After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 49: bitter trick

In the morning, the two of them woke up on the small bed in the rental house. Guan Yinghan smelled the aroma of soy milk and fried dough sticks in the air, and opened her eyes staggeringly.

Lin Ruoyun stood by the window, fiddling with a bouquet of white chrysanthemums.

The window sill splits the early morning sunlight, half is orange and half is dark, like day and night.

Ruoyun was on the orange side, and the whole back seemed to be glowing.

Guan Yinghan walked over slowly, hugged Lin Ruoyun from behind, resting her chin on her round shoulder, with a smile rippling on her lips: "Sister, you woke up so early today."

Lin Ruoyun was tickled by her breath, turned around and pinched her nose: "Call my wife..."

Guan Yinghan rubbed the tip of her nose, her thick black eyelashes stared at the bouquet in her hand: "Honey, do you want to go out?"

Lin Ruoyun hummed, and lightly pecked her lips: "Today is my father\'s birthday, and I\'m going to the cemetery to worship him."

Guan Yinghan looked around, but did not see the suitcase, and had some doubts in her mind.

She remembered that after Ruoyun\'s father died, he was buried in the mulberry garden behind her house. Dawan village was thousands of miles away from Tianhai City, but Ruoyun didn\'t look like she was going to travel far.

Guan Yinghan suppressed her doubts and pretended to be confused: "My wife... what is worship? Where are you going to worship?"

"Worship is to visit relatives who have passed away for a long time, and whisper to him." Lin Ruoyun explained while putting the bouquet into a paper bag, and looked up at the wall clock: "I\'m going to the cemetery in the western suburbs in a while. You left your breakfast, let’s go out for lunch when I come back, the change is in the old place, you have to get it yourself..."

The online car-hailing driver sent several urging messages one after another, Lin Ruoyun hurriedly changed her shoes and went out, her back disappeared at the door.

Guan Yinghan clenched her fingers unconsciously, and her nails sank deeply into her palm.

They... really took great pains to make Ruoyun completely forget about the customs. Even Papa Lin\'s graveyard is fake.

Ruoyun is so pitiful that she lives in deceit and lies every day.

She can\'t let it go any longer, she must make everyone who hurt Ruoyun pay the price.

Toffee has no ability, but Guan Yinghan can.

The location of the cemetery is in the suburbs of Tianhai City, and there are few buildings around it. It is not near the Qingming Festival at this time, and there are not many pedestrians on the road. The cemetery is even more empty, and it looks extremely barren.

Lin Ruoyun was holding a large bouquet of white chrysanthemums, and walked up the gravel steps of the cemetery. Walking inside, she smelled a strong smell of ashes of paper money. to speak.

Almost at the front of her father\'s tombstone, Lin Ruoyun\'s footsteps suddenly stopped.

Two or three meters away from Dad\'s tombstone, there were two people half kneeling.

It\'s Liang Qiu and Mrs. Zhang.

They had obviously been here for a while, and there was still a gleam of fire in the ashes of the paper money on the ground. Liang Qiu half knelt in front of the tombstone, weeping mournfully.

"Shi Rui, how are you doing there? I know you will blame me for not keeping the festival for you. When I go underground, you probably won\'t want to see me again..."

"But I can\'t help it... Shi Rui, you are a quick-tempered person, you leave as soon as you say, leaving us orphans and widows, I really...

I really don\'t know how to live, and I also want to come and accompany you. But...but our mother is getting old, and Ruoyun is too young...I can\'t bear it..."

Lin Ruoyun stood not far away, she heard all Liang Qiu\'s words, and her eyes were filled with mist.

She blinked to push away the moisture in her eyes, and listened to Liang Qiu continue to cry.

"Shi Rui, do you know what it\'s like to kneel down for someone? After you left, I had to be busy with the house and run around raising money. I didn\'t have time to take care of Ruoyun. Pneumonia, my family really has no money, so I can only kneel down to the doctor, I beg him to save our Ruoyun...They all refused...Fortunately, I met Qin Fang...Shi Rui, it\'s too humiliating to kneel down, you... If you want to blame it, blame it, in the next life I will be a cow or a horse to pay you back."

