After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 50: Liang Qiu's scheming

Liang Qiu quickly adjusted his expression, and looked at Lin Ruoyun eagerly: "Son, didn\'t you always want your mother to leave the Qin family and live with you? Now that mother is here..."

The scenery on a rainy winter night is already desolate, and Liang Qiu\'s emotions are in place, so no matter how you look at it, she seems extremely sincere, and she completely regrets that she has to draw a line with the Qin mansion.

However, Guan Yinghan could clearly see her dark eyes hidden behind her curly chestnut hair and the sadness deliberately disguised on her face.

She sneered in her heart, she really deserved to be a woman who wholeheartedly wanted to be a wealthy wife of a wealthy family, and her endurance alone was enough to be admired.

Liang Qiu took a step forward, and carefully held Ruoyun\'s hand: "Ruoyun, from now on, my wife and I will live together, do you think it\'s okay?"

Lin Ruoyun retracted her hands, turned to look at Mrs. Zhang: "Sister-in-law Zhang, please take the second wife to the hotel."

After finishing speaking, she didn\'t look at Liang Qiu again, and stepped on the stairs.

After running upstairs and closing the door in one breath, Lin Ruoyun woke up from the terrible suffocation. She curled up at the window, turning herself into a dusty shadow.

Guan Yinghan frowned, and half-kneeled on the ground, wrapping her loosely.

Liang Qiu really subverted Guan Yinghan\'s understanding of the word "mother". She actually used the most poisonous, insidious, and cruelest way in the world to tie Ruoyun.

Ruoyun who has lost her memory is like a blank sheet of paper, but she has built herself into the image of a great mother who sacrificed everything for her children, making Ruoyun feel in her heart that she owes her, no matter how vicious she does, Ruoyun will never forget her. I can\'t bear to criticize her because of guilt.

Liang Qiu mentally manipulates and restrains Ruoyun, what is the difference between killing and punishing her heart?

Lin Ruoyun leaned against Guan Yinghan helplessly, her eyes were instantly clouded with mist, she closed her eyes heavily, desperately holding back the bitterness and pain welling up from the bottom of her heart, and called out "toffee..."

Guan Yinghan\'s heart ached, and she hugged her tighter: "Ruoyun won\'t cry, don\'t be sad, the toffee is here."

Lin Ruoyun froze suddenly.

She thought that except herself, no one could understand her despair and pain when she was counted by her mother, and no one could understand her entanglement at the moment.

Why toffee...

understand everything.

In the past, she had no one to rely on, and she couldn\'t and didn\'t have the qualifications to be weak.

But at this moment, she felt as if she was a bird that had been circling for a long time and finally found a foothold. She rubbed against Guan Yinghan\'s chest and whispered to herself: "In this world, only toffee can\'t lie. I."

She looked up, as if confirming with her: "Toffee, you will never lie to me, will you?"


Guan Yinghan paused for a second, thinking of Toffee\'s identity, a trace of uneasiness flashed across her originally plain expression.

She stared at Lin Ruoyun, and wanted to tell her her true identity for a moment, but then thought of Dean He\'s words, Ruoyun\'s mental state is very poor, she can\'t stimulate her, and swallowed the words that were about to blurt out, and finally turned into a sentence : "I will never lie to my sister."

Lin Ruoyun smiled lightly, nestled in Guan Yinghan\'s arms docilely, and closed her eyes with peace of mind.

She fell asleep in the arms of the toffee. Guan Yinghan didn\'t have the heart to wake her up. She slept like this for three hours until her arms were slightly numb.

Guan Yinghan wanted to lift the back of her head to change her position. At this time, Ruoyun\'s cell phone rang.

Lin Ruoyun woke up suddenly, sat up reflexively, and brought the phone to her ear.

Aunt Zhang\'s eager voice came from inside.

"Miss Ruoyun, come quickly... come to the First Hospital, the second wife is in emergency treatment."

Lin Ruoyun\'s face turned pale in an instant, her arms trembled: "Come on, what happened?"

Mrs. Zhang sobbed on the phone: "Second wife said I\'m sorry, and I want to confess to you... After standing in the rain for three hours, I couldn\'t persuade you...Miss Ruoyun, come quickly, there are some forms in the hospital that need to be signed by the family members..."

Lin Ruoyun hung up the phone, turned her head to look at Guan Yinghan, her face was full of tears, and her whole body was trembling violently.

Her tears made Guan Yinghan\'s heart ache so weak that she didn\'t care to speculate whether Liang Qiu\'s play was hiding the truth or a sharp edge, so she made a decisive decision: "Go to the hospital!"

When Lin Ruoyun arrived at the hospital, Liang Qiu had already been rescued and was pushed into the intensive care unit.

