After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 48: Need her pheromones to soothe

Facing Guan Yinghan\'s pheromone that was as cold as a blizzard, Qin Yeli\'s mental power was instantly suppressed, and his body surrendered uncontrollably, his head to toe was soft, as if sinking into an extremely cold river of ice. is it possible?

A fool\'s mental strength is even higher than hers.

Qin Yeli\'s face was pale, and she bent her body in pain. She resisted the urge to kneel down, and barely stabilized her figure by holding on to the handrail of the stairs.

With tears in her eyes, Lin Ruoyun looked at the figure at the door through her mottled eyelids.

Slender and straight, calm and bold.

Ruoyun blinked vigorously, making her vision clear.

She saw her little toffee—

He was walking towards her step by step.

A ray of light leaked out from the door, covering Guan Yinghan\'s body, as if coated with a layer of warm color, the seemingly thin shoulders supported her with a radiant glow.

In the contest of aura between the Alphas, it is clear at a glance who is stronger and who is weaker. Qin Yeli has no power to parry at all, and can only watch Guan Yinghan walk towards Lin Ruoyun, bend down and hold her in his arms, and his lips gently fall. On Ruoyun\'s hair.

Lin Ruoyun nestled softly in her arms, trembling slightly: "Toffee...carry me out, it\'s so stuffy and uncomfortable here..."

Guan Yinghan\'s lips brushed against the top of her soft hair, moved to her forehead covered in cold sweat, and squeezed out a soothing syllable: "Okay!"

Qin Yeli stood up precariously, clenched his palms into fists and sneaked from behind Guan Yinghan: "You idiot, don\'t touch Ruoyun, she is mine... mine..."

Guan Yinghan turned sideways slightly, and without making a move, he only released a little pheromone to pin her in place.

Qin Yeli was not willing to give in. While emitting pheromone, she tried her best to break through Guan Yinghan\'s oppression, but Xiang Xuelan\'s breath was extremely cold, biting to the bone, and could easily pierce the skin.

Alpha\'s pheromone is almost unilateral suppression for Omega, but for another Alpha, it is a two-sided contest, whoever has stronger pheromone will have the upper hand.

Qin Yeli was no match for Guan Yinghan\'s pheromone, her knees gave way, and she finally fell to her knees.

Guan Yinghan hugged Ruoyun, passed Qin Yeli who was like mud, paused, and looked at her disdainfully: "Alpha is shameless for bullying Omega!"

Qin Yeli clutched her chest and panted, she could feel Guan Yinghan\'s fixed gaze on her.

That kind of extremely mocking and playful gaze made her feel like a mouse that couldn\'t break free under the paws of a cat.

He wouldn\'t die on the spot, but all his struggles were in vain, it was just delaying the time of death.

How is it possible, isn\'t she just a fool?

Alpha\'s strong pheromone quickly spread to the first floor, and Ji Wan was most alert, smelling the cold scent of freesia in the air, she rushed to the second floor like an arrow.

At the corner of the stairs, Guan Yinghan hugged Lin Ruoyun and showed a profile, which made people dare not look directly at him like a hellish Shura.

Ji Wan went up to her, looked back and forth, and was so shocked that a layer of cold sweat broke out on her back: "What... what happened?" Guan Yinghan stared at her, her eyes filled with frost: "Where did you go? "

The four words with ice cubes almost sent Ji Wan to the North Pole.

At the beginning, Guan Yinghan agreed with Ji Wan to stay by her side because she wanted her to protect Lin Ruoyun, but she almost caused Ruoyun to have an accident. Ji Wan was terrified and blamed herself, and replied tremblingly: "I...I..."

Lin Ruoyun tugged at Guan Yinghan\'s sleeve with great effort: "You...don\'t blame\'s me...I\'ll let her get the props..."

Ruoyun was panting very quickly when she spoke, and Ji Wan realized something was wrong. She looked carefully at her face, which was so pale that there was almost no blood at all. Ji Wan felt even more uneasy: "Sister Ruoyun... are you okay..."

Lin Ruoyun shook her head, trying to squeeze out a smile to appease Ji Wan, but the bruises on her wrists were getting darker and shocking.

