After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 32: protect calf

Guan Yinghan not only did not let go, but increased the strength of his hand, and a pure and harmless face slowly approached Lu Ying.

"Locked up?" Guan Yinghan snorted coldly in her heart, and suddenly forced a smile out of her expressionless face, making her facial features more pure and clear: "Then... where are you going to lock me up?"

The expression on Guan Yinghan\'s face was so gentle and childish, but Lu Ying saw bloodthirsty coldness in her eyes.

She struggled hard, her fingernails scratched across the wall, making traces.

Guan Yinghan stared at her indifferently, and the strength in her hand increased a little without any trace.

Feeling that her neck was about to be broken by Guan Yinghan, Lu Ying cried and grabbed her wrist, begging for mercy tremblingly: "You... let go... please... let go, I\'m just kidding, I won\'t lock you up...cough Cough... please let me go..."

Guan Yinghan blinked, with a smile that didn\'t match her eyes, and looked down at Lu Ying with a natural sense of disdain.

The sound of high-heeled shoes stepping on the stairs could be heard vaguely, Ji Wan quickly moved to the handrail, and looked down through the patchwork space.

It\'s Lin Ruoyun!

Ji Wan hurriedly grabbed the wooden block next to the handrail and threw it towards the roof, telling Guan Yinghan that someone was coming up.

After receiving the signal, Guan Yinghan loosened her grip on Lu Ying, straightened her clothes, stepped back a few steps, and regained the soft and obedient expression unique to Toffee.

As soon as Lin Ruoyun stepped on the stairs, she heard the sound of heavy objects rolling down, followed by a sudden violent coughing sound, as well as a palpitating panting./breathing sound.

Is toffee dangerous? !

Lin Ruoyun\'s heart twitched suddenly, and she quickened her pace and ran upstairs. When she pushed open the heavy iron door on the roof, a figure suddenly plunged into her arms.

Before Lin Ruoyun could react, she heard Guan Yinghan\'s trembling voice coming out of her arms: "Sister..."

Lin Ruoyun subconsciously grabbed her back and stroked her back and forth: "What\'s the matter? Don\'t be afraid of Toffee, is someone bullying you?"

Guan Yinghan didn\'t speak on purpose, she shrank into her arms, but looked at Lu Ying intentionally or unintentionally, but only looked timidly, then turned her head and plunged into Lin Ruoyun\'s arms again.

It looks like a frightened little white rabbit.

Lin Ruoyun followed her gaze and saw Lu Ying grabbing the iron railing with one hand and covering his neck with the other, panting heavily in pain, his eyes full of horror.

Lin Ruoyun looked back and forth, a little confused, it seemed that the one being bullied was not Toffee, but Lu Ying.

Seeing Lin Ruoyun approaching, Lu Ying crawled over in embarrassment, pointing at Guan Yinghan with trembling hands, "Miss Lin...cough...cough...she...she\'s going to throw me to death..."

Lin Ruoyun was taken aback, and lowered her head to ask Guan Yinghan for confirmation.

Guan Yinghan slowly raised her head from the socket of her shoulders, revealing a bloodless face, the corners of her eyes were scarlet, and there was a faint layer of water vapor floating on her long curled eyelashes.

Lin Ruoyun twitched slightly in pain, pulled up her long sleeves, moved up to wipe Guan Yinghan\'s tears, and asked softly, "Toffy, did you hit someone?"

Guan Yinghan sniffed, and nodded honestly: "I was upstairs to see my sister, and she came to beat me, saying that I was a fool and didn\'t deserve to stay by my sister\'s side."


What kind of peerless scheming white lotus is this!

Lu Ying was stunned by Guan Yinghan\'s performance of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, and it took him a long time to realize that he wanted to fight back: "Miss Lin...don\'t be fooled by her, this idiot has some ulterior motive for staying by your side. She obviously..."

"Assistant Lu!"

