even notice when the people around her woke up. Lin Ruoyun rubbed her sleepy eyes and raised her head from Guan Yinghan\'s arms: "Are you here?"

Guan Yinghan withdrew her gaze and put her coat on Lin Ruoyun\'s shoulders: "Here we are."

The bus couldn\'t get in under the crooked neck tree at the head of the village. Guan Yinghan led Ruoyun and got out of the bus with the flow of people.

From the moment she set foot on the land under her feet, there was a vague, inexplicable, and even magical sense of familiarity in Lin Ruoyun\'s heart, like an electric current passing through her mind at an extremely fast speed, but But it made her heart tingle slightly.

She turned her head slowly, with a faint look of water in her eyes: "Guan Yinghan... I seem to have been here before."

Guan Yinghan didn\'t speak, but let Ruoyun let Ruoyun familiarize herself with and remember, and let her walk home according to her feeling.

Although she let go, she still nodded to Academician He anxiously, signaling him to follow Ruoyun.

The gravel path under the locust tree has a fork, one can enter the village, and the other is a path leading to the neighboring village.

Lin Ruoyun stood at the forked intersection, paused slightly, looked sideways at Guan Yinghan, Guan Yinghan didn\'t speak, and didn\'t give her any hints or glances, but Lin Ruoyun clearly saw in her eyes—


Lin Ruoyun slowly closed her eyes, sporadic images flew through her mind:

She was walking home with a pink four-leaf clover schoolbag, and Alpha closely followed behind her at a distance of one foot.

She stopped, and Alpha also stopped a foot away.

The picture is fleeting, too fast to capture.

Lin Ruoyun opened her eyes, and relying on the remaining memories in her mind, she walked step by step towards the narrow path full of purple daisies.

This familiar feeling that made her heart ache, the moment she stepped on the path, wrapped her tightly again.

She walked forward step by step, Guan Yinghan watched her eyes gradually brighten, and even a flash of joy, she followed, just like the Omega who guarded her at a distance of one foot when she was a student.

Almost at the end, a tall and beautiful figure galloped over from the other side of the road, and the crisp voice contained obvious excitement: "My God! Xiao Ruoyun, you are finally back!"

Lin Ruoyun was at a loss for what to do by the sudden hug, she was stunned for a moment before reaching out and gently pushing the other away.

She opened the distance to see the other person\'s appearance clearly. It was a very beautiful Omega. She looked into the eyes of the Omega in front of her, and then turned her head to look at Guan Yinghan.

"Xiao Ruoyun, are you really with Guan Yinghan? Let me just say, this stupid Alpha must like you in her heart, otherwise she wouldn\'t silently protect you every day to and from school..."

The Omega in front of me didn\'t seem to notice anything unusual, and said excitedly, "I didn\'t expect Alpha, the idiot, to be so promising, Xiao Ruoyun, you have really bad eyesight, and you booked the best one early."

Lin Ruoyun was at a loss, and instinctively turned to Guan Yinghan for help.

Guan Yinghan quickly moved closer, hugged Lin Ruoyun\'s shoulders, and raised the corners of her lips: "Ruan Xiaoqi, your best friend, do you remember?"

Lin Ruoyun shook her head blankly, Ruan Xiaoqi realized her strangeness, and turned to Guan Yinghan, "What\'s wrong with her?"

Guan Yinghan glanced at her, and the smile on her face became a bit bitter: "Ruoyun, she...has lost her memory."


Ruan Xiaoqi\'s eyes widened, and she looked at Lin Ruoyun in disbelief: "How is it possible? Your mother was fine when she picked you up... You said you were finally going to be reunited with your mother, and you still asked me to take the postgraduate entrance examination, but I heard that you your grandma..."

"Ruan Xiaoqi!" Guan Yinghan interrupted her abruptly: "The crew will probably stay in Dawan Village for two weeks, please take care of me during these two weeks."

Ruan Xiaoqi seemed to sense that Guan Yinghan was deliberately avoiding the fire, so she quickly retracted the topic, dragged the male Alpha next to her, and brought them in front of them: "This is my husband, you can just call him Ajian."

Although Guan Yinghan has not been back to Dawan Village for five or six years, she cannot avoid dealing with politicians in business, and she often pays attention to the current political situation.

Ruan Xiaoqi\'s husband was the deputy director of the Investment Promotion Bureau of S City at the time, and it was all thanks to his help that the film crew was able to film on-site.

Of course, Guan Yinghan would not be so ignorant, she stretched out her hand, and smiled gently and politely: "Director Lin, I have long admired you! The crew can go so smoothly thanks to your help."

