After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 44: i'm jealous of myself

Everyone in the office looked at each other in shock, Jiang Hui finally closed his dislocated jaw, and dragged Ruoyun\'s arm all the way to his office.

The two stood facing each other half an arm\'s length away. Jiang Hui smelled the faint Alpha pheromone on her body, and she knew it right away.

"Ruoyun, when we signed the contract, we did not expressly prohibit you from falling in love during the contract period. In fact, I also know that many female stars have private relationships. But in fact, no one will disclose their relationship."

Jiang Hui\'s expression was sincere, and her tone was not reproachful, but she could still hear a hint of incomprehension: "Ruoyun, you have more and more fans now, and it\'s time for your career to rise. Have you ever thought that once your relationship is made public, these fans will Immediately unfollow, or even dislike, then you will face the embarrassing situation of no traffic and no scenes to film."

"I know!"

Lin Ruoyun had already considered it carefully on the way here. She likes toffee, and she wanted to give her a ceremonial announcement, admitting to the outside world that she is her Alpha.

Ruoyun has nothing to worry about, she just feels sorry for Jiang Hui and her painstaking cultivation.

"Master, I\'m sorry, I know it\'s not easy for you to train a newcomer, but I..." Lin Ruoyun\'s eyes fell on Guan Yinghan\'s cold side face.

The way she looked at Guan Yinghan was warm and soft, as if a star was about to overflow.

"Master, Toffee is immature and always feels insecure. I don\'t want to wrong her and let her be an underground lover. She will never see the light of day."

The silent string in Jiang Hui\'s heart seemed to be shaken by Lin Ruoyun\'s words, and made a trembling lingering sound.

It was hard for her to imagine that in the big dye vat of the entertainment industry, she could still see a girl like Lin Ruoyun who was as spotless as Lin Ruoyun, who dared to love and hate.

Jiang Hui\'s eyes moved quietly to Guan Yinghan, only to see that her dark eyes were fixed on Lin Ruoyun, and there was a faint glint of water in her eyes.

Guan Er must not have expected that Lin Ruoyun would make such a big sacrifice for a fool like her, Jiang Hui thought.

She sincerely thought of Lin Ruoyun: "Ruoyun, since you like toffee, then keep it by your side and be your assistant, there is no need..."

Lin Ruoyun shook her head: "Master, Toffee is not an assistant, nor is she a pet A, but my wife. I have already decided to be with her. In the future, I will take on more dramas, save some money to buy a small house, and marry Toffee. Get married and give her a home."

She walked up to Guan Yinghan and held out her hand: "Toffee, do you want to marry me?"

Lin Ruoyun hooked her fingers to hold her, but she clearly felt Toffee shrinking back.

She raised her eyes a little strangely, and met Guan Yinghan\'s scarlet eyes.

The emotions in her eyes were deep and strong, but also very complicated. There were touches, joys, entanglements... and even a touch of sadness.

Lin Ruoyun twitched in her heart, and asked in a low voice, "Toffee, what\'s the matter with you?"

Guan Yinghan lowered her head sadly: "Sister, don\'t make it public."

Lin Ruoyun\'s breath stagnated.

She suddenly realized that Toffee actually knew everything, and she put herself in a humble position, preferring to be an underground lover who would never see the light, rather than hinder her.

Lin Ruoyun couldn\'t hear this, her heart was sore and uncomfortable, she walked over and leaned against Guan Yinghan\'s chest, wrapping her arms around her waist tightly.

"Toffee, my sister doesn\'t care. Being an actor is just a job. If you lose it, you can find it again. But if you lose the toffee, you can never find it again."

She looked up at Guan Yinghan, her gaze was gentle and loving: "Toffee... Would you like to marry your sister as your wife?"

"I..." Guan Yinghan stared at her blankly, until her dark eyes were covered by the rising water vapor, and then squeezed out a broken and bitter syllable from her throat: "Sister...don\'t you want to turn it off?"


These two words fell into Lin Ruoyun\'s mind, causing a buzzing sound.

She also didn\'t know why every time she heard the word "Guan Guan", her chest throbbed so painfully that she was about to suffocate.

Lin Ruoyun leaned against Toffee\'s arms, unconsciously clenched the skirt of her chest with her fingers, her face was almost transparent.

"Sister... Sister..." Guan Yinghan\'s face turned pale with fright. Dean He said that Ruoyun\'s mental condition is very fragile, and she needs to be treated step by step.

She rubbed Ruoyun\'s back and forth uncontrollably: "Sister... are you okay?"

Lin Ruoyun\'s heart was trembling with pain, and she tried her best to breathe: "Toffee, my heart hurts... my head hurts too..."

Guan Yinghan lowered her eyes to wipe off the sweat for her, picked her up and walked to the lounge: "Sister, sleep for a while, I\'ll rub the toffee for you."

In the corridor of the stairs in the lounge, Guan Yinghan sat silently in the shadows, the moisture in his eyes accumulated more and more, dripping silently to the ground.

With a steaming cup of coffee in front of her eyes, Guan Yinghan raised her head in a daze, and then lowered her head limply.

