After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 38: control her goblin at will

Lin Ruoyun seemed to be bewitched, and slowly approached Guan Yinghan\'s glands, put her lips on it, and tremblingly stuck out the tip of her tongue, sliding across her glands through the isolation sticker.

Guan Yinghan\'s shoulders and neck trembled suddenly, his pupils dilated in shock, and his shoulders shrank slightly.

"Sister... sister... what are you... doing?"

Lin Ruoyun leaned on her shoulders, her legs hanging by her side swayed slightly, and said softly, " smell so good..."

It smells good?

The air froze for a moment.

Guan Yinghan\'s wrists trembled uncontrollably, and she could only tightly hold on to Ruoyun\'s skirt, using her willpower to suppress the abnormal movements of her arms and her beating heart.

Ruoyun has not taken the medicine containing the pheromone that inhibits the scented snowberry for more than two months, could it be that...

She no longer repelled her own pheromones?

In order to prove her thoughts, Guan Yinghan continued to walk forward quietly, releasing more pheromones silently.

The more and more fragrant snowflakes overflowed from Guan Yinghan\'s glands, Lin Ruoyun closed her eyes, and couldn\'t help leaning forward, getting close to the source of her physical and mental pleasure, and her soft lips slowly touched it.

Guan Yinghan\'s eyelashes trembled in a panic, mixed with indescribable joy.

The joy is that Ruoyun finally no longer rejects her pheromones.

The panic was that she couldn\'t control her glands freely, Lin Ruoyun showed a little liking for it, the pheromone seemed to vent, she was extremely enthusiastic, almost flattering and wanted to pounce on it, to please its Omega.

The air is filled with a high concentration of cypress pheromones.

Guan Yinghan\'s glands gradually leaked dew-like liquid under her teasing/teasing, which moistened the edge of the isolation sticker.

The fragrance became more and more intense, Lin Ruoyun was successfully seduced, and the tip of her tongue gently licked along the edge of the isolation sticker.

Clear but not greasy, with a hint of sweetness in the glycol.

Guan Yinghan couldn\'t bear such teasing: "Sister, don\'t do this."

She tensed her body, turned her head to avoid the touch that made her whole body numb, her panting/breathing was full of unbearable, but full of connivance and pampering.

"Toffee, your pheromone is so special, it smells so good."

Lin Ruoyun lay on Guan Yinghan\'s shoulders, and her soft fingertips fiddled with the raised edge of the isolation sticker. With a little force, they scratched the inside of the sensitive gland.

Guan Yinghan was like a wounded little animal, with a suppressed and deep panting sound from his throat, and his arms trembled uncontrollably.

She finally couldn\'t bear this kind of torture, and put Lin Ruoyun down in a half-squat, raised her arms to wipe off the fine sweat on her forehead, her lips turned white from biting, and her eyes were filled with a thin red of emotion.

This pitiful appearance seemed to be bullied by her.

However, the bully was wronged first: "Toffee, are you going to carry me?"

Guan Yinghan really had nothing to do with Ruoyun, she could only look at her in astonishment and helplessness, at this little fairy who manipulated her up and down at will.

Lin Ruoyun gently opened her arms towards her, making a posture waiting for a hug, then bit her lower lip, and tilted her head to look at her: "My feet hurt...I can\'t walk..."

Lin Ruoyun\'s every move was too familiar to Guan Yinghan. She looked at Ruoyun\'s small canine teeth and bit her lower lip until it turned red. When Ruoyun asked her to mark her, she would always bite like this before. lips, let her be willingly held captive.

Guan Yinghan pointed to the bus stop three meters away: "Sister... shall we take the bus?"

Lin Ruoyun lowered her eyes and thought for a while, then nodded: "Well, don\'t let Ji Wan come to pick you up, let\'s go home by bus."

Just as Guan Yinghan was about to turn around, she saw Lin Ruoyun waiting in place, with her thin and fair arms raised in the air, forming a hollow circle around her.

She opened her body and waited for her Alpha to surrender.

Guan Yinghan sighed in her heart, and finally retreated willingly, slightly bent her knees, and surrendered in front of her.

Lin Ruoyun curled her eyelashes, jumped onto her back happily, wrapped her hands around her neck, and pressed her face close to the back of her neck.

"Toffee, let\'s not take the car, let\'s walk home, okay?"

Guan Yinghan lowered her head slightly, and curled the corners of her lips lovingly: "Okay!"

Lin Ruoyun squinted her eyes in enjoyment, and felt that Toffee was walking towards the platform step by step. The tip of her nose was covered with her pleasant-smelling pheromone, as if she was immersed in a warm and comfortable enchantment with the fragrance of birds and flowers.

She took a few deep breaths calmly, sipping the pheromone of the toffee into her lungs.

Pleasant, warm, relaxed, down-to-earth...

All the good feelings come together and rush towards her...

Ruoyun\'s body seemed to have finally found the pheromone that fit seamlessly with her, every cell was clamoring with joy.

The sweet days passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye it was the fifteenth day of the lunar calendar—Ruoyun\'s birthday.

