After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 79:

At the same time, Ji Wan also saw the inconspicuous lipstick marks and tooth marks on her second young lady\'s collar.

Guan Yinghan walked over with her head down guiltily, and stood beside Ji Wan.

At this moment, she was very different from her usual stern and stern attitude when facing her subordinates, and she showed a guilty expression for the first time: "Let me take care of any hurdles in the future."

As soon as the words fell, there was a burst of joy in the room, and various exclamations and hecklings emerged endlessly.

This group of Omegas usually dare not even raise their heads in front of Guan Yinghan, but today is Ji Wan\'s wedding, everyone has no status or position, so they can play around unscrupulously, of course they must take this opportunity to play tricks on Second Miss Guan.

"Drink! Drink!"

I didn\'t expect that the delicate Omega would be more relaxed than Alpha when making noises. At this moment, the Omega in the room waved the rattle and shouted in unison: "Drink! Drink!"

Lin Ruoyun stood behind Jiang Hui, arranging her veil, but kept looking at Guan Yinghan who was blocked outside the door.

Her eyes fell on the long table at the door. There was a whole row of wine glasses on the table, and each glass was filled with Martell cognac. There were more than a dozen glasses.

Lin Ruoyun was faintly worried that drinking on an empty stomach would hurt Guan Yinghan\'s stomach. Every time she drank a cup, Lin Ruoyun\'s brows tightened. When the fifth cup came, she finally couldn\'t hold back and rushed over to **** the glass from Guan Yinghan\'s hand. .

Her actions immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of the Omegas, clamoring to take her away: "Sister Ruoyun, which gang do you belong to?"

Lin Ruoyun paused for a second because of guilty conscience: "I, of course I...Of course it\'s from your gang..."

"Then keep drinking!" A whistle sounded from below.

Guan Yinghan smiled helplessly, raised the wine glass to her mouth, and the next moment, her arm was held, and the wine glass in her hand disappeared.

Guan Yinghan turned her head in amazement, only to see an incomparably glamorous silhouette holding up a wine glass to drink up the wine for her as the lights alternated between bright and dark.

"Yoyoyo, Sister Ruoyun\'s heart hurts... Hahaha..." An Omega below began to boo: "This is not acceptable, I can\'t drink it for you, and if you can\'t finish it, you can\'t even think about picking up the bride."

Lin Ruoyun said unhurriedly: "Drink all the Alphas down, who will pick up the marriage for Ji Wan? Can\'t let my master just sit there all the time? Besides, if there is a toast later, who will stop it? If Ji Wan is drunk Well, then the master can..."

Lin Ruoyun deliberately didn\'t say anything about the latter, but turned her head slightly, looking at Jiang Hui with meaningful eyes.

Sure enough, Jiang Hui couldn\'t sit still, and waved at the Omegas: "Ruoyun is right, it\'s better to stop drinking and change the topic."

The Omegas are obviously not vegetarians either. They were bolder than each other, shouting at the top of their voices: "Second Miss Guan, is it that you won\'t settle accounts after we make trouble?"

Guan Yinghan glanced over and nodded lightly: "Of course, today is a good day for Ji Wan and Jiang Hui, as long as you don\'t go too far, you can do whatever you want."

The Omegas never expected that the second young lady of the Guan family, who looks so cold and invincible, would say such loving words. The helm of the dignified Runhai Group, doing this for his friends is considered affectionate and righteous.

"Of course we won\'t make it difficult for Miss Second." The Omega teased and opened the program list, and then shouted in unison: "We want to ask Miss Second to dance with the girl group."

girl group?


Lin Ruoyun\'s eyelashes trembled.

Where can the brat know how to dance with a girl group?

Guan Yinghan remained silent, and the promoter Omega immediately said to the other Omega, "Hurry up and get the costumes."

When Guan Yinghan changed into her clothes and came out of the lounge, Lin Ruoyun realized what it meant to shoot herself in the foot.

The little boy is wearing a black slim leather jacket, and the white waistless tube top inside brings a strong visual impact. He also wears a pair of lemon yellow trousers. His beautiful legs are lined with long and straight legs. It is cool and **** without being sassy. The whole popularity The field is 1.8 meters.

Lin Ruoyun\'s heart twitched, like a cat\'s tail brushing lightly, leaving an itch that seemed to be there.

But when she saw the group of Omegas looking at Guan Yinghan, their eyes gradually became like wolves.

I couldn\'t restrain the sour taste in my heart.

She didn\'t like the appearance of the little brat being seen by other Omegas.

