After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 42: strapped to the operating table

The manager smiled and bowed to the angry Liang Qiu, showing an expression of ignorance, and asked the waiter, "What\'s going on?"

The waiter raised his head tremblingly, and was about to reply, but was interrupted by a female voice with a deep, smoky voice.

"Oh, isn\'t this Aunt Liang!"

Holding a black coat in her arms, Ji Wan came out from the shadow of the corner.

She pretended to be passing by, and walked to Liang Qiu\'s side naturally and enthusiastically: "Hello, Auntie!"

Liang Qiu was confused for a moment: "You are?"

"I\'m Ji Wan, Sister Ruoyun\'s assistant. I came to the Qin mansion that day and returned Sister Ruoyun\'s gown to Miss Qin. We met before."

Ji Wan asked back in great surprise, and even raised her bangs in an exaggerated manner: "Don\'t you remember me?"

Ji Wan\'s mother is an ethnic minority. She inherited her mother\'s profound facial features, and her face shape is highly recognizable and easy to remember.

Liang Qiu remembered after a while, and nodded, "Yes, it\'s Ruoyun\'s assistant...Why are you here?"

"I\'m here to find Sister Ruoyun\'s cell phone." Ji Wan glanced at Liang Qiu\'s expression of stealing money, and sneered in her heart, but her face was still respectful: "Just now, Sister Ruoyun called the studio and said that she If you\'re drunk, let\'s send someone over to pick you up."

As soon as Ji Wan finished speaking, the administrative manager came out to smooth things over in a timely manner: "Ah! It turned out that I was picked up by an assistant. It was a misunderstanding. It was a misunderstanding. Second wife, you can rest assured."

"I, why should I worry!"

Liang Qiu glared at the administrative manager, and there seemed to be two poisonous snakes circling in his eyes.

In front of Qin Yeli, she had sworn to take Ruoyun back to the Qin mansion, but now she lost him, how could she explain to Ye Li?

"Ji Wan, I don\'t care if it\'s Ruoyun calling or not, but I\'m her own mother and have the right to bring her home."

Liang Qiuping stared at her coldly, "I ask you, where is Ruoyun now?"

Ji Wan greeted her fearlessly, "Sister Ruoyun is at Second Miss\'s house."

"Second Miss, which Second Miss?"

"Second Miss Guan from the Runhai Group." Ji Wan explained while silently observing Liang Qiu\'s expression: "Sister Ruoyun called the studio, and it was Sister Jiang Hui who answered the call. It happened that the Second Miss was also nearby, so I sent someone Come here and take Sister Ruoyun to her mansion."

Liang Qiu\'s pupils trembled obviously, and his momentum subconsciously weakened: "If I want to take back my daughter, there\'s no reason for Second Miss Guan to keep her?"

Ji Wan raised her lips indifferently: "That\'s natural, Sister Ruoyun is your daughter, and you should take care of it yourself, it\'s just..."

Ji Wan raised her watch and looked at it, and frowned: "It\'s just that the second lady should have rested now, she has never slept well, unless we encounter difficult major events, we as subordinates generally don\'t pick this point to disturb , Aunt Liang, if you insist on seeing Sister Ruoyun, then please come with me."

Liang Qiu lowered his eyebrows to cover up his distorted facial features.

This dead girl Ruoyun probably already knew that it was her drug that induced her to go into heat, otherwise she wouldn\'t have called to the studio to rescue soldiers. She didn\'t expose her in public to save herself some face.

This is going to ask someone, how can Ruoyun go with her?

Not only would they not be able to find anyone, they might even disturb the second miss of the Guan family.

This Second Miss Guan is an aristocrat, and the Runhai Group is powerful, and Tianhai City will tremble if she stomps her feet.

Liang Qiu still understood the so-called truth that an egg cannot be head-on with a rock.

When he raised his head again, Liang Qiu had already put on a decent smile: "Since we are resting in Miss Guan Er\'s mansion, of course I can rest assured."

She turned around and picked up the diamond-encrusted clutch on the seat: "It\'s getting late, and I should go back too. Mrs. Zhang, let\'s go!"

Ji Wan and the manager nodded slightly to say goodbye, and stepped back to each side to make way.

Liang Qiu twisted her waist and walked out the door, her face didn\'t seem to change, but the frequency and sound of her high heels stepping on the floor could reveal her frustration at the moment.

Mrs. Zhang kept up with small steps all the way, passed by box 304, and suddenly stopped in her tracks: "Second wife, wait!"

Liang Qiu frowned displeasedly: "What\'s the matter?"

Mrs. Zhang pointed to 304 with her right hand: "Miss Ruoyun\'s cell phone is inside."

Liang Qiu reluctantly turned back, and walked straight into box 304. Before taking two steps, her whole body swayed, her hands trembled uncontrollably, and the diamond-encrusted bag fell to the ground.

Auntie Zhang picked up the handbag and was frightened by her pale face when she handed it to Liang Qiu: "Second, Second Madam, what\'s the matter with you?"

