After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 30: sleeping in sister's bed

Guan Yinghan remembered Dean He\'s words again, Ruoyun\'s subconscious love for her was so deep that she worked so hard to resist the medicine that suppressed her pheromones.

She really wanted Ruoyun to restore her memory, but if it would hurt Ruoyun\'s body, then she would rather be a toffee for the rest of her life.

"Sister, don\'t think about it if you can\'t remember it." Guan Yinghan lowered her head and looked at her, her neck bent into a beautiful arc: "It\'s okay, Toffee also forgot a lot of things. Grandma Tongtong downstairs, too, She still forgets the way home, she is stupider than toffee, I always bring her home."

Lin Ruoyun was amused by her serious look, and wanted to explain to her what Alzheimer\'s disease is, but she felt that it was too profound for her to understand, so she reached out and rubbed her face: "Our toffee is not stupid at all, she is the smartest of."

Ruoyun\'s palm was very soft, with a bit of body fragrance, Guan Yinghan fell after being rubbed twice by her, she narrowed her eyes comfortably, tilted her head and put her cheek into her palm actively, and rubbed it slowly.

The cold white moonlight shines on Guan Yinghan\'s face through the tulle curtains, reflecting the tall nose bridge and the perfect profile line.

Impeccable, beautiful profile!

Toffee\'s warm breath scratched her palm like a dog\'s tail grass, Lin Ruoyun\'s eyelashes trembled, and her heart beat inexplicably accelerated.

I didn\'t know who it was before, and said solemnly that I wanted to keep a distance from Toffee, but after only a few days, my face was slapped.

But her little toffee is really...

She is obedient, milky and obedient, and also looks so good-looking.

Who can stand this?

I really want to press her on the bed and rub (ravage) rub (ravage) to my heart\'s content.

Lin Ruoyun bit her lips secretly, she wondered if she had any special hobbies.

Toffee is just a child!

How could she have impure thoughts about a child?

Lin Ruoyun hurriedly distanced herself from her before she was still rational: "Toffee, go back to your own bed, sister is going to sleep."

Guan Yinghan was still immersed in the joyful sensation of skin-to-skin contact, and was suddenly isolated, she grabbed Lin Ruoyun\'s wrist in dissatisfaction, and changed to a more intimate position: "Sister, let\'s sleep together."

sleep together?

This proposal sounds quite attractive.

wait! stop!

Lin Ruoyun pretended to be disgusted, poked her shoulder and pushed away: "No, Alpha and Omega can\'t sleep together."

"Yes." Guan Yinghan\'s eyes were pure and innocent, "The makeup artist sister said that Alpha was born to mark Omega."


How could someone say the filthiest words in such the purest tone?

"From tomorrow onwards, you will only stay by my sister\'s side, and you are not allowed to hang out with the Omegas in the studio, and teach you some messy things."

Lin Ruoyun ruthlessly pushed her off the bed: "No matter what happens in the future, without Omega\'s consent, you can\'t just go to her bed, let can\'t mark her casually, you understand?"

Guan Yinghan pretended to be ignorant, first shook her head in confusion, and then nodded in confusion.

Lin Ruoyun sighed, and felt that it was necessary to teach her some AO physiological knowledge: "Okay, sister is going to bed, so Toffee can go back to her room."

Guan Yinghan knew that it was useless to play tricks on her, so she reluctantly climbed off Ruoyun\'s small bed, lowered her long eyelashes listlessly, and walked towards the balcony step by step.

There was no extra guest room in the house. After Guan Yinghan moved in, Lin Ruoyun bought another small bed and put it on the balcony, giving her the bedroom.

But Guan Yinghan insisted on sleeping on the balcony, Lin Ruoyun couldn\'t help but let her go.

However, there is a wall between the bedroom and the balcony, and Guan Yinghan\'s bed is next to the bedroom wall.

Lin Ruoyun lay on her back on the bed, listening to the movement by the wall with her ears up.

After waiting for a long time, she didn\'t hear the sound of tables and chairs moving next door. Lin Ruoyun struggled a few times but couldn\'t hold it back. She lifted the quilt and got out of bed, and tiptoedly opened the door.

The door opened, and a shadow rolled to her feet. Lin Ruoyun stepped back in shock, and met a pair of deep black eyes that were not sleepy.

"Toffee, why are you sleeping at my door?" Lin Ruoyun lowered her head in surprise, and took a step towards her: "Is the bed uncomfortable?"

Guan Yinghan stood up in a panic, and the thin blanket on her body fell off with the movement: "Sister...don\'t be angry, Toffee is afraid you will have over you."

The barrier that Lin Ruoyun had just built in her heart seemed to be collapsing quietly.

"It\'s cold at the door." Lin Ruoyun picked up the thin blanket on the ground, bit her lips, and hesitated for a few seconds: "Do you want to come sleep in sister\'s room?"

Guan Yinghan nodded hastily, and without waiting for Lin Ruoyun\'s help, she grabbed the thin blanket from her hand and spread it carefully on the floor.

"What are you doing? Who told you to sleep on the floor?" Lin Ruoyun was annoyed by her foolishness, and unwilling to admit her gradually changing feelings for Toffee, she blurted out angrily: "Didn\'t you say you were afraid that I would have nightmares? How can you protect me if you don\'t sleep together?"

The air froze for a moment.

The next second, Guan Yinghan quickly climbed onto the bed as if she was afraid that she would regret it, and crawled cowardly into her bed.

Lin Ruoyun rubbed the tips of her red ears, calmed her heartbeat, gently lifted the quilt, and lay down on her back silently.

The bedroom space is small and can only accommodate a single bed, and two adults are bound to be squeezed together.