Lin Jian has been in the officialdom for many years, and his tone of voice is gentle and elegant but with a bit of steady courage, as if he is chatting with friends: "Miss Guan Er, you should be the one to thank Dawan Village for attracting investment and benefiting the villagers. You are right."

Lin Jian said it very officially, and Guan Yinghan was also very polite: "It should be, Dawan Village is where I grew up, and I am honored to be able to do something for my hometown."

"Oh, you two, stop talking bureaucratically. If you keep fighting, it will be dark." Ruan Xiaoqi warmly took Lin Ruoyun\'s arm, and said as she walked, "My mother is happy to hear that you are back. She made a lot of food that you like to eat." Xiao Ruoyun, do you still remember that we both failed math in the first day of junior high school, so you brought Guan Yinghan\'s test paper and we copied her answers together..."

Ruan Xiaoqi covered her mouth with a smile when she talked about the funny things when she was studying: "Hehe, then my mother thought we were working hard and made a lot of food..."

In just a few words, I arrived at Ruan Xiaoqi\'s natal family.

The turquoise brick house, the square courtyard, everything is still the same as when I was a child, the wooden door in the front yard is pasted with Wangzai\'s toffee stickers, and there are deep scratches on the armrest in the storage room. The mark made when comparing height with Ruan Xiaoqi.

Lin Ruoyun looked at the familiar furniture in the house, her eyes slowly looked around from the left, and then moved from the far right, back and forth several times, and finally stopped on Ruan Xiaoqi\'s face.

Lin Ruoyun\'s eyes gradually turned red, and she asked, "Ruan Xiaoqi, are the pomegranates in the backyard ripe?"

"There are no pomegranates in this season, we have to wait until..." Ruan Xiaoqi reflected, holding her hand excitedly: "Ruoyun, how do you know there is a pomegranate tree in my yard, do you remember?"

Another blurry picture flashed in her mind, Lin Ruoyun paused, as if she was trying to capture it: "No, but I think this place is so familiar, I... must have been here before."

Just as he was talking, a woman walked out of the courtyard, wearing a navy blue apron, her black hair tied into an old-fashioned bun, and her face was full of undisguised joy.

"Ruoyun, come in and sit down." The woman took Lin Ruoyun\'s hand affectionately: "How long has it been since you visited Ruan\'s mother? You haven\'t contacted my Qiqi in these years... We are all worried about you."

Lin Ruoyun could feel that Ruan\'s mother loved and cared for her, and she also felt that Ruan\'s mother was very familiar and kind, but she just couldn\'t remember it, and she suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Ruan Xiaoqi saw Ruoyun\'s self-blame, and took her hand out of her mother\'s hand: "Mom, we haven\'t eaten yet."

"Look, I\'m confused. Come, come, the food is ready. There are a few tables in the courtyard. Everyone sits down, eats and chats."

After Ruan Xiaoqi arranged the crew to be seated, she returned to Lin Ruoyun and brought her a huge roasted pig\'s trotter, "Eat quickly, eat quickly, your favorite, my mother specially made it for you, there are no other tables."

All eyes on the table turned to Lin Ruoyun.

Lin Ruoyun:? ?

Ruan Xiaoqi, Ruan Xiaoqi, is worthy of being a bad friend from the past, who demolished her as soon as they met. At this moment, can you give her this gentle and pleasant Omega, a strawberry cake that fits her elegant temperament?

Jiang Hui bumped her elbow and laughed teasingly: "I can\'t see that you liked to eat pig\'s trotters when you were young?"

Lin Ruoyun smelled the aroma of Ruan\'s mother\'s secret roasted pig\'s trotters, as if something had come out from the depths of her memory, and her eyes were flushed.

She sucked her nose hard, and replied bluntly: "What\'s the matter with eating pig\'s trotters, then I also like Li Ningyu and Rong Rong."

Jiang Hui gave her a thumbs up in admiration: "Wow! Lin Ruoyun, it\'s you! The metaphors are so domineering, there is no uniform standard of aesthetics, it\'s too wild."

Li Ningyu and Mother Rong, apart from their gender, she really didn\'t see any common traits between them.

Jiang Hui still wanted to continue teasing her, but met Guan Yinghan\'s slightly warning eyes, and picked up the bowl of rice tactfully.

Guan Yinghan put the pig\'s trotters into Ruoyun\'s bowl, her voice was low and soft, with an irresistible smile: "Eat."

