After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 60: You have to pay for delicious food

Holding a bowl of cherries, Lin Ruoyun stood outside Jingyuan\'s study room. The study room is an independent small building with its own spiral staircase. The entire wall of the display is a large open bookshelf. The cool-colored row of wall lamps emit low-key and luxurious light, making people feel comfortable. The quiet night is even more quiet.

Not long ago, Guan Ying brought Ruoyun to Jingyuan, and the servants naturally did not dare to neglect the future mistress. The maids in uniform bowed and stood aside. The Guan family was about to knock on the door, but Lin Ruoyun carried her away. hand to stop.

Lin Ruoyun put her index finger on her lips, and made a silent gesture: "Sister Qiu, you all go to work, I will do it myself."

"Okay, Ms. Lin, I have something to tell you." Sister Qiu waved her hand to signal the servants to leave.

Lin Ruoyun leaned on the carved armrest, looked down, and saw her own shadow wrapped in a black lace suspender.

Do you really want to seduce/seduce her?

This brat, will she take the bait?

Lin Ruoyun bit her lip, thinking of Jiang Hui\'s expectant gaze, she finally raised her hand and knocked on the door.

A cold voice came from inside.


The moment the door was pushed open, Guan Yinghan\'s expression gradually changed from initial astonishment to joy, and the straightforward joy was not concealed, which was completely written in those twinkling eyes.

"Ruoyun, why are you here?"

Lin Ruoyun met her gaze and smiled coquettishly: "Why, you don\'t want to see me?"

Holding the cherry in her hands, she walked over with her waist twisted, but deliberately slowed down her pace, as if the video was played at a speed of 0.75, slow and enchanting.

Lin Ruoyun unbuttoned her buttons unequivocally as she walked, camel coat, belt, knitted sweater...

Guan Yinghan forgot to breathe for a moment, just staring at her walking over in a daze.

Lin Ruoyun slumped down on her lap with the clothes winding all the way on the floor. Outside the black lace suspender pajamas, there was only a white shirt that was mostly unbuttoned.

"Didn\'t you say you miss me and want to hug me? Now I\'m here."

The surprise in Xiaozi Taohua\'s eyes is still expanding, and there are circles of lustful ripples: " flew back overnight specially for me?"

"Hmm!" Lin Ruoyun\'s voice trembled slightly, soft and charming, she moved closer, lay on Guan Yinghan\'s shoulder, and blew lightly on her glands.

Guan Yinghan shuddered violently, and soon realized that she had a physiological reaction, her glands were being teased, she became restless with excitement, and her lower abdomen suddenly tensed up.

With a smile on her red lips, Lin Ruoyun held Guan Yinghan\'s wrist, lifted it up, and placed it on her half-unbuttoned shirt, guiding her to undo all the loose buttons.

The extremely **** black suspender pajamas were revealed.

The soft lace sticks to the fair skin, outlining a rounded arc, and the faint pink is like two peeled, crystal clear crystal grapes.

Guan Yinghan glanced over secretly, her eyelashes trembled slightly, and then she lowered her eyes in a concealed manner.

Lin Ruoyun had a panoramic view of her expression, and seductively squeezed the two **** of softness towards her, resting her head on her shoulder, and whispered with a pun: "I\'ve washed it very clean, do you want to try it?"

Guan Yinghan\'s breathing was stagnant, and before she had time to react, Lin Ruoyun backed away from her shoulder.

Only then did she realize that there was a deep red cherry between Ruoyun\'s lips.

It turned out that Ruoyun was talking about cherries...

she thought...

Lin Ruoyun held a cherry in her lips, and the red-faced strategy routine in "This Pose Is Amazing" flashed in her mind, and her red lips slowly approached Guan Yinghan.

She didn\'t kiss Guan Yinghan directly, but touched her lips with this bright and dripping cherry. She bit one end of the flesh, and gently pressed it between her lips without haste.

Full of nephrite jade and warm fragrance, the sweet pheromone of Omega gradually spread out, and the fruity fragrance mixed with cherry invaded Guan Yinghan all at once.

She was swayed by the pheromones of Omega, making her whole body soft, hot and weak, and the desire to mark and possess was surging, which was extremely difficult to bear.

However, Lin Ruoyun\'s temptation continued, it wasn\'t counted as a kiss, and she didn\'t even have any actual contact, but the scent of watery flowers at the tip of her nose, and the softness of cherry flesh, brushed against her lips, making it more difficult to hold back than a real kiss.

Guan Yinghan clearly felt that she was emotional, her glands couldn\'t hold it back, and her pheromones were overflowing out of control.

She frowned slightly, wondering if she should just let it go.


I can\'t bear it anymore.

Guan Yinghan endured it to the limit, eagerly biting the cherry, and when the tip of her tongue was about to invade Omega\'s lips, Lin Ruoyun suddenly let go, bit her lip halfway, and seduced her with charming eyes: "What else? "

Guan Yinghan chewed **** the cherry pulp, wrapped her hands around Lin Ruoyun\'s head, inserted her fingertips into her soft hair, massaged her and approached her, turned her defense into an attack, and kissed her lips fiercely.


