After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 45: Alpha Pampering Guide

The clerk at the door turned back to the counter and elbowed the clerk who was cashiering: "Hey, Xiao Yu, look, does that customer with the mask and sunglasses look like the movie star Lin Ruoyun?"

The clerk called Xiao Yu paused: "Lin Ruoyun? You mean the one playing Sang Rou?"

"Yes, yes! I\'m with you, I like her as Sang Rou, she..."

While the receptionist was talking, Xiao Yu tugged at her sleeve: "Hey, stop talking, she\'s here."

Lin Ruoyun walked towards the cashier nervously, and dumped the books in the shopping basket onto the counter with shaking hands.

The cashier secretly glanced at the title of the book, and his meaningful eyes slowly moved from the book to Lin Ruoyun\'s face.

Lin Ruoyun was so embarrassed that she lowered her head as much as possible, her voice tense: "Hello, check out!"

After paying the bill, Lin Ruoyun walked out of the store quickly, remembering the expressions of the shop assistants just now, a red cloud hit her face again.

It doesn\'t matter, if you are recognized, you can recognize it. For her little toffee, she will go all out, whatever she likes.

She must find out why the little boy is in a bad mood and cheer her up.

Lin Ruoyun took the subway home, and when there was no one around, she turned out the "Alpha Care Guide" and read it. It said that the glands are the most vulnerable part of Alpha\'s body and the most fundamental source of affecting emotions.

It is attached to the back of Alpha\'s neck, separated by a thin layer of skin. It is extremely sensitive and fragile, especially after marking Omega, the pleasure/sensation of pheromone fusion fades, and the glands are not comforted, and Alpha will fall into A state of sleepiness, confusion, confusion.

At this time, Omega is needed to alienate and guide it, and when necessary, caress/caress it to stabilize it.

Lin Ruoyun closed the book, and the corners of her mouth could not help but rise slightly.

So this is ah!

No wonder the little brat is so worried about gains and losses, so depressed.

The co-author is desire/demand/dissatisfaction/satisfaction!

Lin Ruoyun thought she had found the crux of Toffee\'s depression, and her mood was inexplicably high. When she returned home, she went to the vegetable market to buy Guan Yinghan\'s favorite dishes, and prepared to make up for her.

Guan Yinghan returned home dejectedly, and when she entered the door, she saw a pile of books stacked in the locker in the entrance.

She glanced at it with disinterest, and the bitterness that she had finally suppressed gradually came to her heart again.

For the sake of toffee, Ruoyun risked being secretly photographed and exposed to buy books. What she bought was this kind of book that attracted people\'s imagination.

This idiot, who cares about toffee is in a mess, doesn\'t he know that online shopping is safer?

She pets toffee to the point of being blatant and selfless.

But...Clearly knowing that Toffee is herself, Guan Yinghan is still sour with jealousy.

in the kitchen...

Lin Ruoyun was humming a song while changing the chicken wings with a kitchen knife on the chopping board. She was about to make braised chicken wings, but her fingertip was accidentally scratched by the sharp edge of the knife.

She stared at the little drop of blood accumulating on her fingertips, and her heart beat violently without warning.

It seems that in the past... her fingers were also scratched and bled a lot. A person ran over nervously, dragged her fingers under the faucet to wash them, dabbed the wound with iodine, and bandaged her carefully. it is good.

The man\'s brows did not relax for a long time, but his tone was stern but affectionate: "I\'ve said it all, I\'ll cook in the future, look at you, every time I either break the bowl or cut my hand, I don\'t deserve it when I get hurt." Well, the wound should be inflamed again tomorrow morning..."

who is it?

Lin Ruoyun pressed her forehead and tried her best to recall, trying to see clearly the face that remained in her mind, but that person only showed a faint outline, and immediately disappeared.

Ruoyun\'s head seemed to be pulled back and forth by a saw blade, she tried hard to think, the more she tried, the more her head hurt, it was so painful that it was about to explode.

She supported the kitchen countertop, her hands trembled violently, and she couldn\'t hold the kitchen knife steadily. With a bang, the kitchen knife fell to the ground.

Lin Ruoyun wanted to wait for this uncomfortable feeling to disappear before treating the wound, but suddenly she heard footsteps behind her, and before she could react, her fingers were dragged under the faucet.

Guan Yinghan\'s face was very gloomy, and she carried her to sit on the sofa, took a cotton dipped in disinfectant and daubed the wound, and blew in small mouthfuls while wiping.

Lin Ruoyun stared at her blankly, her brows were clustered with toffee, her delicate side face was faded to white because of too much distress, her rose-colored lips were tightly pursed, showing an angry concern.

How could this expression be the same as that person\'s expression in her mind...

exactly the same?

Lin Ruoyun stared at her blankly, her mouth was quicker than her brain, she asked in a daze, "Toffee...we used to...know each other?"

Guan Yinghan\'s heart skipped a beat, she slowly raised her head, her eyes flashed with surprise and anticipation: "Sister, you..."

But before she could ask "Do you remember me?" Lin Ruoyun raised her face and laughed to herself: "It\'s strange, I always feel like I knew you before. Toffee, what should I do? I can\'t live without you anymore."

Guan Yinghan lowered her eyelashes in frustration, she couldn\'t stop being jealous of Toffee, jealous of her being deeply loved by Ruoyun.

Seeing that she didn\'t answer, Lin Ruoyun lightly touched her leg with her toes, and carefully watched her face: "Toffee, are you unhappy?"

