After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 61: you lost your memory

Jiang Hui turned her head when she heard the sound, and when she met Guan Ying\'s cold gaze, she suddenly felt like a light was on her back, and she let go of her hand like a conditioned reflex, and put her hand behind her back in a polite manner.

"Hehe... Guan Er, what wind brought you here?"

Guan Yinghan glanced at her indifferently, and when her eyes turned to Lin Ruoyun, her eyes were soft and soft: "Ruoyun, you go to rest first, and I will take you out for a stroll after I finish this place?"

Lin Ruoyun was worrying about having no place to hide, she nodded hurriedly when she heard this, "Then I\'ll go to sleep again."

Guan Yinghan\'s eyes were filled with love: "Okay, let\'s go!"

After watching Lin Ruoyun enter the elevator, Guan Yinghan turned her gaze back to Jiang Hui\'s, "Come on, have a cup of coffee?"

After finishing speaking, she turned around and walked to the western restaurant on the second floor of the hotel. Jiang Hui followed her dizzily and bumped her with her arm: "I said Guan Er, when I was fighting with your aunt before, she sent so many flirtatious men." Omega came to tempt you, you are like a wooden man, I didn\'t expect that you, the flower of Gaoling, would be dragged off the altar one day. Hey, you and Ruoyun lingered all night last night..."

Guan Yinghan turned around suddenly, Jiang Hui saw her serious expression, and swallowed back the second half of the sentence.

"Ahui..." Guan Yinghan looked at her steadfastly, with complicated expressions in her eyes: "Tomorrow, the crew of "Wake Up" will be disbanded. I will stay here and handle the resettlement work myself."

Jiang Hui became furious when she heard it: "Guan Er, you scumbag, you will turn your face and deny it after eating up other people\'s Omega."

What is eaten dry and wiped clean, how can the good words change from Jiang Hui\'s mouth?

"Ahui, have you read the script of "Wake Up"?"

Jiang Hui suppressed her anger: "When it comes to the script, I really can\'t complain. The story is old-fashioned, and there is even a memory loss. I strongly opposed it at the beginning, but you insisted on filming it, okay!

Then shoot it! But now halfway through the filming, you said no, Guan Er, can you respect the fruits of other people\'s labor, you...why did you stop filming? "

"Because... I am the prototype in the script."

Jiang Hui\'s pupils trembled: "Ah..."

In the western restaurant, Guan Yinghan was sitting by the window. The fine midday sunlight shone in and was divided into alternating light and dark shadows. She hid in the dark, her brows and eyes gradually dimmed, and even her voice was covered with a layer of depressed gray.

"Ahui, the whole story is like this... I told you before, I have an Omega, and she is Ruoyun."

After a brief shock, Jiang Hui showed an expression of sudden realization: "So, you want to use this method to tell Lin Ruoyun that you are the couple she loves from the beginning."

After a long time, Guan Yinghan hummed in a low voice.

Jiang Hui received an affirmative answer, and tried to comfort her: "You, you, you are afraid of wolves and tigers, how can you be sure that Ruoyun will be stimulated by filming a drama?"

Guan Yinghan slowly raised her eyelashes, with a hint of pain in her expression: "Dean He said that Ruoyun\'s spirit is very fragile, and every step she takes is like walking on thin ice. Any stimulation will throw her into chaos. If Ruoyun gets hurt because of it, I\'d rather she never remember me for the rest of her life."

"But Guan Er, Ruoyun has the right to know her own past. Does she want to live in such an unclear way?"

"Now that I am like this, I am very content. Ruoyun has returned to me and fell in love with me again."

There was a dark light in Guan Yinghan\'s eyes, her complexion was normal, except for the slightly moist eye sockets, the rest seemed unchanged, and her voice was also very flat: "It\'s fine to just go on like this, at least she won\'t think of those things that happened before. Painful thing."

Jiang Hui didn\'t try to persuade her any more, but just drank her coffee silently, waiting for her to calm down.

After a long time, she put down her cup and looked up at Guan Yinghan: "How are you going to deal with Qin Yeli? And... Ruoyun\'s mother."

Guan Yinghan turned her head to look out the window, her eyes flashed coldly: "I will let them have nothing, and send them inside to repent slowly."

At the Qin Group\'s board meeting in the third quarter, the meeting passed a unanimous resolution to remove Qin Yeli from the position of chairman on the grounds that the company\'s stable operation could not be guaranteed.

Previously, Guan Yinghan had successfully purchased 10% of the shares from the Qin family\'s second bedroom, surpassing Qin Yeli\'s 40% shares. When the board of directors dismissed Qin Yeli, they successfully elected Guan Yinghan as the new chairman of the Qin family .

