After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 47: confrontation

Mrs. Zhang also found it strange, and couldn\'t help but agree: "Yes, Second Miss Guan is a low-key person, she never appears in public, and I haven\'t heard that she will stand up for any employee of the company.

Besides, this is all your second wife\'s housework, no matter how capable Second Miss Guan is, there is no reason to meddle in other people\'s housework. "

"Who said it wasn\'t..."

Liang Qiu leaned back in his chair dejectedly, and was about to send Mrs. Zhang to inquire again, when she suddenly heard a knock on the door.

"Second wife..."

It was the voice of the maid, Sister E.

Mrs. Zhang opened the door, and Sister E walked in with an enamel tray, and placed the bird\'s nest in front of Liang Qiu: "Second Wife, your bird\'s nest."

Liang Qiu lazily raised his eyelids, stirred them casually with a spoon, and his expression gradually became cracked: "This is is it different from the bird\'s nest I usually eat, with grass in it?"

Miss E rolled her eyes slightly: "Second wife, this is not grass, it\'s the jelly in the bird\'s nest."

Liang Qiu threw the spoon heavily, and the soup splashed everywhere: "Do I understand bird\'s nest, and it\'s not your turn to teach it? Go, redo it for me, and replace it with the first-grade official bird\'s nest that I often eat."

Sister E smiled and stood where she was: "Second Wife, this is what you ate before."

Liang Qiu looked gloomy, and slammed the table: "Redo it for me, get out!"

Sister E spit out of sight behind her, let out a soundless bah, turned around and walked outside the bedroom, turned all the way downstairs, and snorted coldly at the stairs: "I bah! What\'s there to be arrogant about?" , I want you to look good sooner or later."

The maid in charge of gardening was arranging the flower shelves. Seeing Sister E\'s angry look, she asked curiously, "Sister E, who are you talking about?"

Sister E let out a mocking smile, and simply raised her voice: "Who else? What kind of second wife is she? Master Qin never officially married her when he was alive, but she was a second-hand product from the countryside. She is a beautiful daughter, but she really considers herself her master, Que!"

After she said these few words, the little maid knew who she was talking about, and she didn\'t dare to talk casually, and stepped back to work on her own.

Sister E became more and more talkative, and she became more and more open-minded: "Mr. Qin is gone now, but if you want some face, you won\'t cling to it. Don\'t you have a top-level Omega daughter..."


Sister E\'s words were interrupted by a loud slap in the face. She covered her flushed cheeks and looked up at the person who slapped her: "Second wife, you..."

Liang Qiu grabbed her face and slapped her again, his sharp nails scraped across Sister E\'s face: "A\'e, you treat me as the second wife of the Qin family as a display, can\'t you cure me?"

"You...don\'t go too far!" Sister E reached out to touch the blood and screamed uncontrollably: "I am the daughter of the eldest wife\'s wet nurse. The eldest wife never said a harsh word to me when she was alive. Be gentle, why did you hit me?"

Sister E covered her face and was still complaining aggrievedly, when she saw the door of the main hall was pushed open suddenly, Qin Yeli walked in with a file, glanced back and forth between the two, and said coldly: "What are you arguing about?"

Liang Qiu was taken aback, and decided to strike first: "Ye Li, at dinner today, I felt a little uncomfortable in my head, so I asked the kitchen to stew a cup of bird\'s nest. Who knew that there was a thief at home, so I replaced the official bird\'s nest I usually eat with Inferior grass swallow..."

Liang Qiu said while looking at Sister E with deep meaning: "I know... some people in the family will take advantage of your absence to steal unused high-end ingredients and resell them to the hotel..."

Seeing that she meant something, Sister E was so anxious that she could speak incoherently, without regard for superiority or inferiority: "Second Madam, don\'t spit on others. I have served in the Qin Mansion for fifteen years, and I have kept myself safe. I have never done anything to harm the master behind the scenes." , when the eldest wife was alive, she trusted me the most."

Sister E sobbed as she spoke, and looked at Qin Yeli with tears in her eyes: "Miss, you know who I am, but you know best...I..."

Before Sister E could show her loyalty, Qin Yeli interrupted her coldly: "A\'e... the second wife is the master of the Qin mansion, no matter what, she should not be disrespectful to her master. I\'ll get out of the Qin mansion."

