After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 81:

The focus in Guan Yinghan\'s eyes tightened, she was stunned for a moment, and then she defended in a panting voice: "It was not seen by anyone, nor was it touched by anyone..."

Lin Ruoyun fell into her arms softly like a boneless one, wrapped her arms around her neck, and complained softly: "Although I didn\'t see it, I didn\'t touch it, but those Omega\'s are thinking...they all want to touch me wife..."

Lin Ruoyun stuck it closer, and quietly released a sweet pheromone: "I don\'t care, anyway, I don\'t allow them to secretly think in their hearts, it\'s all your fault, if it\'s okay to make a fuss, I will punish you."

The pheromone of Omega\'s courtship brushed Guan Yinghan\'s nose, disturbing her breathing and heartbeat: "Others...why would anyone want to see it?"

"Yes, yes!" Lin Ruoyun kissed her lips fiercely, and bit her lips lightly with the tip of her teeth.

Her lips were quickly reddened by her biting, Lin Ruoyun climbed onto her body, lightly bit her second wife with the tip of her teeth, then let go, held her, her soft tongue rolled, her voice was indistinct: "I said yes!"

Guan Yinghan couldn\'t help trembling, and the ending trembled brokenly: "Ruoyun... you can\'t... be unreasonable... um..."

"You want to reason with me?" Lin Ruoyun let go of her second wife, raised her head slightly and looked at Guan Yinghan, with a little sparkle in the corner of her eyes: "You want to use reason to suppress me?"

Guan Yinghan knew she was faking it, but what could she do?

As soon as she saw the goblin\'s red eye circles, her heart felt as if it was being held, and it hurt even with a little force.

Guan Yinghan had no choice but to compromise and surrender: "It was my fault, don\'t be angry... I will accept the punishment, okay?"

Lin Ruoyun finally smiled, with a coquettish smile. She wrapped her arms around her back, pressed her chin against her shoulder, and gently sucked the glands on the back of her neck, sucking them inch by inch.

Guan Yinghan straightened her body nervously.

Lin Ruoyun likes to see her nervous, she will blush when she is nervous, coupled with this cold and ascetic face, it will make Lin Ruoyun feel very fulfilled.

Lin Ruoyun tapped her little wife with her fingertips: "Then I will punish her..."

Guan Yinghan took a breath and grabbed her wrist almost reflexively.

The little goblin lowered her eyes again, half closed her long eyelashes, and said aggrievedly: "It hurts, you hurt my hand."

The sentence "No" was stuck in Guan Yinghan\'s throat. After seeing the little goblin\'s aggrieved appearance, he only let go of the strength in his hand and moved his lips in vain, but he still didn\'t say anything in the end.

Lin Ruoyun twisted her wrist coquettishly, raised her eyebrows, and wrapped her arms around her neck.

Guan Yinghan realized that he had been fooled, and said sullenly, "You always lie to me."

Lin Ruoyun smiled proudly: "It\'s not that I always lie to you, it\'s that you always believe in me."

She tightened her arms and leaned close to Guan Yinghan\'s ear: "Outside people say how smart Miss Guan Er is, but such a smart person turns into a fool in front of me. Do you know how charming you are?"

The little goblin\'s voice became lower and lower: "Tell me to eat you, one bite, one bite... eat you."

Guan Yinghan blushed into a rose color, but her expression was reserved and indifferent: "Ruoyun...don\'t make trouble...the shower is almost the same, we...uh..."

Lin Ruoyun grabbed her neck violently, and raised her head to offer her cherry lips. Guan Yinghan couldn\'t dodge in time, she nibbled her lips tightly, and deftly inserted into her lips, entangled together .

The pheromones of Omega became more and more concentrated, and the fragrant water spirit flower was used by Lin Ruoyun as a weapon and as a bait, weaving it into a net and tightly binding her Alpha.

Guan Yinghan was already drunk and weak, but now that she was wrapped in Omega\'s courtship pheromone, her whole body was so soft that she couldn\'t exert herself.

Guan Yinghan pursed her lips, trying to suppress those turbulent emotions, but the charm of Shui Linghua was irresistible.

