After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 26: sister, be good

Guan Yinghan has been looking forward to it, hoping that Lin Ruoyun can remember something, even if it is only a little bit.

But Lin Ruoyun put down her chopsticks after taking a sip, looked up to meet her watery eyes full of expectation, but mistakenly thought she was asking for praise.

Therefore, Lin Ruoyun bent her lips, and praised her without hesitation: "It\'s delicious, toffee is getting better and better."

Guan Yinghan lowered her long eyelashes listlessly, hiding her disappointed expression: "Then sister, eat more, there is still in the pot."

"I won\'t eat." Lin Ruoyun stood up and walked to the bedroom: "There will be a celebration banquet tonight. Senior Jiang said that there will be seniors in the industry and reporters participating. It is a good opportunity to show my face. Let me go too."

Lin Ruoyun said as she walked to the wardrobe and looked through it, her brows slightly furrowed.

It was the first time for her to attend such a grand occasion, and the crew gave short notice, so there was no time to prepare the dress and accessories.

Lin Ruoyun stood in front of the wardrobe anxiously, and suddenly remembered that there were several high-end dresses of luxury brands in the wooden box in the bedroom, and they were all new for the season.

These high-end outfits were sent by Qin Yeli\'s assistant some time ago, and Lin Ruoyun put them in a box and was going to return them to her, but recently she was busy and couldn\'t find time to go to Qin\'s mansion, so she put them on hold.

Lin Ruoyun hesitated to open the wooden box, took out a white backless dress with diamonds and compared it to her body, then raised her eyes to Guan Yinghan: "Toffee, do you think my sister looks good in this dress?"

Guan Yinghan looked at it seriously.

But I couldn\'t help feeling sour in my heart.

After a while, she curled her lips, hiding her jealousy flawlessly: "My sister looks good in anything she wears."

Lin Ruoyun didn\'t answer, but just smiled lightly. After a moment of silence, she wrapped the dress neatly, and gently put it back into the wooden box under Guan Yinghan\'s astonished gaze.

"It\'s someone else\'s stuff, my sister can\'t take it." Lin Ruoyun closed the wooden box and stood up, turning around in front of Guan Yinghan: "Toffee said my sister looks good in anything, so I\'ll wear a T-shirt and jeans to attend the event." The dinner party is also pretty, right?"

Guan Yinghan stared at her blankly, with joy in his eyes.

Her Ruoyun is always self-respecting and self-loving, independent and progressive, and her three views are as upright as a tree.

Lin Ruoyun turned around and went into the bathroom to put on makeup. Guan Yinghan sneaked to the balcony and called Jiang Hui through the WeChat intercom.

Five minutes later, Lin Ruoyun\'s phone rang. She was putting on lipstick. When she saw Jiang Hui\'s call, she turned on the speakerphone: "Senior..."

"Ruoyun, I\'m going to walk the red carpet later, what are you going to wear?"

"I...I just wear the usual ones..."

Lin Ruoyun just said a word, but was scolded by Jiang Hui: "Fuck, Lin Ruoyun, are you kidding me? Have you ever seen a female star wearing a T-shirt and jeans on the red carpet? After all, there is a hit drama, you Is this a public execution?"

"I\'m sorry, senior." Lin Ruoyun\'s hand spinning the lipstick stopped abruptly, her lower lip was biting white: "I don\'t have time to prepare..."

"You don\'t have time, do you have no money? I heard that you gave Xiao Jiang all the salary to help Toffee find a professional school, right? How can the tuition fees of this kind of school be affordable by ordinary people?"

Lin Ruoyun paused, before she could speak, she heard Jiang Hui\'s voice close at hand: "Open the door."

Lin Ruoyun opened the door with question marks all over her head, and saw Jiang Hui standing at the door carrying two large boxes, followed by two stylists.

"Senior, you are..."

Jiang Hui took off her sunglasses, entered the door on her own, and exchanged a glance with Guan Yinghan, who pretended not to know the situation, and quickly made a sign that she was done.

