After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 83:

Lin Ruoyun\'s footsteps stopped, a subtle emotion flashed between her eyebrows and eyes, she walked over, her lips pursed a few times, but she couldn\'t call out that mother after all.

Liang Qiu was wearing a black cotton jacket, the style was a bit old-fashioned, and he was completely different from the usual image of a lady in mink and fur.

It has only been a few months since the Qin mansion was seized, and Liang Qiu looks much haggard, without the brilliance built up with money before, and his complexion is a little gray, but his eyes are still full of greed that cannot be filled.

"Son, why don\'t you answer your mother\'s phone?"

Liang Qiu has been silently observing Lin Ruoyun\'s expression, and seeing her indifferent attitude, he feels extremely disturbed: "Ruoyun, are you still angry with your mother?"

Lin Ruoyun said expressionlessly: "No."

Ruoyun was still willing to talk to her, Liang Qiu heaved a sigh of relief, it seemed that Ruoyun hadn\'t recovered her memory, and didn\'t know that she had killed grandma.

This daughter of hers looks charming and weak, but she is not a herbivore. Her sharp claws and fangs are secretly hidden. If she knows the truth, she will definitely goug out a piece of her most painful place.

Liang Qiu secretly planned to raise enough money to escape before Lin Ruoyun recovered her memory.

"Ruoyun... Those things before were all my fault. They hurt you. Mom is here to apologize to you, but you have to believe me. The reason I did all this is to love you, child." Liang Qiu looked at her eyes, and a very earnest tone.

Lin Ruoyun kept her head down all the time, she was silent and didn\'t speak, her expression was hidden in her black hair, she couldn\'t see clearly.

The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change. Lin Ruoyun still understands this truth.

So the moment she saw Liang Qiu, she became vigilant for no reason, and silently figured out her real purpose in her heart.

"Mom can\'t help herself in many things. You also know that Qin Yeli has the final say in the Qin family. I have no way to disobey what she asks me to do."

Liang Qiu wiped out all the bad things he did in the past: "Son, I really can\'t help myself..."

When Liang Qiu talked about the emotion, he started to cry, sobbing and choking, almost breathless: "Fortunately, God has eyes, Qin Yeli also suffered retribution, fifteen years in prison, even if she comes out in the future, then she My life is completely wasted, and there is no hope."

Liang Qiu wiped away his tears and said, "After such a long time, mother has really reflected on it. From now on, our family will live a good life. Do you think it\'s okay?"

Is it finally time to talk about the real drama?

Lin Ruoyun\'s slender eyelashes fluttered twice, deliberately pretending not to understand: "A family?"

Seeing her raise her eyes, Liang Qiu was overjoyed and took a step forward excitedly: "Yes, you and I, as well as Miss Guan Er, our family..."

"Mom, you won\'t forget about throwing away the toffee before?"

Lin Ruoyun interrupted her mercilessly. She really couldn\'t imagine how a person could be so shameless. Even she, the queen of the movie, could not compare her face-changing skills.

"Mom knows I was wrong... Ruoyun, Second Miss Guan likes you, as long as you are willing to say a few words for mother in front of her..."

"I won\'t tell."

Lin Ruoyun slowly approached Liang Qiu, stared at her for a while, then lowered her head, and suddenly smiled, but this smile was a silent, heart-wrenching smile.

"Mom, back then you looked down on Toffee so much that you even threw her away and let her fend for herself, but now you ask her to take you in, don\'t you feel ashamed?"

These years, Liang Qiu pampered and pampered Qin Yeli in the Qin Mansion. Apart from making small fuss about Qin Yeli, he was used to giving orders to other people, especially in front of Ruoyun, always bossing her around. First time.

But thinking of the legendary wealth of the Runhai Group, Liang Qiu suppressed his anger, squeezed out a smile, stepped forward and grabbed Ruoyun\'s hand, and said in a low voice: "Ruoyun, if you take this matter slowly, Mom is in trouble right now, you must help me."

Lin Ruoyun slowly lowered her eyelashes, she knew that human nature cannot be changed.

Liang Qiu only asks for and uses her.

Lin Ruoyun said indifferently: "What\'s the matter?"

Liang Qiu didn\'t answer immediately, but looked back abruptly.

It was only then that Lin Ruoyun realized that under a parasol not far away, there was a woman wearing a fur coat and big sunglasses, who was leaning leisurely beside the black cayenne, looking in her direction.

