After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 84:

In order to remake "Wake Up", Jiang Hui canceled her honeymoon trip and devoted herself to the preparation of the crew.

Several main actors are contracted artists of the studio, and they can fully cooperate with the scheduling and scheduling. With the strong backing of Runhai, the crew officially resumed work in just one week.

After the work resumption ceremony, Jiang Hui informed the whole team: "We will gather at the entrance of the studio at 1:00 p.m. This time the shooting schedule is not very fast, we don\'t take a plane, we can charter a bus and enjoy the scenery along the way, it should be regarded as a trip. Everyone go back and prepare, one o\'clock in the afternoon, no one is allowed to be late."

The previous scenes have been filmed, and this time I went directly to Dawan Village, Ruoyun\'s hometown, to shoot on-site.

Lin Ruoyun\'s suitcase was prepared in advance last night, so she didn\'t have to go back to Jingyuan. She was about to enter the dressing room to take off her costume when she received a WeChat message on her phone.

Lin Ruoyun lowered her head, and when she saw the familiar husky head, she let out a small breath.

【Baby, I\'ll wait for you in the garage. 】

Lin Ruoyun put on her coat again, put on her hat, and walked towards the underground garage.

When I went out, I was stopped by the little assistant: "Sister Ruoyun, you abandoned me to act alone again, and Teacher Jiang Hui missed me again after a while."

The new assistant hired to take Ji Wan\'s position is named Tang. She is a cute and lively Beta. She took Lin Ruoyun\'s arm and smiled with a mouthful of white teeth: "Sister, where are you going?"

Lin Ruoyun deliberately looked around, pretending to be mysterious, and whispered, "Do you really want to know?"

Xiao Tang nodded like a pounding garlic: "Yes, yes."

Lin Ruoyun brushed her hair with her little finger, and smiled coquettishly: "Second Miss Guan, do you want to meet me together?"

"No, no, no." Xiao Tang\'s scalp went numb, and he subconsciously let go of his hands and stepped back: "I\'ll wait for you in the bus."

When Lin Ruoyun stepped out of the elevator, she saw the black Cullinan. She couldn\'t help but slow down, and raised her arm to look at her watch.

There are still more than two hours to one o\'clock.

Lin Ruoyun didn\'t satisfy the brat last night, she always felt that getting into her car might open the door to a new world.

From the bed to the bathroom to the balcony of the living room, almost all scenes have been tried.

Should I take her to try...

Wechat vibrated, Lin Ruoyun picked it up and took a look, and sure enough it was the little brat who was urging: "Hurry up."

Wow, the tone is so harsh!

Lin Ruoyun moved over slowly at first, but now she just stood still, and deliberately looked at her through the windshield like a demonstration with provocative eyes.

WeChat quickly vibrated, and this time the little boy sent an emoticon package, the husky held the dog bowl high above his head, half-knelt with tears in his eyes, and added a few words: "Hanhan wife, please feed me online. "

Lin Ruoyun laughed out loud, twisted her waist and walked over. The door of the back seat opened from the inside out, and she looked down and saw a pair of brown leather shoes with low heels.

Immediately afterwards, her arm was grabbed, and with a force, she was brought into the car. Before Lin Ruoyun could speak, she was brought to close her eyes by Guan Yinghan\'s scented kiss.

The smell of fragrant snow orchid was mixed in Guan Yinghan\'s kiss, warm, stable, and joyful, all the good feelings came to Lin Ruoyun at the same time, she was obsessed with the pheromone of the little boy, and instinctively fell into her kiss, reaching out to support Guan Ying Han\'s side face responded enthusiastically to her.

When they retreated, both of them breathed a little unsteadily.

"Ruoyun..." Guan Yinghan rubbed against Ruoyun\'s forehead, and whispered, "Let me go together, okay?"

Lin Ruoyun hooked her neck, opened her eyes slightly to calm her breath: "Didn\'t we discuss this issue last night?"

Guan Yinghan\'s hands around her trembled slightly, and he rubbed her back twice, his voice was more condensed and aggrieved: "If you won\'t let me go with you, how will I live this half month? Baby, I Will miss you crazy."

