After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 35: never forsake

Guan Muwei stood behind the car and looked at the two young lovers comforting each other, rubbing the tip of his nose sadly.

After a while, she adjusted her mood, came out from the dark place at the right time, stood in front of them, and said in a slightly reproachful tone: "Miss Lin, since you took in this mentally retarded Alpha, you should take responsibility, why? How can I let her wander the streets alone at night? If I didn’t happen to meet her on night patrol, I don’t know what would have happened.”

Lin Ruoyun struggled twice in Guan Yinghan\'s arms, and wanted to jump down to apologize, but was restrained even tighter.

She could only hang around her neck, and looked at Guan Muwei with a blushing face: "I\'m sorry, Captain Guan, for causing you trouble, and I will definitely take care of Toffee in the future."

Guan Muwei became more and more enthusiastic: "Fortunately, I found the phone number of your studio and asked about your itinerary, otherwise..."

Guan Muwei raised her head inadvertently, met her cousin\'s protective eyes, and immediately changed the topic cowardly: "\'s very late, I\'ll take you back."

Guan Yinghan carefully carried Ruoyun into the car, found the most comfortable position for her to lie flat on her lap, and massaged her palms on her temples after rubbing them to heat up.

There were still two unfamiliar faces in the car, Lin Ruoyun stood up uncomfortably, but Guan Yinghan hugged her forcefully, half-embracing and half-hugging her back again.

"Sister, be good..."

Guan Yinghan lowered her head, a strand of black hair slipped down with her movements, her hair was between curly and straight, only the end of her hair had a little curvature, that is, this curly curvature, which deepened the depth of her facial features.

The shadows fell on the bottom of the eyelids, making Guan Yinghan look cold and noble, but with her peach blossom eyes, when she focused on looking at people, she was obedient, pure, and extremely alluring.

Lin Ruoyun instantly forgot all her movements, and felt that her breathing was unbearably damp and hot.

Lin Ruoyun wanted to touch her nose to see if there was a nosebleed due to embarrassment, but her face was pressed against Toffee\'s waist, and with a slight movement, that scalp numbness began to sweep over her whole body.

She could only obediently lay on her lap, closed her eyes to relieve the chaotic heartbeat, and tried her best to fade the redness around her cheeks.

Guan Muwei was sitting in the passenger seat, ever since Guan Yinghan got into the car with Ruoyun in her arms, she didn\'t even dare to turn her head, for fear of bumping into something unsuitable for children.

The neck is so stiff that even if you look straight ahead, you can feel the pink bubbles in the car with an explosive concentration.

The heater in the car was turned on high, and Guan Yinghan\'s pinching techniques were light and soft. Lin Ruoyun gradually relaxed, and fatigue followed, giving rise to a deep drowsiness.

She couldn\'t open her eyes soon, and her breathing became more and more even, soft and weak, snuggling up to Guan Yinghan like a kitten, very obedient and docile.

Guan Yinghan leaned down slowly, put her thin lips on her forehead carefully, kissed all the way to the red ears, stopped, stepped back a finger distance, and whispered softly: "Ruoyun, even if the whole world abandons you You, I will still be by your side, guarding you, protecting you, and will never leave."

Tonight\'s Qin mansion is destined to be another sleepless night.

Holding the coffee, Liang Qiu wandered around the door of Qin Yeli\'s study for a long time, but he still didn\'t dare to raise his hand to knock on the door.

She leaned against the wall and thought for a while, and felt that the crux of all problems lay with Lin Ruoyun.

Liang Qiu knew better than anyone else that without Lin Ruoyun, his situation in the Qin family might not even be comparable to that of a servant.

Therefore, the most urgent task is to persuade Ruoyun to come back, no matter if she is being sarcastic or shameless, even if she is tied, she must be tied back.

Liang Qiu concocted a set of rhetoric in his mind, hesitated for two seconds, raised his hand and gently knocked on the wooden door.


Qin Yeli\'s voice without warmth came from inside.

With a flattering smile, Liang Qiu walked up to Qin Yeli, and gently picked up the coffee cup: "Ye Li, this is your favorite Mandheling, I ground it with my own hands."