The Omega in her arms was **** and pure, and she couldn\'t push it away no matter what.

Lin Ruoyun put her arms around Guan Yinghan\'s waist, leaned on her shoulders, and said in the most charming voice: "My little wife likes me very much."

Guan Yinghan\'s cheeks were hot, and she was a little unsteady in the intertwined pheromones.

"Ruoyun...don\'t be like this..."

Guan Yinghan\'s neck and ears were all red, she panted softly, her voice was no longer clear, it became hoarse and dull, it sounded indescribably sexy.

Lin Ruoyun tilted her head to look at her, and asked innocently, "Don\'t you like it?"


Guan Yinghan trembled her long eyelashes, hugged the dangerous little fairy lying in her arms away, and stood up staggeringly: "It\'s been too long, I\'m going out to breathe..."

After finishing speaking, he was about to step out of the bathtub, only to hear the sound of water dripping behind him, and then a warm and soft body was pressed against his back.

"Guan Guan... you can wash with me... okay?"

"I\'ve been washing for a long\'s not good for my body..."

Guan Yinghan was so drunk that she staggered in the bathtub, but she was able to stand still only with Lin Ruoyun\'s support. The two skins touched each other, and the softness of the goblin fell on her back, as if wrapped in a cloud. It made her feel itchy.

"Guan Guan...don\'t go..." Shui Linghua\'s breath approached, and Lin Ruoyun groaned, which could make Alpha\'s bones crisp: "Guan Guan...I\'m cold...hug me..."

The water temperature in Jingyuan\'s oversized jacuzzi is constant, and the temperature in the bathroom is also constant. Guan Yinghan knew she was acting coquettishly, but she just couldn\'t resist.

She turned around, hugged Lin Ruoyun and sat down slowly, letting the warm water flood their bodies.

Guan Yinghan was leaning on the edge of the bathtub in a daze, before she had time to take a breath, she heard a splash, and the little fairy dived into the bathtub, supported her knees, found her little wife without any difficulty, and drew a picture with the tip of her tongue. lock up.


Guan Yinghan trembled slightly, her hands firmly supported the edge of the bathtub so as not to slip down.

She bit her lips tightly, and her voice was suppressed from her teeth, which made people feel even more flushed.

Lin Ruoyun held her breath in the water, sucking her little wife with her lips.

After a while, the water was filled with the smell of pheromones from eucalyptus.

Guan Yinghan was almost driven crazy by her torture.

She frowned and evaded, gritted her teeth and endured, her eyelids were congested with blood, and her eyes were misty red: "Ruoyun...don\'t..."

Wherever she hid, the little goblin chased her, and after chasing her, she kissed her little wife even more vigorously.

Unable to avoid the little goblin, being teased again and again by her lips and tongue, Guan Yinghan finally sank powerlessly, and the little goblin seized the opportunity and sucked heavily.


Guan Yinghan was extremely ashamed in her heart, but she was so teased that she couldn\'t help herself, so she could only close her eyes and let her move, but this little fairy didn\'t follow the flow at all, and when she was about to reach a certain limit, she stopped suddenly, With a splash, she surfaced, leaned her frail and boneless body into her arms, lifted her chin with her fingertips, and coaxed softly, "Say it."

Such a sudden termination caused Guan Yinghan\'s emotions to get stuck, and she couldn\'t get up and down. She took a breath, her breath was hoarse: "Say... what?"

Lin Ruoyun smiled seductively: "Say...I want..."

Guan Yinghan bit her lip and turned her face away, her voice was very small, restrained and restrained: "Baby...don\'t tease me..."

Lin Ruoyun was not in a hurry, because she knew that what she wanted, Guan Yinghan would definitely give it to her, and she would never fail.

She bit her lips halfway, her lips reddened by the heat were as attractive as red fruits: "What do you mean..."

Guan Yinghan silently raised the white flag in her heart to surrender.

Her face has long been polished by the little goblin\'s weird requests.

This little goblin can do everything in a variety of ways, especially this kind of thing, as long as she has the initiative, she can always torture her in different ways.

