After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 80:

The garden of Jingyuan was sunny, and Ji Wan took Jiang Hui\'s hand as she walked down the long red carpet to receive the most sincere blessings from her relatives and friends.

Jiang Hui looked at Ji Wan with tears in her eyes, but the corners of her mouth curled up filled with happiness.

Ji Wan also looked at her, with a smile in her eyes, and a solemn profile that she had never seen before. She held Jiang Hui tightly, and walked extremely steadily with every step.

On the stage, Guan Yinghan handed the microphone to Ji Wan, and she and Jiang Hui stood under the arch of the giant flower stand, their gazes slowly flicking across the stage.

Everyone in the audience was watching them, Lin Ruoyun gave Jiang Hui a thumbs up, and her eyes fell on Guan Yinghan\'s eyes, which were like sugar water, Lin Ruoyun\'s heart was about to melt.

I really want to...

Hurry up and marry her.

Ji Wan and Jiang Hui said their vows on the stage, but Lin Ruoyun didn\'t listen to a word, and her mind was full of fantasies about the happy life after marriage with the little boy.

There was silence below, and it was unknown who applauded first, and then led the crowd, and the applause was thunderous.

Lin Ruoyun regained consciousness from her thoughts, and turned her gaze back to the wedding stage. Ji Wan and Jiang Hui were embracing and kissing, but Guan Yinghan was not on the stage.

Her clapping hands gradually stopped, and she subconsciously looked around to find the little boy. Just as she turned her head, a hand was placed on her waist, and she was brought into a familiar embrace. The clear voice of the little boy came close to her ear: " Baby, you will stand by my side later, I have made an agreement with Ji Wan, they will throw the bouquet over."

Lin Ruoyun turned her face away arrogantly, and gently broke away from the little boy: "Did I say I forgive you?"

Guan Yinghan approached her with a playful smile, imprisoned her slender waist, and pushed her arms hard: "Ruoyun...don\'t be angry..."

Lin Ruoyun struggled slightly, when there was a burst of cheers from the wedding stage.

"Sister Hui, throw it here."

"Ahui, look over here and throw it to me."

"Sister-in-law, I want to hold flowers too."

Guan Yinghan and Lin Ruoyun raised their eyes at the same time, and saw Jiang Hui holding up her bouquet as if to throw it, and the unmarried Omega and Alpha in the audience huddled together regardless of their appearance, grabbing the most favorable position.

"Ruoyun, come with me." Guan Yinghan took Ruoyun\'s tender hand and led her to the right corner.

"No!" Lin Ruoyun suddenly broke free from Guan Yinghan\'s hand, and quickly stepped back.

Lin Ruoyun backed up several steps until she bumped into someone behind her and stopped. She turned around and showed a surprised expression when she saw Guan Muwei: "Muwei... Didn\'t you say there is a mission in the team?"

Guan Muwei\'s eyes were still tightly locked on Qin Min who was not far away, when Lin Ruoyun bumped him violently, he instinctively reached out to help him: "Sister-in-law!"

She supported Lin Ruoyun to stand still, and smiled lightly: "It\'s not a serious matter. There were vendors fighting in the West Street vegetable market, and they had settled privately when we arrived in our squadron."

"Mu Wei, you\'re here!" Guan Yinghan stood behind the two of them at some point, her gaze moved downward.

Guan Muwei\'s hand was still holding Ruoyun\'s arm, Guan Yinghan stopped looking away for a few seconds, and snorted coldly.

Guan Muwei\'s back was chilled by the air-conditioning that his cousin hummed, and he looked down subconsciously, and immediately let go of his hands like a thorn in his back, and took three steps back in a regular manner.

Lin Ruoyun didn\'t notice this scene at all, she kept looking at the wedding stage, and kept winking at Jiang Hui, telling her to throw the bouquet to Mu Wei, but Guan Yinghan stepped in and waved at Jiang Hui: "Ah Hui, here!"

Jiang Hui obviously saw Guan Yinghan. Although she wanted Mu Wei and Sister Min to reunite, she was more afraid of the black-bellied Guan Er. After weighing the pros and cons, she finally bowed her head to the evil forces without any hope.

"Then you have to pick it up." After Jiang Hui finished speaking, she turned around abruptly and threw the bouquet back vigorously.

Under the brilliant sunshine, the exquisite bouquet draws a beautiful parabola in the air.