Lin Ruoyun wrapped her arms around her neck: "Every time you come to visit the class, you make everyone flustered. If you follow into the group, how will everyone take pictures?"

"Then I\'ll make toffee again and stay in the corner like before."

Lin Ruoyun ruthlessly pressed her shoulder and pushed her away: "It\'s useless to hide anywhere, who told you to kill Tian Jing, now the whole circle is afraid of you."

"She was the one who harbored ill feelings toward you first." Guan Yinghan clung to her obsessively, and kissed Ruoyun\'s back neck: "Ruoyun, don\'t push me away..."

Movements, expressions, and voices all stabbed at the tip of Lin Ruoyun\'s heart, she couldn\'t hold back any longer, she lied softly on her shoulder, and comforted her patiently: "Don\'t be like this, come to me after you arrange the work at hand, okay? ?”

"Really?" The little brat got the desired response, and his slightly dark eyes lit up instantly.

The arrogant Second Miss Guan is always humble and cautious in front of her, Lin Ruoyun\'s heart softened into a puddle of water: "Well, I\'ll wait for you in Dawan Village, I\'ll wait for you to come... to take me to walk the past again."


Guan Yinghan was moved, and leaned over to bite her earlobe, and his lips slowly slid across her glands.

Lin Ruoyun hurriedly turned her head away: "Don\'t kiss my neck, there is a scene tomorrow, and I have to wear a skirt."

Guan Yinghan let go of her lips, looked down at Lin Ruoyun, her sparkling peach eyes were full of longing: "Ruoyun, I just want to kiss you... You haven\'t let me kiss you for a long time."

what long? But only a week.

Some time ago, she was busy making up filming roles, and her work and rest were upside down day and night. She really ignored the little boy.

Lin Ruoyun bit her lip halfway, her heart trembling slightly: "But... the crew will be leaving in a while."

"I want to kiss, can I?" Guan Yinghan was infatuated and obsessed, his eyes were wet, like a child who couldn\'t eat sweets.

Lin Ruoyun\'s heart softened, she stretched out her hand to untie her collar, and lifted Guan Yinghan\'s hand.

Inside the coat is a costume with a hanging neck. The buckle is designed, and the strap around the neck can be untied with a light pull.

However, Guan Yinghan didn\'t untie the straps, it seemed that she really only wanted to kiss herself.

Lin Ruoyun couldn\'t bear her restraint so much, she took the initiative to pull down the straps, showing a proud line: "Kiss your second wife?"

Guan Yinghan lowered her eyes to hide the triumphant smile on the corner of her mouth.

She knew that retreating was the most correct way to attack.

"Do you want it?" Lin Ruoyun stretched out her hand to stroke Guan Yinghan\'s side face.

Guan Yinghan licked her lips, then lowered her head and kissed her second wife, with the tip of her tongue lightly sweeping.

Maybe it was because she hadn\'t been close for more than a week, but Lin Ruoyun quickly softened/softened in her arms, and let out a seductive moan.

Guan Yinghan was sucking kisses lightly and sometimes hard, Lin Ruoyun almost couldn\'t support herself and slid down the back seat, relying on Guan Yinghan to surround her with her body.

Lin Ruoyun arched her body, stroked Guan Yinghan\'s hair with her left hand, and gently pulled her hairband loose.

The black hair hangs down, covering Alpha\'s affectionate peach blossom eyes. Lin Ruoyun\'s five fingers sink into her hair, and her soft body undulates restrainedly under her lips.

The sweetness of the water spirit flower seeped into Guan Yinghan\'s taste buds little by little, and she suddenly sucked heavily.

"Well...Guan Yinghan...don\'t...time is too late...I have to go..."

Lin Ruoyun said that she was going to leave, but she couldn\'t bear to push her hands away. Instead, she wrapped her neck tighter and tighter, and took the initiative to push herself closer.

Guan Yinghan\'s breathing became heavier and more enthusiastic, and she didn\'t intend to stop at all. She walked around Lin Ruoyun to reach the car storage box, pressed the button, and pulled out a wet tissue from inside.

Slender fingers gently tore open the package, Guan Yinghan tucked away the tissue, and wiped her fingers gracefully.