Sister E and Liang Qiu were startled, especially Liang Qiu, who never expected Qin Yeli to help her like that, and didn\'t know how to react for a while.

On the other hand, Sister E beside her, her face turned white almost instantly, grabbed Qin Yeli\'s arm and repeatedly begged for mercy: "Miss, please don\'t drive me away... I was wrong, I know I was wrong."

Qin Yeli turned her head, cast her cold gaze through the lens on the tearful face of Sister E, and said softly: "Remember your identity, go down!"

Sister E nodded her head, bowed her body and retreated from the cubicle.

Liang Qiu froze on the spot like a log, she couldn\'t be more clear in her heart that what Qin Yeli said seemed to be aimed at Sister E, but it was actually a warning to herself.

If Ruoyun can return to the Qin mansion, then she will still be the second wife of the Qin family, otherwise...

Liang Qiu didn\'t dare to think about it anymore, she wiped the cold sweat off her palms, and walked up to Qin Yeli with an obvious flattery on her face: "Ye Li, I\'m really sorry, Ruoyun has been beautiful since she was a child, At the age of thirteen, she differentiated into a top-level Omega, and there are countless Alphas chasing her, which made her more and more willful."

Liang Qiusheng was afraid that his daughter would lose value in Qin Yeli\'s heart, so he babbled on and on about her nobility, his tone was no different from that of a salesperson in a shopping mall: "It\'s her who doesn\'t know what to do, who makes you... makes you sad... it\'s all me I am incompetent as a mother, and I apologize to you on her behalf."

Qin Yeli lowered her head, her pink diamond earrings swayed, and a dark light flashed: "A lot of things have happened in the company recently, which really makes me feel very tired. If Ruoyun can come back, I won\'t have any worries and can manage the company with peace of mind. ...The affairs of the family will be entirely up to you in the future."

The implication of Qin Yeli\'s words is obvious, if Ruoyun can marry her, then the family will be decided by Liang Qiu, and whether she wants to eat first-grade official swallow or grass swallow depends on whether she can persuade Lin Ruoyun to return.

Sure enough, Liang Qiu was still reluctant to part with the glory and wealth, and hurried forward to appease him: "Ye Li, don\'t worry, I know my child best. Although Ruoyun is arrogant, she is the most filial. She is reluctant to leave me behind."

Hearing Liang Qiu\'s words, Qin Yeli finally smiled, and an indescribable light flashed in her eyes: "You are Ruoyun\'s biological mother, that is, my elder. When Ruoyun and I get married, you will naturally be I respect you very much."

There was greed in the depths of Liang Qiu\'s eyes, she thought she was hiding it well, but Qin Yeli saw everything in her eyes.

Qin Yeli sneered in her heart, turned her head and told Butler Qin: "Go and make a new bowl of bird\'s nest for the second wife, and whatever the second wife wants to eat in the future, just do it."

The housekeeper bowed respectfully: "Okay, miss!"

Qin Yeli pretended to support Liang Qiu, turned her face and smiled at her: "From now on, you can decide the family affairs, and you don\'t need to ask me again."

"I still have business to deal with, so do it yourself." After Qin Yeli finished speaking, she waved to Lu Ying: "Assistant Lu, come with me."

Liang Qiu watched Qin Yeli\'s back disappear around the corner of the stairs, and finally let out a smug and greedy smile from the corners of his tensed mouth.

—in the study—

Qin Yeli was sitting in a large gray swivel chair, her eyes fixed on a photo on the table. In the photo was Lin Ruoyun at the age of nineteen, wearing two herringbone braids and wearing a white chiffon skirt, as beautiful as ever. The banished immortal who eats fireworks in the world.

Lu Ying knocked on the door and came in, and carefully put the file bag in front of Qin Yeli: "Miss, I sent someone to check, and that Alpha named Toffee is indeed just a mentally incompetent fool, before she was picked up by Miss Lin , has been wandering around that area for more than a month, and happened to hide in the corridor of Building 42 before being brought home by Ms. Lin."

Qin Yeli ran over the file bag with his fingers, tightening it tighter until his knuckles turned white.

She really didn\'t want to admit that she would feel extremely uneasy fear from the bottom of her heart against a fool who she had only met once.