Ji Wan blamed herself beyond words: "Sister Ruoyun...I\'m sorry...I should have stayed by your side."

Guan Yinghan\'s face was still frozen with ice, and she didn\'t let Ruoyun talk to Ji Wan any more, and hugged her even tighter: "Sister...don\'t be afraid, Toffee will come to help you later..."

Lin Ruoyun was breathing rapidly, but no matter how hard she inhaled, she still felt as if she lacked oxygen, and her brain became dizzy, like a fish out of water.

Ruoyun also had similar feelings when she first differentiated, but the symptoms were not so severe at that time, and after a few days of differentiation, the symptoms gradually disappeared, so she didn\'t take it seriously.

But now that she has been temporarily marked by Guan Yinghan, her glands have automatically accepted and remembered the pheromones of the fragrant snowberry. If other Alphas release pheromones to her again, it will definitely make her feel uncomfortable.

Even if Qin Yeli hadn\'t had the chance to touch her glands to mark them, the contamination on the surface of the surrounding skin was enough to cause her to have a severe rejection reaction.

Fortunately, Alpha\'s pheromone has a calming and soothing effect on the Omega she marked, and can heal the discomfort of the Omega\'s body.

So at this moment, what Lin Ruoyun needs most is Guan Yinghan\'s pheromone, but the temporary mark lasts for a long time, so she needs to find a private and safe place.

Seeing a chance to make up for her mistakes, Ji Wan hurriedly took out a key from her pocket, and handed her a coat by the way: "Second Miss, go out from No. A3, and you can enter the elevator. The first room on the left is, you... If you take Sister Yun, go... let me handle it here."

Guan Yinghan took a distressed look at Lin Ruoyun, who was comatose with a high fever, and leaned over to Ji Wan\'s ear, speaking slowly but icily: "Notify Fei Te to help collect the net, within a month, I will get the Qin Group The right to manage the health resort."

Ji Wan replied heavily: "Yes!"

Guan Yinghan carried Ruoyun into the room, put her on the bed lightly, struggled with her heart, and finally reached out to caress Ruoyun\'s jacket collar.

Lin Ruoyun was still wearing a spy war costume, her shirt was buttoned up to the top, completely covering the glands on the back of her neck.

Guan Yinghan bent down, brushed away the wet hair on her cheeks, and unbuttoned her neckline, her knuckles were trembling slightly due to tension.

One, two, three...

Beautiful shoulder and neck curves, delicate collarbones, large expanses of fair skin...all exposed/exposed before her eyes.

Guan Yinghan\'s eyes trembled, and a rare shyness appeared on his cold face.

Lin Ruoyun\'s forehead was still sweating incessantly. She was trapped in the soft velvet quilt, and felt hands slowly unbuttoning her clothes one by one. The feverish skin suddenly touched the cool air, arousing A layer of goosebumps.

"Is it cold?" Guan Yinghan gently hugged her into his arms with one hand, and took off her shirt with the other hand.

Lin Ruoyun was tormented by the high fever and became drowsy. She slowly opened her heavy eyelids, and saw a vague figure in a trance, and it was difficult to identify: "Toffee?"

"elder sister…"

Guan Yinghan let go of her hand in a daze, and the broken hair on her cheeks slipped a little as she tilted her head, covering her eyes already full of desire/thoughts.

Lin Ruoyun finally recognized the person, and immediately grabbed Guan Yinghan\'s neck, leaned her head against her neck, and slightly parted her red lips: "Little fool...continue to solve it..."

Guan Yinghan let out a deep breath, her fingertips were trembling, and then she poked under Lin Ruoyun\'s shirt.

Skin to skin.

With the palm of her hand against Omega\'s soft waist, Guan Yinghan could feel her scorching temperature due to her high fever.

"Is it hard?" Guan Yinghan frowned, her tone full of distress and reluctance.

"Hmm..." Lin Ruoyun took a few breaths tentatively, but still felt tightness in her chest. She bit her lip, and her eyes were misty: "Toffee, you lie down... hug me."

