After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 36: charming little toffee

Jiang Hui took over Ruoyun\'s new play directed by Little K. It was a spy movie, in which Lin Ruoyun played the female lead.

When Guan Yinghan first heard that there was a martial arts scene, she immediately turned black on Jiang Hui.

Jiang Hui could only patiently explain to her how good the crew\'s safety measures were, but Guan Yinghan kept her face sombre.

When Jiang Hui told her that the emotional line of this drama was weak and there was no intimate scene at all, she trembled her long eyelashes and showed a barely acceptable expression.

"For the acting part, I will find substitutes for all of them."

Jiang Hui sighed, pinching her browbones worriedly: "My second lady, it\'s not that you don\'t know your Omega, Lin Ruoyun is well-known in the crew for her dedication, and she has to do every scene in person, so how can she find a substitute. "

Guan Yinghan struggled for a few seconds, and finally made a domineering decision: "Then just change the script and delete the fighting scene."

Jiang Hui resisted the barrage-like complaints in her heart, and pushed her towards the door: "The best thing about this film is the fighting scenes, what\'s the selling point if it\'s deleted? Okay, okay, don\'t stand in the way, as long as there are fighting scenes For the play, I will ask Ji Wan to check all the props carefully, okay?"

Guan Yinghan looked behind the screen in the dressing room. Lin Ruoyun was putting on makeup, and she could only see a faint outline. She pulled Jiang Hui past her, and said in a low voice, "Ah Hui, has the item I asked you to buy arrived?" ?”

Jiang Hui just said don\'t worry, when she heard Lin Ruoyun calling her, Jiang Hui patted Guan Yinghan\'s shoulder: "You go to the rest area and wait for me, I\'ll be here in a while."

Guan Yinghan did not enter the lounge, but sat quietly under the antique beams of the film and television city, took out the drawing board, spread out the drawing paper, and lowered her head to draw a portrait of Lin Ruoyun.

She was wearing a student-like hoodie, and the cotton rope on the hoodie was casually bitten by her with her white teeth. She lowered her head to draw, and occasionally the tip of the pen paused, as if thinking of some happy moment. Laugh silly.

Guan Yinghan was very focused when drawing, Jiang Hui didn\'t even notice when she walked beside her, she was still immersed in the lines of the picture.

After observing by the side for so long, Jiang Hui couldn\'t bear it any longer, and stretched out her hand to slap her drawing.

"Guan Er, I didn\'t expect you to be able to draw!"

Guan Yinghan was interrupted suddenly, the marker pen trembled on the drawing paper, drawing a crooked arc.

She raised her eyes and gave Jiang Hui a hard look, Jiang Hui was not afraid, and leaned leisurely towards her, took out a box from her pocket, and shook it in front of Guan Yinghan\'s eyes: "Hey, I\'ll take care of it for you How can I thank you?"

Guan Yinghan reached out to pick it up, but Jiang Hui shrank back and raised her eyebrows: "You haven\'t said how to thank me, I can\'t work for nothing."

Guan Yinghan closed her empty palms, and hooked the corners of her mouth perfunctorily: "What do you want?"

Jiang Hui then handed her the box in her hand: "Draw one for me too."

Guan Yinghan opened the box, revealing a collarbone chain with a single ring of square diamonds. Ruoyun\'s name was engraved on the side of the chain, and the emerald beads on the pendant were her mother\'s relics.

Generally speaking, jadeite is not suitable for clavicle chain pendants, it will look abrupt and weird, but Master Zhongshan is worthy of being the designer ceiling of the top luxury brand. After his matching, the two are skillfully blended together, which is simply amazing. .

Guan Yinghan curled her lips in satisfaction: "Okay!"

Afterwards, she carefully put the box into her pocket, and took out a palm-sized sketch paper from her bag.

Holding the marker pen, she brushed on the paper a few times, and the picture came up quickly. Before Jiang Hui had finished posing, Guan Yinghan had already changed to other brushes to color the characters.

Jiang Hui pouted dissatisfiedly: "Hey, hey, the masters are all staring at the model when they draw, and you don\'t even look at me. Can you draw well?"

Guan Yinghan continued to work without raising her eyelids, and within five minutes, a portrait was vividly drawn on the paper.

"Here!" Guan Yinghan blew on the painting, tilted her head to look at it, and then handed the work to Jiang Hui: "Here you are."

A cartoon portrait.

Completely caricatured Jiang Hui, with a standard realistic painting style, deliberately highlighting the eyes and nose among the facial features, and exaggerating both expressions and movements.

But inexplicably coordinated and beautiful.

However, Jiang Hui was very dissatisfied: "Why is there such a big difference from Lin Ruoyun? Look at what you drew for her, and then look at mine. No, you have to give it to me..."

Before Jiang Hui finished speaking, a group of Omegas who had just finished the play came around screaming and stomping their feet frantically: "Ah, Toffee, your drawing is so good, you have drawn the essence of Sister Jiang Hui." gone."

"That\'s right, that\'s right, especially the movement of her raising her eyebrows, it\'s a stroke of genius, absolutely perfect!"

Jiang Hui froze for a moment, looked carefully, and found her own shadow on the cartoon-like portrait.

"Toffee..." One of the Omega bravely approached her, blinking his starry eyes: "You can also draw me a picture, okay?"

"Let\'s go, Toffee isn\'t free." Jiang Hui waved her hand to drive away the rotten peach blossoms posted for her: "Ruoyun will be off in a while, and Toffee has to go to help."

Omega stepped forward resolutely: "I\'ll give you money, 100 per painting!"

Another Omega interjected with a blushing face: "I\'ll give you 300!"