Qin Yeli pushed his glasses: "Are you sure you checked it out?"

"Yes, miss, I found three different detective companies to investigate, and the results were all the same."

Although Guan Yinghan and Qin Yeli are both powerful people in a wealthy family, they are fundamentally different.

Qin Yeli was born as the heir of the Qin family, and the family taught her in accordance with the rules of the heirs, and almost never caused her to encounter hardships or setbacks.

However, Guan Yinghan is an abandoned son who is not taken seriously. After returning to the Guan family, she has been suppressed by the wife of the big house. He fought back vigorously, and hit the eldest wife\'s vitals with one blow, making her unable to turn over again.

Compared with her, Qin Yeli, whose life has been smooth and smooth and has never suffered any setbacks, is simply scum that was crushed by the ground.

Qin Yeli couldn\'t think of Toffee\'s life trajectory at all, it had already been clearly arranged by Guan Yinghan, all she could find out was the script that Guan Yinghan planned and designed in advance.

Lu Ying glanced at Qin Yeli\'s face, and asked tentatively: "Miss, then... do you want to continue the investigation?"

"It\'s just a fool, and I\'m not worthy of doing it myself. You find an opportunity to spread the news secretly... At that time, without us doing it, Liang Qiu will pull out the obstacles for me. She will never allow Ruoyun to follow someone who is not Fools with no money and power are entangled together."

Putting aside the topic of toffee, Qin Yeli asked her about the project: "Lu Ying, how is the Yangsheng Villa going?"

"Miss, I have already found someone to connect with the relevant staff of the local government, but it will take time to get through the link, maybe..."

Lu Ying glanced at her apprehensively: "Maybe not so soon."

Qin Yeli\'s eyes darkened in an instant, and his bones were covered with frost and coldness: "What do you eat? You can\'t do this well! The villa can wait for you, but can the public opinion wait? If it is not settled as soon as possible, the company\'s other projects will not be settled as soon as possible. Get implicated together.

Moreover, halfway through the construction of the villa, such a large amount of money has been invested, and there are follow-up projects to be undertaken. If it cannot be started as soon as possible, it will have to pay huge liquidated damages for the undertaker. "

"Yes... I\'m sorry, miss!"

Lu Ying really didn\'t dare to tell the truth. She has been running around for the past few days, and she can\'t see the real person in charge of the relevant departments. All the links are linked one by one, as if they were designed early, like dominoes Usually, the ignition is detonated, as if it was a premeditated strangulation.

Qin Yeli\'s eyelids drooped, and her tone was cold: "I didn\'t invite you here to hear you say I\'m sorry. Let me ask you, how many shares did Runhai Group buy from us?"

Lu Ying replied tremblingly: "It\'s...not easy to say, but there are always 20 to 30 percent."

"Twenty or thirty? So many?" Qin Yeli\'s voice suddenly rose, and she could vaguely hear trembling. She stabilized her mind and asked again: "How is Jiacheng\'s cooperation case going? If we can get their capital injection , then Qin may be able to breathe a sigh of relief."

"I called Mr. Chen of Jiacheng, but no one answered. Finally, I found his secretary through my relationship and said that Mr. Chen would go to the Xijiao Club to play golf every morning. We..."

Qin Yeli stood up abruptly, picked up her handbag: "Let\'s go to the Xijiao Club."

After Lin Ruoyun rested for more than half a month, she officially joined Director Little K\'s crew.

The new drama "Nightingale" directed by Little K is a spy war drama. The emotional line is flat but there are a lot of dramas. Perhaps due to the influence of the previous Zhanqing incident, Guan Yinghan is always not very careful about the safety of the crew\'s props. Don\'t worry, before the shooting started, she squatted in front of the newly laid slide rails, checking the ropes, hubs, screws, etc. one by one, without missing any details.

Lin Ruoyun was sitting on a small bamboo stool under the parasol, holding a script in her hand, but her gaze was uncontrollably glued to Guan Yinghan.

Her little toffee was wearing a pure white shirt, which made her already slender figure even taller, giving her a clean and tidy look.

She lowered her head, her brows were slightly frowned because of being too nervous, the afternoon sun came from the side and shone on the side of her face, in the alternating light and dark, she was like a warm and delicate jade in the rough, emitting a soft light .

