After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 39: induced estrus

Lin Ruoyun was stunned for a moment, then her cheeks began to flush uncontrollably.



She was actually easily seduced by an immature Alpha.

However, her little toffee is so cute and cute. If she can marry and be a little wife, it would be fun to play with her from time to time.


What are you thinking?

Toffee is just a child!

The liking she mentioned is nothing more than attachment and habit, not love at all.

Lin Ruoyun tried her best to ignore the deepest sense of loss in her heart, turned around and walked into the bathroom.

She absent-mindedly squeezed toothpaste onto the toothbrush, and was about to open the cupboard door to get a water glass when the cell phone by the sink rang.

Looking at the caller ID, Lin Ruoyun\'s forehead twitched uncontrollably.

She turned on the faucet, filled the basin with cold water, then buried her face in the water, forcing herself not to answer Liang Qiu\'s call.

The bell rang once...twice...three times...

It came to an abrupt end.

Lin Ruoyun finally couldn\'t hold back and emerged from the water, taking a big breath.

The bell rang again persistently.

Ling Ruoyun shook her wet forehead hair, removed the towel from the storage rack, tucked away the water stains on her face, and answered the phone resignedly.

"Hello! Ruoyun?"

Lin Ruoyun was ready to be reprimanded, but Liang Qiu changed her previous attitude, her tone was as calm as a different person.

"Ruoyun... I am mother..."

Lin Ruoyun tilted her head and clamped her phone, and wiped her hair with a towel: "Mom...what can I do?"

"Ruoyun, today is your birthday! Son, how long has it been since you visited your mother? You didn\'t even call me on your birthday."

On the other end of the phone, Liang Qiu\'s nasal voice was thick, as if he was choking up: "It is said that the child\'s birthday is the mother\'s good day. When I gave birth to you, your father was still on a business trip, and I was in pain for two days and two nights. gave birth to you..."

After going through so many twists and turns and playing the emotional card for so long, Lin Ruoyun knew Liang Qiu\'s intentions well, and she didn\'t want to procrastinate and directly cut off Liang Qiu\'s thoughts.

"Mom, I won\'t go back to the Qin mansion, and I won\'t see Qin Yeli again."

"Ruoyun, no, mom didn\'t come to persuade you to go back to the Qin mansion." Liang Qiu didn\'t get angry, and couldn\'t hear a trace of displeasure. His words were full of love for Ruoyun: "Son... Mom really misses you and Ye Li married, but if you really don\'t want to, mom won\'t force you anymore, child... Mom just wants you to be happy."

Liang Qiu\'s attitude was completely different from what she expected, Lin Ruoyun paused slightly, and asked uncertainly: "Mom, are you really not going to force me to marry Ye Li?"

Liang Qiu\'s voice became softer: "Yes, Mom has figured it out, as long as you are happy, Mom is willing to do anything."

Lin Ruoyun was already used to being scolded, and had never felt a trace of maternal love, so facing Liang Qiu\'s sudden overture, she was so moved that her eyes turned sore.

After a short pause, Liang Qiu\'s humble and helpless voice came from the other end of the phone: "Ruoyun, are you listening?"

Lin Ruoyun shrugged her nose, holding back her tears: "Mom, I\'m listening."

"Son... Let\'s have a meal with mom." Liang Qiu asked cautiously, half-speaking deliberately stopped, as if to give her time to digest, but it was only for a second, and he was afraid that she would refuse, so he hurriedly added: "If Yun, don\'t worry, we\'ll go out to eat, and it\'s just us, there are no outsiders."

Lin Ruoyun was obviously shaken, but she still didn\'t agree.

Liang Qiu strikes while the iron is hot: "Son, my mother and I haven\'t sat down to eat together for a long time, even if Mom begs you, come and have a meal with me, okay?"

Cherish it because it is missing.

Lin Ruoyun still strongly desires Liang Qiu\'s love in her heart.

She bit her lip and finally nodded: "OK, where to eat?"

Liang Qiu was so excited that she even changed her voice, but she quickly realized and adjusted: "I\'ll send you the location later."

When Lin Ruoyun came out of the bathroom, Guan Yinghan was already arranging the bowls and chopsticks, the simplest red noodle soup, with a golden soft-boiled poached egg lying on it, and some green onion sprinkled on it.

