After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 23: Protect with life

"Quick, quick... call 119 quickly..."

"It\'s too late. It will take ten minutes at the earliest for the firefighters to arrive. Hurry up and find a fire extinguisher..."

"Oh my god... Ruoyun... Sister Ruoyun is still inside..."

Guan Yinghan stood there dumbfounded, unable to hear any sounds around her. After a few seconds, he squeezed out a trembling panting sound, his eyes sparked with overwhelming fear, and under the light of the fire, he looked like a Shura from hell.

Everyone on the set was in a mess, those on the phone, those looking for a fire extinguisher, and those huddled together in fright, but no one rushed to the third floor.

Only Guan Yinghan, recovering from a brief dizziness, ran to the third floor recklessly.

Ji Wan sensed her movements, and hugged her tightly from behind: "Second Miss, don\'t\'s too dangerous...flames have already burst out of the windows, and the entire third floor is probably on fire..."

Guan Yinghan pushed her hand away forcefully, her eyes cracked, "Let go... Ruoyun is inside... I\'m going to save her..."

Ji Wan not only did not loosen, but increased the strength of her arms: "Second Miss, let me go...I promise to rescue Miss Lin unharmed."

"No, that\'s Ruoyun, I don\'t feel relieved until I see her safe with my own eyes." Guan Yinghan is a top Alpha, her strength is not inferior to Ji Wan, and she easily breaks free from her restraint: "Ruoyun is afraid of fire, you can\'t comfort her. "

Ruoyun\'s grandma died in the fire. She chose to forget this experience in extreme grief, but she was still afraid of fire subconsciously.

All cooking at home is induction cooker, without any open fire equipment.

She even closes her eyes in fear when someone lights a cigarette with a lighter.

Thinking of this, Guan Yinghan didn\'t dare to delay for a moment. She tore off the actor\'s heavy costume and put it on her body, then snatched the bucket brought by the little boy O, drenched herself from head to toe, and rushed towards the actor like an arrow. stairs.

This three-storey wooden house is a Republic of China-style official residence temporarily built by the crew. In order to save costs, recyclable wood was used for construction.

Because of these timbers, the fire spread rapidly. When Guan Yinghan reached the third floor, he could see the flames in the clothing room from a distance.

Guan Yinghan covered her mouth and nose, and rushed head-on into the fire, the flames and thick smoke swept towards her face, but she couldn\'t feel any pain, only Lin Ruoyun who was in danger in her heart.

She bent her body, protected her head with the wet costume, and frantically searched among the flame-filled costumes.

"Sister... sister... where are you?"

When it was on fire, Lin Ruoyun was changing clothes in the innermost suite of the clothing room. When she saw smoke seeping through the crack in the door, she felt something was wrong.

She pulled on her clothes as fast as she could, and ran over to open the door, but the flames rushing towards her made her shrink back again.

In fact, she still had a chance to escape at that time, but she was extremely afraid of fire, her legs and feet were weak and she collapsed by the dressing table, curled up into a ball trembling, looking at the rising flames in fear, and she couldn\'t even call for help.

Just when she was helpless and almost desperate, she heard a voice trembling with anxiety.

"Sister... sister..."

Is it hallucination?

She seemed to hear the voice of toffee.

"Sister...I\'m Toffee...Where are you?"


Really toffee!

How did she come?

Lin Ruoyun shivered, slowly regained consciousness, and burst out a sentence from her throat——

"Toffee...I\'m here..."

She tried her best to restrain her fear, supported her limp legs with her hands, and crawled out of the door little by little. When she got to the door, she suddenly saw a burning figure stumbling towards her.

The turbulent air distorted the scene of the whole room, only the burning shadow became clearer and clearer. She rushed over and took off the badly burned costume, revealing a face full of fireworks.

Lin Ruoyun stared blankly at her, feeling anxious, distressed, afraid, helpless, and touched, all intertwined, and finally turned into tears.

Guan Yinghan hugged Lin Ruoyun tightly, tight and tight, and felt that she was firmly in his arms before he was relieved, and then pulled her up and down to check: "Is there any injury? Can you still go?"

