After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 62: eat cherries

Lin Ruoyun was in a coma for more than three hours. In the blinding white light, she heard Guan Yinghan\'s voice intermittently.

"No, I don\'t agree! I have been to China, and the doctor who operated on Ruoyun died two years ago. It is too risky to perform a fusion operation on Ruoyun just based on the original medical records. ,I disagree!"

Lin Ruoyun let out a weak snort, Guan Yinghan heard the movement, hurried over, and carefully touched her forehead: "Is there any discomfort? Is your head still hurting? Do you want some water?"

The emotion in Guan Yinghan\'s eyes is so strong that it makes people intoxicated, but the sea of ​​stars and stars in her eyes never belonged to her, only belonged to her former Omega.

Lin Ruoyun\'s nose became sore uncontrollably, a thin layer of tears welled up in her eyes, and Guan Yinghan\'s heart clenched violently with her heartbroken expression.

"Hey, don\'t cry... Is there something wrong?"

Guan Yinghan hurriedly called the doctor over for another checkup. The doctor was not wearing a white coat and seemed to be aged. He was not like a doctor in a normal hospital. Guan Yinghan called him Dean He.

After checking to make sure there was no problem, Dean He smiled and looked at Lin Ruoyun: "The nurse will fetch water for you later, you can tell her what you want, or you can come to me directly, my office is next door. "

"Thank you doctor."

Lin Ruoyun\'s face was still pale, and her whole body was like a withered flower, listless and lifeless.

Dean He winked at Guan Yinghan, and the two walked out of the ward together.

"Second miss, this time seems to be dangerous, but it is actually a good sign. Although Miss Lin has not accepted the fact that she has lost her memory, her mood and mental state have not undergone major fluctuations. You were worried that she would go crazy again. It seems that this The degree of stimulation should not be."

Guan Yinghan lowered her eyes and murmured softly, feeling extremely depressed: "I\'ve been by her side for so long, does she feel nothing at all?"

"Yes, she has doubts about your appearance." Dean He analyzed patiently: "But Miss Er, you must know that the human brain has a protective function. Whenever she thinks of questions that puzzle her, she will always feel extremely painful. , so she will subconsciously reject things that deviate from her current memory, this is just an autonomous protection mechanism of her brain, not from Miss Lin\'s subjective will, so she cannot be blamed."

Dean He glanced at Guan Yinghan, and suggested again: "Second Miss, since you have obtained Miss Lin\'s original medical records, why not..."

When Guan Yinghan was talking to Academician He, Lin Ruoyun forced herself to sit up, and wanted to get out of bed to leave, but she felt dizzy when she lowered her head a little, and she didn\'t catch her shoes after a few times.

Guan Yinghan at the door happened to turn her head, and when she saw it, she ran over nervously, half-kneeled in front of her, and put her shoes on her feet: "Why are you up? Do you want to drink water? Or do you need to go to the bathroom?"

Lin Ruoyun didn\'t speak, but silently drew back her feet, as if refusing her touch.

Guan Yinghan silently endured her cold attitude, suppressed the bitterness in her heart, and squeezed out a smile: "Okay, I won\'t touch you, just lie down and let the nurse hang the water, and I\'ll let Jiang Hui accompany you, okay?"

Lin Ruoyun twitched her eyelashes, hesitated for a moment, then lay back down, turned her back, and pulled up the quilt, leaving Guan Yinghan with an indifferent look on the back of her head.

Guan Yinghan stared at her blankly, until the mist in his eyes was getting bigger and bigger, and his vision was blurred, then he turned around in pain, dragged his feet mechanically, and staggered out of the room.

Jiang Hui received a call from Guan Yinghan and hurried to the research institute. When she entered the door, Lin Ruoyun was still lying on her side, and she was completely covered in the quilt.

Jiang Hui saw that the quilt was shaking non-stop, accompanied by a little sobbing.

Although the voice is very low.

But Jiang Hui knew—

Lin Ruoyun was crying.

Having been together for such a long time, Jiang Hui had already regarded Ruoyun as her relatives. Seeing her like this, her heart was stung.

She walked over slowly and pulled down the quilt covering Ruoyun\'s head. The moment she pulled it down, she saw a pair of red and swollen eyes like walnuts.