It is said that people who work hard are the most beautiful, which is true.

Her little toffee is really invincible. It\'s so sweet that it makes her feel full of security. It\'s also pure and lustful. It\'s just a big baby that you can pet.

Lin Ruoyun stared at Guan Yinghan without blinking, her brain power improved by leaps and bounds, and scenes that were not suitable for children jumped in front of her eyes frame by frame.


What is she thinking?

In broad daylight, you don\'t feel ashamed to drag toffee into the small dark room to roll/bed/sheet?

Lin Ruoyun\'s white and greasy ears were hot and bright red. Gradually, the scorching heat spread to the collarbone of her neck. She quickly used the script to cool down, and deeply reviewed in her heart: beauty misleads people!

Guan Yinghan probably noticed her strangeness, ran over in small steps, squatted in front of her, leaned forward, anxiously, and kept touching her forehead and cheeks: "Sister, your face is so hot, are you sick? Are you uncomfortable? "

Silly, like a stubborn and cute puppy.

Lin Ruoyun\'s cheek was touched by her warm palm, and it rose several degrees secretly.

"Sister, don\'t be afraid, I\'ll take you to the hospital."

Lin Ruoyun poked her forehead, eyes full of doting: "You...little fool...I\'m not sick, I am..."

She leaned back in her chair and hooked her fingers towards Guan Yinghan: "Toffy, come here."

Guan Yinghan moved closer.


Guan Yinghan obediently leaned forward.

Lin Ruoyun\'s hand was loosely on her shoulder, and her eyes moved down to her lips.

The lip line is smooth, the corners of the lips are slightly upturned, and the lip shape is full and smooth.

I really want to kiss.

Thinking of this, Lin Ruoyun slid her hand down, grabbed Guan Yinghan\'s collar, and pulled it in front of her.

The lips of the two could touch each other at any moment, and the scalding breath sprayed onto each other\'s skin. Lin Ruoyun slowly closed her eyes, and searched for Guan Yinghan\'s lips according to her thoughts...

In the distance, the sound of a loudspeaker sounded: "Ruoyun...Ruoyun...come over and start shooting..."

Lin Ruoyun quickly pecked her lips, and whispered softly: "Toffee...continue tonight..."

Guan Yinghan stood there watching Ruoyun run away, and touched her lips with her white fingertips.

Little fool?

Who is the little fool?

Some people think they are hunters, when in fact they are the prey.

Guan Yinghan unconsciously smiled, and repeated in a low voice: "Tonight...continue..."

Lin Ruoyun plays a female agent in "Nightingale", who has to chase the enemy with a gun from a distance of 100 meters. During the process, she has to climb over the wall and step on huge rocks to block the enemy\'s way.

With the director\'s action, Lin Ruoyun quickly entered the state, jumped up and climbed over the low wall with one hand, grabbed the rope and used a little force to cross the rock.

"OK, pass!" Director K was very excited. He didn\'t expect the first day of filming to go so smoothly. He smiled at Jiang Hui, his eyes were full of approval: "Your little apprentice has good acting skills and has a bright future. .”

"Let me just say, our Ruoyun is a good seedling."

Jiang Hui was also very happy, beckoning to Lin Ruoyun happily, and handing her a bottle of mineral water: "Ruoyun, drink some water and rest, the second scene will be filmed in ten minutes."

"Okay! Thank you, master." Lin Ruoyun unscrewed the bottle cap and drank water, smiling lightly: "Then I\'ll change the costume for the next scene."

Lin Ruoyun said as she walked towards the second floor. Along the way, many staff members smiled and looked at her with probing and gossiping eyes.

She suppressed her doubts and continued to walk towards the clothing room calmly. When she was ten meters away, she saw Qin Yeli walking slowly pushing a milk tea cart, warming the crew along the way.

She walked up to Lin Ruoyun, and pulled out a large bouquet of roses from the milk tea cart, which was a rare variety cultivated by a private estate.

Qin Yeli stood still, with a faint blue color under her eyelids, but all the fatigue and anxiety at the moment she saw Ruoyun disappeared.

"Ruoyun, I\'m sorry... On my birthday, I didn\'t know your mother would do that... I really didn\'t know..."