After the meeting, Qin Yeli\'s former subordinates turned their backs en masse, and couldn\'t wait to gather around Guan Yinghan to congratulate him. Guan Yinghan always kept a gentle and polite smile. meeting room.

Qin Yeli walked to the company\'s terrace. From this angle, she could see the center of Tianhai City. She wanted to take a step forward, but found that she couldn\'t move her body. She turned her head in surprise: "Lu Ying?"

Lu Ying hugged her tightly: "Miss, don\'t be too **** yourself."

Qin Yeli pulled her hand away: "Where are you going, I just want to see the scenery."

Lu Ying looked at her worriedly: "Second Miss Guan has already taken over Qin\'s, and will conduct a self-examination of the company soon, miss, you should go out and avoid it."

Qin Yeli held on to the railing, her knuckles turning white: "Avoid it? Then I will never see Ruoyun again. If I want to leave... I have to take her with me."

"Miss Lin is following Mr. Fu, you can\'t get close at all." Lu Ying walked slowly to her side and handed her an envelope: "Miss, I have already contacted all places in China, and someone will take care of you when you go there. It won\'t be a problem, don\'t...don\'t think about Miss Lin..."

"Lu Ying, when I was sixteen years old, I recognized Ruoyun the first time I saw her. In front of her, I made such a humble sacrifice. In order to keep her, I even... **** off my own mother to death. Reconciled, I\'m really not reconciled..."

Qin Yeli clenched the railing tightly, her black eyes became darker and darker under the cover of the gold-rimmed glasses, she gritted her teeth and said word by word: "Guan Yinghan, you left me with nothing, I want you to taste it too." Taste of loss."

Although Runhai Film and Television stopped the filming of "Wake Up", it signed the copyright of the most popular online novel "Water Moon Mirror Flower". The price offered by Enemy Runhai.

When "Woke Up" was disbanded, it proposed two options. They could stay in the new drama and re-audit to assign roles, or they could take the company\'s liquidated damages.

The new drama has a large number of original fans, and everyone chooses the first option, so "Water Moon Mirror Flower" still uses the original cast, and everyone is familiar with each other when they cooperate. Soon, the makeup photos and promotional videos will be launched as scheduled.

It was dark early in winter, when Lin Ruoyun went to play at 6:30, it was already pitch black outside.

She hurried towards the parking lot, and as soon as she got out of the elevator, the cell phone in her bag rang.

When Ruoyun saw the call, her red lips curled up unconsciously: "Hey, Second Miss Guan, what can you do?"

The voice on the other end of the phone was very soft: "Honey, I\'ve been waiting for a whole day, but you didn\'t even call me!"

There was a trace of grievance in the tone, but more of connivance and pampering.

"How busy you are, Second Miss Guan, I dare not interrupt casually."

Guan Yinghan paused for a second, and her tone changed suddenly. This time, Lin Ruoyun could tell that it was 100% dissatisfied: "You said you would call me after the show, you don\'t want me!"

Lin Ruoyun suddenly burst into laughter, it must be hard for outsiders to imagine that Second Miss Guan, who is as cold as an iceberg, is as sticky as a kitten in front of her.

Lin Ruoyun softened her voice, and acted like a baby to her through the receiver: "I miss you so much..."

Guan Yinghan\'s mood seemed to be beautiful again, and she let out a chuckle, slightly hoarse, but extremely seductive: "Ruoyun...the cherries were really sweet last time, I asked the kitchen to buy some more, do you want to... Try it?"

The brat\'s intentions were obvious, Lin Ruoyun originally wanted to tease her, but thinking of her pitiful attitude of waiting for the phone all day, her heart softened inexplicably.

She leaned close to the phone, deliberately lowered her voice, and panted with a charming and seductive air: "Okay, then you... wash it and wait for me."

Lin Ruoyun hung up the phone and continued walking towards the parking space. While walking, she pressed the remote control from a distance, and the car beeped twice.

Next to her car, there was a black Porsche parked. It looked familiar. Ruoyun moved her gaze down, landed on the license plate, and stopped suddenly.

It\'s Qin Yeli\'s car!

The alarm bell in her mind exploded instantly, and Lin Ruoyun retreated reflexively.

Qin Yeli opened the car door, stepped on her high heels and approached step by step: "Ruoyun...why do you hide when you see me? Come here, don\'t be afraid of me..."

How could Lin Ruoyun not be afraid, the undisguised plunder in Qin Yeli\'s eyes made her terrified, she backed away again and again: "What do you want to do?"

Qin Yeli pressed on step by step, and the smell of cypress trees enveloped the sky: "Ruoyun, I\'m going to China, would you like to go with me? Or which country or city you want to go to."

Lin Ruoyun was forced to greet her pheromone, her eyes froze, she gritted her teeth and refused: "I don\'t want to!"