Lin Ruoyun raised her tearful eyes, and called out in a hoarse voice: "Master..."

Jiang Hui\'s tone was unusually impatient: "Just now Ji Wan told me that you want to terminate the contract with the company?"

Lin Ruoyun pursed her lips and said nothing, turned her face and lowered her long eyelashes.

"Ruoyun, listen to me. I admit that Guan Er prepared all the resources for you, but winning the award and having such a good reputation are the result of your own hard work. Don\'t give up just because of this."

"Master..." Lin Ruoyun shrank her head down, letting her nasal voice be covered by the quilt: "I really like her...whether it\'s Toffee or Miss Guan Er, I like it very much. But I also have my self-esteem, No matter how much I like her, I can\'t be ashamed to be someone else\'s substitute, and I will never see the light. Master, it hurts so much! I look at her now... My heart hurts..."

"It\'s not a substitute, she loves you, Ruoyun." Jiang Hui rubbed the top of her hair distressedly: "She was originally your Alpha, she grew up with you, and then she returned to Guan\'s house, the night before parting , she proposed to you on her own initiative... Ruoyun, do you still remember, think about it carefully..."

Lin Ruoyun burst into tears: "Master, I have to think... I really tried, I tried to think hard. But... I searched through my memory, but I couldn\'t find Guan Yinghan. How do you believe it?"

Guan Er didn\'t want to stimulate Lin Ruoyun, so Jiang Hui could only calm down her emotions first: "Okay, Ruoyun, you can rest for a few days and talk about the termination of the contract after the filming of "Water Moon Mirror Flower", okay? "

Lin Ruoyun lowered her eyelashes, her voice was as low as dusk: "Okay..."

After leaving the research institute, Jiang Hui took Ruoyun to her home. Ruoyun\'s room was tidied up in advance by Ji Wan. The sheets and the whole set of toiletries were new. The moisturizer on the bedside table is still emitting white mist, and it is filled with aromatherapy that can calm the nerves and help sleep.

Ruoyun stayed at Jiang Hui\'s house for the past few days, Guan Yinghan didn\'t come over for a day, knowing that Ruoyun refused to see her, so she put the food and flowers at the door, and took a look from the window from a distance.

Hearing the sound of trampling high-heeled shoes at the door fading away, Lin Ruoyun involuntarily walked to the window sill and peeped out from the gap in the curtains.

Guan Yinghan stood quietly downstairs in a black double-breasted coat, looking up at the direction of Jiang Hui\'s house. The cold wind blew the clothes, revealing her thin ankles.

Lin Ruoyun\'s heart skipped a beat, as if she was hit by something suddenly, it didn\'t hurt, but it made her shake unceasingly, trying to grab something to stabilize herself, but found it was futile.

Her heart has been shaking ever since she saw Guan Yinghan.

Why is she wearing so little on such a cold day?

Will you catch a cold?

Lin Ruoyun\'s heart ached so much that she pressed her fingernails against her palms to resist the urge to rush downstairs to hug her.

I really want to-

go home with her!

I want to snuggle into her warm embrace with the scent of saffron.

However, after loving her, everything became so painful.

Ruoyun understood that Guan Yinghan only loved her face, if she didn\'t look like her previous Omega, she probably wouldn\'t even look at her.

The more Lin Ruoyun thought about it, the sadder she became. She is just a substitute, and she doesn\'t even have the right to be jealous.

Jiang Hui came over with the milk, handed it to Lin Ruoyun, glanced downstairs calmly, and sighed slightly: "Hey, a certain Alpha is really pitiful, so many people want to give her a birthday party. But he came here so desperately to be abused that he couldn’t even eat birthday noodles.”

Lin Ruoyun\'s long eyelashes trembled, and she asked in a low voice: "Today is... her birthday?"

"Hmm!" Jiang Hui nodded.

Lin Ruoyun couldn\'t help but look down again, and found that Guan Yinghan was walking away a little bit, with her head drooping slightly, her back was lonely and cold, even the shadow pulled out by the street lamp looked dark and mottled.

Lin Ruoyun turned her face away sadly, wiped away her tears without a trace, turned around and sat back on the sofa.

