After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 27: Ruoyun is in heat

Lin Ruoyun stared at her blankly. At the dinner tonight, Toffee, who was an assistant, changed into a tight black suit with a waist and a solid color shirt inside. Two buttons were unbuttoned. In the past, her delicate collarbone and alluring shadows could be seen.

The lips are painted with a charming brick red, which shows an indescribable arrogance against the cold face of Toffee.

The whole temperament is completely different from usual.

Is it an illusion?

Why is the toffee\'s eyes and movements different from usual?

Did she regain her memory?

But didn\'t the doctor say that the possibility of toffee restoring memory is very small?

If she regained her memory, why didn\'t she tell herself? Or... does she have something to hide?

Lin Ruoyun bit her lower lip, and asked tentatively, "Toffee, do you...remember something from the past?"

Guan Yinghan paused for rubbing her feet, her heart was pounding nervously: "Sister... what are you talking about?"

Lin Ruoyun turned her head to look into her eyes: "On the day of the fire, before you hugged me and jumped from the third floor, you said Guan Guan...Who is Guan Guan? Did you remember something?"

Guan Yinghan\'s heart felt cold, and the little flame of hope that had just ignited was extinguished like a pot of cold water was poured on it.

If Ruoyun asked this, it was obvious that she still didn\'t remember her.

This silly girl always thought that the person who lost her memory was her.

But it never occurred to her that the one who lost her memory was actually herself.

But she has stayed by Ruoyun\'s side for so long, and she hasn\'t found out who gave her the medicine. She hasn\'t found out the reason for Ruoyun\'s memory loss. She hasn\'t even found out the medicine that suppresses the pheromone.

Besides, Dean He said that Ruoyun was deliberately filled with a complete and flawless memory, and already had a new memory chain, so she would not believe what she said.

If Ruoyun knew that she was pretending to lie to her, maybe she would drive her away and not allow her to stay by her side.

Thinking of this, Guan Yinghan immediately concealed her expression, gently grabbed her little finger, and perfectly put on the expression and eyes that belonged to Toffee, her eyes were clear and worldly: "Guan Guan is the character in "Pokemon". Dog, it also likes sister."

"Oh! So that\'s the case."

Lin Ruoyun pulled her up from the ground and stared into her eyes for a few seconds.

The facial expressions and eyes are all normal, maybe it\'s just an illusion brought about by the dress, the toffee is still the pure and cute little toffee from before.

She rubbed the top of Guan Yinghan\'s hair, and bent her lips: "My sister also likes Pokémon."

Lin Ruoyun put on her high heels and was about to take Toffee out to eat when the door of the rest room was pushed open from outside to inside.

Jiang Hui\'s figure swayed in hastily: "Ruoyun, so you are here, hurry up, I have been looking for you for a long time, come with me to the main hall, tonight several good directors and senior colleagues came, we Let me get to know you."

Lin Ruoyun was dragged by Jiang Hui, she turned her head anxiously: "Senior, that toffee..."

"She is such a big Alpha, are you still afraid of losing it?"

Jiang Hui glanced at Guan Yinghan, and secretly winked at her: "There is a self-service refreshment in the small garden in the back hall, you go and have some first."

Guan Yinghan quickly stepped forward and walked in front of them: "Sister, you go, Toffee will play by herself."

A lot of big names in the entertainment industry came to the venue, which was full of crowns and cloaks, and it was like a film and television feast.

Lin Ruoyun stood at the scene where big names gathered, the lights above her head were too strong to dazzle, she was in a trance for a moment.

I can\'t believe that one day I will stand in front of these big names, shake hands and talk to them.

There have been a lot of bizarre things recently, one lucky thing after another happened one after another, and they all fell on her.

Just as she was stunned, Jiang Hui dragged her into a small private room and walked up to a man in a bright yellow Tang suit.

Lin Ruoyun raised her eyes, a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes.

Why is director K here?

Little K, formerly known as Ke Sui, was hailed as a **** when he directed his first movie at the age of 28. It is widely rumored in the circle that he is a genius director who is a genius director who enjoys meals with his ancestors.

But he is very low-key and rarely shows up in public, so he did not expect to come to support the crew of "Meng Yuan".

Little Director K leaned lazily on the row of chairs, and when he saw Jiang Hui approaching, he took the initiative to say hello: "Old Jiang, Lao Jiang, I thought I would never see you on the screen again in this life, why, I am addicted to drama ?”

Jiang Hui sat down next to him, and said with a smile: "Isn\'t this just playing two votes? I heard that your old man is planning to shoot a spy war drama recently? I wonder if the heroine has been decided?"

Director K put down his wine glass, leaned over and said, "Why, are you interested in filming?"

"I told you I\'m playing for tickets." Jiang Hui suddenly pulled Lin Ruoyun to him: "Ah K, what do you think of my little apprentice?"


Lin Ruoyun\'s heart suddenly felt warm.

In order to support her, Jiang Hui is not only willing to return to the big screen, but also spares no effort to attract resources for her.

Lin Ruoyun was moved and grateful, she really didn\'t know how she deserved Jiang Hui\'s dedication, and she didn\'t know how to repay Jiang Hui\'s kindness to her.

"Ruoyun, why are you still standing there in a daze?" Jiang Hui graciously poured some wine on to Director K, raised her eyes to meet Lin Ruoyun\'s and blinked: "Director K has promised you to audition, why don\'t you hurry up and respect him? "

Lin Ruoyun hurriedly picked up another glass of wine on the table, didn\'t know what to say for a while, and said jerkyly after a long time: "Director K, I\'m toasting you."