After finishing speaking, she stumbled and walked out. Qin Yeli chased after her in a few steps and wanted to drag her. Suddenly, someone grabbed her wrist from behind and twisted it hard. Driven to back up, backed all the way to the pillars of the parking lot, then raised his eyes in embarrassment: "Master Fu?"

Three seconds later, the bodyguards behind Qin Yeli all rushed up, but they were perfectly blocked by the well-trained thugs of Yanxingtang.

"Miss Qin, you are really embarrassing us Alpha by using mental power on a weak Omega."

Qin Yeli was heartbroken, not to mention that the number of people in Xixingtang was several times that of him, Master Fu alone was enough to deal with him.

But she knew very well that her grandfather had saved Mrs. Fu, and Mr. Fu would never take her own life no matter what, so her tone suddenly became a little higher: "How beautiful is the Xixing Hall in Mrs. Fu\'s hands, and you are willing to be Guan Ying?" Cold dog?"

Master Fu smiled, touching the scar on his face, which made people shudder: "Yes, I am willing to sacrifice my life for Miss Guan Er. She repays her grievances with kindness, and she does what she says. Instead of pursuing revenge, she gave my brothers in Xixingtang She has created a bright road, and she is clearly the one who did it all, but she puts all the credit on me, and silently protects the face of me, the hall master... Miss Qin, you can\'t even compare to her finger."

He glanced at Qin Yeli with disgust: "For the sake of Mrs. Qin, I will turn a blind eye to what happened today, and you can go."

How could Qin Yeli leave so easily? She pushed Master Fu away, looked straight at Lin Ruoyun, and laughed abruptly: "Ruoyun, do you think Guan Yinghan really loves you? In fact, she has been lying to you all along. ..."

Lin Ruoyun thought she was going crazy, and didn\'t bother to talk to her at all, and walked straight to the car. Master Fu dragged Qin Yeli back, and turned his head to order: "Abao, send Miss Qin back."

When Ah Bao heard the order and was about to take him away, Qin Yeli suddenly shouted: "Ruoyun, are you really willing to be a substitute for the rest of your life?"


Lin Ruoyun stopped holding the car door, and turned her head slowly: "Qin Yeli, what do you mean?"

"Guan Yinghan used to have an Omega. She loved you only because you looked like her previous Omega. She used you as a substitute, Ruoyun, don\'t be fooled by her."

Lin Ruoyun froze in place for a moment, she seemed to be able to hear the sound of her own blood freezing, and the coolness surged up from the soles of her feet to her heart.

"Impossible, you are lying!"

Qin Yeli took out a photo from his pocket and shook it in the air: "If you don\'t believe me, take a look for yourself!"

Lin Ruoyun moved this step stiffly, but her heart was beating violently. It was an unprecedented feeling of tension and fear.

She walked forward step by step, her eyes fixed on the photo Qin Yeli held up high.

At the moment of freezing, Lin Ruoyun felt as if a bomb was dropped in her head, causing her eyes to be temporarily blind, leaving only a vast expanse of whiteness.

The girl in the photo has the same face as hers, even the micro expressions are so similar, she pouts her rosy lips, snuggling sweetly in Guan Yinghan\'s arms, her right hand is still holding her ear affectionately.

Guan Yinghan lowered her head and looked at the girl. She looked into the girl\'s eyes, as if there were stars and seas.

Lin Ruoyun\'s tears flowed down without warning, her face was as pale as paper.

Qin Yeli had a panoramic view of her expression, and a sinister smile overflowed from the corner of her lips.

This photo was found by Lu Ying from Dawan Village, and it was her weapon to separate Guan Yinghan and Lin Ruoyun.

Through Ruoyun\'s misty tearful eyes, Qin Yeli seemed to see Guan Yinghan\'s collapse and despair, and her heart became more and more happy: "Ruoyun, Guan Yinghan just used you as a substitute, she has been lying to you all along."

Mr. Fu is a straight man A. He observed back and forth for a long time but still couldn\'t figure out what happened. When he saw Lin Ruoyun\'s face was full of tears, his first reaction was to call Guan Yinghan, but Lin Ruoyun stretched out his hand to stop him.

"Master Fu, I\'m fine..."

After Lin Ruoyun finished speaking, she stumbled back into the car, and only after she closed the car door did she loosen her tense back.

Lin Ruoyun turned on the air conditioner to the highest temperature, but the chill on her body couldn\'t be dispelled no matter what, she trembled uncontrollably, her whole body was almost hunched over on the driver\'s seat, tears fell down, her heart seemed to be pulled back and forth by a blunt knife, It hurt so badly.

She remembers reading brainless novels when she was a student. If she saw a novel with a stand-in plot, she would resolutely abandon the book. She didn\'t want to read a word, and she couldn\'t even read the punctuation marks, but unexpectedly...