Qin Yeli neither accepted nor refused, she raised her eyelashes perfunctorily, glanced at it expressionlessly, and then lowered her head into the document.

Liang Qiu\'s hands were neither advancing nor retreating, just hanging in mid-air awkwardly.

At this moment, the surrounding air seemed to stop flowing, and the atmosphere was so dull that it was hard to breathe.

However, Liang Qiu is the most flexible and the most thoughtful. He picked what Qin Yeli likes to hear and said: "Ye Li, Ruoyun\'s birthday will be in one month. Every year, she will accompany me to have a meal. This time I will If you want to make it at home, just the three of us, and the whole family can have a simple home-cooked meal, how about you?"

The three words of this family obviously succeeded in pleasing Qin Yeli.

She finally raised her head from the document, slowly raised her arm, took the coffee cup in her hand, and took a sip: "The company\'s affairs are enough for me to worry about, and the family\'s decide."

Liang Qiu was ecstatic in his heart, but he didn\'t show it on his face: "Then I\'ll tell Mrs. Zhang to prepare."

Qin Yeli grunted lightly, and stopped Liang Qiu when she turned around, took out a whole set of Hetian jade jewelry from the drawer, and handed it to her: "I heard Mrs. Zhang said that you had a headache again recently? I took this set of jewelry last year in Shenxing, and I heard that jade can support people, so let’s wear it.”

Through the warm light of the glazed lamp on the wall of the study room, one can see the strong oily feeling of Hetian jade, its warm and appropriate luster.

At first glance, it is top-notch.

Liang Qiuxi smiled and thanked Qin Yeli a lot, and bowed to Qin Yeli obsequiously until he went out.

Qin Yeli\'s smile lasted until Liang Qiu closed the door, and then the arc of her lips gradually went down, and finally tended to a dull straight line.

This old woman is still as greedy as she was ten years ago.

If she hadn\'t shamelessly intervened in her family, my mother might have survived for two years.

Qin Yeli looked at Liang Qiu\'s back, his thoughts drifted away a little bit...

At that time, Qin Fang\'s wife was still alive, but she had been weak since she was a child, and her vitality was seriously injured when she gave birth to Qin Yeli.

Qin Fang\'s only daughter, Qin Yeli, is extremely disgusted with Liang Qiu, a mistress who destroys her parents\' feelings. She does not allow Liang Qiu to enter the Qin mansion, dirtying the mansion designed by her mother.

Qin Fang is a well-known daughter slave, so he had no choice but to place Liang Qiu in a villa outside.

Until one day, Qin Yeli met Lin Ruoyun who came to Tianhai City to ask her mother to borrow money.

Qin Yeli still can\'t forget the first time she saw Ruoyun.

She remembered clearly that it was the weekend, the rainy days finally stopped, and the sun came in from the east. Standing in front of the huge French windows in the garden, she saw a pair of clear and bright eyes.

The Qin Mansion is modeled on Huizhou architecture. The porch made of Fraxinus mandshurica is tall and grand, and the exquisitely carved eaves extend north and south, blending with the light blue bricks and tiles.

The light scatters through the carved eaves, and in the half-brightness, the graceful figure of the girl is outlined.

Lin Ruoyun stood restrainedly under the eaves, did not step into the main hall, the servants of the Qin family came in and out around her, but she just stood there quietly, with her long hair scattered around her cheeks, which made her eyes a little weaker for no reason means.

Probably because she realized that someone was looking at her, Lin Ruoyun finally raised her head to look at her, her eyelashes blinked slightly, the ends of her raised eyes curled up, and the corners of her lips curled into a faint smile.

At that moment, Qin Yeli only felt that the whole world had become dim, only Lin Ruoyun seemed to be lit with a bunch of spotlights, which were bright and colorful.

Qin Yeli\'s eyes followed Lin Ruoyun uncontrollably, and even walked towards her involuntarily.

"Hi, may I ask if Liang Qiu lives here?"

Omega\'s voice is delicate and waxy, wrapping around Qin Yeli\'s heart like a cat\'s tail. She was nervous and motionless, but her heart was numb, half limp.