From fingertips to palms, even the manicured nails are wiped clean.

Lin Ruoyun watched her skillful and beautiful movements, her cheeks suddenly burned, and she swallowed empty, feeling an indescribable reaction somewhere.

If this entanglement continues, I\'m afraid I won\'t be able to leave.

But Lin Ruoyun was still reluctant to push her away. Fortunately, at this time, Jiang Hui called to urge the assembly, forcing her to make a decision.

Lin Ruoyun hurriedly put on her clothes, and gently poked her on the forehead: "Be good, I\'m leaving."

Then he got out of the car quickly, fearing that he would be bewitched by the brat again, so he trotted all the way to the meeting place.

Tianhai City is far away from Dawan Village, and it takes about two days by car. The crew can only find an inn in a surrounding city to rest.

The whole area here belongs to the mountainous area, the facilities are relatively backward, the living is far from as good as the film and television base, let alone the food, and there is not even a takeaway in the nearby wilderness.

Fortunately, there is a complete set of barbecue equipment in the small courtyard of the inn. With the consent of the boss, the crew began to grill the meat by themselves.

The innkeeper was also hospitable. He not only provided equipment and ingredients, but also entertained them with the plum wine he had brewed for three years.

Lin Ruoyun leaned on the small wooden bed in the hotel without interest, staring at the ceiling, the longing for the little boy in her heart entangled her heart like vines, making her feel uncomfortable.

Seeing her lovesickness, Jiang Hui dragged her out of the bed to have a barbecue with everyone.

The meat skewers on the table are full of aroma.

During the banquet, people kept persuading people to drink. Lin Ruoyun was not good at drinking, and she was already a little bit overwhelmed after drinking two cups. She leaned on Jiang Hui\'s shoulder and groaned, "It\'s hard to forget each other since parting...Master...I lost my heart..."

Jiang Hui rolled her eyes at her with contempt: "Speak human!"

Lin Ruoyun shook the plum wine in the glass, and said honestly: "I miss Guan Yinghan, I want to kiss her, I want to pounce on her, I want to have **** with her..."

Jiang Hui held up a glass to touch her: "I also... miss that stinky Ji Wan..."

Lin Ruoyun sighed, and took a sip of wine: "This is only the first day, how will we live in the future..."

Jiang Hui also took a sip of wine, then sighed: "We are so worthless..."

At ten o\'clock in the evening, the barbecue party was still unfinished. Both Lin Ruoyun and Jiang Hui drank a lot, and they staggered into the room with the help of their assistants.

There is only one elevator in the small hotel, and the corridor outside the elevator has many twists and turns. Lin Ruoyun leaned on Xiao Tang, turned two corners, and saw a tall and straight figure in front of a door.

Lin Ruoyun was stunned.

She blinked and saw Guan Yinghan\'s face in disbelief.

She was wearing a dark gray cocoon coat, and her long legs were enviable under wide-leg pants. Looking closely, her hair was a little messy, and she wore a mask on her face. Only a pair of beautiful peach blossom eyes were exposed all over her body, which made her look more beautiful than usual. Look younger, almost like a student.

Xiao Tang had met Guan Yinghan before, and when he saw that the rightful lord was coming, he pushed Lin Ruoyun into Guan Yinghan\'s arms very discerningly, and said with a tactful smile, "Hey, Second Miss Guan is here, so I won\'t be here Be a light bulb!"

Lin Ruoyun was still in chaos, so she was hugged by Guan Yinghan, and in a daze, she heard the little brat politely say "Thank you" to Xiao Tang.

It really scared Xiao Tang so much that he couldn\'t say anything: "Second, Second don\'t, you\'re welcome..."

The stamina of the plum wine was too great, Lin Ruoyun had no strength in her whole body, and the smell of sweet snow orchid in Guan Yinghan\'s arms penetrated into her nose, and her mind became even more dizzy.

She caressed her forehead, her consciousness was a little lost, the end of her eyes and cheeks were all tender pink, she fell limply into Guan Yinghan\'s arms, pointed her fingers at her lips, and smiled: "I drink too much, I warn you Oh, stay away from me, or you may... may be unable to hold back and bully you."