Jiang Hui followed, sat down next to her, took out an envelope from the coffee table drawer and handed it to Lin Ruoyun: "This is the Omega before Guan Er, which is the letter you—Lin Ruoyun wrote to her."

Lin Ruoyun was talking about how I could write to her, but she subconsciously opened the slightly yellowed paper.

The moment her gaze fell on the paper, Lin Ruoyun\'s gaze slowly froze.

The small black characters in front of her overlapped and flashed before her eyes, like a movie lens, sawing over little by little.

【Guan Guan, I was so sad that you rejected my confession that day. Ruan Xiaoqi comforted me and said, if you don\'t like me, you won\'t protect me silently, and you won\'t go to work every day after school to save money to buy me gifts. She said you refused me because of your low self-esteem.

Guan Guan, in my eyes, you are better than anyone else, don\'t keep your head down, give me your hand, let me hold you, we grow up together, and grow old together.

Now our life is very difficult and we lack a lot, but it doesn\'t matter, if we work hard together, there will be something. Can you think again and accept me as your Omega? 】

Jiang Hui stared at her with burning eyes: " you remember something?"

Lin Ruoyun lowered her head like a sculpture, staring at the words on the paper, tears streaming down her eyes: "Master, where did this letter come from?"

"I secretly took it out from Guan Er\'s study room. She is like something precious. She is hidden in a..." Jiang Hui sensed her strangeness, rushed over to grab her hand, and asked hastily, "Ruoyun, do you want to buy it?" Reminds me, doesn\'t it?"

Lin Ruoyun shook her head stiffly.

Jiang Hui fell to the ground in disappointment.

However, in the next second, the blood in her whole body was boiling.


She heard Lin Ruoyun say: "Master... This is a letter from me, it\'s from me."

Jiang Hui raised her head in surprise: "Didn\'t you didn\'t remember anything..."

Lin Ruoyun let the tears flow quietly: "Yes, I still don\'t remember it, but I can read my handwriting. When I write this stroke, I will habitually wear a small hook. This... I really wrote it. , but why do I have no impression at all?"

Lin Ruoyun\'s hand holding the paper began to tremble, trembling to the extreme, her voice was so hoarse that she could hardly hear it: "So I... I might really lose my memory, right?"

Jiang Hui rushed over and hugged her, speechless with excitement: "Ruoyun... you finally... finally believed Guan Er\'s words, she didn\'t lie to you, you really lost your memory, she looked for you for a long time, and suffered a lot for you ..."

Lin Ruoyun\'s eyes hurt sharply, she moved her body reluctantly, and said to herself in a daze: "So, the sporadic and vague fragments that often appear in my mind are not dreams, but real memories..."

No wonder, seeing Guan Yinghan for the first time in the corridor gave her a familiar feeling, which made her reluctant to throw it away and determined to keep her.

Lin Ruoyun\'s tears flowed down, she wiped them off with the back of her hand, grabbed the key bag and ran out the door.

"Ruoyun, where are you going?" Jiang Hui asked from behind.

Lin Ruoyun hurriedly changed her shoes: "There are still two hours, there is still time."

"What two hours?"

"My Alpha\'s birthday."

When Lin Ruoyun arrived at Jingyuan, there wasn\'t even a guard at the door. She rang the bell for a long time before someone came out to open the door.

When the aged butler saw Lin Ruoyun, his eyes were red: "Miss Lin, go and persuade the second miss, she hasn\'t eaten well for a few days, today is her birthday, and she wrapped a big red envelope for all of our servants , gave us another day off, but locked ourselves in the study..."

Lin Ruoyun\'s nose was sore, she inhaled hard: "Sister Qiu, can you do me a favor?"

Fifteen minutes later, Lin Ruoyun stepped up the stairs step by step with a small homemade cake in her hand. At first, she was fine, she was just nervous, but the closer she got to the study, her heartbeat accelerated inexplicably, with each sound, there were ripples in the air.

The door of the study room was ajar, and it was pitch black inside. Lin Ruoyun walked in slowly by the candlelight on the small cake.

The surroundings were quiet and silent, Lin Ruoyun glanced around, but didn\'t see her beloved Alpha, and was about to go to the bedroom to look for her, when the end of her eyes glanced over the French windows, she suddenly froze.