Lin Ruoyun frowned suddenly, she didn\'t like others calling Toffee a fool: "As for the matter between two people, we can\'t just listen to your side, but also let Toffee say a few words."

Guan Yinghan slowly turned her head to look at Lin Ruoyun, her long eyelashes trembling tremblingly, the moment her gaze met her, she was so pure and pure: "Sister... just now she grabbed my hand and said that she would... Locked up...I was in so much pain, so I fought back."

She bit her lip, and rubbed her face against Lin Ruoyun\'s shoulder back and forth, her voice dripping softly: "Sister, I\'ll just touch her lightly."

When Guan Yinghan said something, she blinked innocently, with a tremor at the end, and poked at the tip of Lin Ruoyun\'s heart.

Lu Ying was completely blown away, and the scheming little white flower didn\'t play her cards according to the routine at all. She even wondered if her stupidity was just faking.

"You idiot, why are you pretending?" Lu Ying growled angrily, "You think you..."

"Shut up!" Lin Ruoyun frowned and stared at Lu Ying, holding Guan Yinghan tighter: "Assistant Lu, Toffee is not a fool, she just doesn\'t remember the past, I hope you can respect her, and this matter It was you who started it first, so you should apologize to Toffee."

In order to protect Toffee from harm, Lin Ruoyun would not even say such words as being too stupid in front of Toffee, but now, someone took advantage of her absence and said all kinds of ugly things to Toffee.

She raised children, and she was reluctant to scold her, so it was not for others to make irresponsible remarks.

"Miss Lin...I..."

Lu Ying was a decent senior manager in the Qin Group. She couldn\'t bear to ask her to apologize to a fool. Just when she was embarrassed, she suddenly heard a stern female voice.

"Lu Ying, apologize to Toffee!"

Lu Ying turned her head when she heard the sound, and saw Qin Yeli slowly stepping onto the roof, her face froze for a moment, she quickly lowered her pale face, and whispered: "Miss..."

Qin Yeli stood in front of Lu Ying, her sharp eyes fixed on her face, and her tone was cold: "Lu Ying, Miss Lin\'s words represent my words, huh?"

The ending sound rises, with a full sense of oppression.

Lu Ying bit her lower lip, and after fighting for a long time, she finally bowed her head reluctantly: "Toffy, I\'m sorry."

Guan Yinghan sneered to herself, what a young lady of the Qin family, she supported her sweetheart before she knew what was right and what was wrong, and an ordinary Omega would have fallen long ago.

It\'s a pity that her Ruoyun\'s three views are exactly like that of little Bai Yang.

Moreover, she is smart and transparent, and sticks to her heart, which is simply not too reassuring.

But seeing Ruoyun face other people\'s likes like this, her heart was still bubbling with sourness.

Guan Yinghan pretended to be shy, and timidly hid behind Lin Ruoyun, stuck out half of her head, and wandered around with a pair of peach eyes in bewilderment.

Qin Yeli took a step forward and looked at Guan Yinghan up close.

In the backstage lounge, Qin Yeli overheard the Omega gossip in the studio, Lin Ruoyun\'s assistant, Toffee.

She thought that the pretty little fool in Omega\'s mouth was at most the one with the delicate features.

I didn\'t expect her to have such a thick face, her facial features are bright and layered, and she can\'t find any flaws in any single point. She is as strong as red wine and has a strong visual impact. People can\'t help but stop and marvel Types of.

Especially those peach blossom eyes, even though Guan Yinghan tried her best to be innocent and soft, but for a moment, Qin Yeli saw a trace of inexplicable coolness in her eyes.

It was a kind of gaze that was only seen at the top of the food chain after being in a high position for a long time.

It has nothing to do with the word stupid.

Guan Yinghan raised her eyelashes and observed the other person calmly in her heart.

Qin Yeli has worked hard in the mall for many years, the arrogance of her youth has long since faded, her brows have become soft and bright, but the scheming in her eyes is deeper than before.

