After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 2: sister, take me home

Lin Ruoyun turned the flashlight upwards, and finally saw Alpha\'s face clearly.

Thick black eyelashes, a tall nose bridge, bright facial features, and excellent bones.

Typical thick face looks, strong visual impact.

This appearance reminded Lin Ruoyun of the Republic of China drama filmed a few hours ago - the ballroom boss who was the most calm in the script.


I don\'t know if it\'s an illusion, but Lin Ruoyun felt that Alpha\'s indifferent eyes, without any romance, seemed to have a glint of water when looking at her.

"What\'s your name? Why don\'t you come home so late?"

Alpha didn\'t answer, just looked at Lin Ruoyun without blinking, the mist in his eyes was getting bigger and bigger, and it would fall off in a blink.

Lin Ruoyun felt sore for no reason, and after she calmed down, she asked softly, "Can\'t you tell me? Then do you have a phone number for your family? I\'ll help you get in touch. Although you are an Alpha, it\'s dangerous to be outside by yourself at such a late hour. "

Alpha walked over slowly, immediately changed into a confused expression, and rubbed against Lin Ruoyun: "Sister..."

Lin Ruoyun doesn\'t like to have physical contact with people, let alone the other party is an Alpha.

But Alpha had a pure white innocent face, harmless and pitiful, Lin Ruoyun struggled in her heart, but she didn\'t push her away.

"You tell my sister, where do you live and what is your name?"

"I...I don\'t remember..." Alpha smiled dully, and gently shook Lin Ruoyun\'s arm: "Sister...I\'m so hungry..."

Lin Ruoyun finally realized that the Alpha in front of her seemed abnormal.

If you ask her anything, you can\'t get a correct answer, only "Sister, I\'m hungry, begging for food."

It seems that there is a mental problem.

But what Alpha is wearing is a retro shirt customized by the C family, which is expensive.

Could it be the daughter of a wealthy family who fell here after being persecuted and lost her memory?

Lin Ruoyun was about to be stunned by her own imagination. She calmed down and decided to call the police first and hand it over to the police.

In less than ten minutes, the police car drove into the community, and two policewomen got off the car. The shorter policewoman looked around Alpha, asked some simple questions, and retreated helplessly to the side of the tall policewoman.

"Team Guan, this Alpha... seems to have a problem here."

The little policewoman nodded her head with her finger.

The tall female police officer named Guan team gave her a sideways look, then bent over and squatted down to check Alpha\'s belongings.

However, Alpha seemed to be very resistant to people other than Lin Ruoyun touching her body, stepped back vigilantly, hid behind Lin Ruoyun, grabbed her clothes and looked at her pitifully.

Lin Ruoyun comforted her softly: "Don\'t be afraid, the police sister is helping you."

Alpha kept shaking his head with watery eyes.

Lin Ruoyun looked helplessly at Team Guan: "Let me try."

She turned around, put her hands on Alpha\'s shoulders, and moved around her body like a snake through the fabric of her clothes.

Hemp silk, hot.

Lin Ruoyun lowered her eyelashes, so she couldn\'t see the red color that suddenly spread on Alpha\'s cheeks.

"There\'s nothing in the pocket." Lin Ruoyun raised her eyes and shook her head at Team Guan.

Team Guan cleared his throat: "It seems that we can only take it home and register first, and check to see if there is any missing person in the system."

Alpha seemed to understand that he wanted to take her away, and looked at Lin Ruoyun helplessly.

However, Lin Ruoyun had no intention of following.

Alpha hung his head listlessly, two gray shadows fell on his eyelashes.

Seeing Lin Ruoyun turning around to leave, Team Guan hurriedly stopped her: "I\'m sorry, can I trouble you to go to the police station and make a record?"

Lin Ruoyun hesitated for a moment, then turned her head to catch a glimpse of Alpha\'s reddish eye sockets, nodded, and got into the police car together.

When they arrived at the police station, the Guan team immediately went to the internal system website to inquire about the recent missing persons. There was no photo of Alpha, and they could not find any household registration information of her.

The Guan team also called the surveillance cameras around Lin Ruoyun\'s community, but that area was full of old demolition houses, and the surveillance cameras were all broken. It was impossible to find out why it appeared in the corridor of Lin Ruoyun\'s unit building.

Team Guan scratched his head helplessly: "She can\'t even tell her name and address, and the system can\'t compare her fingerprints and photos. This situation is really difficult."

Team Guan stood up and faced Lin Ruoyun, sighing heavily: "It seems that they can only be sent to the Alpha shelter."

When Alpha heard that she was going to be sent to the shelter, he curled up his fingers and hooked Lin Ruoyun, his voice mixed with anxiety: "Sister, I...I won\'t go...I want to go home with you."

Team Guan took the opportunity to answer: "Uh... this lady, I think she only trusts you, can you take her in for a night, and we will pick her up to the shelter tomorrow morning?"

