After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 33: seal

Lin Ruoyun got into Qin Yeli\'s car and didn\'t say a word to her all the way. She just turned her head and stared blankly out of the car window. fly away.

In the other direction, Guan Muwei received a call from his cousin and rushed to the studio in that black Cullinan.

Guan Yinghan stepped into the car, lowered her head and leaned on the back of the chair, her black eyes were covered by her long eyelashes, and her voice was as low as a rock: "Mu Wei, follow Ruoyun\'s car closely."

Ji Wan didn\'t dare to say a word, she twiddled the hem of her clothes with her fingertips uneasily, and suddenly touched the box in her pocket, her expression suddenly lit up.

"Second Miss, look." Ji Wan opened the box and moved it in front of Guan Yinghan.

Guan Yinghan glanced at the pills in the box, her pupils shrank suddenly, she caught them and looked closely, and asked uncertainly, "This is... the suppressant pills that Ruoyun took?"

"That\'s right." Ji Wan frowned and clenched her teeth tightly: "Miss Mu Wei has already tested it, and the pills contain a very heavy ingredient that inhibits the pheromone of the sageratum."

Guan Yinghan clenched the pills tightly in her right hand, trembling uncontrollably: "Where did they come from? I remember you told me that Ruoyun\'s suppressant pills were finished last week. Who gave you this box?"

Ji Wan was frightened by the stern look in her eyes, and replied stammeringly: "Yes... it\'s Lu... Lu Ying, she knew that I was sister Yun\'s assistant, so she gave me the box and said it was... Miss Lin often eats it." inhibitors."

Lu Ying?

Qin Yeli?

Guan Yinghan lowered her head slightly, unable to see her expression, but her long eyelashes were dark.

Across a row of seats, Ji Wan could feel the cold light emanating from her crow\'s black.

A few minutes later, there was a sound wrapped in ice picks in the narrow compartment.



"Also, Qin Yeli went to the studio with great fanfare to give the media a chance to gossip."

Guan Yihan\'s peach blossoms looked over, full of sarcasm: "She wants to push Ruoyun to the forefront, so that she can persecute Ruoyun by confirming their scandal..."

Ji Wan was angry for the second miss, and suddenly raised her voice: "The Qin Group wants to use public opinion to pressure sister Ruoyun, so let her see where the wind of public opinion is blowing. Don\'t worry, second miss, I promise you one word It won\'t show up."

"Just now on the rooftop, Qin Yeli looked at me suspiciously. I think she will definitely send someone to investigate. You inform Assistant Fei, she knows what to do."

"Yes, Second Miss!"

The car soon drove to the villa area in Bishui, Guan Muwei parked the car on the side of the road.

Guan Yinghan didn\'t say a word, but fixed her eyes on the direction of the Qin mansion, and the end of her eyes was flushed.

Qin Yeli went to China for a business trip, and as soon as she got off the plane, she went to Ruoyun\'s studio, and she didn\'t go home for more than a week.

The maids in the Qin Residence are the most sharp-eyed. They saw the eldest lady\'s car driving into the parking lot from a distance, and rushed to meet it with small steps.

The maid was very discerning. Seeing that Lin Ruoyun was sitting in the co-pilot, she ran over to open the door immediately, and called Miss Lin respectfully.

Qin Yeli stretched out her arm, touched Lin Ruoyun\'s hand, turned her head and scolded the servant: "When you see Miss Lin coming, why don\'t you take out the shawl?"

The maid ran into the house obediently: "Yes, I\'m sorry, miss, I\'ll get it right away."

Lin Ruoyun was very disgusted with Qin Yeli\'s deliberate promotion of her in front of her servants, which made her feel that she was just an accessory to her survival.

She called the maid: "Sister E, there\'s no need to go get it. I\'ve been in the car all the time, so I\'m not cold."

"But your hands are so cold." Qin Yeli took off her small suit jacket and wrapped it around Lin Ruoyun\'s shoulders.

When Lin Ruoyun stretched out her hand, she backed away sideways, and walked into the room on her own.

Qin Yeli seemed to have habitually lowered her posture in front of Lin Ruoyun, she was not annoyed, she put her coat on her arm and followed step by step.

The maid pushed open the heavy nanmu door of the main hall, and a turbid smell of smoke mixed with hot wind rushed in. The sound of mahjong tiles colliding came from the second floor of the main hall, and exaggerated and sharp laughter came from upstairs.

Qin Yeli frowned unhappily, Mrs. Zhang came out from one side with a fruit plate, and when she saw Qin Yeli entering, her face turned pale.

"Miss...Miss, are you back?"

Qin Mansion is a mansion designed by Qin Yeli\'s mother when she was alive. She treasures every plant and tree here.

The only ones who can serve here are old servants from their mother\'s natal family, and outsiders have no chance to come in.