The more Liang Qiu spoke, the more excited he became, and his sobs gradually turned into sobs covering his face. Mrs. Zhang beside her couldn\'t help but comfort her. She caught a glimpse of Lin Ruoyun from the corner of her eye. She touched Liang Qiu\'s shoulder, and Liang Qiu immediately turned her head.

Both sides are stuck in place.

Before the tears in Liang Qiu\'s eyes could subside, he just looked at Ruoyun motionlessly, his lips opened and closed, but he didn\'t utter a word, only Qi Qi Ai Ai\'s sad eyes.

Lin Ruoyun forcibly suppressed the tumbling emotions, and tried her best to keep her gaze as calm as possible. As if Liang Qiu didn\'t exist, she stepped up two steps, knelt down and put the chrysanthemum in her arms in front of her father\'s screen, and said softly, "Dad , Ruoyun came to see you."

Liang Qiu was ignored, tears streaming down her face, she looked at her biological daughter obediently: "Ruoyun... I\'m sorry... Mom knew I was wrong, I thought you agreed to Ye Li\'s marriage proposal earlier, and you liked her in your heart, From now on, mother will never force you again..."

The rest of the words disappeared into her choked sobs, but such hesitant words were enough to make people believe that she was completely repentant.

But such repentance, to Lin Ruoyun, is only a deep irony.

Her family affection died the moment Liang Qiu planned to drug her and was about to send her to Qin Yeli\'s bed.

Lin Ruoyun stood up, raised her eyes to look at Liang Qiu, her eyes were cold, and her eyes were full of resentment: "I don\'t even remember when I promised Qin Yeli, even if I did, I will tell you clearly now, it doesn\'t matter, I don\'t love you She doesn\'t want to marry her."

"Son, mother understands that I will never force you again, Ruoyun, can you trust mother again?"

Liang Qiu trembled, wanting to caress Lin Ruoyun\'s shoulder: "Ruoyun."

Lin Ruoyun took a step back, but Liang Qiu\'s hand didn\'t touch her, she was held by Mrs. Zhang, her eyes were red and swollen from crying: "Ruoyun... you trust mom, I really won\'t force you anymore... you trust me, okay?"

Lin Ruoyun lowered her head and did not move, her voice was cold: "I want to have a conversation with Dad."

Liang Qiu still wanted to go forward to say something, but she was held back by Mrs. Zhang. She shook her head at Liang Qiu where Ruoyun couldn\'t see, and said softly, "Second wife, let\'s go back, let Miss Ruoyun and Mr. Lin Talk about a conversation."

"Okay!" Liang Qiu turned back in a deceitful manner, took two steps but then stopped, turned to look at Lin Ruoyun: "Ruoyun, mother will prove it to you, I really regret this time."

Lin Ruoyun stared blankly at Liang Qiu, she was no longer young, no matter how well maintained she was, there were a few wrinkles at the end of her sharp eyes.

A sense of desolation welled up in her heart, and she said she didn\'t hate or feel uncomfortable at all, it was all a lie, but after all, she was her own mother, Lin Ruoyun looked at the back that melted into the mist in front of her, her eyes filled with tears. The water vapor, gradually, the water vapor is getting bigger and bigger, and finally Liang Qiu\'s back can no longer be seen clearly.

After Lin Ruoyun returned from the cemetery, she was in a state of fugue. Guan Yinghan wanted to ask several times, but because of Toffee\'s silly character, she finally swallowed her words.

When she came out of the shower, she saw Ruoyun sitting quietly by the window sill in a daze, her eyes wandering around without a foothold, her long eyelashes casting a distressing shadow in her eyes.

Ten minutes ago, Guan Yinghan had a phone call with the person sent to protect Ruoyun, and learned that she had met Liang Qiu in the cemetery, and only then did she understand why she was depressed.

Guan Yinghan took the milk and walked over, squatting halfway beside Ruoyun, capturing her movement of wiping her tears with the back of her hand, she turned sideways, and hugged Ruoyun tightly.