Lin Ruoyun originally wanted to pretend again, but she couldn\'t take her eyes off the memory of this smell.

Seeing the little greedy cat\'s expression, Guan Yinghan raised the corners of her lips, stretched out her hand to grab another piece, and said in a doting tone, "Eat it, no one will laugh at you."

Lin Ruoyun stopped pretending, and simply held it with her hands: "Then...then I won\'t be polite."

The dinner ended amidst laughter, and Ruan Xiaoqi and his wife were busy arranging accommodation for the crew, while Lin Ruoyun and Guan Yinghan stayed behind to help Ruan\'s mother clean the dining table.

After finishing everything, they were not in a hurry to go back to the set, they huddled on the wicker chairs in the yard, and looked at the sky from a distance.

Tonight is a rare good night, the sky is full of stars. The moonlight shone in the small courtyard, bright and quiet.

Jianying leaned her face on her arm, her long hair in the shawl fell down, and the moonlight coated the delicate down on her face with a layer of soft light.

"Guan Yinghan, I\'m sorry... I thought I could restore my memory by coming to Dawan Village. But... my mind is always blurry, with only fragmentary images, like walking in a thick fog, and I can only see a little outline. "

Guan Yinghan tightened her arms slightly: "Don\'t blame yourself, I know you are working hard... You already know the way home, don\'t you? Ruoyun, even if you can\'t remember it all your life, you are still my Omega, is my only wife."

Lin Ruoyun couldn\'t help but pursed her lips and smiled, and put her chin on her chest: "Guan Yinghan, I will definitely remember."

"Yeah!" Guan Yinghan hugged her tightly, "Come on baby."

At 8:08 the next morning, the crew held a simple start-up worship ceremony.

The ceremony was held at the middle school that Ruoyun and Guan Yinghan used to study. The middle school had moved to the new campus a few years ago, but the old site was not demolished, and it was almost the same as before.

The two-day drama is about the childhood of the heroine. The two young actors were selected after a series of auditions, but their acting skills are very good at such a young age.

Lin Ruoyun sat behind the director, staring at the monitor, holding her breath, unconsciously being substituted into the plot by the young actor.

On the high-definition screen, little Omega reached out to touch little Alpha\'s forehead, and his tone was full of concern: "Why are you hurt?"

Just when her fingertips were about to touch her forehead, little Alpha turned his head slightly to avoid her touch.

Little Omega lowered his eyelashes, and asked cautiously: "Student, your forehead seems to be injured, I\'ll take you to the infirmary for treatment."

Little Alpha had wound makeup on his forehead, and a few splinters of sawdust stuck in the coagulated plasma.

She didn\'t answer the little Omega, as if she was deaf, she turned her head and walked past the little Omega.

Little Omega didn\'t seem to care about her indifference, and ran to the infirmary to buy iodine, hemostatic bandages and anti-inflammatory drugs from the school doctor.

Carrying these things, I ran back to the classroom, passed by the school\'s canteen, and bought two more cakes and a bottle of milk.

But when I returned to the classroom, I found that there was no one there.

The little Omega was stunned, and ran to the podium to look at the schedule.

It turned out that this section was a physical education class.

She hurried to the playground again, and saw little Alpha running hungry, frowning tightly.

Little Omega ran to the physical education teacher, plucked up the courage and said to him: "Teacher, my classmate is injured and hasn\'t eaten. How can I survive running 800 meters?"

The physical education teacher glanced at the little Omega, and said in a stern tone: "You children, you don\'t need to focus on your studies, you are trying your best to be clever, thinking that I don\'t know that you don\'t want to run the 800 meters? Other students have already used this excuse. Go! Here I\'m going for a run!"

"CUT, very good, this one is over!"

The director swiftly put away the table on which the monitor was placed: "Let\'s go here today, it gets dark early in the mountains, let the children have a good rest."

After receiving the director\'s instructions, the staff got busy. Lin Ruoyun pulled Guan Yinghan to a corner, rolled her eyes at her, and smiled disdainfully on her lips: "It\'s okay, Guan Yinghan, were you so cold before? You just ignored me?"

Guan Yinghan rarely showed a shy expression: "I... I didn\'t like to talk at that time."

Lin Ruoyun didn\'t expose her, she leaned over and smiled sweetly: "Then... did the physical education teacher let you run again?"

Guan Yinghan led her to the rostrum not far away, wiped the steps carefully, and pulled her to sit down.

Lin Ruoyun leaned her head on her shoulder and asked repeatedly: "What happened next?"

