After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 82:

"Dawan Village?" Lin Ruoyun turned around, tucked into her arms softly, and looked up at her delicate chin: "Is this the place where I grew up with you?"

Guan Yinghan kissed her hair very lightly: "Yes."

Lin Ruoyun rubbed her heart like a kitten: "Guan Yinghan, I dreamed about you again last night. Does it mean that the deeper I feel for you, the more likely I will remember you?"

Actually, Guan Yinghan had no hope for her to recover her memory.

Academician He said that Ruoyun\'s memory will not be recalled slowly, but can be recovered only after being stimulated by a certain point.

But now she is not triggered by any external force, and she is also remembering bit by bit, which makes Guan Yinghan see a glimmer of hope.

Guan Yinghan pressed her palm against her hair, combing her hair one after another: "What did you dream about me?"

Lin Ruoyun tried her best to think back: "I want to catch fish in the river, but you don\'t allow me, and you yell at me loudly."

She leaned on Guan Yinghan\'s chest and flattened her mouth aggrievedly: "You still hid my shoes, I only have a pair of leather shoes that can be worn..."

Guan Yinghan\'s hands paused, and she looked down at her, her eyes filled with enthusiasm again: "Is it a black buckle leather shoe with a small chrysanthemum on the toe?"

Lin Ruoyun looked at her in surprise: "How do you know? Do you have the spell to enter other people\'s dreams?"

Guan Yinghan\'s face was bloodied by her occasional silly appearance, her soft lips were pressed down heavily, and she drove straight in.

Lin Ruoyun groaned, the tip of her tongue was hooked by her, curling and sucking tirelessly, until the little fairy was out of breath, she reluctantly let her go.

She hugged Lin Ruoyun in her arms, and the corners of her eyes were slightly moist: "Fool, that\'s not a dream, it\'s something that happened before."

"So, you really hid my shoes?"

Lin Ruoyun pretended to be gnashing her teeth, and stretched her shoulders: "You pay for my shoes."

Guan Yinghan pressed the back of her head forcefully, and hugged her even tighter: "Okay, I\'ll go shopping with you tomorrow."

Lin Ruoyun was buried in her arms, she didn\'t speak, she couldn\'t see her expression, but after a long time, so long that Guan Yinghan thought she was falling asleep, she stretched out her hand and hugged her tightly, hugging her tightly, with Guan Yinghan\'s voice From the heart, it seemed very low: "Guan Yinghan, I want to continue filming "Wake Up"."

Before she could say no, Lin Ruoyun sealed her lips, and then slowly backed away, her eyes gleaming and shining: "Guan Yinghan, I haven\'t had a headache for a long time, let me continue to take pictures." Okay, okay? I promise, stop if you feel a little uncomfortable."

"Guan Yinghan, I want to go back to Dawan Village to have a look, I restore my memory, I really want to..."

Guan Yinghan\'s voice was lower and muffled than hers: "Ruoyun... I\'m afraid, I\'m afraid you\'ll forget me again."

"No." Lin Ruoyun twisted three fingers, looked her in the eyes, and swore seriously: "I will never forget Guan Yinghan in this life, and I will not drink Mengpo soup in the next life, I will always remember you..."

Guan Yinghan kissed her forehead and sighed in compromise: "You are always so willful, what am I going to do with you?"

"Do you agree?"


Lin Ruoyun smiled, raised her head in her arms, her eyes were tender, "Guan Yinghan, I love you so much."

Guan Yinghan bent her eyes, put her hand under the quilt, and leaned over to press her.

Lin Ruoyun supported her shoulders with both hands: "What are you doing?"

"I\'m still worried, in case you forget me." Guan Yinghan buried her head and rubbed against her neck, her voice suddenly became hoarse: "Baby... Let\'s deepen our memory."

Lin Ruoyun grabbed her troublesome hand: "It\'s already two o\'clock, aren\'t you tired?"

"Not tired."

There were light wet stains on the bed sheet, Lin Ruoyun concealed her **** and crossed her legs: "Don\'t...let\'s sleep."

"Really don\'t want it?"

Lin Ruoyun nodded unsteadily: "En."

"Okay." Guan Yinghan turned over and lay down, rolled up the quilt and covered the little fairy tightly: "Go to sleep."

Five minutes later, Lin Ruoyun opened her eyes slightly, narrowed her eyes, and glanced sideways at Alpha beside her. Guan Yinghan seemed to have fallen asleep.

Just now, Alpha\'s teasing was shallow, and a familiar feeling/movement gushed out from the depths of Lin Ruoyun\'s body. Her eyelashes rolled down, and she eagerly looked at Guan Yinghan beside her.