The eyes of the two met, and the woman took off her sunglasses, revealing a well-maintained face, with a flattering smile on her lips.

Lin Ruoyun recognized this woman. She was the mistress of wealthy businessman Li Wenxiu. She called herself Mrs. Li. She often went to the Qin mansion to find Liang Qiu to play mahjong.

Liang Qiu turned his head back, and carefully raised his eyelids: "Ruoyun... I borrowed some money from Mrs. Li, but I still can\'t pay... Son, save mom, if you don\'t pay today, I\'m afraid mom will be punished by her thugs." Give…"

Lin Ruoyun slowly clenched her hanging right hand, obviously she was trying to restrain her emotions.

"How much did you borrow?"

Liang Qiu\'s voice was like a mosquito: "Thirty million."

"Thirty million?" Lin Ruoyun shook off Liang Qiu\'s hand, took a step back, and directly refused: "I have no money."

"You don\'t have any money, you can ask Second Miss Guan for it. To her, 30 million is just a hair on a cow."

"You are my mother, not Guan Yinghan\'s. Why should she pay off your gambling debt?"

Liang Qiu was startled when he heard this, and then he was furious: "Lin Ruoyun, I have raised you for more than 20 years, fed you and clothed you, how much did I pay? Not to mention the painstaking efforts, now it\'s your turn to pay back , you treat me like this, you don\'t even care about your mother\'s life?"

Although the part of Ruoyun\'s memory was erased and abandoned by Liang Qiu, she still remembered clearly everything she had done in the past five years. She stared into Liang Qiu\'s eyes and retorted word by word: "I didn\'t reciprocate? You Feeling my conscience, did I repay you?"

"I only keep a small part of the money I\'ve earned in these years, and it\'s all transferred to Qin Yeli\'s account as your living expenses."

"I know that you don\'t have to worry about food and drink in the Qin mansion, but I still send the money to Qin Yeli, because it\'s because you have more confidence in living in the Qin family."

Lin Ruoyun\'s voice gradually became louder: "I told you more than once... I don\'t like Qin Yeli, and I don\'t want to be alone with her, but you still force me to eat and go shopping with her. In order for you to live a decent life in Qin\'s house, I will Promise...haven\'t I done enough?"

If some emotions are not mentioned, it does not mean that they do not exist.

It has been suppressed in my heart for too long, and it has fermented into a wound that no one can heal.

Lin Ruoyun broke out emotionally and lost control: "If you want to ask Second Miss Guan for money, then you can go by yourself. You are shameless, and I want to save some self-esteem."

"Lin Ruoyun, you actually talk to me with such an attitude!"

Liang Qiu said sharply, raised his arm, and was about to wave it towards Lin Ruoyun\'s face.

Lin Ruoyun straightened her shoulders, did not make any evasive movements, closed her eyes and received Liang Qiu\'s slap straight away.

However, the imaginary pain did not come, but was wrapped in a hug with a familiar warm fragrance.

Immediately afterwards, Liang Qiu\'s painful wailing sounded in her ears.

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts...Which blind person dares to hit me!"

Liang Qiu struggled to turn his wrist, trying to break free from the restraint, but the moment he saw the opponent\'s face, he was frozen by a basin of ice water that fell from the sky.

The familiar fragrance of freesia, who else is it if it\'s not Guan Yinghan?

Guan Yinghan swung his right hand backwards and flung it away. Liang Qiu staggered a few steps with his strength, and his face became pale: "Toffee... oh no, Guan, Second Miss Guan, I..."

"Do you dare to hit her?"

Guan Yinghan stared at Liang Qiu with her long and narrow peach blossom eyes, which were full of deep ice.

Liang Qiu immediately suppressed her arrogance, shrank her neck, and took a step back: "I...I just want to discipline my daughter..."

Wrapped in the familiar pheromone from Alpha, Lin Ruoyun gradually calmed down.

It seemed that every time she was bullied, Guan Yinghan would definitely appear by her side.

In this world, only Guan Yinghan would take care of her like a treasure, while her own mother could only use and deceive her.

Lin Ruoyun bit her lower lip, her nose felt a little sore: "Guan Yinghan...why didn\'t you leave..."

"Yesterday you said you wanted to eat the durian cakes from Aunt Sally\'s house, so I went to line up to buy them..." Guan Yinghan reached out to wrap her arms around Lin Ruoyun\'s shoulders and held her in her arms, but her brows were tightly frowned: "Are you a log?" , when someone wants to beat you, you just stand there and get beaten?"