Ruoyun and Liang Qiu had a dinner date, but they couldn\'t bear to waste Toffee\'s heart, so they ate all the birthday noodles.

Putting down the bowl, she tucked the corner of her mouth with a tissue and waved to Guan Yinghan: "Toffee, come here."

Guan Yinghan trotted over, half squatted down beside her docilely, raised her pure white and harmless face.

Lin Ruoyun took out all the paper money in her wallet and gave it to her, and transferred a sum of money to her WeChat, and solemnly explained: "Toffee, my sister wants to eat with my mother, can you..."

Guan Yinghan lowered her head listlessly, grabbed her skirt and shook it, and complained in a low voice: "Sister, you promised that you would only let Toffee accompany you on your birthday."

"But...but she is my sister\'s mother." Lin Ruoyun expressed helplessness at her behavior of fighting for favor, and pinched her chin lightly in punishment: "How about this, when I come back at night, my sister will give herself to Toffee OK…"

After only half a sentence, Lin Ruoyun felt that it was too ambiguous, and her cheeks turned red quickly.

Guan Yinghan\'s disappointment was easily soothed by these words. She stared at Ruoyun without blinking, and the love in her eyes turned into peach hearts, which fell out cracklingly.

"Sister..." Guan Yinghan quietly moved closer to her: "What birthday present do you want?"

Lin Ruoyun blinked: "Didn\'t you give me a necklace?"

"Not enough." Guan Yinghan leaned on Ruoyun\'s lap with her upper body, curling her long eyelashes coquettishly: "Sister, I can give you whatever you want."

Lin Ruoyun couldn\'t help but raise the corners of her mouth, seeing how rich and powerful she spoke.

"Then I have to think about it and tell you when I come back tonight."

Guan Yinghan raised her eyes, her dark pupils were scorchingly bright: "Sister, can you come back early? Toffee will miss you."

The cub\'s body temperature was close at hand, and a faint pheromone invaded the tip of her nose.

Lin Ruoyun really didn\'t want to admit that she was tempted. She wanted to hook Toffee\'s fingers several times, and even wanted to roll into her arms shamelessly, but she woke up at the last moment.

"I know, I\'ll be home early."

Lin Ruoyun was about to pull Toffee from her lap, when the phone on the table vibrated, she lowered her head and pressed it, it was a voice from Liang Qiu.

"Ruoyun... have you received the address? You can\'t enter this club without a membership card, but the waiters there know me, as long as you give my name, they will take you in..."

The general tone of the nouveau riche.

Lin Ruoyun shook her head helplessly, and replied in the WeChat dialog box: "Okay!"

The voice from Liang Qiu had a bit of chaotic noise at the end, as if several people were having a conversation, but because it was too noisy, the content of the conversation could not be heard clearly.

Lin Ruoyun\'s attention was all on Liang Qiu\'s tone, and she didn\'t pay attention to the noisy and unclear conversation at the end.

But Guan Yinghan is a top Alpha, her hearing is sharper than ordinary people, she could vaguely hear the word "Miss" in the messy conversation.

Her back stiffened suddenly, and a bad premonition gradually came to her heart.

But Guan Yinghan also knew that whenever something happened to Ruoyun, she would always be extremely nervous.

So she didn\'t dare to judge rashly, she just peeked at Lin Ruoyun\'s phone screen cautiously, silently remembering the place where she and Liang Qiu met.

Lin Ruoyun confessed a few words uneasy again, looked up at the wall clock on the wall, grabbed her bag and hurried out the door.

The Youcong Manor chosen by Liang Qiu is located in the most prosperous center of Tianhai City. The manor only accepts members, and it is more difficult for non-members to enter.

Standing at the front desk of the luxuriously decorated club, Lin Ruoyun was at a loss for a moment.

The young waiter has obviously undergone strict and professional training. He smiled and walked forward, asking politely if he needed help.

Ruoyun reported Liang Qiu\'s name, the waiter bowed slightly, and made a please gesture with his right hand: "Please follow me!"

At the same time as Ruoyun entered the box, the exclusive parking lot for the president of You Cong Manor drove into an extended version of the black Maybach.

The top administrative manager of the manor received the news ten minutes ago that the general manager Guan Yinghan would visit the manor. She and two sub-department managers waited on the parking lot early.