Jiang Hui pushed the paper cup in front of her: "Hey, coffee, hold it, your hands are sore!"

Guan Yinghan reached out to take it: "Thank you!"

Jiang Hui wiped the steps with a paper towel, sat side by side with her, and sighed with emotion: "I never imagined that Lin Ruoyun would make such a big sacrifice for a fool like you. In the future, you should be nicer to others, and mark others to be responsible..."

A trace of desolation flashed across Guan Yinghan\'s eyes: "Ahui, Ruoyun... really fell in love with Toffee."

"I\'m going!" Jiang Hui yelled dissatisfiedly: "Would it be okay for the two of you to stop, I was forced to eat the dog food fed by Lin Ruoyun early in the morning, and now you come to feed it again... Hey, hey, hey, what\'s the matter with you?" ?”

Jiang Hui raised her eyes to meet Guan Yinghan\'s sad and gloomy eyes, and abruptly changed the subject: "Guan Er, you... what\'s wrong with you?"

Guan Yinghan\'s hands holding the paper cup unconsciously tightened, and he spoke in a nasal voice: "Ruoyun... She fell in love with Toffee and completely forgot about Guan Yinghan."

Jiang Hui\'s head was full of question marks: "Stop! Guan Er, I\'m really confused by you. Isn\'t Toffee the same as Guan Yinghan, isn\'t Guan Yinghan just you?"

Guan Yinghan seemed to smile wryly, but the light in the corridor was dim, so her expression couldn\'t be seen clearly.

She said: "Yes! Toffee is Guan Yinghan, but in essence, she is not Guan Yinghan at all. If Yun falls in love with Toffee, then Guan Yinghan will completely disappear from her memory."

Jiang Hui really didn\'t understand what Guan Er was struggling with. After thinking about it for a long time, she felt that there was only one possibility: "I said Guan Er, are you jealous again?"

Guan Yinghan lowered her head even lower, her hoarse voice was particularly dull in the corridor: "Ahui, Toffee is very happy, she has Ruoyun...but Guan Yinghan has nothing."

Jiang Hui was really confused by her, and rolled her eyes towards the sky: "Guan Er, you must be sick, eat your own jealousy!"

In fact, Jiang Hui didn\'t know anything about the past between Ruoyun and Guan Er. She always thought that Guan Er pretended to be a demented Alpha and staying with Lin Ruoyun was just a way for her to pursue Omega. I thought about it in other ways.

How could she know that Guan Yinghan and Lin Ruoyun were actually childhood sweethearts, and she didn\'t know that Ruoyun\'s marks had been washed away, her memory tampered with, and she completely forgot about her former lover.

She didn\'t understand Guan Yinghan, but Ji Wan felt the same way. She came out from the corner of the stairs and squatted beside Guan Yinghan: "Second Miss, don\'t be sad. Dean He said that Sister Ruoyun is very obsessed with you." Shen, she has memories of you subconsciously, and she is willing to get close to you because of the familiarity of Toffee, and all the good things she has about Toffee actually come from the deep memory of Guan Yinghan."

She understood the truth, and knew that Toffee was Guan Yinghan, but she just couldn\'t control her jealousy towards Toffee.

Guan Yinghan\'s eyelashes drooped, and she endured a while of pain before raising her eyes, which darkened: "Ji Wan, why are you here, didn\'t you be asked to guard the door of the lounge?"

Ji Wan stood up, scratching her head helplessly: "Sister Ruoyun said she has something to go out, so let me take you home."

Guan Yinghan couldn\'t help feeling even more depressed, Ruoyun would take her with her wherever she went, why would she leave her and go away today?

Lin Ruoyun woke up after an hour, opened her eyes blankly, and looked around in a daze, only to realize that she was in the crew\'s lounge.

She sat up straight, recalling what happened an hour ago, her plain face was full of distress.

What\'s the matter with this little boy, Toffee, he seems to be in a very low mood.

Mentioning she not happy?

Why is it so sad?

She lowered her eyes and thought for a long time, but still couldn\'t figure it out.

So, deeply shocked, Lin Ruoyun jumped off the sofa, armed herself, put on a mask, sunglasses, and a baseball cap, hurried out, took a taxi and went straight to the nearest bookstore.

A store with warm and romantic decoration, the clerk was stunned for a second when he saw Lin Ruoyun\'s strange outfit, and then went up to him: "May I ask what you want?"

Lin Ruoyun lowered the brim of her hat, covered her mask tightly, and said in a low voice, "I...I want to buy some books on AO\'s physiological knowledge."

The clerk enthusiastically pointed to the right side: "All the books you want are over there."

Lin Ruoyun thanked her, pushed the sunglasses again, looked around behind the lens, quietly went to the door to pick up a basket, walked to the innermost part, and randomly stuffed books into it.

"Self-Cultivation of Alpha Marking Ability"

Alpha Care Guide

"Alpha and Omega caress 120 strokes together"

"How Omega Makes Your Alpha Actively Mark You"

"Omega Estrus Motivation"

Lin Ruoyun glanced at the book "This Posture Is Amazing", her forehead twitched, but her hand stretched out involuntarily, and stuffed it into the basket by accident.