After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 34: I want you

Lin Ruoyun suddenly turned around and walked towards the door, and stopped beside Qin Yeli, but she didn\'t have to look at her directly: "Ye Li, my mother... please take care of her, I will send her living expenses to the Qin mansion regularly."

Just as Lin Ruoyun turned around, her wrist was pinched by Qin Yeli.

"Ruoyun, must it be like this? What did I do wrong? Tell me, and I will definitely change it? Please...please don\'t go..."

In fact, among the people present, apart from Qin Yeli and Liang Qiu, who wanted to keep Ruoyun the most.

She clearly knew that once Ruoyun stopped stepping into the Qin mansion, all the glory and wealth she had at the moment would be taken back, and Qin Yeli would even settle new and old accounts with her.

She rushed in front of Ruoyun and grabbed her, tried to calm the atmosphere with a stiff face, and tried to smile, but ended up laughing in an extremely distorted and ferocious manner.

"Ruoyun... Mom is the only child of yours, you have the heart to leave me behind?"

Lin Ruoyun turned her face back, with tears in her eyes: "Mom, although the outside is not as good as the Qin Mansion, I won\'t let you suffer...I\'ll hire you a nanny, three meals a day..."

"Ruoyun!" Liang Qiu brought her to Qin Yeli\'s body, using full strength with his five fingers, and his attitude was undeniable: "Today you are not allowed to go anywhere, stay with Ye Li."

Lin Ruoyun turned her wrist and struggled, Liang Qiu\'s five fingers added weight, and she could almost hear the sound of bones being dislocated inside, and her eyes were dizzy from the pain.


Qin Yeli glanced across Ruoyun\'s face, stung by the contempt and indifference in her eyes, she was silent for a while, she walked up the stairs, and a stiff voice came from the corner: "Let her go! "

Lin Ruoyun ran all the way, until she ran out of the fortified iron gate of the Qin Mansion, she gradually stopped and walked forward with heavy steps.

The high-heeled shoes knocked silently on the path covered with square bricks. Under the luxuriant camphor tree at the intersection, a black Cullinan SUV was parked.

Through the one-way car window, Guan Yinghan saw Lin Ruoyun coming out of the Qin mansion in surprise. She thought she would stay there very late, but she didn\'t expect Ruoyun to come out after staying for half an hour.


Why does she look like she\'s crying?

Lin Ruoyun was walking aimlessly on the path, when suddenly, a familiar voice came from behind.

"elder sister…"

Lin Ruoyun turned around abruptly, and saw Guan Yinghan\'s smiling face.

Toffee was wearing a silkworm-shaped camel coat. In the late autumn night, the temperature dropped suddenly. She stood quietly, her breath was filled with white mist, and her cold face was hidden in the night.

Lin Ruoyun stared blankly at her, the tears she was holding back burst down, and she rushed towards her, hugging her slender waist tightly.


Lin Ruoyun doesn\'t know what\'s wrong with her, she is a big sister who can be relied on, how can she easily collapse in front of Toffee...

To be so vulnerable?

But the tears couldn\'t be suppressed. She leaned against Guan Yinghan as if she was seeking shelter, rubbing her head against her shoulder: "Toffee... my sister doesn\'t have a mother anymore..."

Lin Ruoyun hugged Guan Yinghan\'s waist helplessly, tears rubbing against her clothes, sobbing: "She doesn\'t want me...Mom...she never wanted me..."

Guan Yinghan felt her heart ache from crying, rubbed her back and coaxed softly: "Sister, don\'t cry, hug with toffee!"

She hugged Ruoyun even tighter, her eye sockets were sore and painful, and her heart ached.

Why didn\'t she understand Ruoyun\'s pain? She yearns for maternal love so much, even if she loses her memory and forgets everyone in the world, she still remembers that Liang Qiu is her mother.

However, Liang Qiu abandoned her again and again.

When she was in Dawan Village, she left Ruoyun ruthlessly.

Guan Yinghan remembered very clearly that she and Ruoyun were only thirteen years old that year.

When she came home from school that day, she stayed under the sycamore tree behind Ruoyun\'s house as usual, waiting for her to come out to review her homework together.

When approaching her door, Guan Yinghan saw Ruoyun holding on to Liang Qiu\'s suitcase, and kept begging: "Mom, don\'t go...I don\'t have a father anymore, I can\'t live without a mother...I will be obedient... Please... don\'t go..."

Liang Qiu looked at her with disgust, and didn\'t care about the sharpness and unevenness of the gravel road, so he dragged Lin Ruoyun to slide on it: "Go away, don\'t block me."