"Mine, don\'t grab it!"

"Mine, it\'s mine!"

Omega and Alpha huddled together, pushing each other to grab the bouquet.

Guan Yinghan jumped calmly, hugged the bouquet firmly, raised it and waved at Lin Ruoyun: "Ruoyun, I got it."

The lofty Second Miss Guan hugged the bouquet and smiled like the landlord\'s second idiot.

Lin Ruoyun frowned and looked at the wedding table, asking Jiang Hui with her eyes.

"Didn\'t you agree to throw the bouquet to Mu Wei?"

Jiang Hui spread her arms and looked back at her in distress and guilt.

"How dare I provoke your Alpha, can I not give what she likes?"

Lin Ruoyun gave her a contemptuous look, turned around and pretended to be unsteady, yelled, and fell to one side.

When Guan Yinghan heard Ruoyun\'s call, her expression changed suddenly, and she threw away the bouquet in her hand almost like a conditioned reflex, and flew over to catch her.

Lin Ruoyun fell into her arms so steadily.

And the bouquet in Guan Yinghan\'s hand fell into Guan Muwei\'s hands smoothly following a perfect arc.

The bouquet just flew away, Guan Yinghan didn\'t care about it, she only cared about her precious Omega, she put her arms around Lin Ruoyun to stop her falling.

Alpha\'s slender but powerful arms wrapped around Omega\'s soft waist, Guan Ying asked softly, "Are you all right? Did you hurt from the fall?"

The moment Lin Ruoyun saw Mu Wei catching the bouquet, her heart suddenly relaxed.

But he was also worried that his Alpha would be angry and disappointed, so he decided to strike first.

"My feet hurt so much!" Lin Ruoyun gasped for breath and replied, acting is her forte, she can condense watery eyes in a second, she complained softly: "You only focus on grabbing bouquets, I\'m about to be crushed .”

Guan Yinghan wanted to explain, but she was afraid of making her angry by saying the wrong thing, her lips moved, but she didn\'t speak, but just froze in place, letting her lean into her arms.

"I\'m going to punish you!" Lin Ruoyun\'s voice was a little nasal.

Guan Yinghan sighed slightly, frowned, and while she couldn\'t see, she scratched her forehead with her little finger in frustration.

No matter how high and unattainable the Second Miss Guan, who has always been fierce and treacherous to the outside world, always exists in a humble way in front of Lin Ruoyun who grew up with her.

Because she loves her Omega deeply, she loves it with patience, and loves it with compromise.

"Okay, okay, punish it as you like, don\'t be angry, it\'s my fault." Guan Yinghan carefully approached Lin Ruoyun, and kissed her gently on the top of her hair.

Lin Ruoyun slowly buried her face in her chest to hide the corners of her raised mouth, then put her hand next to Guan Yinghan\'s ear, held her earlobe and kneaded it gently, and lowered her other hand, curling it up. A finger hooked into the open neckline of her shirt, and with only a little force, she was brought to him.

The little goblin\'s soft red lips could still vaguely see the tooth marks left when she endured the pain just now, but now she leaned close to her ear, opened and closed slightly, let out a breath from the white teeth, and acted softly: "Hold tighter!" , I\'m about to fall."

Guan Yinghan vaguely felt that she had been fooled again.

How can someone who is about to fall still so calmly nestle into her arms, close to her ear, whispering for help.

But she still held Lin Ruoyun\'s knee, lifted her up, frowned and asked, "What the **** are you planning?"

Lin Ruoyun raised her eyes, pouted her lips in Guan Muwei\'s direction, and showed a bright and flamboyant smile: "Hey, look!"

Guan Yinghan followed her gaze, and saw her cousin Guan Muwei staring blankly at the bouquet in her hand, her head was lowered so she couldn\'t see her expression clearly, and she didn\'t know what she was thinking.

Guan Yinghan understood Lin Ruoyun\'s intention almost instantly, she hugged Lin Ruoyun tightly, and said in a low voice, "It\'s useless, Mu Wei is just a piece of wood, if she is willing to take that step first, she won\'t be separated from Sister Min for five years. "

Lin Ruoyun gritted her teeth angrily: "She deserves to be single!"

Just when she was about to give up the log, Guan Muwei moved, then walked straight to the wedding stage, stopped in front of Qin Min, and handed her the bouquet.

Qin Min froze in place, his eyes were a little red: "You..."