Guan Yinghan looked at the playground in front of her, and with slightly curved eyes, she suddenly laughed softly: "With you, little elf, of course... I don\'t have to run anymore."

Lin Ruoyun raised her head in surprise: "Me? What did I do?"

There were golden leaves hanging on a row of big trees beside the playground, and one of the leaves fell on the running track, spinning in the wind, spinning in circles, driving Guan Yinghan\'s thoughts back to the sports festival. class.

That day, the two servants sent by her stepmother to take care of her didn\'t give her food, and even accused her of stealing money. They took the opportunity to beat her with a wooden stick, and took a video to claim credit for their master.

She entered the classroom with an injury, because she was sitting at the front and back desks with Lin Ruoyun, and she inevitably found that her forehead was injured.

Guan Yinghan secretly liked Lin Ruoyun, and didn\'t want to show her embarrassed side in front of her, so she refused her overtures.

In physical education class, she ran 800 meters on an empty stomach. When she ran the first lap, she felt that her feet were weak and dizzy.

On the second lap, Lin Ruoyun caught up with her, panting, but her voice was full of concern and anxiety: "Guan Yinghan, stop and rest, if you keep running like this, something will happen."

Guan Yinghan didn\'t look at Lin Ruoyun, but continued to run forward with her eyes straight ahead. Suddenly her shoulder was pressed by something, she subconsciously stretched out her hand, and Omega\'s delicate and soft body fell into her arms.

The students on the playground stopped and looked over, their eyes sparkling with curiosity. In such a closed mountain village middle school, Omega fell into Alpha\'s arms, which made them very excited.

Guan Yinghan ignored those undisguised gazes, and directly hugged Omega horizontally: "Lin, Lin Ruoyun, what\'s wrong with you?"

The physical education teacher heard the commotion among the students from a distance, and when he walked over to see Lin Ruoyun fainted in Guan Yinghan\'s arms due to heat stroke, he was also quite frightened.

When a student had an accident in his class, he couldn\'t bear the responsibility at all, so he quickly told Guan Yinghan, "Take her to the infirmary quickly."

Guan Yinghan hurriedly ran to the infirmary with Lin Ruoyun in her arms. She had been hungry all day and had already exhausted a lot of energy while running, but holding Lin Ruoyun at this moment, she was full of strength and kept running forward for fear of delay got treatment.

"Hello!" The Omega in his arms suddenly opened his eyes and smiled at her.

Guan Yinghan froze in place, and it took him a long time to realize: "You... are you pretending to be dizzy?"

"If I don\'t pretend to be dizzy, can the physical education teacher let you go?"

Lin Ruoyun smiled with brows and eyes, and her jet-black Tongren hugged Guan Yinghan tightly, shining brightly.

"You, how can you lie to someone?"

Lin Ruoyun wrapped her arms around her neck, blinked, and turned her head slightly to look at her: "Are you angry?"

Guan Yinghan clenched her jaw, but still silently carried her forward.

"Hey! Why don\'t you talk to me." Lin Ruoyun leaned her head towards her, rubbing against her neck seemingly unintentionally.

Omega\'s delicate body exuded a faint watery and floral fragrance, and Guan Yinghan\'s heart beat violently uncontrollably, as if she was about to jump out of her body.

Lin Ruoyun played with the zipper of her school uniform, almost coquettishly: "Guan Yinghan, if you ignore me again, I\'m going to leave."

Guan Yinghan\'s eyelashes trembled, she obviously avoided looking at it deliberately, but she couldn\'t help but look down, and the large snow-white color still leaked into her eyes.

She put Lin Ruoyun down, took off her school uniform jacket, wrapped her around her waist, and tied a knot carefully, then bent down and passed her hands through her legs, and hugged her horizontally.

Lin Ruoyun struggled slightly: "Where are you taking me?"


Guan Yinghan looked away in embarrassment, and the red that gradually appeared behind her ears fell into Lin Ruoyun\'s eyes.

Lin Ruoyun raised the corners of her lips where she couldn\'t see: "Are you stupid? You took me there even though you knew I was pretending to be dizzy?"

"It\'s better... It\'s better to check." Guan Yinghan lowered her eyes shyly, and met Lin Ruoyun\'s eyes, entangled with each other, and no one was willing to move away first.

"No need to check." Lin Ruoyun smiled sweetly, her smile was so beautiful that Guan Yinghan couldn\'t deceive herself.

She looked into Lin Ruoyun\'s eyes and said in a low voice, "Yes, check it out, I\'m at ease."