Liang Qiu turned his head mechanically, his pupils widened: "Sister-in-law Zhang, have you smelled Alpha\'s pheromone?"

"Oh, Second Wife, you\'re really confusing me, I\'m an old beta, how can I smell pheromones?"

Liang Qiu backed away with a pale face, Zhang Aunt walked over to help her, but she staggered twice, supported the wall and slid down, her eyes were dazed, and she murmured: "It\'s...Xiang Xuelan...Xiangxue The smell of orchid."

"Xiang Xuelan?" Mrs. Zhang\'s eyes also trembled in shock: "Isn\'t the pheromone of the Alpha that marked Miss Ruoyun before, Xiang Xuelan?"

Mrs. Zhang was brought back to the Qin Mansion by Liang Qiu and Qin Fang after they lived in concubine. She can be regarded as Liang Qiu\'s confidant and her most capable helper.

At the beginning, Miss Ruoyun fell in love with a poor Alpha who had no money and power, and she refused to break up with her life and death. She thought that as long as the Omega was marked by Alpha, no other Alpha would want it, so she made a move to kill the second wife first. It\'s choking.

Miss Ruoyun thought that Liang Qiu couldn\'t force her to be marked, so she could only agree to associate with that Alpha.

But she still didn\'t understand her own mother, who would sacrifice everything for the sake of glory and wealth.

Miss Ruoyun was tied to the operating table, and her glands were cleaned over and over again by the laser instrument. Liang Qiu didn\'t care about the huge damage and pain the pulse caused to her. The glands in his body were washed three times, and the cruel torture stopped after there was no pheromone left by Alpha.

For this reason, Miss Ruoyun almost failed to get off the operating table.

Although Mrs. Zhang couldn\'t smell the pheromone, she saw the words "Xiang Xuelan" clearly written in the column of cleaning pheromones on Miss Ruoyun\'s surgery consent form.

Therefore, when Liang Qiu said that she smelled the pheromone of saffron in Room 304, Mrs. Zhang was also shocked.

"Second wife!" She walked over to help Liang Qiu who was limp on the ground, and asked uncertainly, "Is it Xiang Xuelan? Could it be a mistake?"

"There\'s no mistake. This pheromone is in Ruoyun\'s glands, and it takes three times to wash it off. How could I forget it?"

Liang Qiu leaned against Mrs. Zhang empty-handedly, her heart was already in her throat, and she was even a little dizzy. She couldn\'t remember what was going on, her mind was in a mess, and her thoughts drifted further and further, drifting back to To Dawan Village…

Liang Qiu is a well-known beauty in Dawan Village. She married Ruoyun\'s father because she wanted him to make money, and her family was well-off. But Ruoyun\'s father died young and left her a mess.

Liang Qiu was not a Zhenlie woman, so she found Qin Fang as a rich next family for herself early on.

However, the door of the Qin Mansion is not easy to enter, no matter how she tries to please her, Miss Qin can\'t let Miss Qin let go.

Maybe it was fate, Miss Qin fell in love with Ruoyun at first sight, and she did not hesitate to lower her posture to beg her in order to get Ruoyun.

Qin Fang even promised that if Ye Li\'s wish could be fulfilled, he would formally marry her with three matchmakers and six hires.

So, on the first day of the Lunar New Year, Liang Qiu, who had been away from home for five years, returned to Dawan Village to pick up Lin Ruoyun.

"Ruoyun, pack up, mom will take you back to the Qin mansion."

Lin Ruoyun was still immersed in the joy of reuniting with her mother, and suddenly she was thrown cold water: "Mom, do you want to go back?"

"Yes, this time I\'m here to pick you up and go to the Qin mansion to enjoy the blessings. When the spring weather is warmer, Mom will pick a date for you and Ye Li to get engaged."

Lin Ruoyun\'s face changed suddenly: "I won\'t go, I...I don\'t want to be engaged to her."

Liang Qiu was so angry that he patted the table: "Bastard! Ye Li is not only good-looking, but also a top student in the business school. The most important thing is that she will inherit the Qin Group in the future. An Alpha with her qualifications, even if she is a good-looking You can’t find any lanterns anywhere, so what’s your dissatisfaction?”

Lin Ruoyun straightened her back: "What kind of person is she, what does it matter to me?"

Liang Qiu stared at her blankly, suddenly realized something, and asked tentatively: "Ruoyun, tell mom honestly, do you have an Alpha you like?"

When things got to this point, Lin Ruoyun didn\'t want to hide anything, she nodded frankly and admitted: "She is a very good Alpha, she can draw, she can talk about piano, and she is the first in every exam... And she treats me well, others don\'t want her When teaching me, she wrote lesson plans one by one... Also, also, she has a good temper and works hard..."

Liang Qiu slammed down the table again: "Enough! I just want to ask you, what does her family do?"

