After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 41: ear-to-eye

Guan Yinghan was still in a daze, but Lin Ruoyun\'s body was stretched to the limit by desire/thought, more unbearable crimson colors appeared on her cheeks, she groaned and gasped.

"Toffee, mark me, okay? Just treat it as your birthday present to my sister."

Lin Ruoyun loves./The bright red at the end of the eyes after moving is too attractive, as if the almond eyes are filled with pink cherry blossom juice.

Enough to take your breath away.

Guan Yinghan looked away in a panic, bit the tip of her tongue hard, and forced herself to absorb the pheromone bit by bit.

She is Toffee now, and Toffee has no money, no power, and can\'t even take care of herself, so how can she have the ability to mark her Omega.

How could she have the heart to let Ruoyun bear the mark alone, all the uncertain fears about the future?

Besides, Ruoyun is in estrus now, completely irrational, when she wakes up, will she regret her decision now?

Guan Yinghan trembled her eyelashes, and struggled to get away from her: "Sister...I\'ll go and see Ji Wan, she should be back soon."

"Toffee, don\'t go..."

Lin Ruoyun threw her down without hesitation, Guan Yinghan was still in shock, and before she could control her glands, the Omega pheromone spread towards her.

The amber fragrance of water spirit flower rushed into the tip of her nose, Guan Yinghan couldn\'t help but let out a muffled groan, and fell into a large soft sea of ​​flowers.

After a short period of dizziness, Guan Yinghan realized that the softness was not a sea of ​​flowers, but...


Guan Yinghan glanced down, and immediately took a big breath.

Ruoyun\'s skirt was stripped off at some point, and fell on the floor, exposing/exposing everything from the neck down to her sight.

Guan Yinghan\'s forehead became tight, and she could no longer control her glands. In the panic, the pheromones of Omega became more and more intense, and they drilled into her glands one after another.

The wall of heart that Guan Yinghan built up with all her strength was pushed down by her glands, so she could only passively let her pheromones rush towards Lin Ruoyun obsequiously.

Like a begging pug.

Guan Yinghan closed her eyes and didn\'t see at all.

"Toffee, open your eyes and look at me..." Lin Ruoyun put her hands next to her ears, and approached her one by one: "You... don\'t you know how to mark an Omega?"

Guan Yinghan swallowed hard, opened her eyes helplessly, and met Shang Ruoyun\'s passionate eyes.

Lin Ruoyun leaned down into Alpha\'s arms, her lips were close to the back of her neck, and the tip of her tongue brushed over her reddish glands: "Actually...I don\'t know how to do it either, but it should be like this...Toffee...My sister will teach you..."

Guan Yinghan\'s shoulders trembled suddenly, she instinctively turned over and pinned her down, locked her hands, and raised her head to the top of the bed: ", don\'t be like this...Toffee is a don\'t deserve to be with your sister..."

"No... Toffee is not a fool... I... I would..."

Lin Ruoyun was tortured to the extreme by the estrus period, her eyes were covered with a thin layer of red, her eyes were filled with unbearable tears, and she sobbed weakly: "Toffee, mark me, okay?"

Ruoyun bit her lips tightly, wanting to use the pain to resist the out-of-control desire/desire, the more she bit the harder, the blood streaked out from the junction of her teeth and lips, and gradually gathered into a bright red drop, forming a strange temptation with her pale lips …

Guan Yinghan picked it up in pain, feeling that the drop of blood on her lips was particularly obtrusive, and also felt that her teeth were too much, how could she bite her lower lip?

She was reluctant to let her teeth bully her lips again, but her hands were still clamping Ruoyun\'s hands. The only thing left at this moment was...

her lips.

Suddenly, Guan Yinghan moved her lips closer to hold the drop of blood, and gently pushed her white teeth away with her soft tongue, preventing her from bullying her lips.

Lin Ruoyun was attacked by force, her lips and tongue were completely lost, and the tip of her tongue meekly stuck out, entangled and danced with her.

It\'s been a long time since I felt such skin-to-skin contact. The soft and sweet touch between the lips and tongue evokes memories from many years ago.

At least, Guan Yinghan\'s body still remembers, remembers the gentle and lingering pleasure of being with her, so when the tip of her tongue comes into contact with her, all reason and worries are gone, leaving only the most primitive desire .

Her lips moved away from Ruoyun\'s lips, slowly moved to the side of her neck, kissed her inch by inch, and then covered with the holy symbol of Omega.

