After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 59: Qin's acquisition

Runhai\'s acquisition of Qin\'s Group came too suddenly, and the offensive was too fierce, so that Qin Yeli had already lost half of his country before he could make a timely defense.

In the office of the Qin Group, Qin Yeli was wandering around in a daze, her face was so pale that it was terrifying, the mobile phone on the table was vibrating non-stop, she didn\'t dare to look at it, the landline next to the computer was also ringing, one after another was disturbing She was close to breaking down.

She couldn\'t bear to sweep the table, and growled at Lu Ying who was hiding by the door: "How much has Runhai received from us so far?"

Lu Ying replied tremblingly, "Thirty-one percent."

The Qin Group was handed down from Qin Yeli\'s grandfather, and the three brothers of the Qin family jointly owned 60% of the shares, of which Qin Yeli successfully sat on the chairman\'s seat with a 40% share.

Guan Yinghan has obviously become the second largest shareholder after Qin Yeli, which means that as long as she continues to add 10%, she can force Qin Yeli to retreat and replace her as the actual controller of the Qin Corporation.

Qin Yeli had no choice but to initiate a peace negotiation to find out Runhai\'s true intentions and see if there was room for change.

In fact, Guan Yinghan never considered reconciling with Qin Yeli, but she still had doubts and wanted to verify with Qin Yeli. After receiving the invitation, she accepted Qin Yeli\'s negotiation.

When she arrived at the venue with Special Assistant Fei, Qin Yeli hadn\'t come yet. Guan Yinghan calmly walked around the negotiating table, walked to the big leather chair at the main seat, turned the leather chair around leisurely, and faced the sparkling light outside the window. Sit down on the sparkling Jiuli Lake.

When everyone sat down, there was a sound of trampling footsteps coming from the door, and the frequency of trampling high-heeled shoes was chaotic and irregular, which seemed to reveal the fear in people\'s hearts.

The door of the conference room was pushed open, and Qin Yeli, who was dressed in a small black suit, entered the venue surrounded by the crowd. She nodded to Assistant Fei who was standing beside the leather chair, showing a polite smile.

At this moment, Assistant Fett spun the leather chair next to him, and as the swivel chair swung, a cold and delicate face suddenly came into her eyes.

Qin Yeli\'s smile froze instantly, and her pupils trembled a few times: " are Miss Guan Er?"

Guan Yinghan stood up slowly while leaning on the armrest of the leather chair, met her gaze, and leisurely raised her red lips, making an invitation gesture to her: "Boss Qin, please sit down."

Qin Yeli didn\'t move, she looked calm on the surface, but her trembling right hand had already revealed her panic and anxiety at the moment.

She was very puzzled before, Second Miss Guan rescued Ruoyun from her again and again, if it was just the owner of the film and television company protecting the artists under his banner, it would be too far.

turn out to be…

That idiot toffee is Miss Guan Er.

Qin Yeli said indifferently: "Second Miss Guan, if it were you, I don\'t think there is any need to talk about it."

Guan Yinghan leaned back in the chair, with a relaxed and relaxed look: "President Qin, you are the one who says you want to negotiate, and you are the one who says you don\'t want to negotiate. As the helm of the company, it\'s not good to do as you please, and it\'s easy to capsize. But since If you want to be willful, then I will accompany you to be willful..."

Guan Yinghan suddenly smiled, her peach blossom eyes were slightly bent upwards, pure white and impeccable, but Qin Yeli\'s back broke out in a layer of cold sweat for no reason.

She turned to Assistant Fei and said, "Contact Miss Qin Er for me, and tell her that I am willing to triple the price to buy all of Qin\'s shares in her hands."

After finishing speaking, Guan Yinghan added as if talking to herself: "I heard that Second Uncle Qin was so mad at Mr. Qin that he had a heart attack. I think Second Miss Qin should be willing to give up all the shares to me."

When Qin Yeli heard this, the corners of Qin Yeli\'s mouth froze instantly, and the smile he pulled out was extremely stiff: "Miss Guan, our Qin family welcomes new shareholders to join, but hostile takeovers are not welcome. I will announce new shares at a low price on the board of directors to counter you acquisition."

As soon as Qin Yeli finished speaking, Guan Yinghan\'s expression remained the same, but all the shareholders of the Qin Corporation changed their expressions in unison.

To be honest, the shareholders don’t want the company to come up with such a plan of killing the enemy by one thousand and losing eight hundred. Once the plan is launched, although Runhai will increase the acquisition cost, but Runhai has strong strength, and this amount of money is just a drop in the bucket for it. , but it is a fatal blow to the Qin Corporation, maybe the company will accelerate bankruptcy.