Looking at the stars in the hot air, Lin Ruoyun suddenly trembled, and closed her eyes in fear: "Toffee, leave me alone, go!"

Guan Yinghan knew that she couldn\'t overcome the fear in her heart, so she immediately pulled a few unburned costumes from the iron frame, quickly tied them into knots, wrapped them around Lin Ruoyun\'s waist, and tied her and herself tightly.

"Toffee, what are you going to do?" Lin Ruoyun didn\'t want to hurt Toffee, she untied the clothes that bound the two with trembling hands, and tears slowly filled her eyes: "Toffee, go away...I\'m afraid of scared...go If you don’t move, it will drag you down.”

"Sister, don\'t be afraid." Guan Yinghan pressed her hand forcefully and tied her clothes into a knot. Then he picked her up and walked quickly to the window sill of the small apartment.

When most people are in danger, the brain goes into a state of stagnation.

Guan Yinghan, on the other hand, was just the opposite. She could make the most calm judgment at the critical moment of life and death.

The entire clothing room was almost engulfed in flames, and it was almost impossible to go back the way it came. The only option was to jump from the window of the small suite before the fire spread.

Lin Ruoyun stared at her blankly, Toffee\'s profile was reflected in the firelight, as if she had changed into a different person.

In her eyes, Lin Ruoyun saw a calmness she had never seen before, and...

A solid sense of security.

Could it be that when a person is at a critical moment of life and death, will his behavior and temperament change?

Lin Ruoyun didn\'t have time to delve into it. Guan Yinghan hugged her to the window sill and shrank into her arms in fear.

Guan Yinghan quickly opened the window and looked down. There was a row of shadowy people standing downstairs, racing against time to spread all the available cushions or inflatables on the floor.

Guan Yinghan tried her best to keep her head calm and found the most suitable falling angle, then leaned her back against the window and placed Lin Ruoyun on top of her.

Lin Ruoyun suddenly realized that Toffee wanted to use her body as a cushion, so that she could lie on her when she landed, so as to reduce the damage caused by the impact.

Toffee wants to protect her with his own life.

Lin Ruoyun burst into tears instantly, she choked with sobs and shook her head: "Toffee, don\'t do will die..."

"No, we will be fine." Guan Yinghan raised his hand to wipe away the tears for her, stared at her deeply with reluctance, tenderly: "Ruoyun...Ruoyun...Guan Guan loves you so much..."


These two words fell into Lin Ruoyun\'s ears like a bell ringing, and her brain buzzed as if it was struck by a hammer.

She must have... heard the name somewhere.

Because her trembling heart was telling her...

It hurts!

I want to cry!

Lin Ruoyun was still trying to remember, Guan Yinghan had already fallen from the window with her in her arms, Lin Ruoyun realized that she wanted to turn over and put herself below, to bear all the impacts for Toffee. But her headache was about to burst, and she had no strength in her body, so she couldn\'t break free.

Guan Yinghan put his arms around her head, in a protective state, pressing against his chest.

Lin Ruoyun\'s long hair rose in the air, and her body was torn by the weightlessness of the fall. In her blurred vision, she saw Toffee\'s smiling eyes.


The body hit the ground and made a dull crushing sound.

All the pain and impact were borne by Guan Yinghan.

And Lin Ruoyun was protected in her arms, unscathed.

Guan Yinghan lowered her eyes halfway, and her vision became more and more blurred. She forcefully opened her heavy eyelids, and when she saw Lin Ruoyun\'s face without any scars, she closed her eyes with a smile.

Lin Ruoyun fell into a brief deafness, and then the voices of all the crew poured in like a tide, exclamations, screams, and collisions mixed together.

Lin Ruoyun felt that someone was coming to help her, but she was so weak that she could only lie limply on the ground.

Guan Yinghan was lying beside her with her eyes closed, her neck and arms were covered with scars, and blood flowed from the **** on the back of her head.

But the corner of her mouth...was filled with a satisfied smile.

Lin Ruoyun\'s heart trembled to the point of pain. can you still laugh?

Didn\'t she know that such a big impact would cause fatal damage to the human body?

She only raised her for a month, with simple tea and light food, common clothes and vegetables.

But toffee always protects each other with his life.

She... what a fool!