Guan Yinghan\'s heavier and heavier breathing fell on her ears, and she brought her unique and rare cymbidium pheromone to attack Lin Ruoyun\'s glands.

Ruoyun\'s mysterious Omega features at the nape of the neck were obviously tempted by Alpha\'s pheromone, so she opened it enthusiastically and shyly, releasing the intoxicating fragrance of water and flowers.

Once the pheromone was activated, Lin Ruoyun couldn\'t control herself anymore, she wrapped her smooth arms around Guan Yinghan\'s neck, and actively entangled with her.

Intimate and inseparable!

Guan Yinghan\'s pheromone is too strong, maybe it was suppressed for too long in the past, but now it is like a floodgate, it is strong and strong, covering the whole body of Omega.

Lin Ruoyun\'s glands were so hungry/thirsty/unbearable/unbearable by Alpha\'s temptation, the flowers/nectar in the glands oozed out of control, and even the deepest part of the gland sac was half opened.

Awaiting Alpha\'s lifetime mark...

"Toffee... Toffee..."

Lin Ruoyun couldn\'t adapt to all the changes in her body, but she was also powerless to resist.

Once an Omega is in heat, he has no sense at all, and can only follow his body\'s instinct to ask Alpha for pheromone to relieve his physiological needs.

The glands on the back of Lin Ruoyun\'s neck had been fully opened, and the sweet fragrance of the water spirit flower diffused out little by little, and then filled the surroundings, making Guan Yinghan\'s whole body numb by the seductive fragrance every time she took a breath.

She had tasted Ruoyun\'s pheromone and knew what kind of delicious taste it was.

Guan Yinghan couldn\'t bear it anymore, she lowered her head and moved closer, following the alluring fragrance of water spirit flowers, she searched for the source, and covered her lips and tongue.

"Ugh... toffee..."

Ruoyun trembled as if in stress, she didn\'t know how to relieve this strange thirst, so she could only cry helplessly.

"Ruoyun, don\'t be afraid, relax a little..." Guan Yinghan coaxed, and continued to kiss gently.

Although Ruoyun was ready to make a complete mark with her, Guan Yinghan resisted the itching of the fangs and allowed her glands to slowly accept her pheromone without being pierced by the fangs.

"Hmm... toffee..."

Lin Ruoyun panted coquettishly, like a breeze wrapped in the fragrance of water and flowers, blowing past Alpha\'s heart.

Guan Yinghan saw her white and round shoulders covered by her long hair, she also saw her full and attractive arc/degree, and at the same time she...

Unable to bear the pleasure/sensation of the pheromone because he was not pierced by the sharp teeth, he tremblingly twisted the hand of the blanket.

Guan Yinghan stretched out a hand, clung to her soft arm little by little, inserted it between her fingers, and clasped her fingers tightly.

The warm water spirit flower and the refreshing fragrant snow blue are lingering together, intertwined into waves of love/tide...

Ji Wan retrieved Lin Ruoyun\'s inhibitor from the studio, rushed into the villa like a whirlwind, and was stopped by the administrative manager before entering the elevator.

The manager grabbed her by the collar and pressed it down like an undercover agent, with a voice like a mosquito: "Assistant Ji... Uh... I think Miss Er\'s Omega probably doesn\'t need a suppressant."

Ji Wan was stunned for a moment, and then reflected, she muttered in her heart: "Second Miss is just playing tricks on me."

But he couldn\'t help teasing: "Do you know... where are you going?"

The manager stammered and replied, "How dare I go...go..."

Before the manager could say "excuse me," he heard an angry shout from Box 307: "Call your manager over here. My daughter was kidnapped here. You have to give me an explanation!"

The administrative manager and Ji Wan heard the sound and looked at each other in unison, reaching a certain tacit understanding in their hearts.

The manager took the lead in adjusting his expression, and strode towards Box 307, deliberately pretending to be ignorant and confused: "Hey, Second Mrs. Qin, what\'s the matter?"

Liang Qiu pushed away the waiter who blocked her, and walked angrily in front of the administrative manager: "Xiao Chen, you came at the right time. When I came to You Cong Manor, I was interested in the high-end and strong privacy here, so I only spent a year. With millions of members, I didn\'t expect your security system to be so poor, my daughter was kidnapped right under my nose, what do you think should I do?"