After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 40: Tag me, okay?

In the monitoring room of the villa, Guan Yinghan leaned on the edge of the table with both hands, staring at the computer screen.

The surveillance playback above is the scene of Liang Qiu getting down from the parking lot and entering the villa.

When the video started, the bodyguard was the first to open the door and get out of the car, standing on both sides of the door with his hands down.

Three seconds later, with the help of the maid, Liang Qiu stepped out of the nanny\'s car slowly on high heels.

Guan Yinghan concentrated on searching the screen, and suddenly said: "Stop! Go back, take a screenshot and zoom in!"

According to her instructions, Ji Wan kept zooming in or zooming out the screenshots of the video.

"Ji Wan, can you see if there is anyone else in the car?"

"The window glass is one-way visibility, even under high-definition monitoring, you may not be able to see clearly the situation inside the car."

"Write down this license plate and let the security go to the scene to see it."

Guan Yinghan immediately issued an order, and waved to the administrative manager who was waiting for instructions at the door: "Go and knock on the door of Room 307 again, why don\'t you ask me to teach you?"

The administrative manager bowed: "Yes, Second Miss!"

Guan Yinghan closed her eyes tiredly, pinched her eyebrows to relieve the soreness, and before she could open her eyes, she heard Ji Wan\'s trembling voice.

"Second miss, it\'s not good, sister Ruoyun may have had an accident."

Guan Yinghan rushed to the monitor screen and saw Lin Ruoyun\'s shaky figure appearing on the screen, she clenched her fingers so hard that her finger bones were about to collapse into her flesh.

She picked up the walkie-talkie on the table and was about to order the administrative manager to check on the spot when the phone rang.

Guan Yinghan\'s mobile phone only has one phone number stored, and that is...

"Toffee!" Lin Ruoyun\'s voice came from the receiver.

Ruoyun was panting badly, her breath was short and rapid, but the ending sound rose around the bend, carrying a misty mist.

Guan Yinghan\'s whole heart was suddenly picked up, she was too familiar with this sound, it was Ruoyun\'s panting sound after expressing/feeling/feeling.

She straightened up suddenly, her chest was heaving, she no longer had the calm and graceful appearance of the past, her hands trembled uncontrollably when she answered the phone.

"Sister, what\'s the matter with you?"

"Toffee..." Lin Ruoyun\'s breathing was already mixed with obvious crying: " me..."

The call stopped abruptly.

Just four words are enough to make Guan Yinghan\'s blood freeze into ice.

Lin Ruoyun\'s weak cry for help instantly resonated with her eardrums and pierced straight into her heart.

The blood on Guan Yinghan\'s lips faded away in an instant, leaving only a piercing paleness. She threw away her mobile phone, and rushed out of the monitoring room like an arrow, and rushed to room 304.

In the 304 box, Lin Ruoyun\'s water spirit flower fragrance has been slowly released, becoming more and more sweet and attractive.

She leaned against the wall and panted heavily, her cheeks and eyes were smudged with a charming pink, and she was so weak that she couldn\'t exert any strength.

The two bodyguards were about to knock on the door, but they were still timid and looked at Mrs. Zhang in embarrassment: "Sister-in-law Zhang, will this work? You Cong Manor is the site of Miss Guan Er, and Master Fu from Xixingtang will let you go when he sees her." She gets three points, I\'m afraid the superiors will blame her, you see we also get paid..."

"What are you afraid of? Miss Qin will take care of you if something goes wrong, so you just have to bump into it!"

The two bodyguards looked at each other, stepped back together, then rushed forward with all their strength, smashing open the wooden door with all their might.

A shadow slowly covered Lin Ruoyun\'s head, and she raised her hand to knock the phone flying in her palm.

She raised her head in fear, and stepped back little by little with her hands on the ground. Just when she was most desperate and frightened, she suddenly heard a clear and hasty female voice.

"elder sister!"

Lin Ruoyun suddenly raised her head, she couldn\'t believe that the person in front of her was Toffee.

She held on desperately to keep herself awake, in fact, she was waiting for Toffee to save her.

But she knew in her heart that the possibility of toffee appearing was almost zero.

However, when she saw Toffee really standing in front of her, Lin Ruoyun\'s tears could no longer be restrained, and they flowed down uncontrollably, but her lips were smiling: "Toffee... my sister can\'t walk anymore."

"Sister, don\'t be afraid, toffee hug!"

Guan Yinghan walked towards her, but two bodyguards stepped forward to block her, trying to prevent her from approaching Ruoyun.

If it was normal, Guan Yinghan would definitely use Alpha\'s physical strength to compete with them, but at this moment, Lin Ruoyun seemed to be in pain, her eyes were full of tears, she grabbed her clothes impatiently, her two cherry lips trembled, like Breathing painfully like drowning.

Guan Yinghan\'s left atrium was gouged out heavily, and she wanted to take Ruoyun away as soon as possible.

Therefore, mental power is the fastest way to check and balance them.

She slowly released the pheromone, and the top Alpha\'s powerful mental power came oppressively, and the two bodyguards froze in place.

