After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 28: Induce estrus

"Mint?" Jiang Hui was startled, and then rushed to the low table to check the decanter, and sure enough, she saw a few mint leaves floating in the glass container filled with cocktails.

"I\'m sorry, I didn\'t know mint would induce Ruoyun\'s ./love." Jiang Hui\'s forehead was covered with sweat. As an Omega, she smelled the sweet pheromone from her companion, and her body became weak uncontrollably.

It\'s no wonder Jiang Hui, how could she know what stressors Ruoyun had.

The fragrance of the water spirit flower in the air became more and more intense, and it seemed that Jiang Hui\'s hibiscus flower pheromone was wafting out again.

Guan Yinghan didn\'t dare to stay any longer, she turned her head and told Ji Wan: "It seems that Ah Hui has also started to have a fever, you stay here first, and wait for her assistant to come. In addition, go to the dressing room to get Ruoyun\'s bag Bring her bag, she has suppressors in her bag."

After explaining everything, Guan Yinghan took out two Alpha Suppression Tablets from the pocket of his trousers, and put on a cocktail.

Facing Lin Ruoyun who was in heat, she couldn\'t guarantee whether she would lose control, so she could only take the inhibitor in advance, even if it was temporary, it was better than sticking to it.

Guan Yinghan turned back again, bent down and picked up Lin Ruoyun horizontally, as if she was carrying a priceless treasure in her arms.

Lin Ruoyun wrapped her arms around Guan Yinghan\'s neck, exuding an irresistible pheromone all over her body, she threw herself into Guan Yinghan\'s eyebrows, every breath she took.


Lin Ruoyun nestled in her arms weakly and bonelessly, calling her name softly, with a little panting, the ending sound was charming and soft, acting like a baby in mist.

Guan Yinghan lowered her eyes slightly, and the eyes of the two met, and they were tightly entangled.

In just a second, she turned her eyes away in a panic, held her breath, and tried her best to restrain her restless glands.

" ignore me?"

Lin Ruoyun raised her eyes to look at her, her eyes became a little confused, and her tone of voice mixed with grievance became softer and more coquettish.

"Sister..." Guan Yinghan said in a low voice, and found that her voice was a little hoarse, she couldn\'t help but gather herself together: "Toffee hugs you to rest."

Lin Ruoyun didn\'t speak any more, she turned her head slightly to look at her, her fingers crawled down her shoulders and neck, gently opened her shirt, and climbed into the hem of her clothes.

Guan Yinghan\'s whole body froze, her back straightened: "Sister...don\'t move around..."

Although taking two suppressive tablets, Guan Yinghan still felt that she was about to lose control of Alpha\'s instinctive physiological reaction.

Even though she tried her best, her body\'s instincts were more honest than her will, and the pheromones couldn\'t wait to get out of her glands, like a little beast out of a cage, greeting her Omega with great enthusiasm.

It was only a few minutes\' walk from the private room to the lounge, but Guan Yinghan had a very difficult time walking. She hugged Lin Ruoyun like a walking aphrodisiac pill, which constantly challenged her reason.

After finally entering the lounge, she gently placed Lin Ruoyun on the sofa, then raised her body slightly, intending to put down the blackout curtains and turn on the fresh air system.

In the next moment, her neck was hooked and pressed down, and Lin Ruoyun\'s sweet and charming water spirit flower pheromones enveloped her: "Toffee...don\'t go...hug me..."

Guan Yinghan tried her best to be patient, her fingers curled up and she didn\'t dare to touch her, she could only helplessly grab the edge of the sofa: "Sister, I\'ll get you the inhibitor."

Lin Ruoyun clung tightly to her neck, rubbing against her bosom like a cat.

She was not awake, but felt that her whole body was uncomfortably hot, and the skin of the person in front of her was slightly cool, as if soaked in rainwater, which made her feel comfortable and unwilling to leave.

Guan Yinghan\'s breathing was completely messed up, the distance was too dangerous, she knew she couldn\'t hold on for long, the inhibitors she had taken before were like expired medicines that had lost their effectiveness, they didn\'t have any effect at all.

She felt sadly that her glands... were quietly brewing hot and humid liquid.

Guan Yinghan caressed the back of her neck in a panic, and pressed the isolation sticker hard to prevent it from falling off due to wetness.

At the same time, her glands began to feel hot, and her face also became hot, and the heat gradually spread to her neck.

Lin Ruoyun only enjoyed the coolness for a moment, and felt that Toffee\'s whole body was scorching hot, even higher than her body temperature.

She frowned, and began to **** under the hem of Guan Yinghan\'s clothes, looking for coolness.

"Sister... Be good, let go..." Guan Yinghan was tortured to the point of unspeakable pain, she couldn\'t hide, hug...and even pull her hand out.


Why didn\'t Ji Wan bring the inhibitor?

Guan Yinghan\'s mind is full of inhibitors now, and she pressed Lin Ruoyun anxiously: "Sister...I\'ll go find Ji Wan..."

"Don\'t go!" Lin Ruoyun stubbornly unbuttoned the collar of Guan Yinghan\'s shirt, her voice was unusually fierce: "I don\'t allow you to go to Ji Wan, I regret it...I don\'t want you to be nice to other Omega."

Lin Ruoyun didn\'t realize that she had developed a strange possessive desire for Toffee.

"Sister... I\'m going to get the inhibitor..."

Seeing that Ruoyun was getting tighter and tighter in her arms, Guan Yinghan couldn\'t help crying, she couldn\'t hold back her pheromone at all, and the isolation sticker was about to fall off.

"Don\'t... toffee... don\'t go."

