After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 37: like her pheromones

Guan Yinghan quickly put away the painting tools, quietly grasped the box in her pocket with her fingers, adjusted her breathing, and said in a soft tone, "Sister, are you done?"

Lin Ruoyun was about to step forward to hold her hand, but Omega, who was waiting for the drawing, grabbed Guan Yinghan\'s arm before her, shaking and coquettishly: "Toffee... I haven\'t finished drawing it yet."

Guan Ying coldly pulled out her arm, and handed the half-drawn sketch paper to Omega, her expression, which was originally cold, was completely frozen: "I won\'t draw anymore."

Omega grabbed Guan Yinghan\'s sleeve and pouted cutely: "I won\'t pay you if I haven\'t finished the painting."

Guan Yinghan didn\'t care if she gave her money or not, because her Ruoyun seemed in a bad mood, before she left with her, she turned around first, her back turned into an indifferent attitude.

An alarm bell sounded in Guan Yinghan\'s mind, and he hurriedly followed up, tremblingly hooking Ruoyun\'s little finger with his fingertips, and whispered: "Sister..."

Lin Ruoyun pretended not to hear, turned her slender waist, and walked directly to the prop group on the second floor.

Guan Yinghan\'s fingers fluttered to nothing, and she stuck to it persistently: "Sister..."


"elder sister…"

Still ignore.

Guan Yinghan was about to die of worry, why was she so angry?

She was thinking about how to coax her, or if she just pretended to hug her thigh and roll all over the floor.

Guan Yinghan chased her in a few steps, put his hands on his knees and pressed down slightly, looked down at Lin Ruoyun\'s expression, pretending to be puzzled and innocent: "Sister...Are you angry?"

Lin Ruoyun swayed past her, and replied coldly: "No!"

Guan Yinghan chased after him again, and asked flatteringly: "Then when we go home, we will go to the vegetable market. Toffee has learned how to make chicken wings, and I will make them for my sister."

"What are you still following me for?" Lin Ruoyun glared at her, her usually soft voice became extremely indifferent: "So many Omega ladies want to take you home, so you go and feed them."

what is the rhythm?

Guan Yinghan sensitively heard that Lin Ruoyun\'s tone was not the usual one, so she rushed over and held her back, her eyes were as pitiful as possible: " don\'t want me again?"

Lin Ruoyun shook it off forcefully: "Who said I don\'t want you, it\'s obviously you who don\'t want me!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Ruoyun walked up the stairs quickly with a straight face, because she was so angry that she couldn\'t stop stepping on a section of the stairs.

The accident happened too fast, Lin Ruoyun tripped over the hem of her skirt, and it was too late to grab the railing, so she could only close her eyes in resignation.

However, the imagined pain did not come, but instead fell into a warm and soft embrace.

Lin Ruoyun raised her head in panic, and met a pair of even more panicked black eyes.

"Sister... are you okay? Did you hurt from the fall?"

Lin Ruoyun was a little dizzy, she supported Guan Yinghan\'s shoulders, blushed and murmured: "I\'m fine..."

But it didn\'t work.

Her words lost their force when Guan Yinghan saw her reddish ankle.

"Sister...are you injured?" Guan Yinghan\'s eyes were glaringly red, she took off her high heels with trembling hands, cupped her ankles, and blew in small mouthfuls.

Lin Ruoyun looked at her tense appearance as if the sky was falling, and the softest part of her heart also collapsed. She subconsciously hugged Guan Yinghan back, and the tip of her nose couldn\'t help but feel astringent: "Toffee...I\'m really fine..."

Guan Yinghan put her face on the back of her neck, her voice was low and soft: "Sister, don\'t scare me again, okay?"

Lin Ruoyun\'s heart skipped an instant.

She backed away from her shoulders, and deliberately pushed her slightly hot body away: "Then you... are not allowed to draw pictures for other Omega."

As soon as she said the words, Lin Ruoyun was so startled that her eyelashes trembled slightly.

She is a convincing older sister, how can she be as jealous as a little girl?


When Lin Ruoyun realized that her abnormal behavior was attributed to jealousy, she felt confused for a moment, and she froze and couldn\'t speak.

Guan Yinghan secretly raised the corners of her lips, hugged Ruoyun from behind, tried her best to control the frequency of her heartbeat, took out the jewelry box from her pocket, and put it in front of her.

"Sister...for you."

Lin Ruoyun stretched out her cold white slender fingers, and opened the box in surprise.

The box opens to reveal a beautiful collarbone chain.

Lin Ruoyun\'s eyelashes fluttered in shock: "Where did you get the money to buy this?"

Guan Yinghan put her head on her shoulder, and she blinked innocently: "Painting, make money!"

Lin Ruoyun\'s heart was filled with warmth, and a hot and sour feeling rushed into her eyes: "You draw pictures for the crew\'s Omega just to make money?"

Guan Yinghan\'s peachy eyes immediately bent upwards proudly: "Yes!"

Lin Ruoyun felt like throwing a fruit candy into her heart, and tasted a little sour amidst the sweetness: "I don\'t want you to draw pictures for those Omega just to make money, my sister can support you."

Guan Yinghan wrapped her eyes around her, and shook her head seriously: "The makeup artist sister said...Alpha wants to make money to support her Omega."

"It\'s not necessary in our house." Lin Ruoyun took the initiative to put her arms around her neck, her tone was very sweet: "My sister earns money to support you, and Toffy just needs to be responsible for being by my sister\'s side, that\'s fine."

Guan Yinghan was still digesting the meaning of her words, Lin Ruoyun had already carefully picked up the collarbone chain and looked left and right, with joy shining in her eyes: "It\'s so beautiful... Toffee, why did you give me the necklace?"