Guan Yinghan was angry at her for being drunk at first, but after being drunk, the little goblin was even more seductive than usual, and a little cute, her eyes blinked slowly, her movements and reactions were slow, she just looked up at her for a long time, and a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. laugh.

Facing such a seductive little goblin, how could Guan Yinghan hold back, and immediately took off her mask and bowed her head to kiss her: "You can treat me whatever you want."

Guan Yinghan brushed the tip of her tongue between her lips, and soon became more intense. He pushed her teeth and poked in, hooked her soft tongue and licked back and forth, obsessively sucking the intoxicating plum wine in her mouth. fragrance.

Lin Ruoyun stretched out her arms to push her, frowned and looked at her: "Don\'t kiss me, I want to prove my integrity."

Guan Yinghan stood obediently rarely, looking down at her.

The little goblin softened her waist and wobbled into her arms.

Guan Yinghan raised his hand to protect her, and put his wrist against her slender waist to prevent her from falling: "Be careful!"

Lin Ruoyun blinked, her eyes sparkling, with a kind of breathtaking charm, she laughed and stretched out her hand to her chest and began to fumble, through the clothes, she muttered: "This is not my second wife, she is not so old. "

Guan Yinghan: "..."

The feeling was wrong, Lin Ruoyun raised her head suspiciously, and held her face instead, holding her breath to identify it.

That\'s right, only her little toffee has such beautiful facial features.

The fragrant snow blue pheromone that belongs to her is only available in her little toffee.

not worried…

Lin Ruoyun let go of her strength, and pressed her hot body towards her, the slight coldness just relieved her heat.

She leaned over comfortably, tiptoed to hook her neck, and rubbed her hot cheek against the side of her neck vigorously.

"What did you just say?" The little goblin was so drunk that she was unconscious, but still thinking about her beauty, she emphasized every word: "I can do anything to you?"

She pressed Guan Yinghan\'s back neck, lowered her head, and took the initiative to bring her cherry lips together, but when her lips barely touched, she retreated again.

"I don\'t want it anymore, the environment here is too bad... I don\'t want to treat my big and small wives badly."

She teased her since entering the door, Guan Yinghan resisted and waited for her to take the initiative, but the little goblin retreated before the battle, which made her feel even more itchy.

With a sigh in her heart, Da Heng picked up Ruo Yun and placed her on the small wooden bed, leaned over to press her down, and then there was the sound of rubbing clothes.

Guan Yinghan leaned over, her lips fell on the side of Lin Ruoyun\'s neck, and smelled the sweet fragrance of the shower gel: "The baby just took a bath."

Lin Ruoyun kicked lightly and refused: " haven\'t washed your hands yet."

"I don\'t use my hands." Guan Yinghan half hugged the little fairy, and moved her collar skillfully with her lips.

"Hmm... Shut Guan..." Lin Ruoyun called her in a low voice, then twisted her body, trying to avoid her touch.

"Hey...don\'t move..."

Guan Yinghan responded softly, lowered her head and kissed the little wife, and licked back and forth along the seam of her lips.

Lin Ruoyun bit her lower lip, and whimpered like a kitten from between her teeth.

As if she was in a vast ocean, she seemed to be pushed by the waves, rising and falling, swaying lightly with the waves...

The next day, the bright sky was blocked by curtains. Before Lin Ruoyun opened her eyes, she was still immersed in a shameful spring/dream.

Until the arm touched the person next to him, and he looked sideways, the whole person was refreshed.

Guan Yinghan\'s sleeping face was close in front of her eyes, she was pillowed in the cub\'s arms, the distance between their lips was almost zero, with a slight movement, she could kiss Guan Yinghan\'s chin.

what\'s the situation?

Lin Ruoyun patted her face, lifted the quilt with her hands, and slowly looked down...

It was empty under the quilt. It turned out that the one just now was not Chun/Meng, and it was really indescribable like a kid.

"Guan Yinghan!" Lin Ruoyun lay down again, and pinched Guan Yinghan\'s nose sideways: "Stop pretending, I know you\'re awake."

Guan Yinghan opened her eyes, smiled softly, and kissed her forehead: "Baby...good morning!"