Then he adjusted his expression, turned his head and said solemnly to Lin Ruoyun: "You think it\'s easy for me to train a newcomer? Dressed like this and go on the red carpet, then you can\'t smash my signboard as the number one manager of internal entertainment?

Why are you standing still? Hurry up and change your dress! Emma, ​​what makeup are you wearing, tincy! Come here and help Miss Lin wash off the heavy chemical. "

Lin Ruoyun didn\'t dare to refuse any more, and let the two stylists lead her into the room.

Half an hour later, Lin Ruoyun walked out holding her skirt.

Under the white light of the living room, Lin Ruoyun\'s makeup was exquisite, her skin was as creamy as cream, her slightly curly long hair was coiled into an elegant bun behind her head, revealing her snow-white and slender swan neck.

The purple handmade silk skirt made her immortal and beautiful, as if there were stars dotted all over her body, shining with scorching brilliance.

Guan Ying looked softly at Lin Ruoyun who was a few steps away from her, and the dazzling broken light shrouded around Omega just hit her eyes and her heart.

She picked out this dress by herself, she knew that Ruoyun would look beautiful in it, but she didn\'t expect it to be like this—

It\'s so beautiful you can\'t take your eyes off it.

"Toffee!" Lin Ruoyun waved at her.

Guan Yinghan hurriedly withdrew her eyes and put on a dazed and soft expression: "Sister..."

Lin Ruoyun took out a mobile phone from her bag, unpacked it and handed it to Guan Yinghan, and patiently taught her the simple operation method: "Toffee, sister saved the number in it, so you don\'t have to worry about not being able to find me in the future. "

Guan Yinghan couldn\'t stop being happy, not because she had a new phone, but because Ruoyun cared softly all the time.

She likes that Lin Ruoyun puts all his thoughts on her.

But she wasn\'t happy for too long, the next second, Lin Ruoyun let go of her hand: "Toffee, you stay at home obediently, my sister is going out, if you need anything, you can call me with this phone."

The light of joy in Guan Yinghan\'s eyes gradually extinguished, and the moist mist filled her eyes: "Sister...why didn\'t you bring toffee? Is toffee stupid, to lose my sister\'s face..."

Lin Ruoyun\'s breath stagnated.

"No, of course not." Lin Ruoyun\'s heart twitched when she met Guan Yinghan\'s hurt eyes: "Toffee is not\'s just..."

After the fire, Toffee risked her life to save herself, but Lin Ruoyun couldn\'t be cruel to her.

Besides, her little milk candy is fair and beautiful, more beautiful than any Alpha she has ever seen. Not only will she not be too handy, but she also has a long face.

It\'s just that attending a dinner party is no better than being on the set, and you can\'t make decisions without authorization.

Lin Ruoyun looked at Jiang Hui tentatively, asking for her opinion with her eyes.

Jiang Hui couldn\'t help saying, "Damn!"

Guan Er, you bastard, it\'s a good move to retreat, but you can\'t tell that you are also a master of tea art.

Lin Ruoyun clasped her hands together and bowed to Jiang Hui, her eyes were watery, just like the emoji of a puppet cat on the Internet: "Senior, let Toffee go too, I promise to keep an eye on her, and I won\'t cause you any trouble."

Jiang Hui broke out another shit, the couple teamed up to act cute together, it\'s terrible, isn\'t it!

Jiang Hui glanced sideways at Guan Yinghan on purpose, and coughed in a drawn-out voice, "Ahem, let\'s do it!"

Guan Yinghan rushed towards Lin Ruoyun and hugged Lin Ruoyun tightly, her invisible little tail was wagging and wagging, almost leaving an afterimage: "Sister, you are so kind, thank you."

"Hey! Why didn\'t you thank me?" Jiang Hui silently protested to Guan Yinghan with her lips from an angle that Lin Ruoyun could not see.

