After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 29: forget important people

Dean He knew the importance of Lin Ruoyun in Guan Yinghan\'s heart, so he was timid during the treatment and did not dare to apply any intensity.

Even though the current has been adjusted to the lowest level, the extremely nervous Second Miss of the Guan family next to him wants him to lower it again and again...

Dean He could only use electrotherapy to assist hypnotherapy, and kept guiding Lin Ruoyun with hints in his heart, and finally heard Lin Ruoyun crying for help.

"Don\'t...don\'t wash the mark...I\'m obedient...stay here...don\'t hurts..."

The call for help was so weak, but it was as if a heavy weight had been thrown at Guan Yinghan\'s heart, smashing her internal organs into mud.

Dean He adjusted the current mode slightly, Lin Ruoyun trembled and murmured in pain: "Fire... It\'s on fire... Hurry up and save people... Don\'t pull me... I\'m going to save people..."

Suddenly, Lin Ruoyun, who was just groaning, let out a roar: "Grandma..."

This sound startled everyone present, especially Dean He, who turned pale with fright and hurriedly turned off all the equipment.

The stimulation this time was obviously beyond Lin Ruoyun\'s tolerance, and if the electrotherapy continued, no one could guarantee whether something irreversible would happen.

Guan Yinghan broke down and rushed over to hug Lin Ruoyun tightly, rubbing her hands on her waist and back: "Don\'t be afraid... Ruoyun...don\'t think about it, don\'t think about it if you can\'t remember... If you die, forget it and forget it, it\'s okay, We start over..."

Dean He couldn\'t see Guan Yinghan\'s expression clearly, but just by hearing the voice, he knew that it was impossible for Second Miss to continue the treatment.

In fact, as long as the second lady is ruthless and adds some drugs, Dean He thinks that she is still confident that she can remind Lin Ruoyun of something.

However, Dean He saw how the Second Miss was holding Lin Ruoyun, her posture was far better than protecting her own life, so she finally gave up the proposal in her heart.

Under Guan Yinghan\'s comfort, Lin Ruoyun gradually calmed down, her breathing became steady, and she fell into a deep sleep.

Guan Yinghan wrapped her tightly with a coat, and suddenly raised her head to look at Dean He: "Did someone add an ingredient that suppresses the pheromones of cypress pheromone in the suppressant tablets that Ruoyun usually takes?"

Dean He admired Guan Yinghan\'s insight: "Second Miss, you guessed right. The person who prescribes the drug is really insidious and cautious. Knowing that things like inhibitors are generally not investigated, they will play tricks here."

"It\'s just./The person who took the medicine never expected that Ms. Lin would meet you again, let alone that her deep memory was slowly being touched during the process of getting along with you. I don\'t think it\'s possible for you, Second Miss, to find the crux of the matter so quickly."

Guan Yinghan\'s eyes glowed with hope: "Dean, do you mean that Ruoyun still has memories of me?"

"Yes, Ms. Lin has a deep obsession with you." Dean He glanced at Guan Yinghan\'s expression, and carefully chose his words: "So when they tampered with Ms. Lin\'s memory, the process was not smooth. In other words... this During the process, Ms. Lin suffered unimaginable pain and torture."

Dean He breathed out, he really couldn\'t bear to hit Guan Yinghan, but Lin Ruoyun\'s life was at stake, he had to say: "It is precisely because Miss Lin\'s willpower is too strong and her love for you is too deep, that they are here Miss Lin\'s inhibitor contains ingredients that inhibit your pheromones."

"It\'s a three-point drug." Dean He sighed: "Miss Lin took this medicine before, and there were no side effects. But once you get close to her, Miss Er, she will go into shock, or even worse..."

Guan Yinghan\'s lips trembled slightly: "What... mean?"

Dean He met her gaze, and couldn\'t bear to avert his eyes: "It means that the love for you in Miss Lin\'s deep memory has been seriously rejected by drugs. Miss Lin is an Omega, and the weak system can\'t resist it at all. In mild cases, you may become stupid or crazy, in severe cases, you may lose your life."

"Fortunately, Second Miss, you have already found the medicine to suppress the pheromone of Xiangxuelan. As long as Miss Lin stops taking the medicine, it will no longer reject your pheromone. It\'s just..."

Dean He paused and lowered his head: "It\'s just the previous injury, which is irreversible to Ms. Lin, and her hope of recovering her memory is very slim. If you can let me continue to use electrotherapy..."

"No, I don\'t agree." Guan Yinghan refused without even thinking about it: "Electrotherapy is too painful, and you can\'t guarantee that there will be no sequelae after electrotherapy. I can\'t let Ruoyun take this risk."

Guan Yinghan carefully lifted Ruoyun from the treatment table, kissed her on the cheek, stopped when she reached the door, turned her head and smiled at Dean He: "Dean, I will create a miracle for you Look."

Ji Wan followed Guan Yinghan in small steps, and couldn\'t hold back her doubts. She took two steps and turned back, stopping in front of Dean He: "Dean, what does Second Miss mean by saying this?"

"In this world, there are not many people who I can admire, and Second Miss is one of them."

Dean He looked at Guan Yinghan\'s back as he walked further and further away, showing admiration: "Second Miss said, she doesn\'t need any medical equipment, just the little bit of love Miss Lin has for her subconsciously can awaken her memory .”

At night, Lin Ruoyun had a high fever, her whole body was burning hot, her cheeks were flushed.

The dean was dragged to Lin Ruoyun\'s hut by Ji Wan in the middle of the night, and after examination, it was confirmed that it was a reaction after rejection of inhibitors.