Guan Muwei said nervously that it was not easy: " must not feel pressured, I think you... aunt... just passed away, you must be very sad, so I... I want to give you the bouquet, I I make you happy."

At the end, her voice became lower and lower: "If you don\'t like...then I...I\'ll give it to someone else."

"No, you are not allowed to give it to others." Qin Min hurriedly snatched the bouquet from her hand, and hugged it in his arms like protecting food: "Who are you going to give it to? That little Jiang?"

Guan Muwei hurriedly explained: "No, no, I just want to return it to my sister-in-law."

"Ruoyun won\'t care."

Qin Min lowered his head and pretended to smell the fragrance of the flowers, and buried his red cheeks in the petals. After a while, he slowly raised his head and looked deeply at Guan Muwei, with light in his eyes.

"What a beautiful bouquet, I like it very much, Mu Wei... Thank you!"

"No, you\'re welcome. If you like it, I\'ll grab it for you tomorrow." Guan Muwei realized that she was being stupid in the middle of her speech. How could she attend weddings every day?

She scratched her head shyly, and asked softly, "Can I send you flowers?"

Qin Min buried his face in the bouquet again, and said in a low voice, "Mmm!"

The interaction between Qin Min and Guan Muwei fell into Lin Ruoyun\'s eyes without any omission. She smiled like an old mother, put her arms around Guan Yinghan\'s neck, and shook excitedly: "It\'s done!"

The little goblin\'s eyes were suddenly stained with light, and her brows and eyes were crooked when she smiled. Guan Yinghan was moved by her kind and silly look, and pampered the tip of her nose: "You, if you don\'t want to be an actor in the future, you can consider becoming a matchmaker. "

"I don\'t want it, matchmakers are ugly."

"No, you can raise the ceiling of the matchmaker\'s appearance." Guan Yinghan tapped her lips with her fingertips: "However, it is best to have a mole here, and the business will definitely be better."

"Guan Yinghan, you\'re making fun of me again!"

Lin Ruoyun made a gesture to hit her, but Guan Yinghan held her lips in her mouth. She responded enthusiastically. Their lips moved close together, separated a little, and then moved closer again, full of affection...

At 6:08 p.m., the banquet officially started, and the newcomers took turns to toast. Guan Yinghan and Mu Wei followed behind Ji Wan, helping her pass cigarettes and drinks, one table after another, the banquet was very large, and only half of the toast was made. In the circle, Guan Muwei was so drunk that he passed out, and was helped by the servant into the guest room to rest.

Lin Ruoyun\'s table was not far from the newcomer\'s main table. Seeing Guan Muwei being carried away by the servant, she couldn\'t help but feel worried for the little boy.

However, half of the people who attended the wedding banquet were Guan Yinghan\'s subordinates. They usually dare not make trouble in front of her, but now they took turns to toast her, especially the beautiful and elegant Omegas in the crew, who were in high spirits after drinking , booing and filling her wine glass.

Guan Yinghan supported the table with his left hand, resting on his chin, and waved his right hand feebly, his cheeks were flushed charmingly, not at all cold and arrogant as usual, on the contrary, he added a different kind of charm, making people unable to look away.

An exotic-looking Omega approached her, put the wine glass to her mouth, and said softly, "Second Miss, I would like to toast you."

Although Guan Yinghan was dizzy from being fed, she still had the self-consciousness of an Alpha, her slightly warning eyes fell on Omega\'s face, her body leaned back slightly, and she refused her approach.

Lin Ruoyun put down her chopsticks, and turned her gaze to Guan Yinghan again. When she happened to see this scene, she couldn\'t help gritting her teeth secretly.


How could such a coquettish **** dare to seduce her little brat.

She was about to walk over to take an oath of sovereignty, but Guan Yinghan stood up on the table by herself, and walked towards her unsteadily.

The little boy lost his balance halfway, and fell to one side. Lin Ruoyun ran over to catch her, and let her lean in his arms.

Guan Yinghan looked at Lin Ruoyun with drunken eyes, struggled to identify, and after a while, she lowered her peach blossom eyes and struggled to get away from her: "You...don\'t come near me, my family Ruoyun will...get angry."

Lin Ruoyun\'s eyebrows twitched heavily, she gritted her teeth and dragged her to her side: "Guan Yinghan, take a look at who I am!"