Guan Yinghan stepped out of the car slowly, the administrative manager bowed his waist and raised his eyes slightly, seeing Guan Yinghan, who used to be dressed in a haute couture suit, was actually wearing a college-style milky white hooded sweater, and was slightly stunned. Immediately, she went up to meet her and called out respectfully, "Second Miss."

"En!" Guan Yinghan said lightly, this was her usual way of greeting.

The administrative manager was obviously used to it, so he quietly moved to Ji Wan\'s side, and asked tremblingly, "Ji Special Assistant, what\'s going on, the second lady hasn\'t come to the manor for more than two years, why did she come here suddenly..."

Ji Wan changed from her usual idleness, and her expression was serious: "Go and check, there is a guest named Liang Qiu in which box."


Ji Wan stopped in her tracks and looked at the administrative manager seriously: "Xiao Chen, something might happen in the manor later, you are responsible for sealing the news, and you are not allowed to leak a single word."


Lin Ruoyun followed behind the waiter with her head down, opened the door and found that Liang Qiu was already waiting for her in the box.

Liang Qiu ordered a palace herbal pot, and was adding vegetables to it, when the heat made her face into a fuzzy ball.

Mrs. Zhang, the old servant next to Liang Qiu, saw Lin Ruoyun first, and bowed her head to call out to the second wife. Liang Qiu then raised her head and curled her beautiful red lips: "Ruoyun, are you here? Come and sit down."

Liang Qiu has always behaved like a wife in a big mansion, and always brings servants and bodyguards with her when she goes out, putting on a good posture.

Lin Ruoyun passed two bodyguards in black suits and invisible earphones, moved two steps towards the table, stopped, and looked inside vigilantly.

The private rooms here are designed with different sizes. Although the society is more open and free nowadays, Alpha and Omega can drink and discuss business at the same table, but after all, limited by pheromones, when they are half drunk, Alpha and Omega will automatically separate. So as not to touch the fever period and cause unnecessary disturbances.

Seeing that Lin Ruoyun hadn\'t moved, Liang Qiu gave Mrs. Zhang a look. Mrs. Zhang understood, and pretended to enter the small room to get Liang Qiu\'s shawl, and deliberately opened the door of the small room wide.

Lin Ruoyun glanced around the small private room, but she didn\'t find Qin Yeli\'s figure, so she was obviously relieved.


Lin Ruoyun approached Liang Qiu, sat down slowly on the velvet stool, saw Liang Qiu add pig intestines to the hot pot, and quickly snatched it off: " have high blood pressure and a bad heart, so you can\'t eat food with high cholesterol."

"It doesn\'t matter once in a while." Liang Qiu always put on a pleasant smile, and added bean sprouts and vegetables to the pot. When he raised his head, there was a faint light in his eyes: "Ruoyun... Do you remember when you were young, Your dad always takes us to the noodle restaurant in Liqiao to eat large intestine noodles?"

Lin Ruoyun\'s thoughts were instantly pulled back to her childhood, and her eyes turned red uncontrollably: "Of course I remember... Dad will also buy me a little sugar figure from my grandfather by the bridge..."

Lin Ruoyun lowered her head sadly, her voice was as low as whispering: "I...I really miss...I really miss Dad..."

Liang Qiu also seemed to be touched by the past, and stretched out his hand to touch Lin Ruoyun\'s hair lovingly: "Ruoyun, these\'s my mother who has been sorry for you, and didn\'t take good care of you..."

The string in Lin Ruoyun\'s heart that had been torn apart by family affection for a long time and was about to break was inadvertently lifted and repaired.

She raised her wet eyelashes and shook her head at Liang Qiu, expressing that she didn\'t mean to blame her.

Liang Qiu fell into deep self-blame, sobbing to himself: "But your father left as soon as he said, leaving our third mother behind, grandma is getting old, and you are so young...I have to face his factory alone. The workers here, and the debts outside...I can\'t bear it...Fortunately, Uncle Qin is willing to help...Son, don\'t blame mom..."

"Mom, I don\'t blame you." Lin Ruoyun kept her head down, her small face was hidden in the black hair, she couldn\'t see the expression clearly, but she could hear the strong nasal voice: "As long as you think this way will make you happier."

She will not force Liang Qiu to observe festivals for her father.

Her own father, it is enough for her to remember her alone!