Another unconvinced voice raised: "I\'ll pay 500!"

Jiang Hui:? ?

Why is this still up for auction?

Jiang Hui pushed the Omega away in disgust: "Go, go, go, the toffee won\'t be given to you..."

"I draw!" Guan Yinghan cut off Jiang Hui\'s words, looked away from Lin Ruoyun\'s portrait, raised her eyes and asked, "Who wants to draw?"

A few Omega screamed wildly with star eyes shining, while pushing and jostling for positions.

Jiang Hui grabbed Guan Yinghan\'s hat and pressed it down, and whispered in her ear: "What are you doing? Miss Guan Er of the dignified Runhai Group is short of 1,800 yuan?"

"Ruoyun\'s birthday is coming soon, I can\'t use my identity as Second Miss Guan to buy her a gift."

Guan Yinghan took out the sketch paper from her bag and clipped it on the board: "This is Toffee\'s only chance to make money. Ruoyun is reluctant to buy home clothes because of me, and she still wears the special price a few years ago... Her birthday, I want to buy her a tiramisu cake from Aunt Sally\'s house..."

Jiang Hui also seemed to be moved by Lin Ruoyun\'s behavior, rubbed her sore nose, and sighed: "You two... are really more stupid than the other."

"So..." Guan Yinghan smiled slyly: "This painting of yours is worth a necklace."

Jiang Hui\'s smile froze in an instant: "Hey, Guan Er, you want to blackmail me? The necklace you ordered is very expensive. Master Zhongshan only agreed to see my mother\'s face... This is the only one he bought after sealing the mountain. Zuo, money can’t buy it!”

Guan Yinghan was too lazy to chat with her, so he directly took the drawing paper in her hand, brushed two strokes, and signed the word Guan Yinghan in the lower right corner.

She raised her eyes and handed the drawing paper to Jiang Hui again: "Is this enough?"

"Enough, enough, enough!" Jiang Hui nodded repeatedly, smiling so hard that she couldn\'t see her eyes: "The hand-signed portrait of Miss Guan Er is worth a three-story villa in Binghu, and I have no money to spend it. At that time, I will take this painting to Runhai Group to ask for three melons and two dates."

Guan Yinghan seemed to be amused, and the corners of her lips curled up into an inconspicuous smile. The setting sun was mixed with the color of flames, and it was projected in her eyes, like stars twinkling. Heart palpitations.

A group of Omegas were spinelessly spotted by Guan Ying, they stopped fighting and lined up quietly.

After Lin Ruoyun finished filming the last scene of the day, she went into the dressing room of the dressing room to take off her costume. Just as she took off the accessories, the door of the dressing room was pushed open.

Several Omega came in chirping, and one of the Omega with bright facial features proudly raised a piece of drawing paper to show off.

"I didn\'t expect toffee to be so talented in art. Woohoo, I really like the portrait she painted for me. I want to find a frame to frame it."

Another Omega pouted: "It\'s useful to be able to draw, isn\'t he an immature fool?"

"So what if I\'m immature. When I got closer, I smelled the pheromone of toffee. It\'s a very rare fragrant snowberry."

"Wow, wow, her pheromone level is so high? Then if... Let her temporarily mark it for a few days... It\'s not much better than taking inhibitors..."

"Hey, hey, you are not ashamed, you put the sign on your lips every day."

"I\'m telling the truth, and Toffee looks so good-looking, it\'s not a loss to take it home. It\'s so eye-catching to see her every day."

Hearing Toffee\'s name, Lin Ruoyun\'s hands instinctively paused, and she only listened to a few words, sour jealousy welled up in her heart.

She took a deep breath, stabilized her mind, walked out of the dressing room as if nothing had happened, put on a coat and wrapped it up casually, lifted her bag and walked straight out.

In the film crew, Lin Ruoyun spoke softly to everyone, caring and gentle, no one had ever seen her look so cold and serious.

A few Omegas tiptoed around, exchanged glances, and mustered up the courage to say hello: "Sister Yun..."

Lin Ruoyun\'s gaze flicked over the sketch paper in Omega\'s hand, and she said expressionlessly, "I won\'t be participating in the crew dinner tonight, please tell Director K for me."

Walking out of the dressing room, Lin Ruoyun still couldn\'t suppress the nameless sourness, her chest heaved, she gritted her teeth, and clutched the shoulder strap of her bag tightly.

The little toffee was still snuggling on her lap last night, saying that he would always be with his sister, why did he hook up with other young ladies in just one day?

Lin Ruoyun walked to the low wall in a breathless breath, and from a distance, she saw Toffee surrounded by a group of Omegas like stars.


Who let these coquettish **** touch her little toffee?

The cub she raised is her private property, and no one can touch it!

The Omegas didn\'t pay attention to the cold gaze from the side of the low wall, and all of them tried their best to tease the toffee.

Guan Yinghan was still as cold as ever, and didn\'t even give them a mean look.

But her little brat has a seductive face, even if he doesn\'t say a word, he can attract Omega to come up one after another.

Lin Ruoyun took a few steps forward, stopped ten meters away from Guan Yinghan, and called out in a cold voice, "Toffee..."

Although surrounded by a group of Omegas, Guan Yinghan\'s ears automatically screened their voices, only the sound of Lin Ruoyun\'s breathing and heartbeat was amplified countless times.

She raised her eyes in surprise, tilted her head, and smiled sweetly at her Omega.

She obviously had such a cold and arrogant appearance, but when she curled the corners of her lips to Ruoyun, her eyes were shining, but she was so soft, cute and sweet, without Alpha\'s strong aggressiveness at all.