Lin Ruoyun didn\'t want to appear vulnerable in front of her, but Toffee\'s body temperature and embrace were too warm, she couldn\'t bear to let go, she put her arms around her waist, and said in a low voice: "Toffee, I haven\'t told you yet , about my parents. My father is very capable, especially good at making money, and he loves me very much...

However, God wants to take away such a good father... He died because of saving people, and he was rated as a brave man, and he left us a pension. "

She leaned on Guan Yinghan\'s shoulder, with a strong nasal voice: "But I didn\'t use this money. I didn\'t move it when life was the most difficult. I can\'t... I can\'t use the money my father sacrificed his life for."

Guan Yinghan and Ruoyun\'s childhood sweetheart, how could Guan Yinghan not know everything she has experienced?

When Ruoyun\'s father had an accident, she cried every day until she broke down. Later, her mother followed Qin Fang away, and her grandma fell ill. Ruoyun forced herself to grow up overnight.

However, Ruoyun\'s next words made all the blood in Guan Yinghan\'s body freeze into ice.

She said: "Toffee, my mother loves me very much. After my father passed away, our life was very difficult. My mother had to work several jobs a day, working in a factory during the day, and washing dishes in a restaurant at night. I\'m so scared to be home alone..."

"It rained heavily that night, I forgot to bring my keys, and drenched at the door all night... She didn\'t ask Uncle Qin to treat me..."

Guan Yinghan tried her best to suppress her boiling blood, pretending to be a purely ignorant bystander.

However, there was a deep pinch of blood on her palm.

She was almost certain that Liang Qiu must have been involved in tampering with Ruoyun\'s memory.

Otherwise, she wouldn\'t have taken such pains to make up a good mother persona who endured humiliation, deliberately distorted the facts, selectively deleted them, and then implanted false information into Ruoyun\'s memory.

Lin Ruoyun hugged her even tighter as if seeking comfort: "Later, I fell ill again. Qin Yeli took me to China to see a doctor. When I came back, my mother\'s attitude changed. She insisted that I marry her..."


Guan Yinghan\'s pupils jumped, and a sharp dark light flashed across.

Dean He said before that if you want to unlock the underlying limitations of Ruoyun\'s memory, it\'s best to find the doctor who tampered with her memory and hypnotized her.

There are only a few doctors in the domestic circle who can reach this level, and they are easy to rule out. At that time, the clues were interrupted and they fell into a dead end.

It turned out that all of this was done in China, no wonder she made no progress after searching in China for so long.


Lin Ruoyun leaned on her chest and talked, when suddenly she heard a hasty knock on the door, she backed away from Guan Yinghan, opened the door and saw that it was Mrs. Zhang.

Mrs. Zhang\'s whole body was drenched by the rain, and her hair was dripping with rainwater. She grabbed Ruoyun\'s arm and burst into tears: "Miss Ruoyun, go and persuade the second wife."

Lin Ruoyun\'s face turned pale for a moment: "What\'s wrong with her?"

Mrs. Zhang dragged Lin Ruoyun to the stairs: "Miss Ruoyun, come with me."

Lin Ruoyun passively went downstairs, and when she saw the person on the wooden bench, her footsteps stopped abruptly.

Liang Qiu was sitting on the bench by the corridor door, with a black suitcase beside her. When she saw Lin Ruoyun, she immediately stood up, smiled at her, and walked towards her with the suitcase.

"Ruoyun, my mother has moved out of the Qin mansion, can you take me in?"

Lin Ruoyun stared at Liang Qiu blankly, her chaotic mind made it impossible for her to recognize the meaning of her words immediately.

While Liang Qiu was waiting for a reply, his eyes inadvertently glanced back and met a pair of plain eyes.

This should be Guan Yinghan\'s first official meeting with Liang Qiu.

When she was in Dawan Village, every time she wanted to see Ruoyun, she could only hide secretly under the plane tree behind her house, not daring to appear in front of Liang Qiu at all.

At this moment, she was standing in front of Liang Qiu, looking at her quietly. Two seconds later, she curled her palms behind her back, and the corners of her mouth briefly raised a subtle arc.

Her expression was normal, even softer and more innocent than usual, but Liang Qiu shivered inexplicably when her gaze was projected over with warmth.