Lin Ruoyun was uncomfortable being stared at by her, she lowered her head to avoid her gaze, and repeated: "Excuse me, does Liang Qiu live here?"

It took Qin Yeli a few seconds to bring herself back to normal. She smiled and asked, "What do you want from her?"

Lin Ruoyun bit her lip hard: "My grandma is sick and needs 30,000 yuan for surgery, I...I want to find borrow money from her..."

Qin Yeli stared at her without blinking: "Who is Liang Qiu to you?"

Lin Ruoyun\'s eyes steamed quietly: "She...she is my mother."

Qin Yeli was taken aback, and then asked her to enter the room at a loss: "That\'s right, Liang Qiu lives here, you come in and wait, I\'ll help you find her."

Later, Qin Yeli went uncharacteristically and asked her father to take Liang Qiu to live at home. Maybe it was her decision that indirectly angered her mother to death.

Fortunately, the joy of seeing the sweetheart dilutes the grief caused by the death of the mother.

During that time, Lin Ruoyun also moved to the Qin Mansion for the convenience of treating her grandma, and lived under the same roof as Qin Yeli.

In getting along day and night, Qin Yeli\'s heart for her became more and more intense.

But Ruoyun is always polite to her, and won\'t say a word to her.

Half a year later, under the care of the Qin family\'s private doctor, her grandmother gradually recovered, but Lin Ruoyun\'s body was getting thinner and thinner because she missed Guan Yinghan in Dawan Village too much.

When they were in Dawan Village, Ruoyun and Guan Yinghan were always stuck together, how could grandma fail to see her careful thinking, she felt sorry for Ruoyun, and couldn\'t bear her losing weight day by day, so she offered to move back to the countryside.

Of course Qin Yeli refused, in order to keep Ruoyun, she even begged Liang Qiu in a low voice, but grandma made up her mind, no matter how they tried to keep her, she still brought Ruoyun back to Dawan Village...

"Boom boom boom..."

A hasty knock on the door pulled Qin Yeli\'s thoughts back from the memories.

She blinked vigorously, forced the moisture out of her eyes, sat upright, and looked like a well-behaved family member, and responded coldly: "Come in!"

Lu Ying opened the door and came in, carefully watching her face: "Miss... Up to now, there is no scandal between you and Miss Lin on the Internet."

Qin Yeli suddenly changed his face: "How is it possible? Didn\'t you all imply that those gossip reporters can write whatever they want? Besides, didn\'t you say that your cousin is the editor-in-chief of Chengzi TV, has many big Vs under her hand, and will be on the hot search tomorrow morning ?”

Such a good scandal and gossip will definitely push Ruoyun to the forefront, and then she will be forced to agree to the marriage contract.

Qin Yeli can\'t wait any longer, Ruoyun won\'t agree to the marriage contract if she waits any longer, it\'s better to come to someone who first gets married and then loves, first gets her completely, and then slowly wins her heart in the days to come.

Lu Ying replied hesitantly: "Yes, my cousin\'s draft has been prepared, but before it was sent out, it was... suppressed by..."

"Who is it?" Qin Yeli\'s face twisted slightly, and her voice suddenly raised: "Who has such great ability to restrain radio stations and magazines?"

Lu Ying shrugged her shoulders and replied tremblingly: "It\'s Miss Guan Er from Runhai Group... My cousin said that Miss Er called the leader in person and intercepted the manuscript."

"Miss Lin is an artist in a studio under the Runhai Group. No one dares to reveal the news easily...We..." Lu Ying asked tentatively: "Miss, should we do it ourselves? I have prepared the draft, and I will buy some later." Navy..."

Qin Yeli was silent for a long time, then slowly raised her eyes, and the sternness in her eyes flashed past: "Don\'t move yet, we can\'t go head-to-head with Runhai Group yet. Moreover, I have never dealt with Guan Yinghan before. I only heard that she has a ruthless personality and will take revenge if she gets revenge, so I\'m afraid she is a difficult person."

"But...Miss Lin..."

"Don\'t worry, with Liang Qiu here, Ruoyun won\'t be able to fly out of the Qin mansion..."