After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 3: forced marriage

In the early morning of the next day, Lin Ruoyun was awakened by the ringing of her mobile phone.

"Miss Lin, hurry up to Qin Mansion, the second wife...she is not feeling well."

Hearing the title "Second Wife", Lin Ruoyun lost all sleepiness in an instant, and subconsciously straightened her body.

"Sister-in-law Zhang, I\'m going to audition today, can I trouble you to take my mother to the hospital..."

Before Lin Ruoyun finished speaking, there was a slightly exaggerated humming sound from the other end of the phone.

"Ouch... Ouch... My head hurts and my chest is stuffy... I\'m going to die..."

I don\'t know how many times a year this kind of wolf scene will be staged.

But Lin Ruoyun still didn\'t dare to ignore it, she was afraid that if something happened to her mother one day, she would leave endless regrets for herself.

Lin Ruoyun hurriedly got up to wash up, took a taxi and rushed to the villa area in Bishui.

The Qin Mansion is located in the easternmost part of the villa area, surrounded by mountains and rivers, with pleasant scenery.

Lin Ruoyun stepped into the main hall, and immediately saw the woman who was spooning soup at the dinner table—

Her mother, Ms. Liang.

Liang Qiu was wearing a satin purple long cheongsam, her figure and appearance were well maintained, and she was completely comparable to the female stars on TV.

Seeing Lin Ruoyun coming in, Liang Qiu burst into a smile: "Xiaoyun is here? Come on, come and sit, Ye Li has been waiting for you for a long time."

The sound is crisp and full of air.

How could he look half terminally ill?

Sure enough, I was cheated again!

After all, it was her own mother, Lin Ruoyun didn\'t show her displeasure on her face, she just said in a faint voice: "Mom, I have to go to the audition later, since you don\'t have any discomfort, then I\'ll go first. "

Liang Qiu threw down the spoon heavily, and the thick stewed bird\'s nest soup splashed all over the place.

"An audition, an audition, another audition." Liang Qiu snapped, "As an Omega, I should marry Alpha as soon as possible, and show my face outside all day long. Do you take Ye Li seriously?"

Every time I come back, I have to endure Liang Qiu\'s accusations and her forced marriage.

This luxurious and classic villa is like a cage inlaid with gold, making Lin Ruoyun breathless.

She stood at the side expressionlessly, without any rebuttal, but Qin Yeli, who was sitting in the first seat, frowned slightly and spoke for her.

"Don\'t force her." Qin Yeli scooped up a bowl of bird\'s nest and put it in front of Liang Qiu: "Ruoyun can do whatever she likes, I can wait."

Liang Qiu didn\'t expect that Qin Yeli would pick up vegetables for himself, so he froze for a moment, stood up timidly, and took the bone china bowl with both hands, with an obvious flattery on his face.

Lin Ruoyun couldn\'t help turning her head to look at the head seat, Qin Yeli wiped the corners of her mouth with a Bulgari handkerchief, and slowly raised her eyes, Lin Ruoyun\'s stunning face was reflected in her pupils.

"Ruoyun, come over and have something to eat. Your mother gets up early in the morning to work, and you like it."

Lin Ruoyun bit her lower lip and walked over, stiffly sat down on the empty seat on her left.

Qin Yeli picked up a shrimp, carefully peeled off the shell, dipped it in Lin Ruoyun\'s favorite sand tea sauce, and put it in her bowl.

"Ruoyun, Xiaotao said that you are filming Director Zhao\'s film. I have met him a few times, do you want to help you..."

"No need, director Zhao\'s scenes have already been filmed."

Lin Ruoyun\'s voice was neither soft nor heavy, but Qin Yeli could hear the indifference and alienation in her tone.

She didn\'t say any more, took out a wet tissue to wipe off her fingers, rubbed her forehead, and gently hooked her fingertips to take off the pair of low-prescription glasses on the bridge of her nose.

As soon as the glasses were taken away, Qin Yeli\'s brows and eyes instantly became bright and clear.

Exquisite and three-dimensional silhouette, beautiful phoenix eyes, the tails of the eyes are slightly raised, both heroic and gorgeous.

Qin Yeli didn\'t speak, and Lin Ruoyun didn\'t speak up.

The pheromone of Qin Yeli is faintly floating in the air, and the mellow and rich thuja wood fragrance.

Thick and depressing.

Qin Yeli is a top-level Alpha with extremely strong self-control ability, but the high concentration of pheromone at this moment is enough to explain the abnormal fluctuations in her emotions.

Liang Qiu sensitively sensed Qin Yeli\'s displeasure, and hurried out to adjust the atmosphere.

She took out two concert tickets of the Baisha Band and pushed them between the two: "Xiao Yun, I know you like the Baisha Band, and Mrs. Li, who happened to be playing cards with me, gave me two tickets. go."

Lin Ruoyun was startled, her brows were tightly frowned, as if she was facing a huge problem.

Qin Yeli smiled lightly, adjusted her mood, and the pheromone dissipated a lot: "It\'s okay, if you don\'t have time, then forget it."

After finishing speaking, Qin Yeli pushed back the two tickets, Liang Qiu hurriedly said something, and turned to stare at Lin Ruoyun.

Under Liang Qiu\'s warning gaze, Lin Ruoyun finally took the ticket.

Qin Yeli suddenly bent her red lips, and Liang Qiu also nodded in satisfaction.

"Ye Li." Liang Qiu got up and left the table: "I\'ll take Ruoyun upstairs to change clothes, it\'s rare for you to go shopping together, dress nicer."