Alpha\'s attack was so fast and fierce that Ruoyun didn\'t have time to take a breath, so she could only raise her arm, press it on her shoulder, and push it out slightly: "I\'m about to be out of breath..."

Guan Yinghan moved away a little, Lin Ruoyun leaned on her shoulder panting, the tip of her nose accidentally rubbed against Guan Yinghan\'s gland.

Alpha is very sensitive, Lin Ruoyun can easily feel it, but with just a light touch, Guan Yinghan\'s shoulders and neck trembled slightly, even her breathing trembled, and the glands moved unbearably, oozing out. Wet/Liquid with a scent of Sherbet.

"Ruoyun, I feel bad." Guan Yinghan\'s breathing was already chaotic, the corners of her eyes were flushed, and the desire/desire in her peach blossom eyes was not concealed.

Guan Yinghan\'s heart trembled uncontrollably from the desire to deeply mark the Omega.

She poked out the tip of her tongue and lightly licked the Omega\'s gland.

"Hmm..." Lin Ruoyun unconsciously groaned.

what\'s the situation?

The eighteen **** tricks I learned in the book haven\'t been used yet, why did this little brat get into heat by himself?

Is this considered... a success in seduction/seduction?

Guan Yinghan\'s forehead was dripping with sweat, and her breathing became more and more rapid. Lin Ruoyun bent her lips and actively hooked Guan Yinghan\'s neck, her voice was soft: "Hold me... to bed."

Guan Yinghan hugged her horizontally. Jingyuan\'s study and bedroom were designed by China Unicom, but it was too big. It took Guan Yinghan only a few minutes to walk from the study to the bedroom.

She gently placed Lin Ruoyun on the bed, then covered her body, and her palms fell on Ruoyun\'s lower back...

The lace pajamas stacked at the waist were completely stripped.

Lin Ruoyun\'s skin is very fair and a little thin, and when she is in love, she will glow with a light jade pink color, especially in that secret place, which is like a water spirit flower dripping with water, which is fascinating.

Guan Yinghan smelled the pheromone that made her fascinated, found the source, rubbed it with the tip of her nose, Lin Ruoyun was so excited that her whole body went limp, she felt as if she was being suspended from a high place, she could only hold on to the rope helplessly, precariously on the verge of falling.

How can this little boy be so good at it!

No, he promised to seduce her, but why did he fall into this vortex of extreme pleasure instead.

The task assigned to her by the master has not been completed yet!

Lin Ruoyun bit her lip, forced herself to break free from the joy, and folded the backs of her hands tremblingly to cover the secret place.

Guan Yinghan chased and kissed the back of her hand with her lips, and said coaxingly: "Ruoyun... Take your hand away..."

Lin Ruoyun closed her legs, shook her head unsteadily, her cheeks flushed crimson.

Guan Yinghan let out a low laugh, and slowly climbed up, approaching her soft lips.

Lin Ruoyun saw that the tip of her tall nose was stained with the moisture she picked up just now, and the redness of her cheeks became more vivid.

She held back her shame, and hooked Guan Yinghan with moist eyes: "Is it delicious?"

The little boy pecked lightly on her lips: "Well, it\'s so sweet!"

Lin Ruoyun pursed her lips, and suppressed those turbulent emotions: "The tasting is over, if you want to eat again, you have to pay..."

The little brat has long been fascinated by the pheromone of Omega, there is no reason why he should not, so he nodded immediately: "Yes, I will give you as much money as you want!"

Lin Ruoyun\'s eyes beamed with joy: "Really? Give me everything you want?"

The little boy rested his head on the crescent of her neck, eagerly rubbing: "Yeah!"

Lin Ruoyun stretched out her hand to caress her waist, brushing her red lips against her glands: "Then let "Wake Up" continue filming, okay?"

Guan Yinghan was taken aback, took a deep breath silently, forced herself to move away from her neck, and gritted her teeth to refuse: "No."

"Why, you have to give me a reason." Lin Ruoyun climbed onto the little boy\'s shoulders, carefully let go of her glands, and more pheromone spread, making the little boy\'s canine teeth more swollen/swollen.

"No way, no way!" Guan Yinghan licked her small fangs, retracted them restrainedly, then propped up her hands, backed away from her body a little bit, and stumbled towards the study.

Lin Ruoyun sat on the bed in a daze for several minutes, from bewildered to embarrassed, and after realizing that the sex/seduction failed, she hurriedly chased after her. She wanted to open the study door, but found that it was locked by the brat.

She stood at the door, remembering the wet eyes and flushed cheeks of the little brat just now, her heart clenched tightly, and she patted the door lightly: "Hey, Guan, what are you hiding? Credit, eat first and then pay... Hey, why don\'t you come and eat first, it doesn\'t matter if you pay after eating..."