Lin Ruoyun\'s wet eyelashes drooped down: "I..."

Guan Yinghan didn\'t say anything else, just reached out and patted her on the shoulder, then turned back and looked up at Liang Qiu.

"Mrs. Qin Er, if Yun is my Omega, if you want to discipline my wife, then you have to ask me if I agree!"

Guan Yinghan\'s voice was getting colder and colder, with a daunting sense of oppression. Liang Qiu lowered his head in fright, feeling as if the air around him had condensed into ice.

"Second Miss, I am also Ruoyun\'s biological mother after all, I..."

Lin Ruoyun raised her red almond eyes filled with tears, shook her head slightly at Guan Yinghan, and broke away from her protection: "Guan Yinghan...don\'t worry about it, I\'ll tell her."

It doesn\'t matter what she does, but she doesn\'t want Guan Yinghan to be involved, so that her and Runhai Group\'s reputation will be damaged because of Liang Qiu.

It\'s not worth it for her greedy mother.

"I don\'t have 30 million to give you." Lin Ruoyun closed her eyes and exhaled, "I will still pay the living expenses to your account every month as before. If you think it\'s too little, you can go to the court to sue. I will pay as much as the sentence at the time, as for the others, I can tell you clearly, no!"

After Lin Ruoyun finished speaking, she went straight to the orphanage without looking at Liang Qiu again.

When Guan Yinghan passed by Liang Qiu, he took a deep look at her, and his eyes full of evil spirits narrowed a little bit, making Liang Qiu tremble and even took a small step back.

It is said that the second young lady of the Guan family is decisive in killing, but killing people around her is the most difficult thing to do. After all, Liang Qiu is Ruoyun\'s biological mother, and Ruoyun was instilled with new memories by Liang Qiu, mistakenly thinking that She is a good mother who endures humiliation.

Even though Liang Qiu did many things that hurt Ruoyun later, Ruoyun would choose to forgive her because of Liang Qiu\'s forbearance and sacrifice in memory.

However, Ruoyun is not an idiot with no brains, as long as she recovers her memory and knows that Liang Qiu killed grandma, then she will definitely not let Liang Qiu go.


If Ruoyun can\'t bear the truth, will she be insane again?

Guan Yinghan looked straight at Liang Qiu, the sternness in her eyes turned into a dark tide.

The chief culprit of all this is Liang Qiu, just let her have nothing, it is really too cheap for her.

Isn\'t Liang Qiu greedy for glory and wealth, and looking down on the bottom of society? Then let her experience what it is to live like a street mouse.

When Guan Yinghan withdrew her gaze, she already had a plan in mind.

She followed Lin Ruoyun, and when she passed the black Cayenne, she deliberately stopped and greeted Mrs. Li.

Mrs. Li didn\'t expect Guan Yinghan to talk to her, she was flattered: "Second miss, you..."

"Mrs. Li, next time you lend money to others, you\'d better ask if they have the ability to repay it."

Guan Yinghan had a faint smile on his face: "After all, no one\'s money comes from the wind, don\'t you think so?"

"Just now you also heard that my wife is not able to repay Mrs. Qin Er, I think you still..."

Guan Yinghan didn\'t finish her sentence, but Mrs. Li could already hear what she meant.

They have nothing to do with Liang Qiu and will not repay the debt for her.

As for how Mrs. Li wanted to pursue Liang Qiu, whether it was by splashing paint or beheading hands and feet, Miss Guan Er would not interfere.

Originally, Mrs. Li didn\'t dare to be serious with Liang Qiu because of Guan Yinghan\'s face, so she just threatened her verbally.

Now that Second Miss Guan has made her point clear, she doesn\'t have to worry about Liang Qiu anymore.

Mrs. Li gestured backwards, and two thugs in black surrounded her: "Go, invite Second Mrs. Qin over here, we have to settle the score with her."

Lin Ruoyun walked quickly, stepped into the door of the orphanage but did not enter the courtyard, but walked towards the lawn.

Guan Yinghan didn\'t approach her, and followed her with a distance of one or two meters. When she reached the end of the lawn, Lin Ruoyun stopped and turned around slowly.

"Guan Yinghan." Lin Ruoyun was depressed, and Xiang Mingyan\'s face showed a rare shiver: "My mother, she..."