The fragrant snow blue pheromone wrapped in ice, like a gust of wind blowing on the icy snow field, pierced the skin of the bodyguards coldly, and the chill instantly penetrated into their bones.

The faces of the two bodyguards were pale enough to be seen by the naked eye, their bodies softened uncontrollably, and they slowly collapsed to the ground.

Guan Yinghan crossed two puddles of mud, bent down to pick up Lin Ruoyun, and quickly stepped out of the door.

Mrs. Zhang rushed over to try to stop her: "You...Where do you want to take our lady?"

Guan Yinghan\'s demeanor changed suddenly, the tails of her long and narrow eyes drooped sharply, and a frosty arc was released from her cold black pupils.

Mrs. Zhang shrank her hand from her arm in fright, and she took the initiative to back away to make way.

Ji Wan and the administrative manager stood guard at the elevator entrance. Seeing Guan Yinghan coming out of Room 304 with Lin Ruoyun in her arms, she quickly opened a special passage to let them leave.

The elevator opened with a ding, and Guan Yinghan paused for three seconds, asking Ji Wan to press the button for the top floor.

"I\'ll take Ruoyun to the guest room first."

She turned her head and told Ji Wan: "It will take an hour at the earliest to get home from the manor. Ruoyun will definitely not be able to bear it. You go to the studio and bring the suppression tablets she takes. Is ten minutes enough?"

Ji Wan endured the oppressive pheromones of the second lady, and nodded repeatedly: "Enough, enough!"

When she stepped into the elevator, Lin Ruoyun had already entered a state of estrus, waves of familiar yet unfamiliar enthusiasm assaulted her.

She leaned in Guan Yinghan\'s arms, raised her face helplessly, her eyes were full of water, and looked at her pitifully: "Toffee...I\'m so uncomfortable..."

Guan Yinghan tightly hugged her watery and writhing body, beads of sweat condensed on her forehead, flowing down her cold side face.

She is also very hot, but there are waves of pain in her heart, the kind of bitterness that is suffocating to the point of going crazy.

How could she believe, how dare she believe, that the person she hurt like a baby was raped like this by her own mother.

She endured her bitterness, and kissed Ruoyun\'s cheek comfortingly: "Sister, bear with it, Ji Wan went to get the inhibitor."

Lin Ruoyun kept twisting, her blushing cheeks scraping against her chest back and forth.

In the narrow elevator, Ruoyun\'s painful moans were originally filled, but gradually the voice changed, melodious, and there was a seductive baby Ning, as if with a hook.

Guan Yinghan\'s heavy heartbeat just calmed down a little bit, and this will arouse another kind of flustered throbbing by her. She pulled her hands around Ruoyun\'s waist and shook it lightly: "Sister, hold on!"

If she wanted to endure Ruoyun, why didn\'t she also endure it herself?

Guan Yinghan was already uncontrollably emotional. Under the seduction of Omega pheromone, the glands began to heat up and swell, the tips of the teeth itched uncontrollably, and the desire to mark the other party began to grow, just around the corner.

She carried Lin Ruoyun into the suite, gently placed her on the bed, and wanted to pour her a glass of warm water, but her fingers were caught as soon as she got up, and with a pulling force, she fell on Lin Ruoyun.

Lin Ruoyun raised her wet eyelashes, and softly begged her: "Toffee... don\'t go, hug me..."

Guan Yinghan clenched her fingers and forced herself to stand up: "Sister, I\'m going to pour water."

Lin Ruoyun wrapped her arms around her neck, and with only a little effort, she easily pulled her over and imprisoned her in the nearest position.

She stretched out her fingers slowly, grasped Guan Yinghan\'s protruding wrist, lifted it up, and placed it on the first button of her shirt.

Then, biting her lip, she said softly, "Toffee, when you were eating noodles in the morning, didn\'t you say you were going to give me a birthday present?"

Guan Yinghan\'s palms were pressed softly, his eyes widened in horror, and he even stopped breathing.

Lin Ruoyun bit her lips until she turned white, her eyes were filled with steam: "You said let me choose by myself, didn\'t you?"

Guan Yinghan restrained her glands with all her strength, and replied softly: "Yes, what does my sister want?"

"I want…"

Lin Ruoyun leaned on the back of her neck, gently rubbing her reddish glands: "I want you to mark me..."

Guan Yinghan\'s whole body was completely down.

Although Lin Ruoyun was tormented by the estrous period and became dizzy, she clearly knew what she was doing.

Under the condition of being induced into estrus, the first and only thing that comes to her mind is toffee.

Isn\'t that enough to say it all?

She cares about toffee, jealous, nervous, and...

The urge to be tagged with her for life.

The emotion between these AOs.

She has both, and even more intensely.


Has she fallen in love with toffee unknowingly?

That\'s right, Toffee is mentally immature, but she has never had second thoughts about herself. Even if the whole world betrays her, Toffee will stay by her side and never leave her.

So what if you are immature? She can make money to support her.

So what if Toffee doesn\'t understand love, isn\'t she just as ignorant about love?

As long as two people love each other, what is there to worry about in the future?

She is willing to entrust everything to Toffee...

Including the body and a whole heart.