After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 46: Raise your own cubs and teach yourself

In the small bedroom transformed from a balcony, there is only a dim night light shining slightly above the head.

In the dark, with blurred vision, Ruoyun could only use her intuition to find Toffee\'s lips, but perhaps she couldn\'t find it, so she kissed the corner of Guan Yinghan\'s mouth.

"Toffee, don\'t pay attention to them, and don\'t listen to the bad things they say, whether you can recover your mind or not in the future, you are my Alpha."

Lin Ruoyun changed her position again, rolled into her arms, and hugged her face to face: "Toffee, when I finish filming this movie and get paid, plus the money I saved before, it should be enough to pay for a small apartment." Down payment, we\'ll pick a place we like and buy it when we\'re free. Then...then get married, okay?"

Waited for a long time without getting a response.

Lin Ruoyun raised her eyes from her arms in astonishment, and met a pair of deep pupils, there was a little water in the pupils.

The emotion in Toffee\'s eyes was too deep, Lin Ruoyun felt like an invisible hand was holding her heart, stuffy and painful.

She leaned over and kissed the corner of her eyes: "Toffee, don\'t look at me with such eyes, okay, I feel so uncomfortable."

Guan Yinghan stared at her with lowered eyes, with a hint of melancholy in his expression: "Sister, what will you do if the toffee disappears?"

Lin Ruoyun was taken aback, thinking it was another manifestation of post-marked stress disorder, she quickly rubbed her arms into her arms, hugging her even tighter.

"Toffee, if you don\'t see me, I won\'t eat or sleep. I only do one thing every day, and that\'s to look for you."

Lin Ruoyun looked at her steadily, her charming almond eyes were burning brightly: "So Toffee, you can\'t disappear, or I will cry to death, do you have the heart to make me sad every day?"

In the darkness, Guan Yinghan closed her eyes.


If toffee disappears from this world, then Ruoyun will definitely not be able to bear the blow.

She couldn\'t... couldn\'t make the toffee go away.

Now that Ruoyun has forgotten about Guan Yinghan, let Guan Guan disappear completely.

Guan Yinghan made a decision in his heart. When he lowered his head, the innocence in his eyes was condensed to the extreme, and his voice was soft and obedient: "Toffee will always be with my sister."

"Toffee... called my wife..." Lin Ruoyun bit her lip, and softly called her, her eyes rippling slightly, so charming that she was almost coquettish, captivating.

Ruoyun raised her slender white legs, straddled Guan Yinghan, and slowly bent down: "Call me like last time... Wife..."

Guan Yinghan\'s breathing was stagnant, and she didn\'t know how to react for a while.

Lin Ruoyun bit her lip, and slowly moved her hand up from Guan Yinghan\'s waist, onto her neckline, and unbuttoned her pajamas little by little: " still don\'t want to marry me? Well, then I\'m going to regret it !"

"elder sister…"

Guan Yinghan had already lost her ability to react, and she didn\'t even know where to place her gaze.

Lin Ruoyun leaned down slightly, covered her lips with her lips, rubbed hers a few times, and then bit her lightly: "Next time you make a mistake, you will be punished harder."

Guan Yinghan pretended to be wronged and corrected: "My wife..."

Lin Ruoyun curled her cherry lips in satisfaction, and the charm between her eyebrows became more and more seductive. With the pajamas stripped off, the amorous feelings under her dress were mixed with traces of pheromone, which gradually disintegrated Guan Yinghan\'s rationality.

"Toffee, look here!"

Lin Ruoyun raised her soft arms, brushed her long hair over her shoulders, and brought the holy Omega glands under Guan Yinghan\'s lips, her voice was somewhat seductive:

"Toffee...bite down here,\'ll be your wife forever."


Guan Yinghan\'s mind was completely down, and he didn\'t know what to do next.

She closed her eyes, a desire to occupy and mark Omega swept through her body, strong and turbulent.

Guan Yinghan stuck out the tip of her tongue and lightly licked her itchy canine teeth.

so unbearable...

But she... didn\'t want to completely mark her with Toffee\'s identity in Ruoyun\'s blank memory.

She really wanted... really wanted Ruoyun to recover her memory, remembering that Guan Guan was the only Alpha she loved deeply.

After licking it twice, Guan Yinghan took a deep breath and retracted her fangs restrainedly.

Lin Ruoyun saw that she hadn\'t responded for a long time, so she could only start teaching herself.

In fact, she was about to hit the wall with shame and anger, but it takes one person to take the initiative to do things like this between AO and AO\'s bed.

Toffee is immature, how can he know how to permanently mark Omega?

Toffee is her cub, no matter what she should teach herself.


Xu Shi thought of the poses in the physiology books she bought during the day, and Lin Ruoyun\'s cheeks blushed unconsciously.

She shook her body lightly, the loose pajamas shook off her waist, and she bent down and buried herself in Alpha\'s arms.

Guan Yinghan\'s long eyelashes trembled rapidly, she couldn\'t resist such an active and charming Omega.

Lin Ruoyun leaned on the back of her neck, breathing past her glands: "Toffee, do you want to marry me?"

Under her teasing/teasing, Alpha\'s glands gradually swelled, and the surrounding area was faintly moist.

Lin Ruoyun leaned over and kissed it, it was icy, with a hint of sweetness, it was the unique mellow fragrance of Fragrant Xuelan.

Guan Yinghan\'s shoulders and neck trembled suddenly, her hands subconsciously clenched into fists, hanging by Lin Ruoyun\'s side.