Guan Yinghan sat curled up, her forehead resting on the large glass window, hugging a pillow in her arms, her eyelashes were lowered, she couldn\'t see her expression clearly, she was silent like a dusty shadow.

All hesitation and worries collapsed after seeing Guan Yinghan hugging the pillow with her face printed on it.

Lin Ruoyun called her with a choked voice: "Guan Yinghan..."

Guan Yinghan was stunned, and looked over slowly, her cold and proud peach eyes instantly overflowed with water marks, she didn\'t speak, her eyes tightly wrapped around her, tears flowed down silently, and couldn\'t hold back the strings, It dripped down the cheeks to the neck, staining the skirt of the clothes.

Lin Ruoyun\'s heart was about to break.

Damn, she must be crazy to bully her like this!

Such a good Alpha, how could she have the heart to hurt her?

Lin Ruoyun walked over, knelt down and took her hand: "Toffee...I\'m sorry..."

Omega\'s fingertips were smooth and soft, wrapping Guan Yinghan\'s heart warmly and softly: "Ruoyun, I don\'t blame you, no matter what you do to me, I won\'t blame you."

"But I will blame myself."

Lin Ruoyun blinked, and blinked away the moisture in her eyes: "If you are really my former Alpha, then if I wake up in the future, I will definitely feel distressed to death."

"Ruoyun..." Guan Yinghan\'s mood suddenly changed, she seemed to be laughing, but then restrained her tears: "You believe what I say, don\'t you?"

"Well, I believe it!"

Lin Ruoyun brought the dinner plate by the window sill in front of her, under the light of the candle, Omega\'s eyes shone like stars, with an intoxicating smile.

"Happy birthday!"

Guan Yinghan\'s eyes were full of unbelievable joy: "Ruoyun..."

"Hey, don\'t be dumb, make a wish!"

Guan Yinghan closed her eyes obediently, her lips curled up slightly, and she silently made a wish: I hope Ruoyun is safe and happy, and goes well without any worries.

Guan Yinghan slowly opened her eyes. Under the candlelight, both of them were covered with warm colors. The moment they looked at each other, they laughed at the same time under the inexplicable tacit understanding.

Smiles turned into gorgeous flowers, blooming in each other\'s eyes and brows.

"Let\'s blow out the candles together, shall we?"

"it is good!"


The candles were extinguished, and the room was plunged into darkness.

Guan Yinghan raised her arms and stood up straight: "I\'m going to turn on the light."

"No, don\'t turn on the light." Lin Ruoyun buried her head in Guan Yinghan\'s arms, rubbed her chest lightly, then leaned down, straddled her lap in another more ambiguous position, and hooked her Neck: "I have a gift for you, turn on the light after unwrapping the gift."

Guan Yinghan was stunned for a moment, the fragrance of the shower gel mixed with the faint water spirit flower rushed into her nose, she swallowed emptyly: "Gift? But, how do you open the gift without turning on the light?"

Lin Ruoyun held her wrist bone, lifted it up and put it on the belt of her coat, she took one end of the belt, interlocked her fingers with Guan Yinghan, and pressed it in the palm of her hand.

"I made myself a present...for you, now it can...can be dismantled."

Guan Yinghan took a breath, her fingertips kept trembling, and followed the outline of the Omega curve, wanting to touch it but being reluctant to touch it, or rather not daring to touch it, and only vaguely brushed across her slender waist.

Lin Ruoyun couldn\'t help it, she didn\'t open the gift for a long time, so she could only squeeze her hand and pull it down, and the belt was also pulled.

Lin Ruoyun slightly retracted her shoulder blades, then twisted her waist, and the already loose coat slipped off her shoulders.

Inside is a silk sling, which is sexier than the one Jiang Hui gave her, like a bellyband, thinly covered with a pair of perfect lines, a little bit upright like a cherry.

Omega\'s eyes are moist, and the peach-colored mist at the end of the eyes gradually diffuses, revealing Lin Ruoyun\'s unique charm, which is charming and pure.

She put her arms around Guan Yinghan\'s waist, leaned close to her ear, and seduced her with a voice full of poppy juice: "Don\'t you want to eat cherries? Do you want to... taste it?"