Lin Ruoyun now regrets that she agreed to Jiang Hui\'s seduction of the little brat, she wished that time could be turned back, so that she could go back and strangle the self who seduced her to death.

Guan Yinghan stood gracefully, raised one hand lazily, and had a smile on her face that was so charming and seductive that few people had ever seen.

When the music started, the Omega retreated to the side automatically, leaving Guan Yinghan a stage. Accompanied by the rhythm, she began to wriggle.

This is a dance song with a bright melody and a sense of rhythm.

Lin Ruoyun could tell that this was the title song of the XC girl group\'s new album, and it was her favorite girl group.

During this period of time, she has been playing this song on a single loop.

How can the little boy do this dance?

Lin Ruoyun stared at her intently, the light and shadow flickered and changed, Guan Yinghan shook her head, raised her hand to lift up the leather jacket, revealing a **** and beautiful mermaid line.

The last voluptuous action of touching his legs completely ignited the atmosphere of the scene to boiling point.

The Omegas at the scene covered their faces and screamed.

"Ahhh...I\'m going to have a nosebleed..."

"I can\'t take it anymore...Second Miss is so good at teasing...My blood tank is empty...Aww...Is this really Second Miss Guan? I can\'t recognize it at all...My mother is so blown away...

Unexpectedly, Miss Guan Er, who is usually cold and elegant, can dance in a girl group, and she can dance so well. Even Lin Ruoyun has never seen her like this.

Lin Ruoyun\'s cheeks were blushing inexplicably, and her heart was beating like crazy.

There was even a moment when he wanted to join the screaming Omegas.

But in the next second, her heart fell into the lemonade, which was sour and astringent. She gritted her teeth and squeezed out a few words: "Little brat, let you discharge everywhere, you are dead tonight."

When the last drumbeat fell, Guan Yinghan was already a little out of breath. She didn\'t maintain a deliberately fixed pose, she just stood up straight and looked straight at Lin Ruoyun.

The sunlight came straight in from outside the glass wall. She faced the light, and the fine sweat on her forehead was shining white under the reflection of the sunlight.

There was silence for a few seconds, followed by thunderous applause.

When Guan Yinghan walked over, she transformed back into the aloof Second Miss of the Guan family in seconds. Where was the temptation from the performance just now?

"How about it, can you open the door?"

"of course can!"

The Omegas took the initiative to open the door, Ji Wan walked towards Jiang Hui with flowers in her hands, her military adviser chased after Lin Ruoyun, stretched out his long arms, and put his arms around her shoulders.

"Ruoyun...does your tooth still hurt?"

Lin Ruoyun didn\'t answer the question instead, her tone sounded a bit yin and yang: "When did you learn to dance?"

Guan Yinghan vaguely felt that the tone of the little goblin was not right, so she went through it in her heart before answering, and said after making sure that everything was safe: "Baby, you told me before that you like the dance of the XC girl group, so I went to learn it. "

"Oh? When did I not know?"

When her baby Omega is about to turn around and kill someone, the corners of her mouth will probably be twitched first, and then her eyes will gradually narrow. When the danger signal is first seen, Guan Yinghan immediately adds an explanation: "The course I applied for online, and The teacher does not have physical contact, it is one-on-one video teaching."

Lin Ruoyun squinted at her, and spoke very slowly: "Then why don\'t you show me the dance after you learn it?"

Guan Yinghan dragged her aggrievedly: "Didn\'t I just...didn\'t I show you?"

Lin Ruoyun patted her paw down mercilessly: "Did you show it to me alone?"

Guan Yinghan stuck to her persistently, and hugged Lin Ruoyun from behind: "Don\'t be angry, baby, I originally wanted to show you the dance on your birthday, but who would have thought that they would come up with this topic... If I don\'t dance, then Ji Wan won\'t be able to dance." Take Ah Hui away... Ruoyun...don\'t ignore me..."

Lin Ruoyun pushed away her head that was about to rub against her glands, and said coldly: "I will punish you."

The kid pleaded guilty very well: "I accept the punishment, Ruoyun... how do you want to punish?"

"I have not decided yet."

Lin Ruoyun ruthlessly pushed her away and walked towards the spiral staircase. When she turned around, the corners of her mouth couldn\'t help but curl up, and the arc became wider and wider.

The little boy is simply stunning.

When watching her dance just now, Lin Ruoyun had been fantasizing about unbuttoning her, pushing her onto the bed, and then pressing her down.

The brat will hold back the wine for Ji Wan later.

hey-hey! See how she cleans her up at night!