She really wanted to grab something to divert the numbness that made her feel at a loss, but the quilt had fallen to the ground at some point, and the bed sheet was twisted under her body. The only thing left was Omega\'s beautiful and **** carcass.

"Toffee...hug me!" Lin Ruoyun coquettishly coquettishly released the intoxicating fragrance of water spirit flowers.

Guan Yinghan\'s glands were obviously tempted, and they roared excitedly.

She wanted to restrain her glands, but faced with the fact that she liked Omega, even if she wanted to push it away, her pheromones would not allow it. Pheromones tangle together.

With such a body that reflects honesty, Guan Yinghan doesn\'t know what is the use of being so reserved.

Her arms slowly moved from Lin Ruoyun\'s side to her back, encircling her tightly, couldn\'t help but hug her tighter and tighter, wanting to melt and engulf the Omega in her arms, so that she could become one with herself.

Ruoyun sucked her glands, pressed and stroked them with her lips, her eyes were misty: "Toffee, do you still want to marry me?"

Lin Ruoyun kissed very seriously, and every time she brushed over her sensitive points accurately, the joyful feeling came one after another, and the surging pleasure was almost uncontrollable.

" marry..."

Guan Yinghan panted in a hoarse voice, and her shoulders couldn\'t help shrugging. She was captured by the sweet fragrance of Omega, and sank in the layers of water spirit flower beds...

Ever since Ruoyun was rescued by Guan Yinghan on her birthday, Qin Yeli hadn\'t eaten at the same table with Liang Qiu for two weeks, which put Liang Qiu in an extremely awkward position in the Qin mansion.

The Qin Mansion is a mansion designed by Qin Yeli\'s mother. The old servants brought by her mother\'s natal family to serve here are also favored by the eldest wife. These old servants usually look at Liang Qiu with contempt and disdain. Disgusted, now that Qin Yeli has a cold attitude towards her, the servants naturally smell an intriguing signal.

Before dinner, Butler Qin received a call saying that the eldest lady would not come back for dinner, so he ordered the kitchen to cook a few random dishes.

There was no food that suited her taste, Liang Qiu was holding back her stomach, but she couldn\'t get angry, so she asked the kitchen to cook another cup of bird\'s nest porridge for her.

In the largest suite of the Qin Mansion, Liang Qiu was admiring his new nails, the color of mother-of-pearl, each nail was inlaid with a dazzling diamond, and it was an authentic loose diamond produced in South Africa.

Mrs. Zhang was pouring milk into the bathtub when she heard Liang Qiu casually ask, "Sister Zhang, what is Missy doing lately? She never comes back."

Mrs. Zhang stirred the milk bath, tested the water temperature, and poked half of her head out of the bathroom: "I heard that the health resort that the eldest lady planned to build a while ago was closed, and she has been busy clearing up the relationship these days."

Liang Qiu\'s hand trembled, almost scratching the pink diamond on his thumb: "Sealed? What\'s going on?"

Mrs. Zhang wiped her hands and came out of the bathroom: "I heard from the driver, Lao Zhao, that the villa maliciously invaded the farmers\' land, and several farmers jointly petitioned. They all threw themselves at our Qin Group."

Liang Qiusu raised his face, and there were obvious law lines on both sides of the nose: "Ye Li has always been cautious in doing things, how could he be led by the nose by a group of country bumpkins?"

Mrs. Zhang\'s complexion sank, and she whispered in Liang Qiu\'s ear: "Several farmers in the wilderness did not pay attention to whether they were in the plot at the time, and these households were not included in the disclosed documents. From time to time, I think... Missy probably offended someone in the mall."

Liang Qiu\'s eyes widened in disbelief: "The Qin family has a great career. I have only seen people who are flattering and flattering, but I have never seen anyone who dares to go against the Qin family... Whose family... is so reckless?"

"Second Madam, please don\'t say it outside. It\'s not happy to be heard by the eldest lady." Aunt Zhang glanced around fearfully, her voice lowered and lowered: "The other day when I was delivering almond tea to the eldest lady, I heard her talking with Lu Te at the door of the study. Zhu said... that Qin\'s stock price has started to plummet, and big and retail investors are selling off one after another. Who do you think will buy it in the end?"

Sister-in-law Zhang put on a show, and seeing Liang Qiu\'s eager face, she said in a dazed voice, "It\'s the Runhai Group. I\'m afraid the young lady will stumble this time. The Runhai Group is better than Qin Qin in terms of fundamental strength and reputation." Shi is a lot taller, I\'m afraid I won\'t be able to bear it."

Liang Qiu frowned, as if someone had fed him a mouthful of sand, and she was panicked. She had always hoped that the Qin family would last forever, at least to prosper while she was alive, so that she could lean against this big tree to enjoy the shade.

She asked anxiously: "Runhai Group is engaged in industry, while Qin\'s is in the development of culture and tourism. It can\'t be achieved at all. Why does it want to get involved?"

"Could it be..." Mrs. Zhang was a little unsure, and the end of the sound dragged on: "Could it be that Second Miss Guan wants to vent her anger on Miss Ruoyun\'s behalf?"

Liang Qiu remembered what Ji Wan said that day, fearing that Guan Yinghan would be held accountable, his face suddenly turned pale, and he slumped down on the back of the chair.

"There are so many companies under the Runhai Group, they can\'t be counted... Ruoyun is just an artist in a small studio under it, why does Miss Guan Er want to make things difficult for a small artist with the Qin family, after all, the Qin family has a century-old foundation, It\'s not that easy to pull it out, and it will definitely hurt your vitality, I really can\'t figure out what the second lady wants to do."