Lin Ruoyun glanced at her expressionlessly: "Since it has nothing to do with you, then there is no need to apologize to me."

Just one sentence, without saying another word to Qin Yeli, Lin Ruoyun bypassed her, turned around and stepped on the stairs.

Qin Yeli knew that she was hated, and her mood was suppressed. After patience, she chased after Lin Ruoyun again and again, and grabbed Lin Ruoyun\'s hand: "Ruoyun, why do you hate me? Tell me, I will definitely change, don\'t ignore me. "

"Too many things have happened in the company recently. I really hope that you can be by my side. With you, I don\'t have any troubles. Ruoyun... just take pity on me..."

Qin Yeli was frustrated in the mall, and the unprecedented frustration made her urgently need to find a balance point emotionally. She wanted to find comfort and sustenance from her sweetheart: " me, please?"

Lin Ruoyun shrank back with all her strength, but she was forced to the corner of the wall. Ruoyun pressed against the wall tightly, and then looked up at Qin Yeli, her eyes were as vigilant as a small animal being hunted by a hunter.

"No...don\'t..." Lin Ruoyun unscrewed her restraints, crossed her hands across her chest to separate her: "Ye Li, don\'t waste your time on me, I...I have someone I like..."

"Who is that idiot, isn\'t it?" Qin Yeli suddenly lost control, and suddenly grabbed Ruoyun\'s shoulder: "Lin Ruoyun, I\'m about to give you my whole heart, but you treat me like this! That idiot doesn\'t even have the most basic I can\'t even give you life security... Is she better than me?"

Lin Ruoyun was angry and anxious, unable to get rid of her, she simply let go, stared at her coldly, and said word by word: "I don\'t care, even if the toffee never heals, I will be with her .”

Qin Yeli\'s body froze suddenly, and seeing her looking up at him coldly with her head up, her eyes were determined and firm, her anger shot straight to the top of her head, and she hugged her fiercely: "No, you can only be mine, I absolutely I won\'t let you laugh in the arms of other Alphas... Ruoyun, you promised to be engaged to me before, people must keep their promises, you can\'t go back on your word, don\'t go back on your word..."

"I didn\'t... I don\'t remember when I promised you. You and my mother told me that I didn\'t promise!"

Lin Ruoyun was temporarily marked by Guan Yinghan two days ago. Although the Alpha pheromone had almost dissipated at this time, but it remained in Ruoyun\'s gland, and the almost obscure wisp of pheromone began to resist.

Every inch of Lin Ruoyun\'s skin was taut, and she refused to approach other Alphas except Guan Yinghan.

But Qin Yeli is a top-level Alpha, her mental strength is too strong, and the rich thuja wood fragrance hits the tip of her nose, like a mountain pressing down heavily, making Lin Ruoyun uncomfortable but unable to resist.

Lin Ruoyun was forced to face the bursts of Alpha pheromones pouring in, and felt unprecedented panic. She held her breath and tried her best to keep calm.

She pushed Qin Yeli away and tried to walk towards the door, but under the pressure of the Alpha pheromone, she had no strength at all, and when she reached the handrail of the stairs, her body even tilted from side to side.

Qin Yeli desperately chased after her and hugged her, Ruoyun shook her head from side to side uncomfortably, and beat her shoulder softly, with steam in her eyes: "Qin Yeli...let me go...let me go...I don\'t feel well... "

Qin Yeli\'s pheromones gradually enveloped her, and she was about to be tightly bound, when suddenly a domineering pheromone came over her forcefully, bouncing off Yabai Muxiang\'s bondage.

It\'s the smell of freesia!

It is like a huge protective cover, covering Lin Ruoyun inside, isolating the influence of another Alpha\'s pheromone on her.

Lin Ruoyun instantly felt her whole body relax, and her hands regained strength instantly, she gritted her teeth and pushed Qin Yeli away forcefully.


Qin Yeli fell heavily on the floor, her forehead hit the handrail of the stairs abruptly.

She stretched out her hand to cover her forehead, her lips moved slightly, and bright red snow leaked out from between her fingers.

Enduring the severe pain, she looked up and saw Guan Ying standing in front of her condescendingly. The pheromone that overwhelmed her came from her.

In her mouth, the one who can\'t even take care of herself—

Fool toffee!