Lin Ruoyun was not much better either, she was tortured by the fever to the extreme, and she didn\'t know how to relieve it, tears dripped from her half-closed eyes, dripping down the corners of her eyes.

Guan Yinghan didn\'t want her to be sad, so she quickly leaned over and held Lin Ruoyun\'s back and waist, and rubbed her into her arms distressedly: "Don\'t cry... I won\'t go..."

She lightly touched Lin Ruoyun\'s eyes with her lips soothingly, stretched out the tip of her tongue to roll away the tears, then printed them on her forehead, eyebrows, cheeks, and finally slowly fell on her soft lips...

For a moment, the entire lounge was filled with extremely high concentrations of Omega pheromones, as if you were in a sea of ​​water and flowers.


She seemed to hear the sound of the isolation sticker falling to the ground.

Guan Ying stood up coldly, and subconsciously stroked the back of her neck. She didn\'t feel the isolation sticker, but she felt the wetness of her hand.

She was shocked to realize that her glands were bubbling out a honey-like liquid.

Guan Yinghan\'s face exploded and turned red instantly.

The fragrant snow blue pheromone is not blocked by the isolation stickers, and it spreads out uncontrollably.

Guan Yinghan was afraid that Lin Ruoyun would feel physically uncomfortable when she smelled her pheromones, so she struggled to retreat from the sofa and huddled in a corner, but she couldn\'t control the heat./Intention, she could only helplessly bit her lips until The pheromone was barely withdrawn after biting and bleeding.

Then, she turned on the fresh air system, so that the pheromone in the house could be quickly dissipated.

Guan Yinghan didn\'t dare to get closer to Ruoyun, and was afraid that her pheromone would attract other Alphas, so she didn\'t dare to leave the house, and could only stay as far away from her as possible.

Five minutes later, there was a knock on the lounge door.

As soon as Ji Wan entered the room, she saw her second young lady hiding in the corner panting heavily, her face was flushed with emotion, her lips were bitten and a large area was still bleeding, and the two buttons under the collar It was also torn off, revealing the reddened skin.


what\'s the situation?

Isn\'t this too intense? Clothes were torn and lips were bitten? Do you want to do it like this?

The second lady\'s Omega usually looks soft and weak, but I didn\'t expect it to be so fierce!

Ji Wan swears to God, she has never been so shocked like tonight, her voice was so trembling that she could barely speak: "Second, Second Miss...Ah, ah, the inhibitor is here."

"Why did it take you so long?" Guan Yinghan suppressed her anger and struggled to get out of the corner.

Ji Wan shrank her head, and muttered guiltily: "Sister Hui...she\'s pestering me...I managed to escape."

Guan Ying gave her a cold look, took the inhibitor, half-hugged Lin Ruoyun, and put the tablet into her mouth little by little with water.

Lin Ruoyun felt very comfortable with the cold water at first, and even stuck out her pink tongue and licked along the mouth of the cup.

However, five minutes later, her whole body began to twitch slightly, as if a saw blade was pulling in her mind, the pain made her internal organs colic.

Lin Ruoyun\'s face paled visibly, painful groans overflowed from her clenched teeth, and her body trembled as if swinging.

Guan Yinghan realized that something was wrong, and immediately rushed over to hug her tightly.

But the closer she got, the more uncomfortable Lin Ruoyun was, and the more intense her convulsions became. Finally, she couldn\'t bear the painful tearing and passed out.

Guan Yinghan turned her head to look at Ji Wan, with bitter cold air in her eyes: "How could Ruoyun be like this, what did you feed her?"

"Yes, it\'s an inhibitor, it was given to me by Miss Lin herself."

Inhibitors are very strict prescription drugs. After Omega is differentiated, it will go through countless tests on allergens and stressors before formulating the corresponding inhibitors.

Although Ji Wan is not an omega, she also knows that after taking an inhibitor, an omega will either fall into a sleep state or slowly wake up.

I\'ve never seen someone who went into a coma and went into shock like Lin Ruoyun.

Ji Wan was incoherent in fright at the moment: "After Miss Lin hired me as an assistant, she handed over her personal items to me for safekeeping. She gave me this inhibitor. I don\'t know how it happened."

Guan Yinghan wrapped Lin Ruoyun tightly in her arms and forced herself to calm down.

That\'s right, Lin Ruoyun would reject her pheromones, but before that, Ruoyun was only slightly uncomfortable when she smelled the pheromones from the snow blue in the house.

However, after taking the inhibitor Ji Wan sent, he fell into a coma and shock state.


There is only one possibility...

If this possibility is confirmed, the troubles that have troubled her for a long time will be solved.

In the dead of night, Dean He\'s laboratory was brightly lit, and a group of people stood at the door with their hands down, not daring to show their atmosphere.

Lin Ruoyun woke up once and then fell into a coma, the situation was very unstable. Dean He had performed countless operations that put his life on the line, but now he was sweating coldly, and his hand holding the syringe seemed a little unsteady.

He injected Lin Ruoyun with a stabilizer, then lifted her onto the tester, pasted a magnetic patch on her forehead and temple, and unscrewed the button.

After being stimulated by the current, Lin Ruoyun gradually reacted, her lips opened and closed with difficulty, and broken syllables were squeezed out between her lips and teeth, and she occasionally made a slight whimper sound, as if she was crying or begging for help.

Guan Yinghan\'s heart ached like a needle prick, and she wished she could bear all the pain for her. She half-kneeled beside the treatment table, not daring to lift Lin Ruoyun\'s body lightly, so she could only hold one of her hands and stick it tightly against the own face.

"Ruoyun...don\'t be afraid...I\'m here...don\'t be afraid..."