Turning around again, facing Jiang Hui, he said in a respectful and solemn tone, "Master, I also offer you a toast."

Lin Ruoyun has a pure and clean feeling that other female stars don\'t have. Director K is quite satisfied, and he raised his glass and clinked: "As long as you don\'t think I have a bad tongue."

The self-deprecating words made the two of them smile, and the atmosphere suddenly heated up.

While chatting happily, Director K\'s cell phone rang suddenly. He bowed and said sorry, then got up and walked out the door.

Jiang Hui waited for a while, but she didn\'t see Director K coming back, and she was about to get up and leave.

At this time, a figure came in from outside the door, staggered over with a wine bottle in hand, leaned back on the row of chairs, put his hands on Jiang Hui\'s back, and stroked lewdly back and forth: "I didn\'t expect Miss Jiang to leave the shadow." It’s been so long since I’ve come back, but I’m a loyal fan of yours, so you have to have a drink with me today.”

Jiang Hui twisted her waist skillfully to free herself, brushed her curly hair, and smiled sweetly: "Okay, it\'s rare that Mr. Wang is so excited, then I\'ll call Second Miss Guan and ask her to have a drink too."

"Just kidding, just kidding! Second Miss Guan is so busy, how can I bother her?"

The greasy man called Mr. Wang was obviously very jealous of Guan Yinghan. When Jiang Hui brought out the name of Second Miss Guan, he didn\'t dare to be frivolous anymore.

He gave up entanglement with Jiang Hui, but unexpectedly found another Omega sitting next to her, leaning on the back of the row of chairs with her elbows, her cheeks were pink, and her round and watery black eyes were slightly narrowed, blooming with a bewitching coquettish attitude.

Mr. Wang couldn\'t walk anymore, he squeezed Jiang Hui away in a pretentious manner, and rubbed against Lin Ruoyun, his squinting cloudy eyes swept her aggressively: "This is..."

Jiang Hui looked at Lin Ruoyun, who was blushing, and hurriedly stood up from the row of chairs, separated Mr. Wang, and protected Lin Ruoyun by her side.

Something is wrong!

Jiang Hui originally thought that Lin Ruoyun was just drunk, but the hot feeling in her hands and the faint scent of water spirit flowers mixed with the fragrance of amber in the air made Jiang Hui\'s mind explode with a not-so-good idea.


Could Ruoyun be... in heat?

No, she wanted to **** Lin Ruoyun away before her pheromone exploded, otherwise staying any longer would definitely induce other AOs to go into heat, just thinking about that scene was terrifying.

More importantly, if Ruoyun suffers, Guan Er will never forgive her in his life.

She won\'t forgive herself either.

"Mr. Wang, this is my young apprentice. She can\'t drink very much. I\'m afraid she\'s drunk. I\'ll send her back first and leave."

"Hey, why do you leave as soon as I come, and don\'t give face?"

At first, this President Wang just pretended to be crazy by drinking to gain some advantage, but as soon as he got close to Lin Ruoyun, the top-level Omega pheromone, although only a little bit, made him, a low-level Alpha, completely out of control.

He pushed Jiang Hui away and was about to grab Lin Ruoyun, when suddenly someone grabbed his wrist from behind and twisted it hard, only the joints clicking.

President Wang wailed and retreated with all his strength, until he reached the end of the row of chairs, and then raised his head in embarrassment.

What came into view was a pair of peach blossom eyes covered with icicles, and the aura was so cold that it made people chill.

Mr. Wang trembled instinctively, rubbed his sore wrist, and asked tremblingly, "You, who are you?"

Guan Yinghan ignored him at all and walked towards Lin Ruoyun.

Mr. Wang still wanted to catch up, but Ji Wan took a step forward and blocked him tightly. Before Mr. Wang could figure out the situation, he was dragged out of the door forcefully.

Guan Yinghan walked up to Ruoyun, leaned down and called softly, "Sister..."

Lin Ruoyun raised her misty eyes to look at her, her cheeks were flushed unnaturally, her red lips were slightly parted, and she was breathing quickly and shortly.

Guan Yinghan felt something strange in her, and subconsciously reached out to her forehead: "Sister, do you have a fever?" He took off his coat and wrapped her tightly.

Guan Yinghan\'s gesture of raising his hand happened to wrap around her chest, the moment of skin-to-skin contact made Lin Ruoyun even more unbearable, she grabbed the skirt of Guan Yinghan\'s chest.

Guan Yinghan froze, and then felt her soft and hot body fall into his arms.

"Toffee...hug me..." Lin Ruoyun shook her head uncomfortably, her soft cheeks rubbed against her chest a few times, her voice was trembling, soft and sultry: "Toffee...I don\'t feel\'s so hot...hug I am going out…"

Guan Yinghan smelled the faint fragrance of water spirit flower amber in the air, and realized that Lin Ruoyun was not simply having a fever. A premonition flashed in her mind, and she turned to Jiang Hui to confirm: "What have you given her?"

Jiang Hui panicked when she saw her, she lowered her head and said like a mosquito, "I\'ll just ask her to toast Director K...don\'t look at me like that, I\'m doing serious things,, no other..."

Afterwards, she couldn\'t continue, because Guan Yinghan\'s face became more and more cold, and even her voice dropped a few degrees: "Apart from wine, what else, have you ever given her mint?"

Ever since Lin Ruoyun differentiated into an Omega, Guan Yinghan has paid more attention to her living habits. In an estrus induction test, Lin Ruoyun was found to have a stress response to mint. Once contaminated or touched, she would have a risk of estrus.

So far, she has been extra cautious about Ruoyun\'s diet, keeping out everything that is not good for her.