Guan Yinghan was so drunk that she couldn\'t use any strength, so she could only freeze her body and let the little goblin manipulate her.

Lin Ruoyun slowly leaned closer, kissed her second wife, and called her in a soft voice, which made Guan Yinghan\'s heart tingle.

The little goblin raised her eyes to look at her, her eyes seemed to be seductive and provocative: "Huh?"

"I...I want to..." Guan Yinghan finally said what the little goblin wanted to hear.

Lin Ruoyun smiled softly, the feeling of controlling Alpha is so good, her very subtle movements can make the lonely and arrogant person in front of her lose his mind.

However, the goblin soon learns that there is a price to pay for teasing an Alpha until he loses his mind.

Lin Ruoyun sucked the glands on the back of Alpha\'s neck, and gently pressed her lips together.

Guan Yinghan\'s brain was emptied in an instant, her eyes were red, and the whites of her eyes were bloodshot, like autumn maple leaves, rubbing against the corners of her eyes, the originally cold and lonely person showed an incomparably coquettish appearance due to her hair/passion.

The scent of freesia in the air is already so strong that it makes people choke.

Lin Ruoyun rubbed her little wife, seeing the joy and satisfaction on Alpha\'s face, she felt even more proud.

However, in the next second, Alpha\'s suffocating kiss followed.

With an irresistible kiss, Lin Ruoyun\'s lips were pried open, and Guan Yinghan invaded between her lips.

The tip of the nose is full of alpha pheromones that are too thick to breathe.

Lin Ruoyun was unable to move due to Alpha\'s powerful mental power, the little boy\'s body was terribly hot, and the smell of sweet snow orchid became stronger and stronger, so she could only submit to Guan Yinghan\'s arms, letting the Omega\'s instinct release pheromones.

Guan Yinghan\'s eyes trembled as the fragrance of water spirit flowers came faintly.

In the hazy vision, the source of Omega\'s nape fragrance became the only moving focus in Alpha\'s eyes.

She bit the gland on Omega\'s neck, inserted her teeth into her gland cavity, and couldn\'t wait to release the surging pheromone into her gland.

Lin Ruoyun suddenly opened her eyes wide. During the whole process, due to Omega\'s instinctive surrender and obedience to the Alpha who had marked her, she gradually lost her strength and fell into the arms of Alpha.

"Hmm... close..."

Lin Ruoyun couldn\'t bear Alpha\'s powerful mental power, sobbed softly: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..."

Lin Ruoyun weakly stretched out her hand to push her away, begging this Alpha, who was lying on her back and marking herself with sweet but strong pheromones, to let her go.

But even if Guan Yinghan is drunk, she is still an Alpha, and she is the highest-level Alpha. Her instinct makes her want to invade/possess and mark her Omega.

Lin Ruoyun collapsed into Alpha\'s arms almost collapsed, tears streaming out uncontrollably.

Omega\'s sobbing voice pulled the unconscious Alpha back from his desire/desire.

"Don\'t cry..."

Seeing her crying, how could Guan Yinghan be willing to part with it? Feeling pain in his heart, he reached out and hugged her tightly: "Baby, I\'m sorry..."

Alpha tried his best to restrain himself, kissed Lin Ruoyun tenderly, waiting for her Omega to be emotional.

A moment later, Omega\'s weak sobbing came from the bathroom again, only this time, her voice trembled slightly.

"Guanguan... woo woo woo..."

Then came Alpha\'s gentle and doting voice: "Hey...don\'t cry, I love you..."

When Lin Ruoyun came over slowly, she was already on the bed, she was lying on her side, she refused to look at her, she didn\'t speak, she didn\'t know what she was thinking.

It wasn\'t until the warm towel wiped her body that Lin Ruoyun trembled, trying to break free, but Guan Yinghan grabbed her and wiped her body gently and carefully.

After a long time, Alpha leaned close to her warm body, hugging her tightly.

"Are you still angry?" Guan Yinghan\'s voice was slightly smiling, deliberately teasing her.

Lin Ruoyun still didn\'t speak, but put her hands behind her back, and twisted her waist hard.

Guan Yinghan turned over and pressed her under him, bit her lip, said it was a bite, but did not use force, she was reluctant.