This stalk came to him.

Now she finally understood why when Guan Yinghan was alone with her, there was always a hint of sadness in his eyes when he looked at her. It turned out that she was missing her former Omega.

Lin Ruoyun didn\'t know how she drove back, and when she could barely see the surroundings, she was already standing at the door of Jingyuan\'s study.

She knocked on the door with trembling hands, and the sound of Alpha\'s surprised and eager footsteps came from inside. The next second, she was hugged into a warm and fragrant embrace.

"Ruoyun..." Guan Yinghan\'s lips pressed against the door, and Alpha kissed her hard.

Lin Ruoyun tilted her head, pressed against her shoulder and pushed away: "Don\'t touch me!"

Guan Yinghan thought it was her refusal to welcome again, so she entangled her like a puppy, rubbed against her neck, and groaned, "Baby Ruoyun... I washed it very clean, it smells delicious, don\'t believe it you smell..."

Lin Ruoyun pushed her away again, her voice was so indifferent as if mixed with ice: "Don\'t touch me!"

Guan Yinghan froze suddenly, with a look of astonishment on his face, and said cautiously: "Ruoyun... What\'s the matter with you? It\'s me, Guan Yinghan."

Lin Ruoyun took out the photo and held it up in front of her, her eyes were red, but she stubbornly refused to shed a tear.

Guan Yinghan\'s eyes moved down slowly, and the moment she saw the photo, she grabbed her shoulders suddenly, with a smile and a cry on her face: " you remember? Do you remember?"

Lin Ruoyun opened her hand suddenly, and under the dim light, she showed a sarcastic smile: "Second Miss Guan, you love your former Omega very much, don\'t you?"

Guan Yinghan looked at her expression, couldn\'t guess what happened for a while, and replied following her words: "Yes!"

"So, you take me as her substitute?" Lin Ruoyun looked at Guan Yinghan sadly, her face paled, "What do you say you love me, like me, and deliberately pretend to be a fool in order to stay by my side?\'ve been using me as a stand-in, haven\'t you?

Guan Yinghan froze in place for a moment, as if she couldn\'t believe what she heard, she stared at Lin Ruoyun with wide eyes, unable to say a word for a while.

Facing her scarlet eyes, Lin Ruoyun felt an unknown ache in her heart, and tears flowed down unconsciously.


What hurts! Just get out of the way!

No matter how distressed you are, you can\'t be someone else\'s substitute, this is the bottom line!

Lin Ruoyun bit her lip, firmly suppressed the urge to cry, and said in a choked voice, "Guan Yinghan, let\'s break up."

Guan Yinghan looked up at her, her eyes were full of disbelief and at a loss, she was trembling even breathing: "Don\'t... Ruoyun, don\'t break up...I love you..."

"It\'s not me you love at all, it\'s your former Omega!"

Guan Yinghan grasped Ruoyun\'s hand in a breakdown, but it trembled so much that she could hardly hold it steady: "Yes, I love my former Omega very much, but she is you, Ruoyun, you are my former Omega! "

Lin Ruoyun beeped with severe pain in her head, the world in front of her eyes blurred and became clear for a while, and she felt dizzy. She tried her best to shake off Guan Yinghan\'s hand: "You said I was your former Omega, but I I don\'t know you at all, you say you love me, why don\'t I have any pictures in my mind!"

"You lost your memory!"

Guan Yinghan was so anxious that she blurted out what she had been hiding for a long time. She grabbed Ruoyun\'s hand like grabbing a life-saving straw, her eyes were full of madness, pleading, and helpless begging: "Ruoyun, please, please! Wake up...wake up, okay? I\'m Guan Guan, your favorite Guan Guan..."

Lin Ruoyun was startled, and then resisted more fiercely: "It\'s you who should wake up, Miss Guan Er! Don\'t lie to me with such absurd excuses, I have amnesia? How could I have amnesia? My father\'s name is Lin Shirui, and my mother\'s name is Lin Shirui. My name is Liang Qiu, my primary school is Yuanziqiao Primary School, and my secondary school is Tianhai No. 1 Middle School...

My first award-winning composition in elementary school was "My Dad". When I was in college, I started shooting print ads. I remember everything, how can I lose my memory? "

"No, no, your elementary and middle schools are all in Dawan Village..."

The corners of Guan Yinghan\'s eyes were red, and she didn\'t dare to say too much to irritate Ruoyun. While observing her expression, she asked cautiously, "Ruoyun, do you still remember Dawan Village?"

Dawan Village?

The sharp tinnitus swept through the brain again, Lin Ruoyun\'s eyes blurred into nothingness, and her body limply fell down. Before she completely lost consciousness, she heard Guan Yinghan\'s panic-stricken cry: "Ruoyun...Ruoyun..."