Her gaze moved upwards, and accidentally met Guan Yinghan\'s piercing peach blossom eyes, and for a moment she seemed to be drowning in a colorful whirlpool.

Eyes collided, Guan Yinghan flapped her eyelashes twice, and put on Toffee\'s unique soft and cute expression: "Sister, happy birthday!"

Lin Ruoyun\'s breath was stagnant, and she stared at her blankly, her consciousness was a little confused,


Toffee always makes her feel very familiar, as if she knew each other a long time ago.

"Toffee, how do you know about my sister\'s birthday?"

Guan Yinghan froze for a moment, and then broke into a flawless smile: "Sister Jiang Hui said that she said that she would give a present for her birthday."

Lin Ruoyun suppressed the inexplicable emotions, and whispered to herself: "So that\'s how it is."

She pushed the hair on the back of her neck to one side, and tilted her head slightly: "Toffee, can you help sister put on the necklace?"

"Okay!" Guan Yinghan leaned slightly, wrapped the collarbone chain around her slender fair neck, and gently fastened it.

The two were very close, Guan Yinghan helped her adjust the necklace, and the soft hair brushed against her glands.

Lin Ruoyun trembled sensitively, and hurriedly stood up from the steps to avoid it, but a tingling pain came from her injured ankle, and she couldn\'t stand still, and her body fell to the right.

Guan Yinghan quickly supported her, and when she stood still, she walked down a step and squatted down: "Sister, I will carry you on my back."

"No need, I can walk by myself." Lin Ruoyun turned her eyes away, concealing the blush on her cheeks.

Guan Yinghan stubbornly kept squatting, with a hint of temptation in his stubbornness: "Sister, come up!"

Lin Ruoyun\'s body was more honest than her consciousness, and before she realized it, she happily climbed onto Toffee\'s back.

The moment Ruoyun came up, Guan Yinghan felt as if vines had sprouted from her back, and she couldn\'t wait to hug her Omega tightly.

She stood up slowly, held Ruoyun\'s knees and legs hanging by her side with her hands, and lifted her up with a little force.

Lin Ruoyun put her hands on her back, and her upper body was separated, but it made her waist and abdomen fit better.

The back of Guan Yinghan\'s ears gradually became a little red, and her glands throbbed shamelessly.

The abnormality from the glands in the back of the neck made Guan Yinghan flustered, and she also wanted to be more reserved, but when the pheromone met the Omega it liked, the feeling of wanting to invade and mark the other party made her at a loss.

Longing and trembling!

She restrained herself as much as possible, forcing herself to turn her attention to the ground in order to distract herself from the excruciating feelings.

The street lamps on the side of the street projected down from the top of his head, Guan Yinghan watched his own shadow and Ruoyun\'s shadow stacked tightly together, falling on the ground and becoming one.

She walked all the way with Ruoyun on her back like this. Although she is a top-level Alpha, her physical strength and endurance are better than ordinary people, but after walking a few stops with Ruoyun on her back, her breath is still a little heavy, and she is sweating a little .

Lin Ruoyun leaned against her back, tilted her head and wiped her sweat with a tissue, and frowned distressedly: "Toffee, put me down quickly."

Guan Yinghan didn\'t speak, her eyelashes drooped, greedily enjoying the hard-earned intimacy where Lin Ruoyun couldn\'t see.

But the Omega on his back didn\'t stop, he twisted his body and wanted to jump down to relieve her burden.

Ruoyun\'s smooth calf brushed her waist lightly, and slowly approached her ear, whispering softly: "Toffee, I can walk by myself."

"Sister, be good... don\'t move!"

Guan Yinghan\'s breathing became a little disordered suddenly, and her body tensed up a little. She held Lin Ruoyun\'s knee and turned upside down.

Following her movements, Lin Ruoyun was forced to get closer to her.

The soft waist and abdomen rolled over her back like this.

In order to reduce the stress, Lin Ruoyun took the initiative to lean forward, put her arms around Guan Yinghan\'s neck, and put her chin on the back of her neck: "Toffee! You\'d better put me down. Omega\'s hot breath mixed with faint The scent of water spirit flower and amber blows over the glands one after another.

Guan Yinghan took a deep breath, and she felt that her glands were rapidly swollen, attached to the back of her neck, beating happily, shaking her whole body cells to be agitated.

Before she reflected it, the fragrant snow blue pheromone could not restrain it from leaking out of the glands. Even with the powerful isolation stickers on, it still inevitably rushed into the tip of Lin Ruoyun\'s nose.

Guan Yinghan was in a mess, she knew that Ruoyun rejected her pheromone, and if she smelled it, her body would feel uncomfortable.

She bit her lip, forcing herself to take back the pheromone, and at the same time, she slid her arms down, preparing to put Lin Ruoyun on the ground and distance them from each other.

However, Lin Ruoyun was uncharacteristically, hugging her neck tightly, and even greedily rubbed the back of her neck, coquettishly: "Toffee, hold on tighter, my sister is about to fall."

At this time, Guan Yinghan hadn\'t noticed this surprising abnormality, so she obediently held Lin Ruoyun\'s knee and lifted it up.

Lin Ruoyun quietly buried her cheeks in her neck, pouted her nose, always felt that this pheromone made her feel extra comfortable, as if she was a soul mate.

Lin Ruoyun pursed her lips, her eyes fell on Guan Yinghan\'s fair neck.

The thin and tender Alpha feature was covered with a strong isolation sticker, slightly swollen, it should be here, exuding such a bewitching fragrance, making her happy physically and mentally, and fascinated.

That\'s weird, why didn\'t I smell it before?

However, the little toffee was too stingy, so she couldn\'t wait to take it back when she smelled it.

I don\'t know if I lick it, will there be pleasant smelling pheromones overflowing?