Lin Ruoyun was not a nosy person, and she was kidnapped by morality for no reason, she felt a little displeased.

Moreover, when I was in primary school, the physiology teacher told me that AO is different, no matter what the circumstances, Omega should not be in the same room with a strange Alpha, once it comes to the fever period, it will be very dangerous.

"Sorry, I may not be able to help."

Lin Ruoyun forced herself to look away from Alpha\'s pale and lonely back, and walked straight to the door.

"Hey, you..." Team Guan hurriedly took a step forward, and the next moment, her wrist was pinched.

Guan Tui turned his head in astonishment, his eyes slowly moved up from the clasped wrists, and met Alpha\'s scarlet eyes, and the narrow and long eyes suddenly revealed strange colors.

Team Guan retreated to Alpha, leaned close to her ear, and asked hesitantly, " she really cousin? But I don\'t think she knows you?"

Alpha watched Lin Ruoyun leave quietly. After her figure disappeared around the corner, she slowly put her hand on her heart and covered it tightly: "She is is Ruoyun..."

As soon as Alpha finished speaking, the short policewoman beside her petrified on the spot: "Off, off, off... Team Guan, what are you talking about?"

The short policewoman stared at Alpha\'s eyes, and found that the dullness and stupidity in her eyes had disappeared, replaced by a compelling indifference and deepness.

"Team Guan, you said she...she is your cousin?" The short female policeman realized belatedly, pointing at Alpha with trembling fingertips, her face full of horror: "Then she is the second lady of Runhai Group? "

God, she is the second young lady of the Guan family who is said to be ruthless and ruthless in the center, who will do everything in order to compete for the Runhai Group, even killing her own family members—

Guan Yinghan!

Thinking of how she had mocked Second Miss Guan as a fool just now, the short female policeman felt chills in her back and subconsciously hid beside Team Guan.

Team Guan smiled, and patted her on the shoulder reassuringly: "Xiao Yuan, there\'s nothing else going on here, you should go back and rest early."

"Okay!" He ran out like a rabbit.

After the short female policeman left, Guan Dui took a look at his cousin\'s face, and said hesitantly, "Sister, could it be the wrong person?"

Guan Muwei entered the criminal investigation department after graduating from the police academy. She is best at observing words and expressions. When she was talking with Lin Ruoyun just now, she had been observing her expression.

She can be sure that Lin Ruoyun doesn\'t seem to be pretending, she really doesn\'t know her cousin.

"No, there is no mistake, she is Ruoyun." Guan Yinghan opened the pocket watch that was next to her and handed it to Guan Muwei.

The photo, about the size of the mouth of a bottle, clearly shows a group photo of the two of them.

In the photo, Lin Ruoyun is wearing a goose yellow dress, leaning sweetly on Guan Yinghan\'s shoulder, with curved eyebrows and a smile on the corner of her mouth.

Guan Yinghan\'s nasal voice was thick, and her eyes were clouded with water: "Assistant Fei Te has checked for me for five years. When he gave me the photos he took, I was sure that she was Ruoyun."

"Last week in the supermarket on Tianshan Road, I deliberately knocked over Ruoyun\'s cart, and she didn\'t recognize me. The day before yesterday, I bumped into her again in the square downstairs, but Ruoyun... still didn\'t recognize me."

Guan Yinghan turned her head slowly, with a hoarse voice: "Xiao Wei, do you think Ruoyun is angry with me for taking so long to find her?"

Guan Muwei has never seen her cousin show such a helpless and fragile expression, and her heart is sore: "Cousin, how can you blame this? You are not born to your uncle\'s mother. She regards you as a thorn in her side, and how many times she sent people to plot against you , Fortunately, you are vigilant enough, otherwise this will have long been turned into a pile of bones."

Guan Muwei continued to comfort her: "Your foundation in the Guan family is not stable, and your cousin sister-in-law is your only weakness. If the eldest aunt knows her existence, she will definitely use her to blackmail you, and it will harm her instead. So cousin, Don\'t blame yourself too much."

Outsiders only know that Guan Yinghan acts perversely and has a ruthless personality, but they don\'t know how she walked on thin ice and made every step of the way in the **** Guan family to take the position of the person in power.

Others can\'t imagine her experience.

When Guan Muwei was talking to Lin Ruoyun just now, he took advantage of her unpreparedness and pulled a strand of her hair.

She spread out the hair in her palm, and leaned in front of Guan Yinghan: "Cousin, don\'t think about it, everything will be discussed after the DNA report."

In fact, Guan Muwei had an answer in her heart, but she dared not tell Guan Yinghan.

If the DNA test shows that the Omega is really Lin Ruoyun, there is only one possibility—

It was Lin Ruoyun who lost her memory!

In the past five years, Lin Ruoyun\'s life and death were unknown, Guan Yinghan looked for her like crazy, and finally found her, but she became a stranger without memory.

It is really hard for Guan Muwei to guarantee whether her cousin will collapse because of this.