Guan Yinghan staggered to the desk, opened the drawer with trembling hands, took out a bottle of suppressant tablets inside, unscrewed it with trembling hands, and swallowed it with warm water.

After doing all this, she almost collapsed, slid by the desk, silently waiting for the effect of the medicine to take effect.

Guan Yinghan closed her eyes and endured it extremely hard. There was a thin layer of sweat on her forehead, neck and neck. She supported the table legs and clenched into fists again, with blue veins protruding faintly on the back of her hands.

It took five minutes for the suppressant tablet to take effect. Guan Yinghan had never felt that five minutes was so difficult. She frowned, bit her lower lip hard, and counted down in her heart.

Until the lower lip was bitten, the sweat on the forehead merged into a drop, hanging on the chin...

"Hey, Guan Yinghan... you come out first, you, you will... you will die of pain."

Outside the door, Lin Ruoyun\'s heart ached so much that she had completely forgotten the purpose of her trip, she just wanted to help her through the estrus period: "Okay, okay, I don\'t need to give you money...I\'ll eat for free...Can you come out? "

Five minutes later, the door of the study room was finally opened. Guan Yinghan exhausted all her energy and fell to the ground staggeringly.

Lin Ruoyun quickly grabbed her waist and let her lean on her body: "Guan Yinghan, how are you..."

Guan Yinghan\'s beautiful peach blossom eyes still had a little mist from when he was in love, his lips were bitten by himself and a large part was still bleeding, and the slightly curly hair ends were all wet with sweat, sticking messily to his neck.

You can imagine how hard the little boy endured these few minutes.

Seeing her like this, Lin Ruoyun became angry for no reason: "Why are you taking suppressive tablets!"

"Your Omeaga is still here, you take suppressive tablets? Do you know if there are side effects!"

Guan Yinghan lay powerlessly on Lin Ruoyun\'s shoulder, and whispered softly: "Ruoyun..."

Lin Ruoyun gritted her teeth bitterly, and asked her unbearably: "Why did you order to suspend the filming? I want a reason!"

Guan Yinghan softly raised her arms and put her arms around her shoulders: "There is a copyright dispute over that movie."

"Guan Yinghan, do you think it\'s my first day in the industry, do you believe this kind of words? You have to make up a decent reason, you Runhai Group will get into this kind of dispute, you are a liar! Tell me the truth, Why exactly?"

Guan Yinghan hugged her tighter, and a depressed voice floated above her head: "Ruoyun, I can agree to anything you want, except for this matter, don\'t mention it again, okay?"

Lin Ruoyun was confused by what she heard, she raised her head in a daze, her eyes inevitably collided, Guan Yinghan\'s eyes were dim, covered with a gray layer of panic, as if she was afraid of something.

Lin Ruoyun had never seen her like this before, but her intuition told her that all this had something to do with her.

She knew the little brat, if she wanted to keep it a secret, no matter how much coercion and lure she had, it would be useless.

"Okay!" Lin Ruoyun put her arms around her waist and comforted her on her back: "It\'s fine if I don\'t shoot, but you have to take good care of the crew and actors."

Guan Yinghan touched her forehead: "I will!"

Early the next morning, Guan Yinghan accompanied Lin Ruoyun back to the set to do the aftermath. Because Guan Yinghan was a step late in explaining the work to the branch manager, Ruoyun walked into the hotel first, and was stopped by Jiang Hui before she got on the elevator.

"Ruoyun, what\'s the matter, can we start work tomorrow?"

Lin Ruoyun didn\'t answer, she turned her head towards the revolving door to see if Guan Yinghan had followed, following the movements, red spots appeared on her neck.

Jiang Hui thought she was wrong, so she quietly moved closer to half of her body to take a closer look, with a meaningful smile on her face: "Now I feel relieved, the crew can resume work."

Lin Ruoyun was about to say that the plan had failed, but Jiang Hui hooked her shoulders, and put it next to her ear, teasing: "I can\'t tell, this Guan Er is usually deserted like an exiled fairy, I didn\'t expect to be so indulgent... indulgent, Look at your small body being tortured by her..."

Lin Ruoyun felt her eyes fall on the back of her neck.

Kiss...hickey? !

Lin Ruoyun\'s cheeks flushed instantly, and she hurriedly brushed her hair to cover it up, trying to cover up and defend herself: "I...I don\'t know why there is a bag here, maybe it was bitten by a mosquito."

"Hey, I\'ll go. Whose female mosquitoes are so powerful, they only pick places that can\'t be seen to bite, maybe there are other places too, come here, let me check for you."

Jiang Hui pulled Lin Ruoyun\'s skirt in a serious manner, which made her beg for mercy repeatedly: "Master...don\'t make trouble, Guan Yinghan is here..."

Before the last two words could be uttered, a voice wrapped in an ice pick came from next to my ear.

"Jiang Hui, do you always bully my wife like this?"