The moment Lin Ruoyun posted it, Guan Yinghan only felt a numbness in her back and a slight shudder.

Ruoyun\'s body is so soft, extremely soft, like a cloud full of rain, falling on her shoulders.

In an instant, even breathing stopped.

Before her body reflected it, Guan Yinghan\'s heart was beating wildly. She subconsciously clenched her fingers and slowed down her breathing to prevent herself from losing control.

Lin Ruoyun raised her hand, put it on her waist vaguely through the quilt, patted it lightly twice, and whispered sleepily: "Toffee, go to bed, my sister has to make an announcement tomorrow."

Guan Yinghan\'s heart skipped a few more times, she swallowed empty-handed, and replied in a low voice, "Okay."

Lin Ruoyun patted her repeatedly, as if she was coaxing a child, but finally she coaxed herself to sleep.

But Guan Yinghan didn\'t feel sleepy at all. The thing she had been thinking about day and night for five years was to fall asleep with Ruoyun in her arms like this, but it really came true, but she was afraid that it was just a dream, so she didn\'t dare to close her eyes, afraid to open them again. There is nothing in sight.

Finally, when it was almost dawn, she gradually couldn\'t bear it any longer, and fell asleep drowsily holding Lin Ruoyun.

Before going to bed, Guan Yinghan secretly turned off the alarm on Ruoyun\'s phone, and called Jiang Hui to change the notification time so that she could sleep well.

Lin Ruoyun woke up naturally after falling asleep, and smelled the aroma of fried eggs when she woke up.

She got up from the bed, walked out in only her pajamas, followed the scent into the kitchen.

With his back facing the door, Guan Yinghan shrugged his shoulders vigorously.

Lin Ruoyun stepped forward curiously, and was surprised to find that she was kneading the dough, the water in the induction cooker was boiling, and Guan Yinghan\'s delicate profile face was covered in hot air.

"Toffee!" Lin Ruoyun was surprised and delighted, with little stars shining in her eyes: "You really know how to cook noodles?"

Guan Yinghan turned her head and saw that it was Ruoyun, her beautiful peach eyes were bent upwards: "Sister, are you awake? It was my assistant who taught me, Toffee can learn it once."

While speaking, she put the back of her hand on her forehead, then reached to Lin Ruoyun\'s forehead to compare the temperature, and tilted her head in a cute manner: "My sister\'s illness is cured."

Silly, but with the softest care.

Lin Ruoyun froze in place in a daze.

Is she being... taken care of?

Lin Ruoyun was still in a daze, but Guan Yinghan approached her and pushed her waist naturally: "Sister, can you take out the bowl for me?"

When she said this, Guan Yinghan didn\'t even bother to raise her head, and was busy making a note.

Lin Ruoyun stared blankly at the bluish-white hair on top of her head, and the place on her waist where she touched was burning like fire, itching.

She was in a trance for a while, and took a long time to move to get a bowl from the low cabinet.

Lin Ruoyun felt that she was so absurd, how could she feel fascinated by an immature Alpha?

However, that little bit of indescribable emotion suddenly pierced through the heart and spread to the limbs, which was both familiar and unfamiliar.

The body\'s reaction was so honest that Lin Ruoyun was bewildered and at a loss.

"Sister... did you get the bowl?"

Guan Yinghan urged in a soft voice, Lin Ruoyun came back to her senses, opened the low cabinet, and was about to take the bowl over when the phone on the table rang.

It\'s Jiang Hui...

It was only then that Lin Ruoyun remembered that there was an announcement in the morning, she connected the phone, and immediately apologized: "Master... I\'m sorry, I clearly turned on the alarm last night..."

"Ruoyun, forget about the announcement, come to the studio as soon as possible." On the phone, Jiang Hui seemed very nervous, not only kept her voice low, but also asked abruptly, "Is Toffee by your side? "

Lin Ruoyun glanced at Guan Yinghan\'s busy back in confusion, and answered in a daze: "Toffee is... cooking noodles."

Jiang Hui on the other end of the phone seemed to pause, and Lin Ruoyun clearly heard her take a breath.

"Ruoyun, don\'t eat breakfast yet, come here quickly. Come in through the small side door of the company with toffee, and Ji Wan will meet you. Remember, you must go through the side door, you know?"

Lin Ruoyun was disturbed by her hasty tone, she didn\'t dare to delay for a minute, so she took a taxi to the set.

She obeyed Jiang Hui\'s words and asked the taxi driver to bypass the side door. Sure enough, Ji Wan could be seen guarding the door from afar.

Seeing her getting out of the car, Ji Wan rushed forward to meet her, her eyes rolled around: "Sister Ruoyun, the front and back doors of the studio are full of reporters, I will take you through another passage."


According to common sense, Lin Ruoyun just became popular because of a drama, which is a good time to accumulate popularity and exposure. As a senior manager, Jiang Hui must know how to seize the opportunity to gain popularity, so why let her hide instead?

Lin Ruoyun realized something was wrong, she stopped, turned and looked directly at Ji Wan: "Xiao Wan, what happened?"

Ji Wan glanced at her second young lady guiltily, and hesitated to say anything, with an embarrassed expression on her face: ""

Even Guan Yinghan was aware of her abnormal behavior, and vaguely felt that Ji Wan seemed to have something that she didn\'t want to let herself know.

She scanned the office area calmly, and saw a few employees in the art department, who seemed to be working with their heads down, but looked at Lin Ruoyun from time to time, with obvious gossip in their eyes.

"Ruoyun, you\'re here." Jiang Hui ran over in a hurry, dragged her to the side, and asked straight to the point, "Tell me honestly, what is your relationship with Qin Yeli, the president of the Qin Group?"