Guan Yinghan hesitated for a second, and then lay down next to Lin Ruoyun, holding her from behind so that the Omega\'s glands were exposed to her sight without any cover.

Guan Yinghan tightened her itchy canine teeth, tried her best to restrain herself and warned herself: Toffee, don\'t be greedy, you already have Ruoyun\'s love, but Guan Guan has nothing, give her the chance to mark her life.

She stabilized her mind, retracted her fangs and released pheromones, wrapping the Omega tightly in her arms, relieving all her discomfort.

Guan Yinghan asked softly, "Is it better?"


But not enough.

Lin Ruoyun turned around and hugged Guan Yinghan, and raised her head slightly.

The black hair fell, revealing a beautiful jawline and an unrivaled swan-neck silhouette.

In the dark night, Omega silently blooms beautifully.

"Hmm... Toffee, it\'s still boring..." Lin Ruoyun bit her lip, and took the initiative to bring the pure Omega glands to Alpha\'s lips: "Kiss me..."

Guan Yinghan couldn\'t resist her temptation, and kissed the back of Omega\'s neck kindly, releasing pheromones little by little.

Facing the pheromone that haunts her dreams, facing Guan Yinghan who has temporarily marked herself, Lin Ruoyun didn\'t even need to deliberately mobilize her glands, and just relied on instinct to open everything to her Alpha.

The glands of the Omega have been fully opened, Guan Yinghan\'s lips lingered on the glands, rubbed and slid, and then stretched out the hot and humid tip of the tongue, alternately soft...

Because it wasn\'t completely marked, Alpha\'s canines didn\'t pierce into the gland, and the pheromone couldn\'t be transmitted through the blood vessels, which seemed extremely slow. Lin Ruoyun couldn\'t bear the pleasure/sensation, and looked at Guan Yinghan pitifully with her surging eyes.

Sensing her impatience, Guan Yinghan stopped pouring out the pheromone, moved his lips away from her glands, and kissed her temples and earlobes.

The small earlobes wrapped in the fragrance of water spirit flowers are as attractive as cherries.

She bit Lin Ruoyun\'s earlobe and grinded it between her teeth, making Omega gasp frequently.

"Hmm... toffee..."

Lin Ruoyun bit her lips because of the stimulation, her panting was mixed with weak whimpers, and her tone of voice had a soft feeling of begging for mercy.

The discomfort caused by the thuja wood pheromone has all subsided, but what followed was another kind of unbearable torture.

"Toffee...I still want..." Omega\'s voice was soft and messy: "I want your pheromone..."

Guan Yinghan didn\'t want to make her feel uncomfortable, her lips moved back to her glands to pour pheromone, pressing and stirring, tightly entangled with her water spirit flower.

The pheromones merged together, Lin Ruoyun\'s glands were soothed, the feeling of dizziness and suffocation that tormented her was relieved, and the high fever gradually subsided, returning to normal body temperature.

Omega\'s body was delicate and sensitive, leaning against Guan Yinghan\'s arms as if in a state of collapse, softly calling her name.

Guan Yinghan responded softly, and lowered her head to rub against Ruoyun\'s neck: "Are you still uncomfortable?"

"No." The Omega in his arms hadn\'t recovered yet, and his arms unconsciously wrapped around Guan Yinghan\'s slender waist, with an obvious sense of dependence.

Guan Yinghan lowered her head and rubbed against her shoulder blades. The smell of thuja wood had been completely diluted. Now Ruoyun\'s skin and even her glands were all filled with her scent of freesia.

Guan Yinghan\'s eyes were sore with warmth.

From the day she fell in love with Ruoyun, she wanted to restrain Ruoyun\'s wings and keep her in her arms forever.

But her Ruoyun is so warm and beautiful, she voluntarily gets close to her, and does not dislike her as a wild child who has no father or mother, and keeps contributing her own money and snacks. Love, let her feel that there is still a ray of light in this world.

As long as Ruoyun is happy and safe, what difference does it make if she is Toffee or Guan Guan?

She will always... guard Ruoyun\'s side, hold up a sky for her, and let her run wild.