When Lin Ruoyun\'s mother Liang Qiu and Qin Fang lived together, they could only be placed in a villa outside.

If it weren\'t for Lin Ruoyun\'s relationship, Liang Qiu would never have stepped into the gate of the Qin Mansion in his life.

So, when she heard a stranger enter the Qin mansion and was still teasing unscrupulously here, Qin Yeli immediately sullen, raised her head and said coldly: "Who is upstairs?"

Mrs. Zhang didn\'t expect that Qin Yeli would come back early from a business trip, so she bowed her body in fright: "Yes... it\'s the second wife, and Mrs. Li and the others... are playing cards. Mrs. Zhang walked up the stairs backwards while talking, Liang Qiu was having a good time In the morning, when Aunt Zhang said that Qin Yeli had returned, her face changed suddenly, she stood up abruptly, tripped over the nanmu chair, and the chair slid on the floor, making a sharp noise.

Liang Qiu stepped on high-heeled shoes, passed the poker player, climbed down the stairs tremblingly, and stood in front of Qin Yeli, his calf trembling: "Ye...Ye Li, are back...I..."

Those who play cards with Liang Qiu are all mistresses who are kept by rich people. I heard that the Qin Mansion was built magnificently, and I wanted to come here to open my eyes.

Liang Qiu is very face-saving, and after being complimented a few times by others, he can\'t find it, so he agrees straight away.

While Qin Yeli was on a business trip, Liang Qiu brought the group of mistresses home, who would have expected them to play cards after visiting, Liang Qiu thought that Qin Yeli would not return home until the day after tomorrow, so he let them go.

At this moment, the group of mistresses also came down the stairs one after another. Mrs. Li walked in the front, with a little embarrassment on her face, and she tried her best to pull out a smile: "Oh...Miss Qin is back...then we...we won\'t bother..."

Taking someone back to the Qin mansion privately, Liang Qiu knew that even if he touched Qin Yeli\'s Ni Lin, he didn\'t care about face, so he didn\'t dare to ask to keep someone.

Just when a group of people were in a dilemma, Qin Yeli smiled, walked slowly to the corner, and took Lin Ruoyun\'s hand: "The house hasn\'t been this lively for a long time, everyone stays for a light meal if you don\'t mind it."

Liang Qiu didn\'t realize it for a while, and didn\'t understand the change of Qin Yeli\'s attitude until he saw Lin Ruoyun in the corner, and his hanging heart fell to the ground instantly.

With Ruoyun around, how could Qin Yeli give her three points of face.

It\'s just that Lin Ruoyun didn\'t cooperate very much, she shook Qin Yeli\'s hand away with a light flick.

Seeing this, Liang Qiu frowned suddenly, walked in front of her in three steps, and clasped Ruoyun\'s arm tightly: "Ruoyun, what are you doing so awkward?"

"I don\'t." Lin Ruoyun lowered her eyes, her eyes fell on Liang Qiu\'s new hairstyle, her voice was very flat: "Mom, clean up, we will leave here tonight."

"Clean up? Pack what?" Liang Qiu raised his eyes, surprised for a moment: "Where are you going?"

Lin Ruoyun took out her mobile phone and was about to contact the moving company: "I rented a single apartment for you. It has been cleaned and you can move in at any time."

Liang Qiu was stunned, and turned his gaze to Qin Yeli bluntly. Seeing that her expression was normal and she didn\'t intend to drive him away, she scolded in a sharp voice: "Ruoyun, don\'t make trouble anymore, the Qin mansion is our home, mother Don\'t go anywhere, just live here, after you and Ye Li get married, you will also live here."

"Mom, the Qin mansion is not our home, I can\'t live here." The phone was connected, and Lin Ruoyun put it in her ear: "Hello, is the good neighbor moving company? I contacted you in the morning..."

Liang Qiu knocked Lin Ruoyun\'s phone flying with his palm, and his fingertips couldn\'t stop shaking with anger: "You mean to make things difficult for me, don\'t you? As I said, I will never leave the Qin Mansion..."

Lin Ruoyun was hit by a sense of absurdity asking for trouble. Knowing that Liang Qiu was reluctant to part with glory and wealth, she still imagined that she could move out of the Qin mansion for herself.

Ruoyun curled the corners of her lips as if laughing at herself, squatted down, lowered her head in silence, and reached out to the broken cell phone.

Qin Yeli squatted down one step ahead of her, picked up the mobile phone that had fallen by her feet, and handed it to Lin Ruoyun.

Lin Ruoyun hesitated for a moment, said thank you, and took the phone.

She slowly turned her head to look at Liang Qiu. There was no anger or sadness in her voice, as if she was chatting with her neighbors calmly: "Mom, if you really like this place, then I won\'t force you to move away...but in the future , I will never come to the Qin mansion again, you... take care of yourself."