She laughed softly, grabbed Lin Ruoyun\'s hand, pressed it to her heart, and played a rascal to her heart\'s content: "Still thinking about your second wife? Well, this time, I\'ll let you touch it enough."

Seeing that she didn\'t speak, Guan Yinghan simply followed through with shamelessness: "Baby, I exercise every day, isn\'t it very **** and easy to touch?"

The second young lady of the Guan family back then, she was really good at dealing with Gao Leng...

Now, he doesn\'t even want to be ashamed.

Before Lin Ruoyun scolded her, she had already dressed up and knelt down easily. Whenever Lin Ruoyun got angry, she was worried that the earth would not turn.

"Baby, I\'m sorry, I didn\'t do it on purpose... I couldn\'t hold back just now..." Guan Yinghan pushed back the hair on the side of her ear, saw that the back of her neck was a little red, and blamed herself more than ever: "Let me see... it hurts." No?"

Guan Yinghan exhaled at the glands on the back of her neck, and frowned distressedly: "Baby, does it still hurt?"

Lin Ruoyun also knew that Alpha had her nature, and it was difficult to control herself when she was in a fever period. The little brat is already very gentle and considerate, and has been taking pity on her carefully.

The rain-like thoughts just now were blown away by the narcissism of the person in front of her. Lin Ruoyun retorted a little funny: "Sister Tian Jing not only exercises every day, but also dances and rehearses songs. She is in good shape."

These words hit the little bastard\'s life, she immediately tightened her arms around Lin Ruoyun, seeing her hugged into her arms, her chin buried in her shoulder, a little angry and aggrieved, she whispered: "Don\'t do this."

Lin Ruoyun intentionally angered her: "What is not allowed?"

"You are not allowed to smile at other Alphas, you are not allowed to seduce other Alphas, you are not allowed to talk about other Alphas, and you are not allowed to call other Alphas sisters."

Guan Yinghan took it for granted, and didn\'t realize that she had become extremely childish because of jealousy.

Lin Ruoyun had never seen her like this before, she was so domineering and cute, she couldn\'t help laughing, her shoulders trembled slightly.

Guan Yinghan seemed to have noticed something, and turned her body around. After realizing that he had been fooled, he tickled her punishingly, and his mouth was still domineering: "You must only call me sister."

"I don\'t want it. If you want to call it, you call it." Lin Ruoyun shrank her shoulders timidly, supported her shoulders with her palms, and stared at her angrily: "You used to call me sister."

After finishing speaking, she also stretched out her hand and scratched the little boy in retaliation: "Come on, call me sister and I will listen."

The two scratched each other, rolled into a ball on the bed, Lin Ruoyun\'s body trembled like a flower branch, she laughed and begged for mercy, until Guan Yinghan was so anxious that she couldn\'t breathe, she let go.

They lay facing each other, only a finger distance away, their breath blended together, and gradually calmed down, neither of them spoke, they looked at each other quietly, a delicate happiness brewed in the quiet air, as light as soap bubbles , flew into the sky with the wind.

Lin Ruoyun turned around slowly, with her back to Guan Yinghan, showing a lazy satisfied expression, and began to hum an unknown tune.

【Crescent Moon Climbed Dongshan】

【Crossing the ridge and descending the slope】

【Little dew falls in the heart of a flower】

【Wet my floral shoes and pad my feet】

The incoherent tune made Guan Yinghan\'s eyelashes tremble in shock, and his eyes suddenly turned red.

She hummed softly, echoing Lin Ruoyun\'s missing words that she couldn\'t sing completely.

After singing the ditty, Guan Yinghan leaned on her body, looked into her eyes, which were bright, and there was still a thin red in them: "Ruoyun, can you sing this ditty?"

"I don\'t know, one day when I wake up from sleep, I can sing suddenly, but I can\'t remember the lyrics."

Lin Ruoyun smiled leisurely: "Guan Yinghan, what\'s the name of this song? How come you can sing it?"

Guan Yinghan\'s throat choked, and she said in a low voice, "Of course I can, everyone in Dawan Village can sing."