Guan Yinghan\'s voice softened, but her lips were still tense: "No!"

But Lin Ruoyun could sensitively feel that she was depressed.

If it was in the past, if she took the initiative to tell her these words, the little boy would jump on her excitedly, but since she had a skin-to-skin relationship last night, she seemed to suddenly worry about gains and losses.

Lin Ruoyun lowered her eyes and thought for a while, "Alpha Care Guide" has written that this is marked post-stress disorder, which needs more care and care from Omega.

So, she leaned over and gently pressed her lips against Guan Yinghan\'s side face.

A kiss as light as a mist.

But it easily made Guan Yinghan feel enthusiastic.

She pursed her lips tightly, trying to ignore the abnormal throbbing.

Lin Ruoyun had already turned back to the kitchen, turned her head to call her, half of her bangs fell down on her forehead, making her expression softer and more docile.

"Toffee, go watch TV, I\'ll make dinner and call you."

Guan Yinghan followed into the kitchen and pushed her away from the operating table: "Sister, I\'ll cook, you go to rest."

"No need, there is only one chicken wing left, and it will be ready soon." Lin Ruoyun turned her head and smiled softly. Following her movements, more temple hair fell down. Looking at her greasy hands, she frowned slightly : "Toffee, help me comb my hair."

Guan Yinghan leaned close to her, inserted her fingers into her soft hair, combed it loosely twice, and touched an old scar that had scabbed over.

Her long eyelashes trembled rapidly, and her fingertips moved toward the scar uncertainly, stroking it back and forth carefully, and said in a sharp and sharp tone, "Why is there a wound here? Who did it?"

When she asked this question, Lin Ruoyun was confused.

Ruoyun did have a long scar on the side of her hair on the back of her head. She didn\'t remember exactly how she got the injury. She heard from her mother that it was a bump when she was a child.

"I don\'t know how to get it. My mother said that I was injured when I was learning to ride a bicycle when I was seven years old, but it\'s really strange. I\'m most afraid of pain. It stands to reason that I should have a deep impression on such a big scar, but why? Can\'t remember? Hey...I\'m so forgetful..."

Lin Ruoyun didn\'t seem to take this question seriously, and talked to herself as if chatting.

When she answered, she was lowering her head and arranging the chicken wings, so she couldn\'t see that Guan Yinghan was staring at the scar motionlessly until the dark eyes were covered with accumulated tears, dripping silently.

During the five years when she was not by Ruoyun\'s side, how much pain and suffering did she go through?

Thinking of this, Guan Yinghan\'s heart was about to break.

Whether she is Toffee or Guan Yinghan, as long as she can stay by Ruoyun\'s side and protect her, who is so important?

Guan Yinghan walked over slowly, hugged Ruoyun from behind, buried her head in the crook of her fragrant neck, and uttered a sob that she didn\'t usually have: "Sister...I promise, I won\'t hurt you again in the future."

Lin Ruoyun\'s heart was softened by her, and she turned around in her arms, wrapping her arms around Guan Yinghan\'s waist.

The water on her hands was not dry yet, she could hug Guan Yinghan with her arms only. Toffee\'s waist was very slender but powerful, making her feel warm and stable.

"I know! Toffee has always been protecting my sister."

Lin Ruoyun washed the tableware in the kitchen and put away the used cutting boards and kitchen knives. After finishing all this, it was almost nine o\'clock, and she hurried into the bathroom to take a shower.

When I came out of the shower, Toffee had turned off the TV and went to sleep in her own small room.

Lin Ruoyun was lying on the bed, smelling the faint fragrance of freesia in the air, a soft numbness rose from the tip of her heart.

Maybe it was just temporarily marked by Alpha, and her body became restless when she smelled a scent that belonged to her. The pheromone was like a magnet, luring her to get close.

Guan Yinghan was lying on her side on the bed, and just when she was about to fall asleep in a daze, she suddenly felt her side collapsed, followed by a soft mass on her back, and the familiar scent of water spirit flowers rushed from back to front to the tip of her nose.

"Toffee..." Lin Ruoyun leaned on the back of her neck, rubbed it lightly, greedily sucking the pheromone of the toffee into her heart.

Lin Ruoyun was about to be ashamed to death by herself.

She still remembered how Toffee pitifully wanted to go to her bed and begged her to sleep with her, but she kicked her out together with the quilt.

It\'s only been a while now, but she was so teased by the little bit of pheromone from the toffee that she couldn\'t help herself, and she took the initiative to run to other people\'s bed.

But... what can I do?

She is more and more greedy for the pheromone (body) of toffee.

There was a sudden sound from behind, Omega pheromone silently infiltrated into her glands, Guan Yinghan snorted and clutched the quilt by her hand tightly.

"Sister...why don\'t you sleep in your own bed?"

Lin Ruoyun didn\'t answer, but hugged her waist tightly, and pressed her soft cheek against her back.

Guan Yinghan\'s bones are very well-proportioned, and her shoulder blades are round and tight. The posture of embracing her from behind is very comfortable and feels particularly secure.

"Toffee..." Lin Ruoyun tightened her arms around her waist, and buried her chin into her shoulder: "Did you hear someone say something bad?"

"I\'m sorry... my sister\'s job is like this, and I will face many bad voices."

Lin Ruoyun grabbed Guan Yinghan\'s shoulders, rolled over and pressed her under her body.