Considering Lin Ruoyun\'s physical condition, Dean He prepared mild Chinese medicine to reduce her fever.

Ji Wan came over with the fried Chinese medicine: "Second Miss, the medicine is ready."

Guan Yinghan stretched her hand over Lin Ruoyun\'s neck, and gently lifted her up into her arms.

"Sister...Sister..." Guan Yinghan stirred the soup a few times with a spoon, scooped up a spoonful of cooling water, brought it to Ruoyun\'s lips, and called softly, "Sister... I took the medicine."

Lin Ruoyun frowned, instinctively pursed her lips, and put on a gesture of resistance.

Guan Yinghan tried several times but failed to feed it.

Seeing this, Dean He proposed to send Ruoyun to his laboratory and inject some powerful antibiotics to reduce the fever.

Although the director repeatedly assured the safety of antibiotics, Ruoyun was extremely weak after the drug was rejected. Guan Yinghan did not dare to take any more risks and insisted on using mild traditional Chinese medicine.

She chased everyone back and screwed the bedroom door.

Then he turned back to the low cabinet, picked up the bowl and put the soup in his mouth.

A bitter taste instantly exploded on the taste buds on the tip of the tongue, Guan Yinghan lowered her head to seal Lin Ruoyun\'s lips, and passed the medicine over little by little.

Sensing the warm touch on her lips, Lin Ruoyun slowly opened her tightly closed lips. After tasting the bitterness of the medicine, she instinctively began to resist.

Guan Yinghan closed her eyes, changed the action of taking the medicine into a kiss, and kissed it forcefully.

In order to prevent the medicine juice from slipping out of her lips, Guan Yinghan slowly stuck out her tongue, rolled her tongue up to let the medicine swallow smoothly, and after hearing the sound of swallowing, she used the tip of her tongue to roll away the last bit of bitterness in her mouth, and then He reluctantly backed away from her lips.

After feeding the medicine, Guan Yinghan went into the bathroom and drenched herself from head to toe with cold water, dried herself quickly, and when her body temperature was at its lowest, she got into Lin Ruoyun\'s bed and hugged her tightly.

Lin Ruoyun was unbearably burned by the high temperature, and suddenly touched a cold body, leaning against her greedily, rubbing her cheek against her neck desperately, trying to find more coolness.

After taking a cold shower, it can last up to ten minutes. After the body temperature rises, Guan Yinghan can only go into the bathroom again to shower herself again.

After repeated several times, Lin Ruoyun\'s temperature gradually dropped, and her breathing became more stable.

Guan Yinghan finally breathed a sigh of relief, closed her eyes with no effort, embraced Ruoyun\'s body, and fell asleep for the first time in the torment of long-term insomnia in the past five years.

However, Lin Ruoyun slept very restlessly, her dreams were full of fires.

The continuous flames quickly burned the low house in front of her. The chickens and ducks in the fence on the side of the house were running around in the crowd. The night sky is dyed into day.

Under the light of the fire, she saw a kind and old face.

Lin Ruoyun\'s voice was already hoarse, she couldn\'t make a sound the first few times, she was so anxious that her heart almost jumped out of her throat.

"Help! It\'s on fire, save people quickly..." She finally shouted out, her voice hoarse, as if she had exhausted all the breath in her internal organs.

Lin Ruoyun rushed into the sea of ​​flames, a section of fiery red beams fell down, she instinctively stepped back, her eyes were too hot to open.

There was a vague figure in front of her, facing the flames all over the sky, rushing towards her without hesitation.

"Sister... sister..."

Someone grabbed her arm and shook her.

Lin Ruoyun woke up suddenly, she focused her attention, trying to see the person who came to save her, but bumped into a pair of clear and deep eyes full of love.

That is…

Toffee\'s eyes.

"Toffee!" She threw herself into Guan Yinghan\'s arms, closed her eyes tightly, her lips trembled so much that even her teeth chattered: "It\'s on fire... Toffee, it\'s on fire... Hurry up and save someone, inside There are still people who haven\'t come out, help me save her, please."

"Sister, there is no fire, there is no fire!" Guan Yinghan hugged the panic-stricken Omega tightly into her arms, rubbing her hands on her waist and back, no amount of comfort was enough: "Don\'t be afraid, you\'re having a nightmare, no fire…"

Lin Ruoyun leaned on Guan Yinghan\'s shoulder and shivered, venting all the fear and helplessness in her heart to her: "Toffee, I can see clearly...someone is still in the fire...I\'m going to save them..."

Guan Yinghan hugged her even tighter: "No one... Sister, open your eyes and see, we are in our own home, very safe."

own home?

Lin Ruoyun backed away from her shoulders, shivering and closed her eyes to look around.

Familiar environment, familiar furniture, really is my own home.

But everything in the dream was so real, as if she had experienced it personally.

Lin Ruoyun held her breath and focused her attention, trying her best to recall, the pair of old and kind eyes blurred in the dream flashed past her eyes.

She was nauseated by the headache, and the harder she thought about it, the more painful her head was, as if being pierced by a sharp knife.

Lin Ruoyun beat her head in pain, rational tears flowed from the corners of her eyes, her lips were pursed pale: "It head hurts...I can\'t remember..."

The heart is like a puzzle with a few missing pieces, and the corners are never filled.

Guan Yinghan hugged her on his lap and lay on his back, rubbing her temples with both hands to relieve the pain.

The pain gradually disappeared, Lin Ruoyun panted and opened her eyes, tears filled her eyes: "Toffee, sister seems to have forgotten a very important person. But...but I really can\'t remember who it is."