Guan Yinghan seemed to have expected her to do this, and glanced around the audience, finally falling on Qin Yeli\'s cracked face: "Boss Qin, if you want to issue new shares, you have to ask me if I agree. As Qin\'s second largest shareholder, if I vote against, all your plans will not be implemented."

In just one sentence, it precisely hit Qin Yeli\'s Achilles\' heel, and what appeared in her eyes was not just panic, but a kind of despair that lost everything.

However, she didn\'t want to lose face in front of Guan Yinghan, so she firmly supported her: "Since this is the case, I don\'t think we need to continue talking."

Guan Yinghan smiled brightly: "Okay, I hope that when we meet again next time, I can hear Miss Qin calling me Chairman."

Negotiations inevitably collapsed, and representatives of Runhai and Qin\'s came out of the venue one after another.

Only Guan Yinghan and Qin Yeli were left in the venue.

Qin Yeli changed her frustration during the negotiation, walked slowly towards Guan Yinghan, stopped three steps away from her, and suddenly curled the corners of her lips.

"Second miss, I believe that with your ability, you must have found out the truth about the cause of Grandma Lin\'s death."

Guan Yinghan\'s expression was always calm, but her fingers silently pinched into her palm: "You can obviously stop it, why did you let Liang Qiu set the fire? That\'s grandma, do you know that grandma is important to Ruoyun?" How important it is, Ruoyun... How can Ruoyun bear it?"

There was madness in Qin Yeli\'s eyes: "Yes, I can stop it. I placed Mrs. Zhang next to her, and I know all her plans."

"But why do I want to stop that old man... I spent money and efforts to cure her illness, but she clamored to go back to Dawan Village. If she is willing to stay, then Ruoyun will definitely stay in Qin Mansion, but how could I beg that old immortal, she just refused to stay, I know that Ruoyun is reluctant to part with that Alpha in Dawan Village, now I understand, the Guanguan she is thinking of... is actually you."

"That old man only thinks about you wholeheartedly. Why should I save her? Besides, only when she dies can Ruoyun stay in the Qin Mansion with peace of mind."

Guan Yinghan\'s peachy eyes were like sharpened blades: "You two...crazy, scum..."

"Madman? Good scolding!" Qin Yeli twitched the corner of her mouth stiffly: "Second Miss, go and tell Ruoyun all this, then you will meet a real lunatic."

Guan Yinghan\'s long eyelashes trembled, and her calm face turned slightly pale.

Qin Yeli looked into her eyes, and spoke slowly: "Five years ago, I saw a real lunatic. She didn\'t recognize anyone, locked herself in a small dark room, didn\'t eat or drink, and didn\'t speak or speak. language, constantly gnawing on your own fingers to self-mutilate..."

"Later, the situation became more and more serious. She had auditory hallucinations and jumped from the balcony of a three-story building. She said..."

Qin Yeli stared closely at Guan Yinghan, seeing the increasingly conspicuous red at the end of her eyes, she smiled with satisfaction: "She said... I heard Guan Guan calling her name..."

Hearing that Ruoyun jumped down from the third floor to look for her, Guan Yinghan\'s heart ached beyond measure. She supported the back of the leather chair to barely stabilize her figure.

"I was the one who cured her, and I was the one who took care of her day and night, but she still remembered you when she was crazy. Why...why does she only have you in her heart."

"So, I want to erase all her memories of you..." Qin Yeli let out three hums that seemed to be half-smiles, and each time he hummed, his body trembled: "Guan Yinghan, you are working hard!" Isn\'t it just to let Ruoyun remember you? When she remembers you, she will also think of that terrible night. Her grandma was lying in the hut with the quilt and clothes all on fire. She rolled off the bed and crawled out little by little...

Ruoyun rushed into the fire trying to save her, but was held down by the beams of the roof, and could only watch helplessly as her grandma burned to death in front of her..."

Qin Yeli finally saw a trace of fear in Guan Yinghan\'s eyes, and laughed like crazy: "Go ahead and tell Ruoyun everything, and see what she will become... Hahaha..."

Guan Yinghan clenched her fists, slowly raised her eyes, and her calm face was filled with a strong evil spirit in an instant: "Qin Yeli, I will not let you go!"

Guan Yinghan didn\'t talk to her any more, turned around and walked out of the venue. Assistant Fei followed closely, but never dared to get close. When he reached the parking lot, he rushed forward to open the car door for Guan Yinghan vigilantly.

"Second Miss..."

"Kievn, you inform the film and television company to suspend the filming of "Wake Up"."

Assistant Fett stared at her in surprise: "But Second Miss, this drama is not a team you personally found, and the starring role is Ms. Lin, how dare I..."

Guan Yinghan\'s eyes sharpened: "Do as I say!"

The script of "Wake Up" is written entirely based on the stories of the two of them, and any scene may stimulate Ruoyun.

She can\'t take that risk.