Lin Ruoyun lowered her eyes and thought for a while, Guan Guan is the abandoned son of the Guan family, the Guan family has long severed ties with their mother and daughter, and Guan Guanli does not admit that he is the Guan family.

"She... her mother died, and... she didn\'t have a father..."

Liang Qiu sneered, and did not hide the disdain on his face: "So, he is just a wild child with no background and no money."

"Ruoyun, you are a top-level Omega. You must know that only one or two rare pheromone Omega can be differentiated among ten thousand people."

Liang Qiu took advantage of the opportunity to walk up to Lin Ruoyun, posing as a seductive elder: "A good-looking top Omega like you should marry a rich Alpha to be a young mistress, instead of suffering with a poor Alpha who has no money or power. Yuna... Omega\'s youth is very short, you have to grasp it well and don\'t spoil yourself."

"Guan Guan is very good to me, she won\'t let me suffer." Lin Ruoyun\'s face was pale, tears filled her eyes: "Besides, I\'m not afraid of suffering, Guan Guan and I work hard together, the days will always get better."

"Don\'t be stupid, an Alpha like her who has no money and no power will only lie to Omega with sweet words, and she will be worthless all her life, and only you will believe that, willingly fight with her, exhaust your youth, and in the end, you will be old and good-for-nothing. Yun, you can grow up!"

"No, Guan Guan worked very hard, she will be successful in the future."

Lin Ruoyun, who was still stiff-necked and proud, suddenly knelt down on her knees and grabbed Liang Qiu\'s clothes: "Mom, I\'ll take you to see Guan Guan. After you see her, you will definitely like her very much."

"She is a poor Alpha who wants nothing, what right does she have to appear in front of me, and she is delusional about marrying my daughter."

Liang Qiu forcefully tore open the hem of his clothes: "I won\'t go to see this kind of person, it\'s a waste of time, you hurry to clean up, if you delay it, it will be dark, and the mountain road will be even more difficult to walk."

Liang Qiu said as he walked out, and slapped his hands around his nose with Kou red nails, his face full of disgust: "The whole room smells like duck droppings, I really can\'t stay here for a minute."

"Mom...I won\'t go...don\'t get engaged to Qin Yeli." Lin Ruoyun\'s tears flowed down like broken beads, she knelt and took two steps forward, holding Liang Qiu tightly: "Please let me be with you Close together, please..."

"You should give up on this idea as soon as possible." Liang Qiuhan stared at Ruoyun fiercely with a cold face, and said in a tone that could not be refuted: "Are you going by yourself, or should I find someone to kidnap you?"

"I won\'t go with you!" Lin Ruoyun stood up slowly, her lips were tightly pressed, her eyes were full of determination: "I will only marry Guan Guan in this life, and I want to be with her for the rest of my life." Even if I die, I will not separate from her."

"You can\'t help it!" Liang Qiu gritted his teeth angrily, and Kun shouted towards the door, "Sister-in-law Zhang...Sister-in-law Zhang, come here with a rope and tie Miss Ruoyun away!"

Mrs. Zhang didn\'t dare to disobey the order, so she hurriedly brought the thick hemp rope that had been prepared in advance. Liang Qiu pushed Ruoyun\'s shoulder hard, and pushed her against the wall, cutting her hands behind her back.

"Why are you still standing there!" Liang Qiu glared at Mrs. Zhang fiercely, her eyes seemed to be pierced with poisonous thorns: "Come quickly and tie her hands!"

Lin Ruoyun struggled hard: "You let me go... let me go..."

She went all out, and yanked open her skirt, revealing the no longer smooth Omega features, her eyes were full of sarcasm: "Mom, don\'t waste your time, if you tied me to Qin Yeli, she wouldn\'t want to mine."

Liang Qiu\'s face changed instantly, and his eyelashes trembled in a panic: "You...what do you mean, you can\'t be with that poor Alpha..."

Lin Ruoyun met her gaze fearlessly: "Yes! I am already her Omega, my body has been marked by her, I have her pheromones in my glands, and I will not be sensitive to other Alpha\'s pheromones." If there is a reaction, Qin Yeli will not want me."

It was as if a thunderbolt had been thrown into Liang Qiu\'s brain, causing her whole body to tremble.

How much Liang Qiu wished it was just her own auditory hallucinations, but Lin Ruoyun\'s glands belonged to Alpha\'s rich pheromone, and there were one after another red plum-like brand marks on her chest and clavicle—

They all told her clearly that this was not an auditory hallucination.


Liang Qiu waved his hands heavily towards Ruoyun, shaking his body like chaff: "You...why are you so shameless,"

Lin Ruoyun wiped off the blood stains at the corner of her mouth with the back of her hand, and looked at Liang Qiu with tears in her eyes: "Mom... let me be locked up with Guan... Please..."

Liang Qiu finally didn\'t mention the matter of going back to the city. She walked out little by little, but stopped and turned around at the door, her eyes were filled with horror and madness: "This is how you want me to compromise, Ruoyun, you are still a little tender." .”