Guan Yinghan was in a good mood and returned Jiang Hui with a playful smile, and then rubbed her face into Lin Ruoyun\'s fragrant neck: "Sister, just now the makeup artist sister said that there are many delicious things at the dinner party, let\'s go."

Lin Ruoyun embraced her, and pinched Guan Yinghan\'s face dumbfounded: "What a child."

"Dream Fate" is the first TV series invested by Runhai Group after entering the film and television industry, and it is also the screen debut of actress Jiang Hui after her comeback. Unsurprisingly, it has become this year\'s blockbuster. It rushed to the top after only two episodes. No. 1 in the hot search list on the whole network.

At the beginning, fans were chasing the drama because of Jiang Hui, but unexpectedly, they became fans of Lin Ruoyun, who played the female supporting role in the drama.

Overnight, her Weibo gained millions of followers, and the comment section even topped the list for several days in a row.

[Aw, ow, miss Ruoyun\'s performance of Sang Rou in the original novel, the feeling of criticizing beauties like crazy, is simply Sang Rou\'s softness! 】

[Sister is right, the young lady\'s acting skills exploded, and she performed all the punctuation marks in the original work. 】

[As soon as Sang Rou appeared on the stage, I was amazed. I wrote a blood letter and asked for an additional broadcast on the Internet. Six episodes a week are not enough to watch! 】

[Such a beautiful treasure with good acting skills, why did I only find out now, am I blind? 】

Taking advantage of the high popularity of "Dream Fate", the crew organized a red carpet show in conjunction with the website. It took about 20 minutes to go from beginning to end including routine interviews.

The outdoor temperature was very low in the late autumn night. Lin Ruoyun stepped on the red carpet in thin high heels, answered the reporter\'s questions arranged by the website, and took a wave of promotional photos. When she reached the end of the red carpet, she was freezing I was shivering.

Guan Yinghan stood at the end of the red carpet with her warm coat in her arms, saw Lin Ruoyun approaching from a distance, and greeted her in three steps at a time.

As soon as Lin Ruoyun stepped down the steps, she was tightly bound, and Guan Yinghan\'s fiery body temperature wrapped her tightly.

So warm and comfortable!

This angle may be captured by the reporter at any time. Lin Ruoyun wanted to push Guan Yihan, but she couldn\'t bear such a warm and comfortable embrace after all. She bit her lip and simply tilted her head to lean on her shoulder, letting Toffee half hug her. Take her to the rest room.

Lin Ruoyun closed her eyes comfortably.

Since when exactly...

Has her feelings for Toffee changed subtly?

In the past, it was Toffee who stuck to her and was attached to her all the time.

But now, how could she approach Toffee unconsciously, and she would feel relaxed and at ease by Toffee\'s side.

Entering the lounge, Guan Yinghan carefully placed Ruoyun on the padded chair, then knelt on the ground with one knee, grabbed Lin Ruoyun\'s foot and placed it on her lap.

Lin Ruoyun\'s ears turned red: "Milk, Toffee, what are you doing?"

Guan Yinghan lowered her eyelids, and gently pulled off Lin Ruoyun\'s high-heeled shoes, her brows were furrowed: "Sister, your heels are red from standing, please rub the toffee for you."

Lin Ruoyun\'s heart was pounding, she looked around subconsciously, but luckily no one else was present in the lounge.

She struggled to retract her feet, but was pulled even tighter by Guan Yinghan.

"Milk... Toffee, please let go, I will knead it myself."

"Toffee is an assistant and needs to take care of my sister."

Guan Yinghan firmly held down her fidgeting ankle, and held her instep with knuckle fingers, kneading her in a circular motion.

Lin Ruoyun lost half of her body, if it wasn\'t for the backrest of the chair, she might collapse on the ground.

She tried to pull her foot away again, but was unsurprisingly held down by Guan Yinghan again.

"Sister, be good and don\'t move." Guan Yinghan\'s tone was soft, but with irresistible stubbornness.