She casually took out a few banknotes and threw them at Ruoyun\'s feet: "Hey, this is the pension left by your father. If there is still so much left, I will leave it all to you. I am doing my best. Remember, don\'t come to me."

After finishing speaking, she shook off Ruoyun fiercely, and slid into the car of Qin Yeli\'s father, Qin Fang.

In the evening, when the setting sun was getting colder and shone on the gravel road, Guan Yinghan watched Ruoyun chasing after the car with distress, two fishbone braids hanging on her tear-stained little face.

Lin Ruoyun kept chasing after her, but how could she run past a four-wheeled car with two legs?

The car that Qin Fang and Liang Qiu were in drove farther and farther away, and finally disappeared.

Lin Ruoyun\'s footsteps gradually stopped, she stared at the fork in a daze, not knowing which way to go after it.

After hesitating for a while, she finally chose a path, and continued to pursue...

After chasing for a while, Lin Ruoyun tripped over her ill-fitting shoes, and fell onto the gravel road.

A short, chubby man passed by, saw Lin Ruoyun lying on the road, and laughed at her with a grimace: "Lin Ruoyun, your mother doesn\'t want you anymore... oh oh oh, you\'ve become a wild child too..."

Lin Ruoyun stared angrily at the little fat man, her eyes were red, but she bit her lip tightly, refusing to shed a tear: "You are talking nonsense, my mother will come back."

"You\'re just talking nonsense." The little fat man gleefully jumped up in front of her eyes: "My mother said that your mother ran away with the rich and is a bad woman."

Lin Ruoyun\'s face flushed red with anger, and she pushed her away forcefully: "My mother is not a bad woman, she will come back to pick me up."

The little fat man\'s chassis was unstable, and he fell like a dog eating shit. She stood up angrily, and was about to go forward to hit Ruoyun, but someone held her shoulder tightly.

The little fat man raised his head and saw Guan Yinghan\'s frozen face, he shrank his shoulders in fright.

Fatty and Guan Yinghan are classmates, but Guan Yinghan has differentiated into Alpha in the new semester, while Little Fatty shows signs of Beta.

The little fat man got up and ran forward vigorously, but tripped again after a few steps, turned around and saw Guan Yinghan raised his fist weakly at her, fearing that he would catch up and beat her, he scrambled and ran away.

Guan Yinghan hurried back to Ruoyun\'s side, saw her knees and elbows were covered with bloodstains from abrasions, and curled up in pain in her heart: "Ruoyun, I\'ll take you to apply the medicine."

Lin Ruoyun looked up at her, her eyes were full of despair, she asked repeatedly in a daze: "Guan Guan, did I do something wrong, so mother doesn\'t want me?"

Guan Yinghan stared at her red and swollen eyes, her heart ached more and more: "No... Ruoyun is not wrong..."

"But she...she doesn\'t want me..." Lin Ruoyun suddenly threw herself into her arms, crying like a collapse: "Guan Guan, my mother doesn\'t want me anymore..."

"I want you!" Guan Yinghan rubbed her back uncontrollably and kept comforting her: "Don\'t cry... Guan Guan wants you..."

Maybe it was because she was stuck in memories for too long, when Guan Yinghan hugged Ruoyun to comfort her, she unconsciously blurted out: "Don\'t cry...I want you..."

Lin Ruoyun was startled, she raised her head from her arms, and bumped into Guan Ying\'s long eyelashes like jackdaw feathers, under the semi-dark shadow, there were those pair of peach blossom eyes hooked inwards and curled outwards, making one lose one\'s mind.

These eyes, as if looking at her burningly many years ago, said to her: "Ruoyun, don\'t cry, I want you!"

Why does the toffee make her feel familiar?

Have you been together for a long time?

No, it\'s not!

She and Qin Yeli have also known each other for a long time, even longer than Toffee, but she doesn\'t have this kind of feeling towards Qin Yeli.

Lin Ruoyun tried hard to think, but she couldn\'t find any trace of toffee in her memory.

She was very anxious, holding her breath and thinking hard again, but the harder she tried, the more her head hurt.

Seeing that her face was pale, Guan Yinghan hurriedly grabbed her hand and dragged her into his arms: "Sister...what\'s the matter with you?"

Lin Ruoyun leaned on her chest, stopped breathing a few times, and then managed to answer: " head hurts..."

Guan Yinghan picked her up and walked towards the intersection: "Sister, when you get in the car, I\'ll rub the toffee for you."

in the car?

Only then did Lin Ruoyun realize that there was an SUV parked at the intersection, and belatedly asked, "Toffy, why are you here?"

Guan Yinghan blinked innocently: "It was the police sister who sent me here."