Qin Yeli arrived one step ahead of her, and was talking with the attending doctor. Surrounded by three or four bodyguards, a group of people stood outside the corridor.

Seeing Lin Ruoyun appearing, Qin Yeli couldn\'t hold back the joy in his eyes: "Ruoyun, come quickly, your mother just woke up."

Lin Ruoyun stepped into the ward and took a small step towards the bed.

Guan Yinghan followed her closely.


Lin Ruoyun couldn\'t help looking up at her, Guan Yinghan put her shoulders on her shoulders, and bent her lips: "Don\'t worry about me, you guys talk, I\'ll stay with you."

The moment she saw Guan Yinghan, Qin Yeli\'s face suddenly turned cold, and even her voice dropped a few degrees: "Ruoyun, go and see your mother, she kept calling your name before she fell into a coma."

Lin Ruoyun continued to approach the bed, pursed her lips, and whispered softly, "Mom."

Liang Qiu was lying on the hospital bed, cooperating with the doctor\'s inquiry and examination, her lips were so white and transparent, she forced a smile at Lin Ruoyun: "Ruoyun, you are here."

The tone is humble and flattering like never before.

Lin Ruoyun hummed, and the corners of her eyes were a little wet.

"Ruoyun, come here." Liang Qiu took her hand with great difficulty, and said weakly, "Thanks to Ye Li today, if she hadn\'t sent me off..."

"Don\'t say that, you are Ruoyun\'s mother and my elder, not to mention that we have lived together for more than ten years, and we are already a family."

When Qin Yeli said the word "family", she glanced at Lin Ruoyun with special meaning in her eyes.

But Ruoyun regarded her as air, and went to the low table to pour water for Liang Qiu.

Qin Yeli was not embarrassed at all, and instead ordered Lu Ying to pay all the expenses, and then went to ask the doctor about the condition, repeatedly emphasizing in his words that the best medicine should be used, and money is not a problem.

After finishing speaking, she moved in front of Lin Ruoyun, knelt down on one knee, and her usual posture: "Ruoyun, don\'t worry, the doctor said that as long as you take care of yourself, you will recover soon."

Lin Ruoyun hummed expressionlessly, stood up and avoided: "Thank you, my mother\'s medical expenses will be charged to your account tomorrow."

She walked to Liang Qiu\'s bedside, handed the water glass to her lips, and glanced around the ward. This is an apartment-style ward with luxurious decoration and all the utensils.

Qin Yeli followed closely, did not answer Ruoyun\'s words, but looked at Liang Qiu, and changed the subject: "I will stay here for a few days, I have hired three special guards for you, just tell them to do anything. "

As Qin Yeli said, she deliberately turned her head to look at Guan Yinghan, with a sense of superiority in her eyes: "The intensive care unit is not always available here, it\'s rare that someone is discharged from the hospital today and quickly occupies it. After two days, you will be discharged from the hospital. Lu Ying..."

"Ye Li..." Liang Qiu interrupted her suddenly.

Lin Ruoyun originally thought that her mother would take the opportunity to ask her to thank Qin Yeli, but Liang Qiu shook her head: "Ye Li, thank you for making such a careful arrangement for me, but there is no need, I have decided to live with Ruoyun very much." Together, we will never go back to the Qin mansion again."

Liang Qiu\'s attitude changed too quickly, Lin Ruoyun didn\'t have time to adapt, she just froze in place.

Seeing that Ruoyun didn\'t speak, Liang Qiu asked again timidly: "Son, can you take me in?"

A sneer quickly crossed Liang Qiu\'s face, but Lin Ruoyun looked over intently, only seeing her impeccably perfect face with a good smile.

She looked at Liang Qiu\'s expectant eyes, lowered her eyes, and responded softly: "Okay!"

Maybe it\'s because she has seen too many intrigues, but Guan Yinghan\'s sense of this aspect has always been sharper than ordinary people.

Liang Qiu\'s expression was very sincere, but Guan Yinghan could clearly see the deceit behind her sincere expression.

She stood there calmly, quietly watching Liang Qiu continue to perform.

Lying on the hospital bed, Liang Qiu chatted with Ruoyun about the things to buy. At this time, Qin Yeli came over to say goodbye to her: "Then you have a good rest, our company has something else to do, so let\'s go first."

"Hey, good!" Liang Qiu nodded Aunt Zhang with his eyes, signaling her to send Qin Yeli off.

Qin Yeli slowed down, and in less than three seconds, Mrs. Zhang chased after her, leaned sideways and whispered something to her, and when she turned out the door, Qin Yeli\'s expression seemed to be reassured, revealing a sly smile of success.

Of course, this subtle change did not escape Guan Yinghan\'s eyes. She narrowed her eyes slightly, showing sharpness bit by bit.