Assistant Fei flinched in seconds: "Yes, Second Miss!"

"Buy the shares in Miss Qin\'s hands as soon as possible, and then conduct a financial self-examination of the Qin family."

Guan Yinghan got into the car, and a cold voice came from the dark place: "If the news that Miss Qin Er sold us is true, then the forged quality inspection certificate and unfair competition are enough for Qin Yeli Been in for a while."

The crew of "Wake Up" finished the location of the island and planned to go to Dawan Village for on-site shooting. The crew gathered in the lobby of the hotel and were preparing to take a bus to Dawan Village.

However, before she got in the car, Jiang Hui\'s phone rang, and her face changed drastically after hearing a few words: "What did you say, stop filming? Guan Er, what are you kidding! Back then, you begged me with the script, but now If you don’t want to shoot, you won’t shoot? You know how much effort our entire crew put in, hey, Guan Er, I’m not done yet, you... Fuck!”

Jiang Hui resisted the urge to drop her phone, managed to squeeze out a smile, and clapped her hands with a paperweight: "Come on, come and listen to me. I just received a notice from my superiors that today\'s shooting schedule has changed slightly. You can stay in the hotel or Free activities, but it is best not to act alone, keep your mobile phone unblocked, everyone pay attention to safety, disband now first!"

Although Jiang Hui\'s tone was pretending to be relaxed, Lin Ruoyun still sensed something unusual. After everyone in the hall had dispersed, she walked up to Jiang Hui, frowned and asked, "What\'s going on?"

Jiang Hui asked instead, "Ruoyun, have you had a fight with Guan Er recently?"

Lin Ruoyun was taken aback for a moment, then rubbed her hot ears, and shyly denied: "No, she just sent me a WeChat message."

Jiang Hui blinked, and the sensitive little radar instantly lit up: "What did she say in WeChat?"

Lin Ruoyun\'s ears were red, and she evasively refused to say: "\'s nothing..."

"Ruoyun, your chat with Guan Er may affect the change of this itinerary." Jiang Hui said with a serious expression, "Do you know that the production crew was ordered to stop filming because of Guan Er\'s order."

"This, how is this possible?"

Jiang Hui lowered her body and got closer: "So Ruoyun, what did Guan Er tell you?"

Lin Ruoyun realized the seriousness of the problem, and looked back for a moment, the redness on her face became deeper and deeper, her ears, neck, and even her fingertips burned.

She faltered and replied: "She said... miss you so much... really want to fly over with wings... fly over and hug you..."

Jiang Hui shook the goose bumps all over her body, and raised her eyes in doubt: "That\'s all?"

Lin Ruoyun nodded numbly.

Jiang Hui continued to ask: "Then what did you answer her?"

Lin Ruoyun bit her lower lip: "I said... okay, where are we going to explode?"

As he spoke, his voice gradually lowered: "That explosion is an explosion."

Jiang Hui was an instant hit: "Damn it, I said the problem was with you, how could you respond like that."

Facing Lin Ruoyun\'s seeking knowledge, Jiang Hui turned into a love mentor in a second: "You should say... stand still, wait until I run over to hug you!

Lin Ruoyun shook her head like a sieve: "This... this is too nasty... I can\'t say it..."

Jiang Hui clasped her hands together and bowed to her: "Ruoyun, now the life and death of the entire production team is tied to you alone, you sacrifice a little and go coax Guan Er, okay?"

Lin Ruoyun rubbed her forehead helplessly: "Then, what should I do?"

After receiving her compromising answer, Jiang Hui\'s face showed the joy of finally being saved, she jumped onto the sofa, opened the suitcase, took out a beautifully packaged cardboard box and handed it to Lin Ruoyun.

Lin Ruoyun opened it and saw that it was a black lace suspender pajamas, with a fluffy strand of cloth covering the top but not the bottom.

Lin Ruoyun stopped suddenly, and asked with a red face, "Master, what... what is this?"

Jiang Hui scratched her head, and her face turned red as if she had been scalded by boiling water: "This... I was going to buy this for my own use, but I haven\'t had time to remove the label... Now I\'m giving it to you."

"You use it yourself?"

"Yeah, I...I..." Jiang Hui, who usually chases wolves and bears, blushed with a special charm: "I...I and Ji Wan fell in love. Hey, don\'t look at me like that, she was on the set that day In estrus, if I don\'t save her, her Alpha identity will be exposed, and unregistered Alphas cannot join the group, and they have the right to sue her...then I...I can only wrap her with my own pheromones..."

Jiang Hui was halfway through the explanation, only to realize that she was off topic, and quickly brought the topic back: "Ruoyun, I\'m giving you this pajamas now."

Lin Ruoyun\'s face was full of question marks: "Give it to me? Why?"

Jiang Hui winked ambiguously: "Sex/Lure Guan Er!"