"Ruoyun..." Guan Yinghan interrupted her, looking at Ruoyun\'s eyes with sparkling peach blossoms, "Do you know how much I love you?"

"What?" Lin Ruoyun didn\'t realize the change of topic.

Guan Yinghan walked over slowly, grabbed her waist with his right hand, and pressed her head against his chest with his left hand.

"Don\'t be sad... Guan Guan is here, always here!"

Lin Ruoyun has never felt that she is a fragile person. In the past, Liang Qiu was more ruthless to her than now, and she could deal with it indifferently.

But Guan Yinghan\'s one word broke the barrier she had propped up.

A person who used to be quite strong is now favored by Guan Yinghan into a pampered Mrs. Guan who can\'t stand a little bit of grievance.

Guan Yinghan stared at her red eyes, moved his lips to her forehead and kissed her: "Don\'t be sad, baby, quickly try the durian cake from Aunt Sally\'s house, I waited for more than half an hour, you know the half hour How much money I can earn, I can earn durian cakes for a whole year. Be good, have a bite for your face."

Lin Ruoyun smiled through tears, and regardless of whether anyone around was paying attention, she rubbed her tear-stained face against her warm neck, dirtying her expensive shirt.

Guan Yinghan didn\'t push her away, but hugged her tighter and tighter, allowing the little goblin to scratch her as much as she wanted, and comforted her softly.

"Want to try it?"


Guan Yinghan led her to sit under the tree, Lin Ruoyun leaned on her shoulder, and took a bite of the durian cake she handed to her lips.

The sun shines through the dense branches and leaves, refracting colorful beams of light, and the dust dances faintly in the beams of light, disappearing in a blink of an eye.

On the bench at the other end of the lawn, a pair of elderly wives and wives were sitting. Female A held female O\'s hand, which was naturally placed on her lap.

The old Alpha took out a piece of Shaqima from his pocket, tore off the wrapping paper and handed it to his wife. The wife took a bite and passed it to the old Alpha\'s mouth.

In this way, one bite for you, one bite for me, and a piece of Shaqima was passed back and forth between the old couple.

After eating, the old Omega took out a square towel, wrapped the wrapping paper, put it back in his pocket, and leaned on Alpha\'s shoulder with a smile.

Looking at them, Lin Ruoyun felt a warm feeling in her heart. She tugged at Guan Yinghan\'s sleeve and whispered, "Look at the two old ladies over there."

Guan Yinghan hooked her red lips, hugged her tighter, and asked softly, "Are you still hungry? Do you want another piece?"

Lin Ruoyun shook her head lightly, and continued to look at the old couple.

His eyes were full of envy.

After half a minute, Guan Yinghan kissed the top of her hair, and put her thin lips close to her ear: "Baby, we will do the same in the future."

At this moment, Lin Ruoyun\'s heart seemed to have fallen into a honeypot.

Just talking, he still didn\'t forget to show her: "No way, you see the old woman eats a piece of Shaqima together, and you don\'t eat durian... um..."

Before Lin Ruoyun could finish her words, Guan Yinghan grabbed her lips. She opened her mouth in shock, and Guan Yinghan\'s tongue slipped in, stirring gently in her mouth, entangled with each other.

After a while, Guan Yinghan let her go slowly, and Lin Ruoyun asked in a daze, "Don\'t you like the taste of durian?"

Guan Yinghan leaned over, pressed her forehead against hers, and closed her long eyelashes: "Yeah, I don\'t like the smell of durian, but I like yours."

This is... what kind of earthy love story?

In the area of ​​flirting, Lin Ruoyun, who has always been dominant, was teased back by the kid, and suddenly her heart beat like a drum, and she pushed her away with a flushed face: "I...I\'m going to see the kids."

Guan Yinghan curled her lips and looked at her back obsessively. It was not until she disappeared at the end of the corridor that Guan Yinghan lowered the corners of her mouth and took out her phone: "Ji Wan, I want you to do something for me."

Ji Wan\'s voice couldn\'t hide her excitement: "Second Miss, are you finally determined to do something to Mrs. Qin\'s Second?"

Guan Yinghan paused: "I will never let anyone who hurts Ruoyun go."

The voice on the other end of the phone hesitated: "Then, is it..."

Guan Yinghan snorted coldly in disgust: "Her life depends on Ruoyun waking up before making a decision. But...I want to make her life worse than death."

"Second Miss, I know what to do."