The two looked at each other for a few seconds, Qin Yeli smiled with her gorgeous facial features, and greeted Guan Yinghan: "Hello, Toffee."

Guan Yinghan moved closer to Lin Ruoyun, hooking her sleeves with her fingertips.

Lin Ruoyun lowered her eyes to look at her, her red lips slightly curled up: "Don\'t be afraid of Toffee, her name is Qin Yeli, she is my sister\'s friend."

The corners of Guan Yinghan\'s lips gently curled into a small arc.

Ruoyun said that Qin Yeli was...


Instead of a fiancee!

Qin Yeli\'s face froze, and his fingertips curled up into fists, but within a second, he quickly adjusted his expression.

She lowered the corners of her eyes, her long and narrow phoenix eyes drew a gentle arc, raised her hand to hold Lin Ruoyun\'s cold hand, and gently kneaded it, her voice was gentle with obvious accommodating: "Ruoyun, you haven\'t returned for a long time Home, come back with me."

The invisible intimacy is undoubtedly an oath of sovereignty.

Lin Ruoyun felt unwell all over, she pulled out her hands calmly and hid back, her tone was indifferent and alienated: "The Qin Mansion is not my home."

Qin Yeli looked at the empty palms, and the gentleness and patience in her eyes slowly faded: "Ruoyun, don\'t be willful! Your mother has suffered from a cold these days. During the business trip, Mrs. Zhang called me, Said that she was so painful that she passed out at night. Fortunately, Dr. Liao lived at home, otherwise she was afraid that something would happen. No, I will come to pick you up as soon as I get off the plane, go and see her. "

Lin Ruoyun took a step aside and didn\'t speak, but the expression on her face was written with the word "rejection".

Qin Yeli followed suit and took a step closer, looking at Guan Yinghan with ulterior motives, her voice was not loud but threatening: "Ruoyun, you also know your mother\'s temper, if you don\'t go home, she will come to find you tomorrow." You... I\'m afraid that when she sees Toffee, she will..."

Qin Yeli deliberately didn\'t continue with the following words, but Lin Ruoyun could hear the meaning in her words.

If Liang Qiu found out that she was raising an Alpha, he would have to make a fuss, maybe he would drive Toffee away.

Lin Ruoyun felt pain in her heart at the thought of being separated from Toffee.


She wants to protect Toffee and not let her mother know of her existence.

Lin Ruoyun took a deep breath, suppressed her astringent emotions, and turned to look at Guan Yinghan: "Toffee, sister still has things to do, I\'ll ask Xiaowan to take you home."

From a few steps away, Guan Yinghan could see Qin Yeli\'s side face with a hypocritical smile, and...

There was a dazzling red at the end of Lin Ruoyun\'s eyes.

Because of the distance, she couldn\'t hear Qin Yeli\'s threatening words clearly, but her subconscious mind told her that Ruoyun\'s compromise was to protect her.

Guan Yinghan curled up her palms, resisting the urge to confront Qin Yeli head-on, took a deep breath, and skillfully bent a soft and sweet smile unique to Toffee: "Sister, I will go back by myself."

After finishing speaking, she turned around slowly and walked towards the exit of the rooftop.

Lin Ruoyun half-raised her eyelashes, watching Guan Yinghan\'s thin and lonely back walking down the steps step by step, her chest seemed to be torn back and forth, the pain was unbearable.

Qin Yeli turned her head, and clearly saw Lin Ruoyun\'s eye sockets suddenly turned red, she frowned slightly, and black swirls appeared in her eyes.

Guan Yinghan\'s lonely figure walked further and further away. In the end, it blurred into a black outline in Lin Ruoyun\'s teary eyes.

Qin Yeli walked down the steps and stood in front of Lin Ruoyun, completely and completely blocking Guan Yinghan\'s leaving direction: "Ruoyun, let\'s go home."