After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 4: awaken her memory

Lin Ruoyun got out of the taxi, her body swayed a few times, and she barely stood still by supporting the car.

The taxi driver was a kind-faced Omega. She looked at the fine sweat on Lin Ruoyun\'s forehead and asked with concern: "Little girl, are you sick? Do you want to take you to the hospital?"

Lin Ruoyun reached for her forehead with her hand, it was extremely hot.

She forced herself to shake her head: "No, thank you."

Lin Ruoyun was so dizzy from the fever that when she stepped into the door of the unit, she didn\'t even notice that a black Cullinan SUV was parked tens of meters away from the door.

The Alpha in the driver\'s seat stared straight at Lin Ruoyun\'s slender figure through the window, and the water vapor rose from her beautiful eyes.

"Cousin, the DNA comparison results are out." On the passenger seat, Guan Muwei circled around twice to open the document: "She is indeed the cousin who has been missing for five years."

Guan Yinghan curled up her eyelashes and closed them sadly, her voice was hoarse and difficult: "I knew...she is Ruoyun."

Guan Muwei glanced at his cousin\'s face, and then continued: "Sister-in-law was brought back to Tianhai City by her mother in the second month after you returned to Guan\'s house, and the day before she returned to Tianhai City, A fire broke out in Dawan Village, the house of the cousin’s house was burned down, but her grandma did not escape..."

Guan Yinghan\'s pupils widened sharply, and the hands holding the steering wheel unconsciously tightened until the fingertips turned white.

Grandma, the grandma who lives with Ruoyun...

Burned alive...

How could Ruoyun bear it?

"I\'ve done some research. Not only does my sister-in-law don\'t remember you, she doesn\'t even remember her grandma. But the strange thing is that her memory hasn\'t completely disappeared. She only forgot about you and Grandma Lin."

Guan Muwei bit the bullet and continued: "Her current memory seems to have been deliberately tampered with and then filled in."

Guan Muwei\'s heart was trembling, and his voice became lower and lower: "So, in my sister-in-law\'s memory now, there are only her mother,... and her fiancée."


Guan Yinghan\'s heart seemed to be stabbed severely by something, and after the pain was over, only overwhelming anger remained.

What has Ruoyun experienced in the past five years?

Guan Yinghan was about to ask, but saw Lin Ruoyun gradually stop, her legs and feet were weak, her arms trembled slightly, and she fell limply on the stone steps.

Guan Yinghan pushed the door nervously and got out of the car, and rushed to Lin Ruoyun\'s side, passed one hand around her waist, and stretched the other to her white forehead that was dripping with sweat.

The hot feeling in his hands made Guan Yinghan\'s heart ache.

"Ruoyun... Ruoyun..."

Omega was under high fever, his delicate facial features were wrinkled, and his cheeks were abnormally red.

Probably because she was too uncomfortable, tears welled up in her tightly closed eyes, dripping down the corners of her eyes, and her body trembled slightly.

The image that made her blush and heartbeat flashed across Guan Yinghan\'s mind.

On that night five years ago, she went to look for Lin Ruoyun at the hut in Dawan Village, but when she opened the door, the room was filled with rich water spirit flowers mixed with the fragrance of amber.

That day, Lin Ruoyun fell in love.

Following the smell of her pheromones, Guan Yinghan suppressed the hotness, staggered all the way to the back room with the help of the wall, and finally found Lin Ruoyun who was tortured dizzily by the estrus period on the small bed.

Lin Ruoyun\'s eyes were slack, her fair and flawless body twisted the bed sheets, and there were faint traces of water on the light-colored sheets.

Guan Yinghan\'s brain exploded, and he didn\'t dare to look at her anymore, so he could only walk over mechanically with his eyes closed.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she got close, Lin Ruoyun slid into her arms, with her hands hanging around her neck, an unbearable moan slipped out from between her lips and teeth: "Guan Guan...mark me, please..."

The unique pheromone in her body, which is calm in the front and charming in the back, almost made Guan Yinghan lose his mind.

"I...I\'ll get you the inhibitor..."

"The inhibitor is gone." Lin Ruoyun tightened her arms to prevent her from leaving, and pressed her softly against her body, her eyes gleaming: "I\'m so uncomfortable...shut help me..."

If there was only a sliver of reason left before, when it came into contact with Lin Ruoyun\'s bewildered gaze, it fell apart to nothing.

Guan Yinghan bent down slowly, put her hands on her side, her voice trembled uncontrollably: "Ruoyun, will you regret it?"

"No, never!"

What responded to her was a tingling pain in the back of her neck, and then the tingling pain gradually disappeared, replaced by another delicate and comfortable itching.

Also, the pheromones that are intertwined and spread between the water spirit flower and the fragrant snow blue...

Lin Ruoyun moaned in pain, pulling Guan Yinghan\'s thoughts back from the memories.

Guan Yinghan still remembers what she said in her physiology class: Alpha\'s pheromone has a calming and soothing effect on the Omega she marked, and can relieve the discomfort of the Omega\'s body.

She had completely marked Ruoyun, so her pheromone might be able to reduce Ruoyun\'s fever, and even if it couldn\'t, it would definitely relieve her pain.

Thinking of this, Guan Yinghan leaned down, and kissed the glands on the back of Lin Ruoyun\'s neck with her full lips, slowly releasing her pheromones...

Lin Ruoyun was struck by the overwhelmed pheromones of the fragrant snow blue, and she felt a slight sense of oppression in her heart.