Isn\'t the little boy very smart, can\'t he see that this is her refusal?

Lin Ruoyun narrowed her eyes slightly, shrunk down, buried herself in the quilt that smelled of Guan Yinghan, and leaned closer.

Guan Yinghan had already smelled the strong scent of water and flowers under her nightgown, and saw Lin Ruoyun leaning out from her bed, deliberately pretending to be awakened, and asked with sleepy eyes: "Baby, what\'s the matter?"

Lin Ruoyun covered her shoulders and neck, rubbed into her arms, and took the initiative in every possible way: "Guan Guan...I want..."

Guan Yinghan kissed the skin around her lips and smiled wickedly: "Please."

Lin Ruoyun bit her lips angrily: "You... are so bad..."

But in the end, he still lowered his eyebrows, took a breath, and whispered Guan Yihan\'s name: "Guan Guan... Please..."

Guan Yinghan hooked her lips, and her fingers clung to her arm little by little, interlocking her five fingers, pressing her lips against hers.

The night is late and long, and the room is lingering┄┄

The next day, Guan Yinghan was still asleep when she was woken up by Lin Ruoyun\'s alarm clock.

Ruoyun has always had a habit of setting more than a dozen alarm clocks whenever she has a schedule. She knows that she is a heavy sleeper, and they cannot be late in this line of work. If the entire crew waits for her alone, there will be rumors of playing big names.

But the boss of her company is Guan Yinghan, she doesn\'t care what other people think, she tossed her precious Omega until four or five in the morning last night, no one can disturb Ruoyun\'s sleep.

When the first alarm clock rang, Guan Yinghan pinched her, allowing Ruoyun to continue to sleep.

She originally wanted to wash up, but just as she got up from the bed, Lin Ruoyun\'s second alarm clock rang, Guan Yinghan had no choice but to press it again, and then directly took her mobile phone into the bathroom.

After entering the bathroom, the phone was placed on the sink. Guan Yinghan just squeezed the toothpaste onto the electric toothbrush when Ruoyun\'s phone rang again. She thought it was an alarm clock, so she picked it up and pressed it, only to find out that it was a phone.

A female voice came from the phone with a very familiar and warm tone.

"Hey, Ruoyun, where are you? Last time we visited the children in the Children\'s Welfare Institute, you promised that skinny little Omega that you would come to see her next time, and she is by my side now..."

Guan Yinghan didn\'t intend to answer, but hearing the tone, she raised her eyebrows subconsciously, and subconsciously looked at the caller ID—

Teacher Tian...

Tian Jing?

Guan Yinghan\'s eyes narrowed slightly, that Tian Jing who has an excellent body and likes to eat baked lobster with durian?

Alpha\'s natural possessiveness was provoked, Guan Yinghan said in a displeased voice, "If Yun is still asleep, just tell me if you have anything."

The other end of the phone seemed to guess that it was Guan Yinghan who was talking to her, so he was very afraid, and dared not speak for a while, and finally, under Guan Yinghan\'s urging, he trembled and said, "Guan, Second Miss Guan, I...I want to ask if Yun... oh no, it\'s me who wants to ask Ms. Lin... and it\'s not... it\'s the kids from the orphanage who want to ask Ms. Lin, when will you be here?"

Guan Ying snorted coldly, and that voice made Tian Jing shudder: "Miss Tian, ​​I haven\'t congratulated you on winning the Best Performance Award for Female A yet, I heard that the body salon invested by Miss Tian has opened a third branch, but It’s really double happiness.”

Tian Jing had a successful career in the film and television industry, and now she is trying to become a boss again, thinking that she can handle any kind of people.

Especially for those female Omega in the entertainment industry, you can go to bed with her by hooking your fingers, and it’s so good that you have a lifelong bond with someone. It’s not uncommon for female Omegas to wash their marks for her.

She has been thinking about Lin Ruoyun for not a day or two, thinking that she and the second miss of the Guan family are nothing more than dewy love affairs, and there will always be opportunities in the future.

But now confronting Guan Yinghan head-on, even though she didn\'t see her face, just hearing her voice was enough to make her shudder.

"Second, Second Miss, I... I\'m just playing for a ticket, which occupies a very small share. Second Miss, please hold your hands high and let my small shop go."

Guan Yinghan squeezed the toothpaste leisurely while holding the phone between her hands: "Miss Tian, ​​no one taught you, before messing with other people\'s wives, should you weigh yourself first?"

The corner of Guan Yinghan\'s mouth curled into a sarcasm: "Miss Tian, ​​did you tell the media about what you did, or did I write the article for you? You also know that Runhai is famous for its customs affairs. Rigorous, if they write it, I\'m not sure something will come out."