Seeing the heavy atmosphere, Aunt Zhang hurriedly came out to adjust: "Oh, Second Madam, today is Miss Ruoyun\'s birthday, don\'t keep mentioning it."

"Yes, yes, look at me, why do you always mention those unhappy things!"

Liang Qiu tucked the corners of his eyes with a handkerchief, turned his head and gave Mrs. Zhang a wink: "Sister-in-law Zhang, pour a glass of water for the lady, and call the waiter to serve the dishes."

Mrs. Zhang let out an eh, and walked into the small private room, dragging a purple sand pot in her hand when she came out.

She poured two cups of tea, put one in front of Liang Qiu, and handed the other to Lin Ruoyun: "Miss Ruoyun, the water here comes from the natural spring at the back of the manor. It is clean and clear. It is specially used for cooking and tea. , try it, isn\'t it very sweet?"

Lin Ruoyun looked up at Liang Qiu.

The corners of Liang Qiu\'s lips curled up into a smile, holding the lid of the cup in his right hand, pointing his little finger up, scraping along the wall of the cup: "Ruoyun, have a drink."

Lin Ruoyun lifted the teacup under her nose and sniffed it lightly. She smelled a faint scent of white camellia, and then took a sip tentatively. The taste was indeed sweet, with a hint of coolness.

Unknowingly, Lin Ruoyun drank the mountain spring water in the teacup.

A strange smile gradually appeared on Liang Qiu\'s face. Instead of gossiping with Ruoyun, she walked into the small private room and leaned against the window, as if deliberately waiting for something.

Ten minutes later, she turned meanderingly back.

At this time, Lin Ruoyun faintly felt a little dizzy and something was wrong with her body.

She struggled to prop herself up from the seat, and hurriedly walked towards the door.

It\'s just that as soon as she turned around, her legs and feet felt weak, and the world in front of her began to spin.

She braced herself against the wall and squeezed her temples hard.

The body is getting more and more wrong, the glands in the back of the neck are inexplicably hot, and there is an unusual restlessness.

This feeling is very familiar, Lin Ruoyun belatedly realized that she...

In heat!

But these two days are obviously not her estrus period, how could...

Have you eaten peppermint by mistake again?

But she remembered that she didn\'t eat anything after entering the box.

Oh no, it seems that Mrs. Zhang poured her a glass of water.

Could it be...

A flash of panic flashed in Lin Ruoyun\'s eyes, why did her mother ask Mrs. Zhang to drink mountain spring water mixed with mint to induce her to go into heat?

"Mom..." Lin Ruoyun shook her head, her eyes were condensed into a sharp dark light: "What do you want to do?"

Liang Qiu stood up unhurriedly, with a gloomy expression on his face, "Ruoyun, you\'re drunk, go back to the Qin mansion with your mother to rest."

Qin Mansion?

Lin Ruoyun immediately understood what was going on.

Liang Qiu induced her to fall in love just to send her to Qin Yeli\'s side.

Lin Ruoyun\'s heart seemed to be stabbed by countless sharp knives.

She is her mother, her only relative!

How could she do such a nasty thing to herself?

The rise and fall of Lin Ruoyun\'s chest became bigger and bigger, and fine and dense sweat oozes from her forehead and back.

She forced herself to calm down, and must go to the front desk, or where there are many people, to seek help.

She deliberately pretended not to know that she was in heat, and took a steady breath: "Sister-in-law Zhang, I seem to be really drunk, I... I\'m going to the bathroom."

Liang Qiu narrowed his eyes, and gestured to Mrs. Zhang.

Mrs. Zhang hurriedly followed and helped Lin Ruoyun: "Miss Ruoyun, let me go with you."

Lin Ruoyun staggered forward while supporting the wall. She knew that Mrs. Zhang was watching her, so she would not let her go to the front desk to find help.

She propped herself against the wall and walked forward slowly, and saw the door of box 304 open in front, she pushed Mrs. Zhang away with all her strength, then ran into room 304, and quickly locked the door behind her.

Lin Ruoyun didn\'t know when her strength would run out, and she didn\'t know how to survive this period of fever without inhibitors.

She slid down slowly against the wall, and with trembling hands, she took out the cell phone in her jacket pocket, and pressed Guan Yinghan\'s number on the quick call button.