Qin Yeli hummed lightly, turned her face to stare at Lin Ruoyun who was motionless.

Liang Qiu had already stepped on the spiral staircase, and when she turned her head, she saw that Lin Ruoyun was still motionless, her slender fingers clenched the handrail tightly, and her teeth were clenched.

"Xiaoyun, come with me. Mrs. Zhang, make a pot of almond snow lotus tea."

Lin Ruoyun\'s eyelashes trembled, and she followed reluctantly.

Liang Qiu\'s room is the largest suite in the Qin family. Qin Fang, the patriarch of the Qin family, died of illness five years ago, and now the entire Qin family is in the hands of Qin Yeli.

However, Qin Yeli not only did not drive Liang Qiu, the mistress who ruined the relationship between her parents, out of the Qin family, but kept all the preferential treatment of her second wife, and even lived a more decent life than when Qin Fang was in charge.

Of course, Liang Qiu knew the reason behind this.

All the servants of the Qin family could tell that Qin Yeli liked Lin Ruoyun, so they were respectful to their mother and daughter on the surface, and did not dare to underestimate or neglect her at all.

The servant Mrs. Zhang brought a pot of freshly brewed almond tea, and the milky white tea was poured into cups on the English-style tea tray.

After Mrs. Zhang went out, Liang Qiu took out a v-neck emerald green dress for Lin Ruoyun.

Lin Ruoyun took a step to the side, and put her hands behind her back, showing a gesture of rejection.

"Ruoyun, there should always be a limit to being willful." Liang Qiu raised his eyelids coldly, and said in a commanding tone: "Go and change into the skirt, and go shopping with Ye Li."

Lin Ruoyun\'s eyes flicked over the gauze skirt, and when she turned back, the ends of her eyes were a little wet and red: "Mom, I won\'t go shopping with Ye Li, let alone get engaged to her."

Liang Qiu\'s complexion changed suddenly: "What are you talking about? Are you going to reject Ye Li?"

Lin Ruoyun nodded without hesitation.

Liang Qiu\'s expression tends to crack, but she has always been able to bear it: "Daughter, Ye Li is the head of the Qin family now, the reason why she didn\'t kick me out, the old woman, is for your sake. Ye Li likes You are the one who loves the house and the crow and treats me like a guest."

"But this is not our home after all." Lin Ruoyun\'s eyes showed an imperceptible bitterness: "Mom, Uncle Qin has been away for five years, why do you still stay here? We have hands and feet to support ourselves, why should we Staying in the Qin family like a parasite?"

"Where can I go if I don\'t stay in Qin\'s house? Liang Qiu sneered coldly: I will live with you in a resettlement house of 20 square meters, three meals a day of noodles in clear soup?

Liang Qiu picked up the teacup and took a sip gracefully, with soft red lips on the rim of the cup.

"Daughter, do you know that the almond tea that mom is drinking now is picked from almond trees at an altitude of 2,000 meters. If you have money, you may not be able to buy it."

She turned the cup with her wrist: "Mom is used to drinking this kind of tea, how can I drink that almond tea that costs tens of dollars a catty?"

Lin Ruoyun lowered her long eyelashes in disappointment.

Yes, she is well-clothed and well-fed, enjoying the days when she is used to being served by others, how can she suffer?

If she could bear hardships, she wouldn\'t rush into Qin Fang\'s arms when her father\'s bones were still cold.

"Okay, you can stay with me if you want to stay in the Qin family." Lin Ruoyun silently clutched the hem of her skirt, and said word by word: "But, I absolutely, will not be engaged to Ye Li."

Outside the door, Qin Yeli had already changed her clothes and was about to go upstairs to wait for Ruoyun. When she heard the conversation in the room, the knocking hand stopped instantly.

"How dare you!" Liang Qiu\'s face was completely cold, and he pointed at the window sill with trembling fingertips: "If you don\'t get engaged to Ye Li, I\'ll jump from there."

"Mom, why do you always force me like this?"

Lin Ruoyun caught a cold while filming a scene in the rain a few days ago, and her head began to ache.

It was suddenly dark for a moment, and a pair of clear eyes flashed between lightning and flint.

Gentle and tender, but revealing a trace of melancholy.

"Ruoyun...Ruoyun...I will be have to wait for me...wait for me to come back..."

Caught off guard, fleeting, the picture flashes across like a meteor.

Lin Ruoyun didn\'t even have time to see the man\'s appearance clearly...

who is it?

Whose eyes?

It will make her so sad that she almost wants to cry.

Lin Ruoyun rubbed her head: "Mom, tell me... that Ye Li and I are childhood sweethearts and have a marriage contract, but why do I always feel that it wasn\'t Ye Li who grew up with me, but... someone else."

"Asshole, I\'m your mother, you have to marry whomever I tell you to marry."

"You are my mother, and you can\'t force me."

"You want to break off the engagement unless I die!"

Liang Qiu poured out the tea in his hand with a ferocious face, but Lin Ruoyun couldn\'t dodge it in time, and the place where her side face was close to her ear was burning with pain.

The cup hit the ground with a crisp sound, Qin Yeli hastily pushed the door open and entered.

Lin Ruoyun covered her cheeks, stumbled out the door, and bumped into Qin Yeli.

"Ruoyun, are you okay?"

"Sorry, Ye Li, I can\'t go shopping with you."

Lin Ruoyun ran quickly, but her feet seemed to be filled with lead, and she couldn\'t escape or break free.

It turns out that her world has never changed, never got rid of it, it is full of black mud algae, vicious and selfish.