Guan Yinghan didn\'t want to say another word to this kind of scum, so she hung up the phone.

As soon as she put down her phone, Lin Ruoyun\'s fifth alarm clock rang. Guan Yinghan couldn\'t help but press it down, and seeing the next alarm clock floating on the screen would ring in five minutes, she couldn\'t help sighing, and went into the bedroom to wake up the little fairy.

Lin Ruoyun was still glued to the bed and refused to move, her calf was exposed from under the quilt, her face was next to the pillow, she was flushed in sleep.

Guan Yinghan allowed herself to look at it for ten seconds, then held Lin Ruoyun\'s face in her hands, and squeezed it inward, forcing her moist lips to pout and print on it quickly.


Lin Ruoyun closed her eyes and waved impatiently: "I hate it..."

Continue to squint in a daze.

Guan Yinghan had no choice, if the little goblin woke up and found out that she had turned off the alarm clock without authorization and made her late, she would have to lose her temper with her again.

She lifted the quilt and carried Lin Ruoyun to the bathroom, carefully placed her on the foot bath sofa, turned around and picked up the cup, squeezed toothpaste, put it on her lips and coaxed: "Baby, open your mouth."

The little fairy really closed her eyes and opened her mouth. She didn\'t wake up until the mint tea flavored toothpaste spread between her lips and teeth. She found herself in the bathroom with half of her pajamas unbuttoned. She subconsciously gathered her neckline and gave her a wary look: "Close Yinghan... you\'re gorgeous."

Guan Yinghan looked innocent: "I didn\'t do anything. Aren\'t you going to the orphanage to see the children? I was afraid that you would be late so I took you to the bathroom to wash up."

Speaking of this, Lin Ruoyun really hastily began to brush her teeth and wash her face, but she kept complaining that Guan Yinghan didn\'t wake her up earlier, while the iceberg-like Second Miss Guan kept her mouth shut the whole time, with an innocent expression, like a child in training , so that the little goblin won\'t get angry if she trains casually, and won\'t talk back.

It\'s really one thing and one thing.

On the way to the orphanage, Lin Ruoyun leaned lazily on the seat, and glanced at Guan Yinghan with a half-smile: "Did you answer my call this morning?"

Guan Yinghan replied straightforwardly: "Yes, what\'s wrong?"

Lin Ruoyun turned her head to look at her, the little boy was wearing a slim professional attire, his forehead was neatly tied back into a low ponytail, and when he frowned slightly, his aura was particularly captivating, with a full of aggressive killing gas.

If ordinary people saw such a second Miss Guan, they would probably run away.

But Lin Ruoyun deliberately wanted to anger her: "Look at my phone, is there any reason?"

"The person who shares the bed with me calls others sister, why should I ignore them?"

Just happened to run into a red light, Guan Yinghan stepped on the brakes, looked sideways at the sullen little goblin, suppressed the complicated emotions in her heart, tried to show a relaxed and leisurely look, and flicked her forehead with her index finger: "Why? , Afraid that I will answer your call? Is it because there are too many fish in the fish pond to count?"

Lin Ruoyun\'s first reaction was to explain and clarify, but then she thought, why did she want to clarify? This just happened to make the stinky A in front of her feel jealous.

Ever since, she put on a smug expression and nodded without fear of death.

Guan Yinghan was about to be stunned by her anger, but there was nothing he could do about her, so he had no choice but to flick her again, gritted his teeth and said in a low voice, "I\'ll clean you up tonight."

Lin Ruoyun realized the meaning of her words, and her cheeks turned red.


She really loves the brat\'s aggressive look.

The car arrived at the orphanage soon, and Guan Yinghan stopped five minutes away as usual. Lin Ruoyun wanted to open the car door, but was grabbed by the wrist by the brat, who pulled her closer and kissed her on the side: "Half an hour before the end Give me a call and I\'ll come get you."

He added with a warning: "Don\'t forget."

Lin Ruoyun\'s hand struggled, and she easily unscrewed her wrist, her fingertips slid over the back of her hand, pinched it weakly, leaned forward to get close to her ear, and kissed her vaguely.

"I will never forget."

Lin Ruoyun walked all the way to the orphanage humming a tune from Dawan Village, and was about to enter when she was stopped by a familiar voice.


Lin Ruoyun turned her head when she heard the sound, and when she saw the person in front of her, she was taken aback for a moment, her brows furrowed a little.

"Ruoyun..." Liang Qiu called her softly again, and took a tentative step forward. The voice was unexpectedly humble.