Before going to bed, Guan Yinghan specially set the alarm clock, and the alarm clock rang at 5:50 on time. She rubbed her sleepy eyes and walked into the kitchen to cook birthday noodles for the little birthday boy.

She opened the refrigerator and put the meat in cold water to thaw, then took out the flour from the low cabinet, poured in clean water and started kneading the dough.

When she finished kneading the noodles and shredded them, Lin Ruoyun woke up from her sleep.

Ruoyun was still a little dazed when she opened her eyes, but her body was a step ahead of her mind, because she smelled the faint Alpha breath in the air, the fragrant snowberry pheromone that belongs to milk candy.

All the cells in Lin Ruoyun\'s body were waking up excitedly, she quickly climbed out of bed, looking for Toffee.

There was a soft sound of chopping vegetables in the kitchen. Shou Xing walked over silently, leaning against the door frame and squinting at the busy Alpha. While she was taking care of the pot, she was adding water to the dough. Her cold side face looked fresh and rosy in the heat. , people can\'t help but want to-

Take a bite!

Lin Ruoyun endured it for a long time but still couldn\'t hold back, she leaned over from behind, wrapped her arms around Guan Yinghan\'s soft waist, and rested her chin on the back of her neck.

This brat...why does it smell so good?

Shampoo or body wash?

It doesn\'t seem to be!

It emanates from glands in the back of her neck.

But she obviously still wears the isolation stickers, just a little bit, she has already been fascinated by her, and the water spirit flower pheromone in her glands also leaked a wisp, as if responding to Xiangxue who is in harmony with its soul Blue pheromones.

Guan Yinghan\'s glands were the first to reflect it, jumping enthusiastically, making her fingertips numb.

"Sister... are you up?"

The hugging position from behind exposed Toffee\'s glands to the tip of her nose, Lin Ruoyun took a closer sniff: "It smells so good!"

Guan Yinghan lowered her head and smiled slowly: "It will be cooked soon."

"I\'m not talking about noodles..." Lin Ruoyun stood on tiptoe, her shoulder blades were raised slightly, her waist was softly pressed against Guan Yinghan, and more fiery breaths brushed her glands: "I smell so delicious here! "

Since Ruoyun stopped rejecting her pheromones, she liked to cling to her more and more, which gradually revived the Alpha nature in Guan Yinghan\'s body.

She felt that her susceptibility period was becoming more and more disordered. Any physical contact with Omega could make her teeth itchy, her glands swollen/swollen, and she wanted to...

Omega who can\'t wait to tag her.

If Ruoyun knew that she had such thoughts in her mind all day long, would she just drive her away like the last time she was in heat unexpectedly?

Guan Yinghan couldn\'t help but think that the dose of the inhibitor will be increased next time.

I took one tablet before, but now it doesn\'t work if I take four or five tablets at a time. Academician He said that I can\'t increase the dose. If this continues, it may damage the gland cavity and lose the ability to mark.

Thinking of this, Guan Yinghan pressed the isolation sticker tightly, gathering strength from her limbs, and forced herself to push Lin Ruoyun away.

"Sister, go and sit over there, the noodles will be cooked in no time."

Lin Ruoyun raised her eyebrows lightly.

The cub\'s glands were stuck to the isolation stickers, and the pheromones were already very thin after being blocked, but now she took them all back stingily.

The cells in Lin Ruoyun\'s body that control pleasure molecules began to feel dissatisfied.

For the first time in so many years, Ruoyun smelled the Alpha pheromone that made her soul tremble with joy.

Of course she won\'t!

Lin Ruoyun climbed onto Guan Yinghan\'s shoulder again, fiddled with the isolation stickers with her fingertips, and said in a tone of grievance: "Toffee, from now on, don\'t put isolation stickers on at home!"

Guan Yinghan\'s long eyelashes trembled, and she answered sadly in her heart, "But I can no longer overdose on suppressant tablets!"

When she raised her eyes again, she had settled down to toffee\'s usual cute expression, pretending to be puzzled and said: "The makeup artist sister said...Alphas without Omega have to wear isolation stickers."

"Sister makeup artist, sister makeup artist, are you listening to me or the makeup artist?"

Guan Yinghan anxiously expressed her loyalty: "I only listen to my sister."

Lin Ruoyun bent her lips in satisfaction, continued to caress Guan Yinghan\'s back and butterfly bones, buried her head a little deeper in the back of her neck, and smelled the faint scent of freesia on her body.

The pheromone of the toffee is warm and sweet, so beautiful that it makes her eyes warm.

Lin Ruoyun didn\'t know what was wrong with her, she was so greedy for the pheromone of toffee, as if she had bonded with this kind of pheromone before, her body instinctively wanted to hug her, without any restraint at all.

"Toffee, you are not allowed to stay with the Omega of the crew anymore, now they all know that your mental power and pheromone level are high, in case you have a headache in the future, they will ask you to use pheromone to replace them..."

Before she could say the last sentence, Guan Yinghan turned around and held her shoulder, staring at her seriously: "Toffee only likes older sisters...they are all ugly..."