Lin Ruoyun opened her heavy eyelids, and vaguely saw a vague figure. She struggled hard: "What are you going to do? Forcibly marking the Omega without the consent, it is... illegal..."

"Ruoyun, Ruoyun, it\'s me!" Guan Yinghan repeated back and forth almost stubbornly with a sob at the end: "It\'s me, I\'m Guan Yinghan, your Guan Guan..."

"I... don\'t know you..." Lin Ruoyun was in a daze from burning, and Alpha\'s strong pheromones made her terrified, and her eyes were covered with water: "You let me go..."

Guan Yinghan couldn\'t put it down, but clasped her waist tightly, tightly wrapped Ruoyun in her arms, and rubbed her chest uncontrollably.

"Ruoyun... What\'s the matter with you? Stop playing, okay? I know I haven\'t come back for so long, you will be angry... I apologize to you, you can punish me as you like, don\'t pretend you don\'t know me..."

Lin Ruoyun has been in a semi-comatose state, and the smell of fragrant snow orchid on the tip of her nose aggravated the dizziness. She softly waved her hand and hammered it twice, and passed out completely.

Seeing that something was wrong, Guan Muwei quickly got out of the car and strode towards Guan Yinghan.

"Cousin, did this happen?"

Guan Muwei was one of the few people in the Guan family who treated Guan Yinghan sincerely, and he knew everything about his cousin\'s past.

She opened and closed her lips for a long time before she managed to utter a few words inexplicably: "Why would my sister-in-law reject your pheromones? You... You have marked her completely?"

Guan Yinghan\'s arm passed between Lin Ruoyun\'s legs, and he hugged her horizontally, his eyes were congealed into deep pools: "Perhaps... Dean He can tell me the answer."

The black Cullinan galloped all the way through the winding tree-lined road, and stopped at the gate of a deep house compound made of red walls.

Ji Wan, the personal assistant and bodyguard, had already been waiting there. Seeing Guan Yinghan get off the car, she bowed slightly and lowered her eyes: "Second Miss, Dean He is waiting for you inside."

After finishing speaking, she waved to a person who looked like a nurse to push the bed cart over.

However, Guan Yinghan didn\'t even lift her eyelids, she still hugged Lin Ruoyun tightly, as if she was treating a fragile treasure with care.

Ji Wan has been a special assistant by Guan Yinghan\'s side for five years, and she has never seen her second lady get along with any Omega.

So when I learned that the second lady found a lover and was going to bring her here for Dean He to have an examination, I was shocked.

At this moment, she witnessed the attitude of the second young lady treating the Omega in her arms as a treasure, and instantly understood everything.

Guan Yinghan carried Lin Ruoyun into the big vermilion iron fence, passed through a series of small wooden doors, and finally arrived at the center of the house—

Dean He\'s secret laboratory.

Guan Yinghan gently put down the Omega in her arms, turned to the man in the white coat and said, "Dean He, she has a fever, please let her have a fever first, and then do a checkup."

"it is good."

Dean He is an expert in medical biology, especially in brain science. He also assisted Guan Muwei in solving many major cases before.

Dean He\'s laboratory is more advanced than the hospital, and all kinds of medicines are also complete.

He first injected Lin Ruoyun with antipyretic injections, and then moved her to the professional equipment for testing the brain.

Dean He sat in front of the diagnostic instrument and said to Guan Yinghan cautiously: "Second Miss, I will do some interventions to stimulate Miss Lin\'s brain cells later, but you have to be prepared, you may not be able to wake up Miss Lin successfully. memory."

Guan Yinghan knelt in front of the instrument, lowered her eyes slightly, and stroked Lin Ruoyun\'s hair tenderly with her fingers: "I understand, if Ruoyun feels any discomfort during the treatment, please stop."

Academician He nodded, then put the helmet full of electromagnetic chips on Lin Ruoyun\'s head, and took a tube of blood from her forearm and handed it to the assistant for further analysis.

After doing this, he pressed the switch button on the diagnosis and treatment instrument.

In less than ten minutes, Lin Ruoyun\'s body began to twitch slightly, sweat dripped from her forehead, and her lips gradually turned white.

Guan Yinghan clenched her slightly trembling fingers, her eyes almost turned red with distress.

Academician He observed Lin Ruoyun\'s reaction, and gradually increased the power of the instrument. Guan Yinghan\'s nerves collapsed to the extreme, and just when she was about to break, she was pleasantly surprised to hear Lin Ruoyun make a small sound.

"Close off..."

The voice was small and weak, but Guan Yinghan could hear it very clearly.

The sound of Guan Guan appeared in Guan Yinghan\'s dreams countless times, and could not be captured in vain.

Now, I really heard it.

Guan Yinghan\'s straight back stiffened instantly, and tears fell uncontrollably.

But, there is only this sound.

Afterwards, Lin Ruoyun fell into chaos again.

Seeing the effect, Academician He immediately turned the power to the maximum. Lin Ruoyun couldn\'t bear the stimulation, her face paled instantly, and her whole body twitched violently.

"Stop! Guan Yinghan\'s eyes were red, and she threw herself on Lin Ruoyun desperately, holding her tightly in her arms: "Ruoyun, she...she is very uncomfortable. "

The diagnosis and treatment had just improved, and Academician He didn\'t want to give up easily: "Second Miss, give me another ten minutes, and I\'m sure I can make Miss Lin remember something."

"I told you to stop, do you hear me?" Guan Yinghan had veins bulging on his forehead, and his voice suddenly rose, "If Ruoyun gets hurt because of this, I would rather...I would rather she never think of me for the rest of her life, and stop going on..."