Guan Yinghan rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand, her moist long eyelashes trembled: "You look like my baby Ruoyun."

Lin Ruoyun was about to die, she suppressed her anger, helped Guan Yinghan who was drunk and unconscious, and said goodbye to the couple: "Master, she is drunk, I will take her to rest first."

Jiang Hui put down the wine glass in her hand: "Why don\'t Xiaowan take her back to her room."

"No, I can take care of her. Go and greet the guests."

Lin Ruoyun mixed Guan Yinghan, who had softened into a puddle of mud, into the master\'s room. The kid didn\'t cooperate along the way, so Ruoyun was so angry that she threw her directly into the bathtub.

Guan Yinghan woke up in the warm water, dizzy and unable to exert herself. She opened her eyes with some difficulty, and saw a silhouette as white as snow in the mist.

This goddess-like silhouette is the Omega in her heart.

She called her softly: "Ruoyun..."

Lin Ruoyun heard the voice, turned around and gave her an angry look: "You still recognize me."

She took off her clothes, stepped into the bathtub, and sat down slowly until the water in the bathtub completely covered Miaoman\'s body.

After Guan Yinghan was drunk, her movements became very sluggish, and even her speech became very slow: "Ruoyun..."

Lin Ruoyun dipped a bath towel in water, and slowly wiped it down along the texture of her skin. The water droplets filled her fingertips, like feathers, and passed across Guan Yinghan\'s slender neck.

Guan Yinghan\'s cheeks turned red, and it was unknown whether it was due to drunkenness or the heat.

Lin Ruoyun wandered in front of her, her white and greasy arms hooked her neck, and the curved arc in the damp water vapor fell straight into Guan Yinghan\'s eyes, all her movements stopped, and even her heartbeat missed a few beats. .

Lin Ruoyun pursed her lips, and snorted softly in a nasal voice: "I\'m very angry that my eldest wife was seen by other Omega."

Guan Yinghan blinked blankly: "What... big wife?"

Lin Ruoyun gently brushed her neck with a wet finger, slowly pulled it up, stopped on her lips, and gently rubbed: "This is my eldest wife."

Lin Ruoyun leaned over, opened her red lips slightly, and kissed Guan Yinghan deeply who was still in surprise. Watching her pupils dilate, she backed away mercilessly the moment before her tongue wrapped around her, and then heavily Bite a bite, and exhale an inch away from her lips: "My eldest wife does not abide by Ade, I will punish her."

Then, he raised his index finger unconsciously, and just brushed against her chest: "This is my second wife."

Lin Ruoyun lowered her voice, and her breath was hot: "My second wife doesn\'t keep morals, so I will punish her too."

Guan Yinghan\'s long eyelashes trembled: "No, no one has seen it."

Lin Ruoyun pursed her lips, her apricot eyes gleamed with water, carrying a seductive charm: "Although it was not seen by anyone, it was more excessive. It was touched by another Omega just now, and I was even angrier."

Guan Yinghan\'s head was in a daze, and her eyes were wet after drunkenness: "Ruoyun... I hid, believe me, I really hid, but I was too drunk, when she stretched out her hand, I didn\'t If you can avoid it in time, you will encounter a little bit..."


Before Guan Yinghan finished speaking, Lin Ruoyun took her second wife in her mouth, bit her teeth like punishment, then rolled up the tip of her tongue, and licked her second wife lightly.

At this time, Guan Yinghan was as drunk as cotton wool, so naturally she didn\'t have the strength to refuse.

Just like that, Lin Ruoyun was still angry, she clasped her second wife with her lips, drew circles around, outlined back and forth, and then poked with the tip of her tongue.

Guan Yinghan couldn\'t hold back her bow, she could only bite her lips to resist the electric numbness that the little goblin gave her: "Don\'t be like this... Ruoyun...don\'t play tricks on"

Guan Yinghan\'s cold facial features are tainted with desire/color, and they are seductive.

Lin Ruoyun smiled sweetly, and her voice was even sweeter: "If you do something wrong, you will be punished. You said that I will punish you."

Guan Yinghan couldn\'t speak at all, so she could only breathe with her mouth wide open, but the bathroom was full of moisture, and she sucked the moisture into her lungs, making her breathing more rapid.

However, the little goblin\'s punishment was not over yet. She put her finger in her mouth and made a nibbling gesture, her eyes resting on her abdomen provocatively: "This is my little wife. severely punished."